Foundation Corona Committee Info

Sessions / Interviews about: Corona, side effects, judicial system, vaccines, democracy

The Foundation Corona Committee was founded on June 30th, 2020 in Berlin by attorney at law Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Viviane Fischer. The committee is chaired by the following lawyers:

SCA team press conference


–– Lawyer Antonia Fischer
–– Lawyer/Economist Viviane Fischer
–– Lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
–– Lawyer Dr. Justus P. Hoffmann

»We want to investigate why the federal and state governments have imposed unprecedent restrictions and what consequences these have had on the people.«

➡️ Official Website:

➡️ Official e-mail:

➡️ Anonymous information addresses to the Corona Committee

➡️ Telegram://

➡️ Tor-Address for Corona-Ausschuss: Tor Webaddresse

The participants are – apart from four lawyers constantly taking part – continuously changing guests, hence only invited guests are listed.

Who are we?

When the WHO proclaimed the Corona pandemic at the end of January 2020, the entire world went into a state of alert. In many countries touch measures against the society: from contact restrictions to bans on cultural events up to lockdowns lasting for months. But many questions remain unanswered. How dangerous is the virus really? Was there really an imminent threat of overloading the health system? Are the measures suitable, necessary and appropriate? Who is responsible for the collateral damage? What do we know about the mRNA-vaccines? Is the threatening image painted by the government and the media correct?

Four German lawyers decided: an independent committee is required. A forum is needed to gather reliable information. In July 2020 Antonia Fischer, Viviane Fischer, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Dr. Justus Hoffmann founded the Corona Committee. They interview experts and whistleblowers about all aspects for the Corona situation. The meetings take place once a week. They are broadcast live on the internet. All results are made public immediately. Everyone can watch, everyone can form their own opinion.

We as the team around corona-committee-info have have set ourselves the goal to process the content of the meetings and make them available to the broad audience. We provide links to the videos, table of contents of the meetings, lists of names of the experts interviewed, transcripts of the contributions. We express our thanks to the Corona Committee for its excellent and intense educational work.

We would like to underline once again that we are not the Corona Committee. We are Independent.

Table of contents:

Session 182 Session 181 Session 180 Session 179
Session 178 Session 177 Session 176 Session 175
Session 174 Session 173 Session 172 Session 171
Session 170 Session 169 Session 168 Session 167
Session 166 Session 165 Session 164 Session 163
Session 162 Session 161 Session 160 Session 159
Session 158 Session 157 Session 156 Session 155
Session 154 Session 153 Session 152 Session 151
Session 150 Session 149 Session 148 Session 147
Session 146 Session 145 Session 144 Session 143
Session 142 Session 141 Session 140 Session 139
Session 138 Session 137 Session 136 Session 135
Session 134 Session 133 Session 132 Session 131
Session 130 Session 129 Session 128 Session 127
Session 126 Session 125 Session 124 Session 123
Session 122 Session 121 Session 120 Session 119
Session 118 Session 117 Session 116 Session 115
Session 114 Session 113 Session 112 Session 111
Session 110 Session 109 Session 108 Session 107
Session 106 Session 105 Session 104 Session 103
Session 102 Session 101 Session 100 Session 99
Session 98 Session 97 Session 96 Session 95
Session 94 Session 93 Session 92 Session 91
Session 90 Session 89 Session 88 Session 87
Session 86 Session 85 Session 84 Session 83
Session 82 Session 81 Session 80 Session 79
Session 78 Session 77 Session 76 Session 75
Session 74 Session 73 Session 72 Session 71
Session 70 Session 69 Session 68 Session 67
Basecamp Day 1 Basecamp Day 2 Basecamp Day 3 Basecamp Day 4
Basecamp Day 5 Session 66 Session 65 Session 64
Session 63 Session 62 Session 61 Session 60
Session 59 Session 58 Session 57 Session 56
Session 55 Session 54 Session 53 Session 52
Session 51 Session 50 Session 49 Session 48
Session 47 Session 46 Session 45 Session 44
Session 43 Session 42 Session 41 SpecialSession-16.2.2021
Session 40 Session 39 Session 38 Session 37
Session 36 Session 35 Session 34 Session 33
Session 32 Session 31 Session 30 Session 29
Session 28 Session 27 Session 26 Session 25
Session 24 Session 23 Session 22 Session 21
Session 20 Session 19 Session 18 Session 17
Session 16 Session 15 Session 14 Session 13
Session 12 Session 11 Session 10 Session 09
Session 08 Session 07 Session 06 Session 05
Session 04 Session 03 Session 02 Session 01


Session 5 Session 6 Session 7 Session 8
Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4


Special Session: “International Legal Offensive, Part 1” Special Session: “International Legal Offensive, Part 2” Special Session: “International Legal Offensive, Part 3”


1. Initial press conference


182th Session on 24th November 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Cards on the table”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Youtube: -censored-
  • Length: 04:15:11h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • ?
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], 🇩🇪 Deutschland)
    • Fabian Spieker (Programmierer, 🇩🇪 Deutschland)
    • Engel, Willem Christiaan (Gründer der Organisation [Viruswaarheid], 🇳🇱 Niederlande)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From: 00:12:29h – Fabian Spieker – Possible correlations between “vaccinations” and CoViD-19 diagnoses
    • From: 01:52:17h – Willem Engel – The Paper Trail of the Jabs [ENG]?
    • From: 02:34:00h – Wolfgang Wodarg – What our secrets are worth
  • Replays:
    • All Replays from the past at DLive from Klickblick in Loop !

181th Session on 10th November 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )

  • Title: “New Normal”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Youtube: -censored-
  • Length: 04:15:11h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • ?
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], 🇩🇪 Deutschland)
    • Dr. Almuth Bruder-Bezzel (Psychoanalytiker, 🇩🇪 Deutschland)
    • Prof. Dr. Klaus-Jürgen Bruder (Psychoanalytiker, 🇩🇪 Deutschland)
    • Benjamin Lemke (Psychoanalytiker, 🇩🇪 Deutschland)
    • Jakob (Medizinischer Fachangestellter, 🇩🇪 Deutschland)
    • Kees van der Pijl (Ehemaliger Hochschullehrer im Bereich Internationale Beziehungen, 🇳🇱 Niederlande)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From: 00:01:10h – Dr. Almuth Bruder-Bezzel, Prof. Dr. Klaus-Jürgen Bruder and Benjamin Lemke from the New Society for Psychology talk about the new psychological normality into which the last three years have catapulted people.
    • From: 01:47:42h – Jakob explained further inconsistencies in the authorisation process for Corminaty. Various harmful components of the mRNA mixtures were not without alternative.
    • From: 03:03:50h – Kees van der Pijl, has spent many years dealing with psyops and scary narratives such as the war on terror. For him, the corona narrative is another building block of a profound social transformation process [ENG]. The downing: MH17, Ukraine and the new Cold War.
  • Replays:
    • All Replays from the past at DLive from Klickblick in Loop !

180th Session on 03rd November 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Signals”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Youtube: -censored-
  • Length: 04:38:08h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • ?
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], 🇩🇪 Deutschland)
    • Sabrina Kollmorgen (Intensivkrankenschwester, 🇩🇪 Deutschland)
    • Ullrich Mies (Sozialwissenschaftler und Friedensforscher, Niederlande)
    • Jakob (Medizinischer Fachangestellter, 🇩🇪 Deutschland)
    • Craig Paardekooper (Datenanalyst, Informatiker, Website HOW BAD IS MY BATCH: , 🇿🇦 Südafrika)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From: 00:09:49h – Sabrina Kollmorgen – Report on their educational actions and on repression and trials against them – see also session #132 & session #131
    • From: 01:01:44h – Ullrich Mies – Book “Emigrate or stand firm”. New author’s book “The 1×1 of state terror – the new fascism that doesn’t want to be”
    • From: 02:26:03h – Jakob – 3 different “shell game tricks” in the BNT-💉 approval process resulting from the FDA approval documents freely sued for in the USA
    • From: 03:28:46h – Craig Paardekooper – about his project, with which he documented the adverse reaction reports from VAERS for the individual “vaccination” batches.
  • Replays:
    • All Replays from the past at DLive from Klickblick in Loop !

179th Session on 27th October 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “The critical mass”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Youtube: -censored-
  • Length: 04:22:54h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • ?
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], 🇩🇪 Deutschland)
    • RAin Dr. Renate Holzeisen (Rechtsanwältin [Homepage], 🇮🇹 Italien)
    • Holger Thiesen (Lebenslotse, 🇩🇪 Deutschland)
    • Dr. Konrad Breit (Organisationsberater, 🇩🇪 Deutschland)
    • Dr. pharm. Hans-Joachim Kremer (Apotheker/Pharmakologe, klinischer Forscher und Medizinjournalist, 🇩🇪 Deutschland)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From: 00:00:41h – Renate Holzeisen über ihre eigene und Anderern zur Wahl in den SüdTiroler Landtag
    • From: 00:59:32h – Holger Thiesen
    • From: 01:59:33h – Konrad Breit
    • From: 03:03:26h – Hans-Joachim Kremer
  • Replays:
    • All Replays from the past at DLive from Klickblick in Loop !

178th Session on 20th October 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Money makes the world go round”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Youtube: -censored-
  • Length: 01:47:36h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • ?
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], 🇩🇪 Deutschland)
    • Karsten Montag (Journalist, Autor, 🇩🇪 Deutschland)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From: 00:02:46h – ?
  • Replays:
    • All Replays from the past at DLive from Klickblick in Loop !

177th Session on 13th October 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Confirmation”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Youtube: -censored-
  • Length: 03:57:36h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • ?
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], 🇩🇪 Deutschland)
    • Raimund Hagemann (a.k.a. Reiner Held a.k.a. RealDataHero, 🇩🇪 Deutschland)
    • Dirk Pohlmann (investigativer Journalist und Dokumentarfilmer, 🇩🇪 Deutschland)
    • Prof. Tjaša Vuzem (diplomierte Germanistin, Sprachschulleiterin, Mitgründerin der Gruppe „Anwälte für Aufklärung“ in Slowenien, 🇸🇮 Slowenien)
    • Robert Gril (ehem. Medienproduzent und Analyst, 🇸🇮 Slowenien)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From: 00:02:46h – RealDataHero
    • From: 01:26:57h – Dirk Pohlmann
    • From: 03:00:32h – Tjaša Vuzem & Robert Gril
  • Replays:
    • All Replays from the past at DLive from Klickblick in Loop !

176th Session on 06th October 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “In the beginning was the word”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Youtube: -censored-
  • Length: 03:28:06h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • ?
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], 🇩🇪 Deutschland)
    • Ulrike Granögger (Journalistin, 🇩🇪 Deutschland)
    • RAin Dr. Renate Holzeisen (Rechtsanwältin [Homepage], Italien)
    • C.J. Hopkins (Theaterautor, Romancier und politischer Satiriker)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From: 00:10:00h – ?
  • Replays:
    • All Replays from the past at DLive from Klickblick in Loop !

175th Session on 29th September 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Build beautiful things out of stones”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Youtube: -censored-
  • Length: 05:06:41h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • ?
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], 🇩🇪 Deutschland)
    • Hardy Groeneveld (Gründer der Krasser Guru Ticketing Plattform [Homepage], 🇩🇪 Deutschland)
    • Björn Gschwendtner (Gründer der Krasser Guru Ticketing Plattform [Homepage], 🇩🇪 Deutschland)
    • Ulrich “Ulli” Masuth (Kabarettist, Komponist & “Klavierist”, 🇩🇪Deutschland)
    • Engel, Willem Christiaan (Gründer der Organisation [Viruswaarheid], 🇳🇱 Niederlande)
    • Alexander Zwieschowski (Mitglied der Redaktionsleitung von Epoch Times Deutschland, 🇩🇪Deutschland)
    • Reiner Schladweiler (Förderverein “Zentrum Eltern helfen Eltern”, ehem. Landeselternsprecher in Rheinland-Pfalz 2019-2022 seit 13 Jahren Regionalelternsprecher im Raum Trier, 🇩🇪 Deutschland)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From: 00:10:00h – Hardy Groeneveld + Björn Gschwendtner
    • From: 01:04:00h – Ulrich Masuth
    • From: 01:40:18h – Willem Engel
    • From: 02:52:59h – Alexander Zwieschowski
    • From: 04:10:01h – Reiner Schladweiler
  • Replays:
    • All Replays from the past at DLive from Klickblick in Loop !

174th Session on 22th September 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “If this is madness, there is a method to it”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Youtube: -censored-
  • Length: 04:30:07h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • ?
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], 🇩🇪 Deutschland)
    • Ulrich Weiner (Funktechniker, 🇩🇪 Deutschland)
    • Dr. József Tamási (Internist, Sozialmediziner, 🇭🇺 Ungarn)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From: 00:02:00h –
  • Replays:
    • All Replays from the past at DLive from Klickblick in Loop !

173nd Session on 15th September 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Eyes open wide”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Youtube: -censored-
  • Length: 0x:xx:xxh
  • Topic excerpt:
    • ?
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], 🇩🇪 Deutschland)
    • RA Philipp Kruse (Rechtsanwalt [Homepage], 🇨🇭 Schweiz)
    • Dr. med. Maria Hubner-Moog (Ärztin, 🇦🇹 Österreich)
    • Hansjörg Stützle (Geldumgangstrainer, Sanierung von KMUs, 🇩🇪 Deutschland)
    • RA Frank Grossenbach (Rechtsanwalt, 🇩🇪 Deutschland)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From: 00:02:00h –
  • Replays:
    • All Replays from the past at DLive from Klickblick in Loop !

172nd Session on 07th September 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Adjusting screws”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Youtube: -censored-
  • Length: 03:20:19h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • ?
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Nehls, Priv Doz. Dr. Michael (Arzt und habilitierter Molekulargenetiker, Schwerpunkt Immunologie, Deutschland)
    • Clauss-Theisohn, Sascha (Vorstandssprecher des Vereins Fight and Soul e. V., Deutschland)
    • Hagemann, Raimund(Freier Datenanalyst, Deutschland)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From: 00:02:00h –
  • Replays:
    • All Replays from the past at DLive from Klickblick in Loop !

171st Session on 01st September 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Courage”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Youtube: -censored-
  • Length: 03:37:01h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • ?
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • RA Wilfried Schmitz (Rechtsanwalt & Autor [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • RA Mark Weise (Rechtsanwalt, Deutschland)
    • Prof. Dr. Michael Esfeld (Wissenschaftsphilosoph an der Uni Laussanne(CH) / Mitglied der Leopoldina, Schweiz)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From: 00:02:00h –
  • Replays:
    • All Replays from the past at DLive from Klickblick in Loop !

170th Session on 25th August 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Patrons”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Youtube: -censored-
  • Length: 04:27:11h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Corona and vaccinations in Australia
    • “The Voice” is the “Great Reset” for Australia
    • Damage caused by the vaccines against foot-and-mouth disease
    • Vaccine damage from the so-called bluetongue vaccines
    • Grassroots democracy model
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Bernd Bebenroth (aka Bernie from Australia) [ENG]
    • Werner Schneider (Landwirt, Deutschland )
    • Dante (Dipl. Ing. Elektrotechnik, Förderverein Freie Bildung, Deutschland)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From: 00:01:05h – Bernd Bebenroth
    • From: 01:34:03h – Werner Schneider
    • From: 03:01:20h – Dante
  • Replays:
    • All Replays from the past at DLive from Klickblick in a Loop !

169th Session on 18th August 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “No trespassing”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Youtube: -censored-
  • Length: 02:31:41h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • ?
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Prof. Dr. Rudolph Bauer (Sozialwissenschaftler, Autor, Künstler, Deutschland)
    • Stefan Kohwagner (Jurist im Ruhestand, Deutschland)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From: 00:01:59h – Rudolph Bauer
    • From: 01:26:23h – Stefan Kohwagner
  • Replays:
    • All Replays from the past at DLive from Klickblick in a Loop !

168th Session on 11th August 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “The revolt of the chess pieces”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Youtube: -censored-
  • Length: 03:52:07h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • ?
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Carlos Alvarez-Fritz (Investor, Internist, Pneumologe, Social Therapeut)
    • Eduard Messner (Politologe)
    • Craig Paardekooper (Informatiker)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From: 00:02:00h –
  • Replays:
    • All Replays from the past at DLive from Klickblick in Loop !

167th Session on 04th August 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Before i sleep”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Youtube: -censored-
  • Length: 03:33:22h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • ?
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Hervé Seligmann (PH.D. Niederlande)
    • Prof. Dr. Werner Bergholz (Professor für Elektrotechnik, Deutschland)
    • Chris Moser (Anwalt für Steuerrecht, Deutschland)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From: 00:02:00h –
  • Replays:
    • All Replays from the past at DLive from Klickblick in Loop !

166th Session on 04th August 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


166th Session on 28th July 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Thumbscrews”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Youtube: -censored-
  • Length: 04:38:52h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • ?
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Germany)
    • Dr. med. vet. Anita Idel (Projektmanagement Agrobiodiversität und Tiergesundheit, Germany)
    • Holger Reissner (Europäischer Industrieingenieur, Germany)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From: 00:02:00h –
  • Replays:
    • All Replays from the past at DLive from Klickblick in Loop !

165th Session on 21st July 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Race against time”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Youtube: -censored-
  • Length: 03:28:05h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • ?
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Ruthard Stachowske (Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapeut, Diplom-Sozialpädagoge [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Dr. Carolin Mosche (Ärztin für Psyxhotherapeutische Medizin, Deutschland)
    • Dr. Sabine Stebel (Biologin, Deutschland)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From: 00:02:00h –
  • Replays:
    • All Replays from the past at DLive from Klickblick in Loop !

164th Session on 14th July 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Janus”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Youtube: -censored-
  • Length: 06:04:13h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • ?
  • Attendees:
    • RAin Dr. Renate Holzeisen (Rechtsanwältin [Homepage], Italien)
    • Prof. Dr. Ulrike Kämmerer (Humanbiologin / Immunologin / Zellbiologin, Deutschland)
    • Prof. Dr. Werner Bergholz (Professor für Elektrotechnik, Deutschland)
    • Peter Hahne (Fernsehmoderator & Autor, Deutschland)
    • Dr. Michael Palmer (Mediziner, Mikrobiologe, Deutschland)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From: 00:02:00h –
  • Replays:
    • All Replays from the past at DLive from Klickblick in Loop !

163rd Session on 07th July 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “A can of worms”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Youtube: -censored-
  • Length: 06:02:07h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • RA Schmitz on the case of the doctor Dr. Heinrich Habig, which he represents. He has been in custody for 13 months because he is said to have issued false vaccination certificates. His wife was also charged with complicity.
    • RA Pankalla speaks about surveillance and government authoritarian tendencies.
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Germany)
    • Dr. rer. nat. Dr. med. Roland Baur (Mikrobiologe und Arzt für Innere Medizin und Homöopathie, Deutschland)
    • RA Wilfried Schmitz (Rechtsanwalt & Autor [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • RA Gordon Pankalla (Rechtsanwalt, [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Stephanie Seneff (Senior Research Scientist am Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory des Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)
  • Contents:
    • From: 00:02:06h – Intro: Viviane Fischer
    • From 00:03:20h – Roland Baur
    • From 01:54:18h – Wilfried Schmitz
    • From 03:35:17h – Gordon Pankalla
    • From 05:07:31h – Stephanie Seneff (LiveStream ENG)
    • From 06:00:00h – Extras

162nd Session on 30th June 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “The noise of the past”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Youtube: -censored-
  • Length: 04:34:44h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • ?
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Germany)
    • PhD Hans-Benjamin Braun (Physiker, Mathematiker)
    • Christian Oesch (Schweizer Verein WIR, Schweiz)
    • Prof. Dr. Andreas Sönnichsen (Wissenschaftler, Allgemeinmediziner)
    • Jutta Ziegler (Tierärztin, Deutschland)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From: 00:02:00h –

161st Session on 23th June 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: The necessary pressure
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Youtube: -censored-
  • Length: 04:38:22h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • ?
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Germany)
    • Gabriele Kuby (Publizistin)
    • Dr. pharm. Martin Hirt (Pharmakologe, Publizist [Homepage])
    • Rainer Fischbach (Author, Informatiker)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From: 00:02:00h –

160th Session on 16th June 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: Turning the innermost outwards
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Youtube: -censored-
  • Length: 04:01:21h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • ?
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Germany)
    • Prof. Dr. Werner Bergholz (Professor für Elektrotechnik, Deutschland)
    • Rüdiger Borrmann (Berufsschullehrer, Deutschkand)
    • Tobias Gall (Rechtsanwalt, Deutschland)
    • Christian Stockmann (Pastor, Christen im Widerstand, Deutschland)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From: 00:02:00h –

159th Session on 09th June 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “You shall know them by their questions”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Youtube: -censored-
  • Length: 04:58:49h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • ?
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Germany)
    • Prof. Dr. Jörg Matysik (Leiter der Analytischen Chemie an der Uni Leipzig, Deutschland)
    • Prof. Dr. Gerald Dyker (Lehrt Organische Chemie an der Uni Bochum, Deutschland)
    • Maurice Janich (Pädagoge und Theraperu, Deutschland)
    • Dr. Christina Baum (Zahnärztin und Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages, Deutschland)
    • Dane Wigington (Rechtsanwalt und Ökonomist, [Homepage]
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From: 00:02:00h –

158th Session on 02nd June 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “I spy with my little eye”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Youtube: -censored-
  • Length: 03:19:45h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • ?
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Germany)
    • Toby Green (Prof. für Afrikanische Geschichte und Kultur, Grossbritanien)
    • Werner Möller (, Deutschland)
    • Dr. Benoit Ochs (Allgemeinmediziner, Luxemburg)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From: 00:02:00h –

157th Session on 26th May 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Before sunrise”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Youtube: -censored-
  • Length: 04:49:21h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • ?
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Germany)
    • Uwe Alschner (Unternehmensberater, Deutschland)
    • Andrea Hinkel (Buchautorin, Deutschland)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From: 00:02:00h –

156th Session on 19th May 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “The hand that rocks the cradle
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Youtube: -censored-
  • Length: 04:51:16h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • ?
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Germany)
    • Sascha Clauss-Theisohn (Vorstandssprecher des Vereins Fight and Soul e. V., Deutschland)
    • Uwe Kranz (Ltd. Ministerialrat a.D., Ex-Präsident LKA Thüringen, Deutschland)
    • Dr. Andrea Christidis (Forensische Psychologin, Deutschland)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From: 00:02:00h –

155th Session on 12th May 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Hindsight is 20/20”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Youtube: -censored-
  • Length: 05:25:04h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • ?
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Germany)
    • Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamadn (ehem. Präsident von Malaysia, Malaysia)
    • RA Wilfried Schmitz (Rechtsanwalt & Autor [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Prof. Norman E. Fenton (Mathematiker & Informatiker, Professor an der Queen Mary University of London, Grossbrittanien)
    • Werner Altnickel (Ehemals Greenpeace-Aktivist, Deutschland)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From: 00:02:00h –

154th Session on 05th May 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Alarm”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Youtube: -censored-
  • Length: 05:11:37h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • ?
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Germany)
    • RA Dr. David Jungbluth (Rechtsanwalt für Verfassungsrecht und Ausländerrecht, Germany)
    • Dr. Sabine C. Stebel (Biologin, Deutschland)
    • Oliver Signus (Autor und Journalist bei Epoch Times, Deutschland)
    • Dr. Hans-Michael Hackenburg (Arzt für Allgemein- und Sportmedizin, Deutschland)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From: 00:02:00h –

153rd Session on 28th April 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Second Opinion”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Youtube: -censored-
  • Length: 04:27:40h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • ?
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Germany)
    • RA Dr. David Jungbluth (Rechtsanwalt für Verfassungsrecht und Ausländerrecht, Germany)
    • Prof. Dr. Werner Bergholz (Professor für Elektrotechnik, Germany)
    • Lt. Col. Dr. Kirk Milhoan (Pädiatrischer Kardiologe, USA)
    • RA Tobias Ulbrich (Verbraucherschutzanwalt [Homepage], Germany)
    • Holger Gräf (Author, Germany)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From: 00:02:00h –

152nd Session on 21st April 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “The State Failure”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Youtube: -censored-
  • Length: 05:28:51h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • ?
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • RAin Dr. Renate Holzeisen (Rechtsanwältin [Homepage], Italien)
    • Prof. Mattias Desmet ( Professor und Psychoanalytischer Psychotherapeut an der Universität Gent, Niederlande)
    • Dr. Gunter Frank (Arzt für Allgemeinmedizin und Naturheilverfahren, Deutschland)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From: 00:02:00h –

151st Session on 14th April 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “In the corner, broom, broom”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Youtube: -censored-
  • Length: 04:06:52h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • ?
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • RA Dr. David Jungbluth (Rechtsanwalt für Verfassungsrecht und Ausländerrecht, Deutschland)
    • David Vives (Frankreichkorrespondent der EpocheTimes, Frankreich)
    • Florian König (Wissenschaftler / natürliche und künstliche Frequenzen, Deutschland)
    • Christine Anderson (Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments für die AfD, Deutschland)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From: 00:02:00h –

150th Session on 7th April 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Per aspera ad astra”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Youtube: -censored-
  • Length: 06:01:51h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • ?
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • RA Dr. David Jungbluth (Rechtsanwalt für Verfassungsrecht und Ausländerrecht, Deutschland)
    • Ronald Trzoska (Initiator Bündnis Grundeinkommen, Deutschland)
    • Michael Schippel (Historiker und Philosoph, Deutschland)
    • Prof. Dr. Holger Rekow (Wirtschaftsprofessor, Consultant, Deutschland)
    • Dr. Michael Palmer (Immunologe, Deutschland)
    • Prof. Dr. Ulrike Kämmerer (Humanbiologin / Immunologin / Zellbiologin, Deutschland)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From: 00:02:00h –
    • Extras: Werner Bergholz

149th Session on 30th March 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “The Heart of the Matter”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Youtube: -censored-
  • Length: 05:10:37h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Church in crisis, protest, societal/church outlook
    • Animal health, vaccination agenda, bird flu
    • Homes in crisis, corna events, vaccination rates, vaccination consequences
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • RA Dr. David Jungbluth (Rechtsanwalt für Verfassungsrecht und Ausländerrecht, Deutschland)
    • Hartmut Steeb (Former General Sekretary,Evangelical Alliance Germany, Germany)
    • Doris Schröder (Researcher, Germany)
    • Susanne Vonier (Founder Nursing Home “Hafner Villa”, Germany)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From: 00:02:00h –

148th Session on 24th March 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Ruckedigu, blood is in the shoe”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Youtube: -censored-
  • Length: 04:55:11h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Exposure of the cover-ups by the Italian authorities (suppression of information on vaccine damage)
    • Situation at the universities, planned actions, experiences in the crisis
    • Outcome of the elections in Holland
    • Report on vaccinations in the German armed forces
    • Banking crisis and possible exit strategies
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • RA Dr. Renate Holzeisen (Rechtsanwältin in Tirol [Homepage], Italien)
    • Paul Romey
    • Willem Christiaan Engel(Gründer der Organisation [Viruswaarheid], Niederlande)
    • Oberstleutnant Daniel Futschik (GeoInfo Stabsoffizier, Deutschland)
    • Leslie Manookian (Ehem. Investmentbankerin, Macherin des Filmes: „“ – Präsidentin of the Health Freedom Defense Fund, USA)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From: 00:02:00h – Renate Holzeisen
    • From: 01:18:50h – Paul Romey
    • From: 02:29:23h – Willem Engel
    • From: 03:37:50h – Leslie Monookian

147th Session on 17th March 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “#gate”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Youtube: -censored-
  • Length: 03:52:06h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • ?
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • RA Dr. David Jungbluth (Rechtsanwalt für Verfassungsrecht und Ausländerrecht, Deutschland)
    • Dieter Quarz (Diplom-Ingeneur und Diplom-Trainer)
    • Prof. Dr. Fritz Vahrenholt (Chemiker, ehm. Umweltsenator in Hamburg, Hochschullehrer, Deutschland)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From 00:07:38h – David Jungbluth
    • From 00:25:25h – Dieter Quarz
    • From 02:13:45h – Fritz Vahrenholt

146th Session on 10th March 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Yet They Continue to Lie”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Youtube: -censored-
  • Length: 03:10:27h
  • Questions: Ask ➥live questions to the guests (will be activated with the start of the session).
  • Topic excerpt:
    • The handling of Covid in Israel and its impact on the world.
    • Fundamental bias in all studies suggesting pregnancy and fertility are not affected by mRNA injections
    • 5 years in prison? Physician issued vaccination certificates and has now been in U custody for 8 months. Court case provides opportunity to clarify fundamental questions, such as “vaccination or gene therapy?”
    • Germany’s political sovereignty against the backdrop of the Nord Stream 2 blow-up and increasingly irritating public denials and daring theories of culpability
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Prof. Retsef Levi (Datenanalyst und Professor für Betriebsmanagment, MIT)
    • Chris Moser (Anwalt für Steuerrecht)
    • Scott Ritter (US-Amerikanischer Offizier und ehemaliger Inspektor der Vereinten Nationen, USA)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From 00:04:12h – Retsef Levi
    • From 01:29:41h – Chris Moser
    • From 02:16:36h – Scott Ritter

145th Session on 03rd March 2023 at approx. 01:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Shades of Collusion”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Youtube: -censored-
  • Length: 05:12:09h
  • Questions: Ask ➥live questions to the guests (will be activated with the start of the session).
  • Topic excerpt:
    • New invalidity lawsuits filed against regular approval of Comirnaty & Spikevax at ECJ
    • Diagnose vaccine and spike complications, early diagnosis of “vaccine incapacities”
    • The inglorious role of the Paul Ehrlich Institute in vaccine licensing and monitoring
    • Propaganda wave: insights into the mechanisms of censorship of modern radio newsrooms
    • Experiences of a funeral speaker since the beginning of the mRNA injection campaign
    • The real “Iron Bank” standing unchallenged at the top: BIS board enjoys immunity and prepares CBDCs
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Holzeisen, RA Dr. Renate (Rechtsanwältin in Tirol [Homepage], Italien)
    • Dr. Peter Patzak (Heilpraktiker und Sachverständiger für Impfverfahren und Impfschäden, Deutschland)
    • Olaf Baale (Trauerredner und ehemaliger Radiojournalist, Deutschland)
    • Austin-Fitts, Catherine (ehem. Investment Banker / Assist. Sec. of Bush Gouvernement [Homepage], USA)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From 00:14:41h – Renate Holzeisen
    • From 01:42:26h – Peter Patzak
    • From 02:45:49h – Olaf Baale
    • From 03:44:30h – Catherine Austin-Fitts [ENG]

144th Session on 23rd February 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Headborn”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Youtube: (D: LIVEStream)
  • Length: 05:32:31h
  • Questions: Ask ➥live questions to the guests (will be activated with the start of the session).
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Deaths & intensive care illnesses in the spiked population relative to the non-mRNA-treated population.
    • The need for rehabilitation of corona measures critics
    • Why do people willingly allow themselves to be subjugated? The strategies of power, what freedom actually is, and how we take it back.
    • The Pfizer contract with the EU, analyzed UNREDACTED!
    • On the evidence submitted to the ICC on the laboratory origin of SARS-CoV-2.
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Dr. Hannes Strasser
    • Roland Rottenfusser
    • Prof. Dr. Guiseppe Tritto
    • Dr. Soña Peková
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From 00:04:59h – Hannes Strasser
    • From 01:15:59h – Roland Rottenfusser
    • From 02:19:00h – Guiseppe Tritto & Soña Peková
    • From 04:28:56h – In Memory of Clemens Arvey

143rd Session on 17th February 2023 at approx. 02:15pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “The Stolpersteine”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Youtube: (D: LIVEStream)
  • Length: 06:20:58h
  • Questions: Ask ➥live questions to the guests (will be activated with the start of the session).
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Scientific investigation on the shedding phenomenon: the current state of knowledge.
    • Detailed biochemical explanations of the harmfulness of the spike protein, and significant differences in the viral and injection spike
    • How UN & NGOs are transforming from shadow government to global government
    • Manipulation by schooling as a precursor to a 4th industrial revolution
    • Ethics violations by UK government psychologists
    • Basics of applied psychology
    • Menticide & driving people insane: waves of hope & fear
    • Alexander Dugin’s Critique of the West
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • RA Dr. David Jungbluth (Rechtsanwalt für Verfassungsrecht und Ausländerrecht, Deutschland)
    • Dr. Monika Jiang (Fachärztin für Allgemeinmedizin, Deutschland)
    • Dr. Hélene Banoun (Pharmazeutische Biologin, Frankreich)
    • Florian Schilling (Wissenschaftlicher Leiter und Sachbuchautor [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • John Klyczek (Lehrer für Hochschulrhetorik und Forschungsargumentation – Buchautor, USA)
    • Dr. Bruce Scott (Psychoanalytiker und Psychotherapeut, UK)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From 00:14:56h – Monika Jiang
    • From 00:38:45h – Hélene Banoun talks about the possibility of shedding the syringe and overcoming the placenta in unborn babies [ENG]
    • From 01:50:47h – Florian Schilling
    • From 03:32:38h – John Klyczek [ENG]
    • From 05:04:29h – Bruce Scott

142nd Session on 10th February 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “It’s Not Over”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Youtube: (D: LIVEStream)
  • Length: 04:19:48h
  • Questions: Ask ➥live questions to the guests (will be activated with the start of the session).
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Attack on the Nord Stream pipelines by the USA, the Russia/Ukraine conflict and: What does all this have to do with Covid and the WEFs plans?
    • Election rerun in Berlin: chicanery against small parties and the visit of the election observers of the Council of Europe
    • New study findings from the USA on clustered and severe menstrual cramps after mRNA injection
    • Vaccine injury claim bases and the benefit of adhesion claims (had to be rescheduled from last meeting to this one)
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Monika Donner
    • Prof. Dr. Andreas Sönnichsen (Wissenschaftler und Allgemeinmediziner, ehm. Vorsitzender des Deutschen Netzwerks Evidenzbasierte Medizin, Deutschland)
    • Robert Wiederhöft
    • Tiffany Parotto
    • RA Wilfried Schmitz (Rechtsanwalt & Autor [Homepage], Deutschland)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From 00:04:33h – Monika Donner
    • From 01:19:52h – Andreas Sönnichsen
    • From 01:46:41h – Robert Wiederhöft
    • From 02:26:10h – Tiffany Parotto
    • From 03:05:48h – Wilfried Schmitz

141th Session on 03rd February 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “It’s Not Over”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 05:58:25h
  • Questions: Ask ➥live questions to the guests (will be activated with the start of the session).
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Problem analysis by a Swiss constitutional lawyer: “It’s not over”.
    • Pilots in court: lawsuits against mandatory vaccinations
    • Criminal complaint against licensing authority: serious breach of duty of care under the law on therapeutic products in connection with mRNA injections
    • WHO: these innovations are already in effect and the problem of immunity
    • Latest study results on the effects of mRNA injections on fertility
    • Vaccine injury claim bases and the benefit of adhesion claims
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • RA Dr. David Jungbluth (Rechtsanwalt für Verfassungsrecht und Ausländerrecht, Deutschland)
    • RA Philipp Kruse (Rechtsanwalt [Homepage], Schweiz)
    • Dr. Silvia Behrendt(Pandemie- und WHO-Rechtsexpertin, Österreich)
    • Prof. Dr. Werner Bergholz (Professor für Elektrotechnik, Deutschland)
    • Prof. Dr. Klaus Steger (Mollekularbiologe, Androloge, Deutschland)
    • Peter Schröter (Heilpraktiker und Fastenleiter, Deutschland)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From 00:01:53h – Introducing David Jungbluth
    • From 00:04:31h – Philipp Kruse reports on his lawsuit against Swissmedic, the WHO as the new health government, and his lawsuits with pilots and stewardesses over mandatory vaccinations
    • From 01:18:38h – Silvia Behrendt about the WHO
    • From 02:48:35h – Klaus Steger / Werner Bergholz
    • From 03:57:00h – Philipp Kruse a Silvia Behrendt answers Questions from the Public Chat and from Viviane & David
    • From 04:30:02h – Peter Schröter

140th Session on 27th January 2023 at approx. 01:45pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Resolution 53/144”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 04:34:00h
  • Questions: Ask ➥live questions to the guests (will be activated with the start of the session).
  • Topic excerpt:
    • International criminal complaint for crimes against humanity
    • Regulation of fertility via vaccination and WHO’s massive commitment to global population reduction – the circumstantial chain of an unprecedented crime
    • How the Pentagon controlled the Covid-19 program from the beginning
    • Groundbreaking revelations about Pfizer’s work on viral mutants through Project Veritas – what to make of it?
    • German tank deliveries a violation of the two-plus-four treaty?
    • Is Germany now waging a war of aggression against Russia?
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Volker Reusing (Menschenrechtsaktivist )
    • Sarah-Luzia Hassel-Reusing
    • Leonard Winkler
    • Sasha Latypova
    • Michael Sailer
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From 00:04:35h – Sarah Luzia Hassel-Reusing & Volker Reusing
    • From 01:28:52h – Leonard Winkler
    • From 02:22:35h – Sasha Latypova [Transcription]
    • From 03:13:03h – Michael Sailer 

139th Session on 20th January 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “The Baseline”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 05:27:13h
  • Questions: Ask ➥live questions to the guests (will be activated with the start of the session).
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Vaccine damage: On the grounds for a lawsuit, compensation that may be claimed
    • Lawsuit against BioNTech
    • Concrete handout on how to put pressure on politicians and public prosecutors
    • 3 year “anniversary”: review of the beginnings of the state of emergency with pandemic rationale and recap of key events
    • “Woke Capitalism” strikes an international fashion business executive: her story and, how she now advocates for freedom of expression
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • RA Dr. David Jungbluth (Rechtsanwalt für Verfassungsrecht und Ausländerrecht, Deutschland)
    • Tobias Ulbrich
    • Jennifer Sey
    • Prof. Dr. Ulrike Kämmerer (Humanbiologin / Immunologin / Zellbiologin, Deutschland)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane wirh David Jungbluth
    • From 00:07:20h – Tobias Ulbrich
    • From 01:57:34h – David Jungbluth
    • From 03:06:58h – Jennifer Sey [ENG] [Transciption]
    • From 04:25:22h – Ulrike Kämmerer

138th Session on 13th January 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Panta Rhei”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 05:24:34h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • The remarkable FTX ponzi scheme network: Transhumanism, Event 201, Human Trafficking, and the Ukraine War
    • Damage assessment after three years of pandemic mismanagement
    • Secret Committee to Review the WHO International Health Regulations: removing human dignity in the event of a pandemic?
    • Freedom of Information request from early January: the alarming picture of recently obtained VAERS safety signal surveillance system figures for COVID-19 vaccinations
    • Police violence in court: not worth talking about?
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Prof. Dr. Andreas Sönnichsen (Wissenschaftler und Allgemeinmediziner, ehm. Vorsitzender des Deutschen Netzwerks Evidenzbasierte Medizin, Deutschland)
    • Whitney Webb (Investigative Journalistin, Autorin & Rechercheurin für Unlimited Hangout, USA)
    • James Roguski
    • Dr. Josh Guetzkow
    • RA Gordon Pankalla (Rechtsanwalt, [Homepage] Deutschland)
    • Thomas & Susanna Grothe
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From 00:09:27h – Andreas Sönnichsen
    • From 01:09:34h – Whitney Webb [ENG]
    • From 02:06:40h – James Rokuski
    • From 02:58:22h – Josh Guetzkow [ENG] [Transcription]
    • From 04:21:43h – Gordon Pankalla / Thomas & Susanna Grothe

137th Session on 06th January 2023 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “The Parable of Dorian Gray”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 04:22:35h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Unmasking the rule of law: When facts give way to political arbitrariness in court ( military appeal proceedings)
    • Grotesque verdict in first instance against general practitioner who issued mask attestations, causing a worldwide stir: 2 years 9 months imprisonment & professional ban
    • On the German Public Prosecutor’s Office being bound by political instructions
    • Concrete handout on how to build pressure on politicians and prosecutors
    • The smoking gun in the genes: Traces of toxic ” medicines ” used in the course of past ” epidemics “.
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • RA Dr. David Jungbluth (Rechtsanwalt für Verfassungsrecht und Ausländerrecht, Deutschland)
    • RA Wilfried Schmitz (Lawyer & Author [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • RA Ivan Künemann (Lawyer, Deutschland)
    • Dr. Monika Jiang (Fachärztin für Allgemeinmedizin, Deutschland)
    • Dr. James Lyons-Weiler (Forschungswissenschaftler und CEO von Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge, USA)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane with David Jungbluth
    • From 00:06:26h – Wilfried Schmitz
    • From 01:26:33h – Ivan Künemann & Monika Jung
    • From 02:59:09h – James Lyons-Weiler [ENG] [Transcription]

136th Session on 30th Dezember 2022 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Coming Full Circle”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 04:25:18h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • On the conditions of possibility of the judicial failure of the past years.
    • On the inevitability of the collapse of the “Corona regime” and the subsequent proceedings against accomplices.
    • Doctors on trial: criminalization of medical conscience
    • Activism and lawsuits against toxic COVID drugs in the U.S.
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Pascal Najadi
    • Manyan Ng
    • Dr. Sin Hang Lee
    • Dr. Victoria N. Alexander
    • Dr. Andreas Triebel
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From 00:05:23h – Pascal Najadi
    • From 00:34:37h – Manyan Ng
    • From 01:52:56h –Dr. Sin Hang Lee [ENG] [Transcription]
    • From 02:43:05h – Dr. Victoria N. Alexander [ENG] [Transcription]
    • From 03:41:02h – Dr. Andreas Triebel

135th Session on 23th Dezember 2022 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Coming Full Circle”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 05:08:17h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • On the conditions of possibility of the judicial failure of the past years.
    • On the inevitability of the collapse of the “Corona regime” and the subsequent proceedings against accomplices.
    • Doctors on trial: criminalization of medical conscience
    • Activism and lawsuits against toxic COVID drugs in the U.S.
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Dr. David Jungbluth
    • Dr. Monika Jiang
    • Dr. Lee Vliet
    • RA Jeroen Pols (Rechtsanwalt, Niederlande)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From 00:01:15h – Dr. David Jungbluth
    • From 01:16:14h – Dr. Monika Jiang [Transcription]
    • From 02:21:06h – Dr. Lee Vliet [Transcription]
    • From 03:18:49h – Jeroen Pols

134th Session on 09th Dezember 2022 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Concomitants”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 04:29:56h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Litigation of dismissed flight attendants and pilots against Quantas Airways.
    • Insights into extraordinary sick leave in airlines: cause mRNA injection?
    • Political persecution of doctors in Germany – facing imprisonment and heavy fines for conscientiously issuing health certificates
    • Appeal to judges, prosecutors and jurors
    • On the criminal complaint against the Governor of Lower Austria Johanna Mikl-Leitner
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Captain Alan Dana
    • Dr. Carola Javid Kistel
    • Dr. Ronald Weikl
    • Prof. Dr. Johann Missliwetz
    • Prof. Ulrike Kämmerer
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane + Wolfgang [Transcription]
    • From 00:08:48h – Captain Alan Dana
    • From 01:05:42h – Carola Javid Kistel [Transcription]
    • From 01:59:12h – Ronald Weikl
    • From 02:46:50h – Johann Missliwetz
    • From 03:30:53h – Ulrike Kämmerer
    • From 04:12:01h – Viviane Fischer – Closing [Transcription]
  • Extras:
    • From 04:13:28h – Flight crew medical incidents 2022 Civil aviation (Link) (
    • From 04:18:55h – Viviane Fischer – Video Message [Transcription]

133th Session on 02nd Dezember 2022 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Controlled Demolition (Deutsch)””
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 05:20:45h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • The coordinated attack on the hippocampus & independent thought: the beginning of a society of irreversible self-detachment.
    • Mass manipulation & how perceptions are manipulated: Gaslighting & other tactics
    • 9/11 as a key event for the decades after: The parallels to dealing with COVID
    • Greece: tragedies resulting from mandatory vaccination. Job losses and the high price of a totalitarian “health” policy that drives people into hunger strikes and suicide.
    • Netherlands: The state does not tolerate any freedom movement.
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Priv Doz. Dr. Michael Nehls
    • Cynthia Chung (Dozentin, Schrifstellerin, Mitbegründerin und HG der „Rising Tide Foundation“ )
    • Dr. Zafeiria Kakeletri
    • Richard Gage
    • RA Jeroen Pols (Rechtsanwalt, Niederlande)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From 00:04:53h – Michael Nehls
    • From 01:25:10h – Cynthia Chung
    • From 02:29:12h – Zafeiria Kakeletri
    • From 03:04:32h – Richard Gage
    • From 04:30:27h – Jeroen Pols

132h Session on 25th November 2022 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Fireworks”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 04:50:30h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Novavax: Mechanism of action and review of side effects now known.
    • Firefighters stand up: Helping on the ground and protecting democracy
    • Microwave technology in general and 5G in particular: State of knowledge on adverse effects on biological systems and the link to Covid-19
    • The protest movement in Canada: where do we stand?
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Dr. Meryl Nass
    • Martin Troelenberg
    • Sabrina Kollmorgen
    • Prof. Klaus Buchner
    • Christopher Saccoccia (Chris Sky)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From 00:04:31h – Meryl Nass
    • From 01:07:40h – Martin Troelenberg / Sabrina Kollmorgen
    • From 02:14:30h – Klaus Buchner
    • From 03:39:01h – Christopher Saccoccia [Transcription]

131th Session on 18th November 2022 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Crime and Punishment”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 04:33:20h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Medical commentary on Germanys health minister Karl Lauterbach’s recent letter to health insurance policyholders recommending mRNA injections as protection against Corona.
    • Hate and agitation against deviants as a temporary norm? A review and next steps
    • German vaccine Injury hotline: A field report and the successes of a vaccine-injured person on his way back to life
    • Epidemiology, the Sun’s position, and “therapy”-related excess mortality
    • A comment from German daily news meets reality: excess mortality in numbers
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Priv. Doz. Dr. Michael Nehls
    • Raimund Hagemann
    • Sabrina Kollmorgen
    • Alexander Reis
    • Marcus B. Klöckner
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From 00:02:45h – Michael Nehls
    • From 01:33:28h – Raimund Hagemann
    • From 02:28:41h – Sabrina Kollmorgen
    • From 02:29:37h – Alexander Reis
    • From 03:32:40h – Marcus B. Klöckner

130th Session on 11th November 2022 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “They Knew What They Were Doing”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 03:32:45h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Retrospective of political offenses against the rule of law over the past two years against the backdrop of current demands to forgive “mistakes” made by political decision-makers
    • On the protest movement in Canada and the predictability of the events of the last two years
    • Epigenetic effects of mRNA injections.
    • Presenting the results of a new study on the lethal effects of mRNA vaccinations.
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • RA Gordon Pankalla (Rechtsanwalt, [Homepage] Deutschland)
    • Alkje Fontes (Bund/Freiheit/ST – LV dieBasis Sachsen-Anhalt [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Dr. Jessica Rose
    • Prof. Dr. Spiro Pantazatos
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From 00:01:46h – Gordon Pankalla
    • From 01:14:02h – Alkje Fontes
    • From 01:42:14h – Jessica Rose [Transcription]
    • From 02:27:15h – Spiro Pantazatos

129th Session on 04th November 2022 at approx. 12:45am CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Fork in the Road”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 04:26:40h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • About a local vaccine harm group that got noticed even by the mainstream
    • China’s worrisome influence on Wall Street and American doctors
    • On the presence and role of chinese/communist agents in western countries
    • What the U.S./China dispute has to do with Covid-19 measures
    • Blackout preparedness: how specifically to prepare and what would be the impact of a blackout in metropolitan areas?
    • New study results on global excess mortality: poverty as a crucial variable
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Prof. Maximilian Moser
    • Dr. Andrew G.Huff
    • RA Wilfried Schmitz (Rechtsanwalt & Autor [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Victor S. Metta 
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From 00:02:33h – Prof. Maximilian Moser
    • From 01:16:57h – Dr. Andrew G.Huff [Transcription]
    • From 02:20:38h – Wilfried Schmitz
    • From 03:38:32h – Victor S. Metta

128th Session on 28h October 2022 at approx. 01:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Orchestration of a Crisis”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 04:00:39h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • About a local vaccine harm group that got noticed even by the mainstream
    • China’s worrisome influence on Wall Street and American doctors
    • On the presence and role of chinese/communist agents in western countries
    • What the U.S./China dispute has to do with Covid-19 measures
    • Blackout preparedness: how specifically to prepare and what would be the impact of a blackout in metropolitan areas?
    • New study results on global excess mortality: poverty as a crucial variable
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Alkje Fontes
    • Dr. Hans Michael Hackenberg
    • Robert Jungnischke
    • Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Smith
    • Dr. Denis Rancourt
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From 00:04:12h – Alkje Fontes & Hans Michael Hackenberg
    • From 00:55:17h – Robert Jungnischke
    • From 01:53:31h – Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Smith
    • From 02:54:22h – Denis Rancourt [Transcription]

127th Session on 21th October 2022 at approx. 01:30pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “The Box of Tricks”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 05:11:37h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • EMA recommends approval of Comirnaty and Spikevax COVID-19 for children 6 months and older: On the prepared challenge before the EU Court of Justice.
    • Federal government document leak: propaganda on Ukraine war officially guided Blowing up Nordstream 1 & 2: Geopolitical Contextualization and Conflict Outlook
    • Current state of energy supply and risk of blackout: realistic scenarios and recommendations on how to prepare
    • PCR inventor Kary Mullis: “No one could answer my questions about HIV” and what it has to do with Covid
    • opinion: How do you prove a disease-causing virus?
    • Study on control group of unvaccinated: Surprising results
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • RAin Dr. Renate Holzeisen (Rechtsanwältin [Homepage], Italien)
    • Hans Tolzin (Medizin-Journalist, Deutschland)
    • Alex Thomson (Ex GCHQ , Niederlande)
    • Robert Jungnischke
    • Greg Glaser
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From 00:01:52h – Renate Holzeisen
    • From 01:09:35h – Alex Thomson
    • From 02:02:03h – Robert Jungnischke
    • From 03:07:28h – Hans Tolzin
    • From 04:05:06h – Greg Glaser

126th Session on 14th October 2022 at approx. 01:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “The Bright Sun Brings It to Light”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 04:44:52h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Overvaccination in humans and animals
    • Monkey pox: from the first reports of WHO in March ’22 to today: where do the facts end, where does the fake begin?
    • Open questions about the challenge to prove the existence of the virus and acceptance of the challenge.
    • About 800% excess mortality in children according to Euromomo and tracing possible traces of manipulation of data over time.
    • Systematic blackmail of politicians and business bosses: A closer look at human & child trafficking networks with links to politics, high society, and intelligence agencies in various countries
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Elizabeth Hart (unabhängige Forscherin)
    • Hans Tolzin (Medizin-Journalist, Deutschland)
    • Frank (Molekularbiologe)
    • Prof. Dr. Ulrike Kämmerer (Humanbiologin / Immunologin / Zellbiologin, Deutschland)
    • Whitney Webb (Investigative Journalistin, Autorin & Rechercheurin für Unlimited Hangout, USA)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From 00:01:55h – Elizabeth Hart
    • From 01:12:56h – Hans Tolzin
    • From 02:21:38h – Frank & Ulrike Kämmerer
    • From 03:14:38h – Whitney Webb

125th Session on 7th October 2022 at approx. 12:00am CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Down the Rabbit Hole”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 04:49:08h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Article 20 of the German Basic Law: The long march for a basic law taken seriously
    • New VAERS data and evidence on the side effects of bivalent injections targeting the original strain of SARS-CoV-2 and the Omicron subvariants BA.4 and BA.5
    • The role of news agencies
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Robert Cibis (Mitbegründer von Ovalmedia  / Filmemacher)
    • Ralph Boes (Philosoph [Homepage])
    • Dr. Jessica Rose
    • Nico DaVinci
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From 00:02:46h – Dr. Justus P. Hoffmann / Antoni Fischer [Transcription]
    • From 01:55:38h – Robert Cibis [Transcription]
    • From 02:25:10h – Ralph Boes
    • From 03:03:57h – Dr. Jessica Rose
    • From 03:44:41h – Nico DaVinci

124th Session on 30th September 2022 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Down the Rabbit Hole”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 04:23:57h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Developmental disorders of children born during the Corona measure period – are masks to blame?
    • A photovoltaic entrepreneur charges: Our government risks economic collapse if Russian gas is not accepted
    • The role of the U.S. Department of Defense in the development, clinical testing, and administration of mRNA vaccines
    • International sex trafficking and Kompromat against politicians and public interest persons as leverage, exemplified by Jeffrey Epstein’s case: is there a connection to the international Corona Measures lockstep?
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Dr. Christian Fiala
    • Wolfgang Wismeth
    • Alexandra (Sasha) Latypova
    • Prof. Deana Pollard Sacks (Law Professor and Author)
  • Contents:
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From 00:03:43h – Dr. Christian Fiala
    • From 00:59:50h – Wolfgang Wismeth
    • From 01:56:03h – Alexandra (Sasha) Latypova
    • From 02:54:56h – Prof. Deana Pollard Sacks [Transcription]
    • From 03:49:48h – Alexandra (Sasha) Latypova (part 2)

123th Session on 23th September 2022 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Brutal Facts”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 03:49:27h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Legal update from India
    • Conflicts of interest in India’s public health system.
    • Mechanisms of banking to control populations and governments
    • Continuity of Big Money’s global influence.
    • Birth decline – causal correlation to vaccination campaigns, statistically proven
    • Climate change – are the data robust? Is it getting warmer or colder?
    • Geoengineering – only concept or already in implementation?
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Yohan Tengra
    • Mads Palsvig
    • Prof. Dr. Werner Bergholz (Professor für Elektrotechnik, Deutschland)
    • Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From 00:00:50h – Yohan Tengra
    • From 00:47:41h – Mads Palsvig
    • From 01:41:30h – Werner Bergholz
    • From 02:56:57h – Dietrich Klinghardt

122th Session on 16th September 2022 at approx. 10:30am CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “The Congress Dances”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Location: Eventhotel Pyramide, SAAL EUROPA 3, Parkallee 2, 2334 Vösendorf, Austria
  • Length: 03:52:03h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • no topics
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Glen Jung
    • Dan Astin-Gregory
    • Pierre Kory (MD – Pneumologist)
    • Jose Nasser / Natalia Prego / Jennifer Hibberd
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From 00:05:15h – Glen Jung
    • From 01:04:46h – Dan Astin-Gregory
    • From 02:01:38h – Pierre Kory [Transcription]
    • From 02:54:05h – Jose Nasser / Natalia Prego / Jennifer Hibberd

121st Session on 15th September 2022 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Committee goes Vienna”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Location: Eventhotel Pyramide, SAAL EUROPA 3, Parkallee 2, 2334 Vösendorf, Austria
  • Length: 04:27:49h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • no topics
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Reinhard Jesionek
    • 2 Polish Attendens
    • Bert Ehgartner
    • Stef Manzini
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From 00:03:24h – Reinhard Jesionek
    • From 01:13:41h – 2 Polnish Attendens
    • From 02:21:34h – Bert Ehgartner
    • From 03:25:25h – Stef Manzini

120th Session on 09th September 2022 at approx. 03:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Morphose”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 0x:xx:xxh
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Commentary on the amendment to the Infection Protection Act (German: IfSG), effective as of Oct. 1.
    • Parallels between today and the time of the Reformation. On the role of the church during Corona
    • On the threat of martial law in the U.S./Canada and, what opportunities exist to resist the depopulation and deindustrialization agenda.
    • What is the “New Normal” and how did it get this far? Who is pulling the strings here?
  • Attendees:
    • Martin Michaelis (Pfarrer in Quedlinburg, Germany)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Germany)
    • Matthew Ehret (Author und Historiker, Canada)
    • C.J. Hopkins (Theaterauthor, Romancier und politischer Satiriker)
    • Catherine Austin Fitts (ehem. Investment Banker / Assist. Sec. of Bush Gouvernement [Homepage], Geschätsführerin von Solari Inc., USA)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro: Viviane
    • From 00:01:52h – Martin Michaelis
    • From 01:29:02h – Matthew Ehret
    • From 02:35:14h – C.J. Hopkins / Catherine Austin Fitts
  • Extras:
    • From 04:25:32h – Movie: We need to talk about Mr. Global

119th Session on 02nd September 2022 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “The Rule of Law”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 03:29:48h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Important information on our own behalf
    • Presentation of a promising new legal strategy related to the Freedom of Information Act.
    • Genotoxicity, carcinogenicity, and mutagenicity of the ingredients of COVID-19 injections: Summary of current findings
    • ” Resist the Beginnings” – On the Day of Remembrance in Nuremberg
    • Hypocrisy and the continued worship of false idols
  • Attendees:
    • Vera Sharav (Founder: Alliance of Human Research Protection, [Homepage], USA)
    • RA Dr. Renate Holzeisen (Lawyer in Tirol [Homepage], Italia)
    • Uwe Alschner (Author and blogger on, Germany)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:00:00h
    • Intro: Viviane is talking about of Reiners absent [Transcription]
    • From 00:01:50h – Renate Holzeisen
    • From 02:08:50h – Vera Sharav [Transcription]
    • From 02:32:02h – Uwe Alschner [Transcription]

118th Session on 19th August 2022 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “The Truth Pact”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 05:15:47h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Vaccine damage reports as grounds for dismissal? Honesty as the end of a career? Testimonials from a distinguished hospital employee and a decades-long scientist.
    • On the process and pitfalls of computer-assisted RNA code discovery.
    • The Suicide Pact of the Elites: What happens when environmental protection is envisioned without considering the human species
  • Attendees:
    • Deborah Conrad (Arzthelferin im Krankenhaus)
    • Jeannette Bahr (Diplom-Biomathematikerin und Forscherin)
    • Florian Schilling (Wissenschaftler Leiter und Sachbuchautor)
    • Dr. Patrick Moore (Mitbegründer und Ex-Präsident von Greenpeace)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro: Reiner and Viviane
    • From: 00:04:46h – second start after technical faults
    • From: 00:05:25h – Deborah Conrad
    • From: 01:07:11h – Jeannette Bahr
    • From: 01:54:56h – Florian Schilling
    • From: 02:58:56h – Dr. Patrick Moore [Transcription]
  • Extras:
    • From 00:0x:xxh – ?

117th Session on 12th August 2022 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Busyness”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 0x:xx:xxh
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Effects of the Corona Crisis on Companies in Germany and Austria
    • An entrepreneurial network for the cooperation of society, for freedom and self-determination introduces itself
    • Gas shortage situation and, how companies are prepared for savings – and what dangerous situation the German economy is heading for
    • The ongoing dispute over mask certificates: Who must not wear masks?
    • The end of facility-based mandatory vaccination and the threat of a permanent vaccination subscription
  • Attendees:
    • Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab (Professor für Rechtswissenschaften in Bielefeld, Deutschland)
    • Dr. Josef Thoma(HNO-Arzt )
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Axel Turck(Firmenchef EMIL TURCK GmbH & CIE KG [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Christian Beer (Geschäftsführender Gesellschaftler der Heron-Gruppe, Österreich)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro: Reiner and Viviane
    • From 00:xx:xxh – ?
  • Extras:
    • From 00:0x:xxh – ?

116th Session on 05th August 2022 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “See All its Working Power”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 04:14:17h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Daily absurdities as deliberate anesthesia, hypnosis and distraction from the essentials
    • Ways of prevention and self-healing. Example: Initiating ketolysis through targeted nutrition.
    • Further details on the theory, the injections included graphene.
    • Gendeletion as a cause of various modern medical conditions and a functional feature of mRNA injections?
    • Update on Prof. Martin Schwab’s template letters
    • Census: What is it for, what about data protection, and is there a danger that the data collected will be used to compensate for vaccination damage by means of a levy?
  • Attendees:
    • Prof. Dr. Ulrike Kämmerer (Humanbiologin / Immunologin / Zellbiologin, Deutschland)
    • Sara Bennett
    • Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab (Professor für Rechtswissenschaften in Bielefeld, Deutschland)
    • Dr. Ariyana Love (Naturopathic Doctor, Investigative Journalist)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro: Reiner and Viviane
    • From 00:06:58h – Sara Bennett
    • From 00:56:06h – Ulrike Kämmerer
    • From 02:01:22h – Martin Schwab
    • From 02:56:29h – Ariyana Love [Transcription]
  • Extras:
    • From 00:08:14h – Karl Lauterbach about mRNA [GER]
    • From 00:08:58h – TikTok video
    • From 04:04:13h – Deborah Conrad
    • From 04:08:56h – Australian Doctor
    • From 04:11:16h – Vaccine Victim

115th Session on 29th July 2022 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )

  • Title: “Self.reliant”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 05:04:25h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • The new school year is approaching: how parents in Germany can defend themselves against the impending mask requirement
    • Propaganda in structural analysis: the patterns are recognizably the same regardless of the topic
    • How propaganda analysis provides information about the goals of the propagandists
    • Frontal attack on the middle class: the central banks’ interest rate hike
    • What is the role of Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping?
    • Danger of collapsing supply chains and a third world war
    • Graphen-based nanostructures and the role of mobile phone radiation
  • Attendees:
    • Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab (Professor für Rechtswissenschaften in Bielefeld, Deutschland)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Ernst Wolff (Autor & Journalist [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Dr. med. Margareta Griesz-Brisson (Neurologin, UK/Deutschland)
    • Dr. Roman Braun (Psychologe, Erziehungswissenschaftler, NLP-Master-Trainer, UK)
    • Dr. Robert O. Young (Naturheilkundler, Ernährungsexperte und Autor, UK)
    • Robert Cibis (Gründer und Inhaber von OvalMedia, Deutschland)
    • Nathalie Signorini (Geschäftsführerin OVALmedia Rome, Italien)
    • Senatorin Bianca Laura Granato (ital. Politikerin, Italien)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro: Reiner and Viviane
    • From 00:01:18h – Martin Schwab
    • From 00:44:50h – Margareta Griesz-Brisson
    • From 01:03:15h – Ernst Wolff
    • From 01:58:01h – Roman Braun
    • From 02:55:18h – Robert O. Young
    • From 03:53:30h – Robert Cibis with colleagues and an opposition senator from Italy about the deletion of OvalMedia’s channel and the strident work of the opposition in Italy 
  • Extras:
    • From 00:xx:xxh –

114th Session on 22th July 2022 at approx. 03:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “The Inverse Principle”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 03:59:55h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Political immunity and double standards in the legal system.
    • The Pfizer study documents: 1000+ pages and a long trail of anomalies & proof of fraud.
    • Pandemic of the unvaccinated? No trace of it in the global “control group” of the unvaccinated
    • Suppression of the innate immune system by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and microRNAs.
  • Attendees:
    • Grezegorz Braun (Polinischer Politiker der Konfederacja, Polen)
    • Sonia Elijah (Investigativjournalistin, UK)
    • Dr. Robert Verkerk (Gründer, Geschäftsführer und wissenschaftlicher Direktor von ANH, UK)
    • Dr. Katarina Lindley (Zertifizierte Hausärztin, Texas, USA)
    • Dr. Stefanie Seneff (MIT Senior Forschungswissenschaftler, USA)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro: Reiner and Viviane
    • From 00:xx:xxh –
  • Extras:
    • From 00:xx:xxh –

113th Session on 15th July 2022 at approx. 03:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Mycelium”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 0x:xx:xxh
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Report of a vaccination victim: Blind in one eye
    • Judicially averted vaccination obligation for employees
    • Success in New York: Compulsory quarantine is unconstitutional!
    • Legal success in Italy: Emergency appeal granted, injections classified as experimental
  • Attendees:
    • Avital Libny und Shulmait Levi
    • RAin Golan Ashton (Lawer for Human Rigths, Israel)
    • RAin Bobbie Anne Flower Cox (Lawer, NewYork, USA)
    • RAin Dr. Renate Holzeisen (Lawer [Homepage], Italia)
    • Sonia Elijah (Investigativjournalist, UK)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro: Reiner and Viviane
    • From 00:36:00h – Golan Ashton [Transcription]
  • Extras:
    • From 00:xx:xxh –

112th Session on 08th July 2022 at approx. 03:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “The Disgrace”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr:(D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 04:53:50h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Insights into the extensive farmer protests in the Netherlands – people are no longer putting up with it
    • Report on the outcome of the German defense appeal, incl. outlook on next steps
    • Issuance of mask certificates: verdict in the first instance. Report of the general practitioner concerned
    • Uruguay puts “gun to Pfizer’s head”: Proof of the effectiveness of the vaccinations must be provided immediately beyond doubt!
    • Uruguay: A country defies measures.
    • Pfizer’s “vaccine” study on babies: frightening implications of available data.
  • Attendees:
    • Willem Christiaan Engel (Gründer der Organisation [Viruswaarheid], Niederlande)
    • Dr. Thomas Külken (Allgemeinmediziner, Deutschland)
    • Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab (Professor für Rechtswissenschaften in Bielefeld, Deutschland)
    • Prof. Dr. Werner Bergholz (Professor für Elektrotechnik, Deutschland)
    • Prof. Ulrike Kämmerer (Humanbiologin / Immunologin / Zellbiologin, Deutschland)
    • Gaby Weber (Journalistin [Homepage], Argentinien)
    • Karen Kingston (Analystin für pharmazeutische und medizinische Geräte, USA)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro: Reiner and Viviane
    • From 00:03:22h – Willem Engel
    • From 00:53:50h – Thomas Külken
    • From 01:24:53h – Martin Schwab / Werner Bergholz / Ulrike Kämmerer
    • From 02:50:10h – Gaby Weber
    • From 03:39:33h – Karen Kingston
  • Extras:
    • From 00:40:57h – Andreas Audretsch
    • From 01:23:26h – Niels Melzer
    • From 04:48:40h – US comedian
    • From 04:50:30h – George Carlin

111th Session on 01st July 2022 at approx. 03:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Reconstellation”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr: (D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 04:55:10h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • On the need for fundamental redetermination of what science is and should be.
    • Accelerated licensing procedures in the pharmaceutical industry, specifically in the case of Covid-19 injections for profit, and the concrete problems this poses on safety and tolerability.
    • Democide and one-world dictatorship: from the role of the Club of Rome in 1971 to Yuval Harari’s recent “prophecies”
    • Gastronomy during and after Corona: a personal story
  • Attendees:
    • Jochen Kirchhoff (Philosoph & Bewusstseinsforscher, Deutschland)
    • Prof. Dr. Werner Bergholz (Professor für Elektrotechnik, Deutschland)
    • Dr. Hedley Rees (Geschäftsführer von Pharmaflow, UK)
    • Margaret Anna Alice (Through the Looking Glasses, USA)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Sohren Pohlen (Gastronom, ehem. Besitzer der “Scotch&Sofa”-Cocktailbar in Berlin,. Deutschland)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:0x:xxh
    • Intro: Viviane and Reiner
    • From 00:03:29h – Jochen Kirchhoff
    • From 01:29:32h – Werner Bergholz
    • From 02:00:08h – Hedley Rees
    • From 02:51:38h – Margaret Anna Alice
    • From 03:52:06h – Sohren Pohlen
  • Extras:
    • From 00:01:01h – Dr. Jay Bhattacharya
    • From 03:25:18h – Dennis Meadows
    • From 03:35:11h – Yuval Noah Harari
    • From 03:46:09h – Equador protests
    • From 03:47:53h – Rand Paul
    • From 04:42:58h – Rabbi Alon Anava
    • From 04:45:18h – JP Sears

110th Session on 24th June 2022 at approx. 03:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Revisiting”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr: (D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 03:44:38h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • EU politician on renegotiation of WHO treaties
    • Conflict and projection: understanding current societal dynamics
    • Reassessing the origin of SARS-CoV-2
    • Diminishing impact of alternative therapeutic approaches.
    • Alternative energies and their suppression
    • New insights into the structure and function of the SARS-CoV-2 virus
  • Attendees:
    • Christine Anderson (MEP)
    • Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt
    • Karen Kingston
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro: Reiner and Viviane
    • From 00:xx:xxh

109th Session on 17th June 2022 at approx. 03:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Breaths of a Summer Day”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr: (D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 04:24:57h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Odyssey of a mask study: publication, censorship and republication
    • Masks – how harmful are they?
    • Covid – symptoms, prevalence, treatment, and differing opinions.
    • Dead after vaccination: numerous babies as victims of mRNA injections
    • Propaganda Networks in Israel
    • ranshumanism: Insights into the anti-life ideology
  • Attendees:
    • Prof. Dr. Dr. Harald Walach (Psychologe, Wissenschaftstheoretiker und Historiker [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Prof. Dr. Paul Marik (Arzt und ehemaliger Medizinprofessor, USA)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Dr. Yaffa Shir-Raz (Risikomanagment & Journalistin, Israel)
    • Prof. Dr. Paul Cullen (apl. Professor & Laborleiter [MVZ München] & Humanmediziner)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro: Viviane und Reiner
    • From 00:14:24h – Harald Walach
    • From 01:00:10h – Paul E. Marik [Transcription]
    • From 02:06:34h – Yaffa Shir-Raz [Transcription]
    • From 03:06:01h – Paul Cullen
  • Extras:
    • From 00:08:42h – Food supply shortages
    • From:14:34h – Dr. Ryan N. Cole / Dr. Russel Blaylock
    • From 04:07:26h – JP Sears – Ukraine
    • From 04:14:28h – Wake up – Mo Anton / Ole Dammegard
    • From 04:21:27h – Michael Ray – Whiskey and Rain

108th Session on 10th June 2022 at approx. 03:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Cancel Unculture”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr: (D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 05:02:10h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • On the decision on enforcement of the submission of a proof of immunity by means of a penalty payment (Administrative Court of Hanover, Germany)
    • Update on military appeal proceedings at the Federal Administrative Court
    • Renewal of the Federal Republic on its own ideals
    • On the necessary self-empowerment of the sovereign in democratic societies
    • The Relevance of Section 146 in the German Basic Law
    • On the lawsuit against Governor Hochul and her DOH to stop quarantine camps in New York
    • Why the pandemic only existed in the media
    • Economic warfare against the nations of the worldMonkey pox and the Gates Connection
  • Attendees:
    • Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab (Professor für Rechtswissenschaften in Bielefeld, Deutschland)
    • Heinz Kruse (Wirtschaftdezernent a.D. / Bankenbereich, Deutschland)
    • Ralph Boes (Philosoph [Homepage])
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Bobbie Anne Flower-Cox
    • Prof. Michel E. Chossudovsky
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro: Reiner and Viviane
    • From 00:xx:xxh

8. Session at 06. June 2022 at 06:00pm (CET)


  • Title: “Closing Arguments”
  • Video-Link to the meeting:
  • Length: 03:26:03h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Closing Arguments
  • Attendees:
    • Attorney at Law Virginie de Araujo Recchia, France
    • Judge Rui Fonseca E Castro, Portugal
    • Attorney at Law Claire Deeks, New Zealand
    • Attorney at Law Viviane Fischer, Germany
    • Attorney at Law Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Germany
    • Attorney at Law N. Ana Garner, USA
    • Attorney at Law Dr. Renate Holzeisen, Italy
    • Attorney at Law Tony Nikolic, Australia
    • Attorney at Law Dipali Ojha, India
    • Attorney at Law Dexter L-J. Ryneveldt (Adv.), South Africa
    • Attorney at Law Deana Sacks, USA
    • Attorney at Law Michael Swinwood, Canada
    • Cooperating Human Rights Defenders and Legal Activists:
      • Tjaša Vuzem, Slovenia
      • Gina Cloud, USA
      • Dr. Cristiane Grieb, Canada
      • Leslie Manookian, USA
  • Contents:
    • Start: ca. 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro: Viviane und Reiner
    • From 00:15:53h – Reiner Fuellmich [Transcription]

107th Session on 03rd June 2022 at approx. 03:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Cancel Unculture”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr: (D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 03:3747h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Suppressed medicines
    • StopTheWHO
    • Taking Cancel Culture with Humor?
    • Permanent damage caused by mRNA vaccination, proven by studies.
    • Strong excess mortality due to “vaccinations” around the world.
    • Blood changes after vaccination.
    • Perspective of an archbishop and former diplomat of the catholic church on the measures, war and current politics (2nd part)
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Tess Lawrie
    • Ludger Kusenberg
    • Steve Kirsch
    • Carlo Maria Viganò (Archbishop and diplomat emeritus of Vatican City)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro: Reiner and Viviane
    • From 00:11:23h – Dr. Tess Lawrie
    • From 01:01:55h – Ludger Kusenberg
    • From 01:56:14h – Steve Kirsch [Transcription]
    • From 03:01:34h – Carlo Maria Viganò

106th Session on 27th May 2022 at approx. 03:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Testing the Waters”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr: (D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 03:41:16h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Reenacting early childhood trauma using infection control measures.
    • Understanding the perpetrator-victim relationship, for a transformation of society.
    • Results of toxicological investigation of mRNA “vaccinations”.
    • Professional athlete in American politics: for freedom and independence
    • Perspective of an Archbishop and former diplomat of the Catholic Church on the measures, the war and current politics (1st part)
  • Attendees:
    • Prof. Dr. Franz Ruppert
    • Dr. Janci C. Lindsay
    • Royce A. White
    • Carlo Maria Viganò (Archbishop and diplomat emeritus of Vatican City)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro: Reiner and Viviane
    • From 00:xx:xxh
    • From 02:49:22h Carlo Maria Vigano – [Transcription]

105. Session on 20th May 2022 at approx. 03:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Testing the Waters”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr: (D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 04:19:59h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Resistance to Artificial Intelligence: Showing the Algorithms the Limits
    • Economy at the end? Social credit system and blockchain technology
    • Promoting parallel societies: An alternative health care delivery system
    • A general practitioner’s perspective on normalized covid measures
    • reventive nuclear strike? Danger of a third world war and the role of Ukraine
    • he Great Reset and the Destruction of Civil Society
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Jörn Berninger (Coach und Berater für Führungskräfte, Deutschland)
    • Julie Wentz (Treuhänderin und Leiterin von Freedom Healthcare, USA)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Prof. Michel E. Chossudovsky (Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und Herausgeber des “Centre for Research on Globalization”, USA)
    • Dr. Gunter Frank (Arzt für Allgemeinmedizin und Naturheilverfahren, Deutschland)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro: Reiner and Viviane
    • From 00:11:47h – Dr. Jörn Berninger
    • From 00:50:14h – Julie Wentz
    • From 01:29:40h – Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg
    • From 02:07:17h – Prof. Michel E. Chossudovsky
    • From 03:16:40h – Dr. Gunter Frank

7. Session at 19. May 2022 at 06:00pm (CET)


  • Title: “Psychologie & Propaganda”
  • Video-Link to the meeting:


  • Length: 0x:xx:xxh
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Psychology & Propaganda
  • Attendees:
    • Attorney at Law Virginie de Araujo Recchia, France
    • Judge Rui Fonseca E Castro, Portugal
    • Attorney at Law Claire Deeks, New Zealand
    • Attorney at Law Viviane Fischer, Germany
    • Attorney at Law Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Germany
    • Attorney at Law N. Ana Garner, USA
    • Attorney at Law Dr. Renate Holzeisen, Italy
    • Attorney at Law Tony Nikolic, Australia
    • Attorney at Law Dipali Ojha, India
    • Attorney at Law Dexter L-J. Ryneveldt (Adv.), South Africa
    • Attorney at Law Deana Sacks, USA
    • Attorney at Law Michael Swinwood, Canada
    • Cooperating Human Rights Defenders and Legal Activists:
      • Tjaša Vuzem, Slovenia
      • Gina Cloud, USA
      • Dr. Cristiane Grieb, Canada
      • Leslie Manookian, USA
  • Contents:
    • Start: ca. 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro: Viviane und Reiner
    • Ab 00:xx:00h –

104. Session on 13th May 2022 at approx. 03:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “The Blue Flower”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr: (D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 0x:xx:xxh
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Australian senator calls on parliament to get back to the facts
    • How we got to the staggering civilizational crossroads we are at
    • Financial analysis of the current situation and future scenarios
    • Emergency physician resigns for reasons of conscience to educate population full time
    • Prof. Martin Schwab’s statement on TAZ inquiry
  • Attendees:
    • Senator Malcolm Roberts (Party: OneNation, Senator in Queensland, Australia)
    • Naomi Wolf (Author and Activists, USA)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Freddie Ponton (Independent Journalist at “La French ConAction”, Frankreich)
    • Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab (Professor für Rechtswissenschaften in Bielefeld, Deutschland)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:04:22h
    • Intro: Viviane and Reiner starting with the australian Senator Malcolm Roberts introduced with a Video
    • From 00:05:56h to 00:06:16h Video with the Australian Senator Robertson
    • From 00:07:00h – Senator Malcolm Roberts
    • From 01:21:00h – Naomi Wolf
    • From 02.03:00h – Wolfgang Wodarg
    • From 02:12:00h – Freddie Ponton talks to 02:19:00h about the Epstein-Maxwell story after that about the Ukraine.
    • From 03.17:00h – Dr. Mark Trozzi
    • From 04:00:00h – Prof. Martin Schwab, als erstes ein Clip über Bill Gates, am Ende über Gesetz zur Korruption im Gesundheitswesen.
    • From 04:53:00h – Video-Clips:
      • Dr. Glidden about „Profit and Cancer“
      • Lisa FitzAb 05:15:42h „Die Bevölkerung hat ein Recht auf Wahrheit“ ein Beitrag für die Nachdenkseiten. [Transcription] [ENG]

103. Session on 05th May 2022 at approx. 03:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Swords to Ploughshares”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr: (D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 04:06:39h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Danger of nuclear war
    • On the German expert panel for the evaluation of the Covid-19 measures
    • Provable: Multiple increase in mortality risk after corona “vaccination”
    • Vanuatu’s successful resistance to WHO
    • Adverse effects after Booster-shots: results of a survey by the Israeli Ministry of Health
    • Report from trial at German Federal Administrative Court: high-ranking officers sue against mandatory vaccination
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Prof. Werner Bergholz (Professor für Elektrotechnik, Deutschland)
    • Dr. Joshua Guetzkow (Assistenzprofessor für Soziologie und Anthropologie, Israel)
    • Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab (Professor für Rechtswissenschaften in Bielefeld, Deutschland)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro: Reiner and Viviane
    • From 00:xx:xxh –

102. Session on 29th April 2022 at approx. 03:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Constructive Interference”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr: (D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 0x:xx:xxh
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Cagliari Prosecutor’s Office Declares: Experimental Covid-19 “vaccination” of minors must be consented by both parents
    • Proposed changes to the International Health Regulations: tangible threat to the sovereignty of all WHO member states
    • Breaking ruling to end mandatory masks on public transport? Plaintiff reports.
    • Media propaganda in the crosshairs of academic analysis
  • Attendees:
    • ?
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro: Reiner and Viviane
    • From 00:xx:xxh –

101. Session on 21th April 2022 at approx. 03:00pm CET (Berlin Time )

  • Title: “Constructive Interference”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr: (D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 0x:xx:xxh
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Mega-Lockdown in Shanghai and other Chinese Metropolises and its Global Implications
    • Chinese Role in the Great Reset
    • Spanish protests and national gas shortages
    • Judicial stage victories in Spain
    • Resistance in India: Strong and quick to mobilize
    • The necessity of social tripartism
    • Mass Psychological View of the Overall Social Process
  • Attendees:
    • ?
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro: Reiner and Viviane
    • From 00:xx:xxh –

100. Session on 13th April 2022 at approx. 01:30pm CET (Berlin Time )

  • Title: “Last Stop: Justice”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr: (D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 04:37:29h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Why SARS-Cov-2 “vaccinated” people can test HIV+
    • Juridical steps against German public broadcasting and how to defend against false reporting/censorship
    • The influence of the City of London
    • The role of the Deep State during the plandemic
    • The impact of negative interest rates
    • Reasons for the Provocation of the Ukraine Crisis
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Prof. Ulrike Kämmerer (Humanbiologin / Immunologin / Zellbiologin, Deutschland)
    • Jimmy Gerum (Deutscher Filmproduzent, Deutschland)
    • Joel Skousen (Politikjournalist für Rechtsphilosophie und Verfassungstheorie, USA)
    • Martin Armstrong (Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, USA)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro: Reiner and Viviane
    • From 00:xx:xxh –
    • From 01:46:00h – Joel Skousen talks about the globalists int hw world. [Transcription]

99. Session on 08th April 2022 at approx. 11am CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Stage Victories”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr: (D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: VideoURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 06:18:23h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Mandatory vaccination averted for the time being in Germany: An important success of the enlightenment movement!
    • Ukraine war against the backdrop of the Great Reset and the threat of financial collapse.
    • China: Shanghai in endless lockdown
    • Energy crisis and food shortages
    • Impact of negative interest rates
    • Side effects of (mRNA) vaccinations
    • VAIDS: Vaccine Aquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
    • Successes in the Treatment of Vaccine-Injured Patients.
    • Appeal by two high-ranking air force officers against mandatory Covid vaccination in the German armed forces
  • Attendees:
    • Ernst Wolff (Author & Journalist, Germany)
    • RA Wilfried Schmitz (Lawyer & Author [Homepage], Germany)
    • Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
    • Florian Shilling
    • Sidse (Corona Vaccine Injured, Denmark)
    • Willem Engel
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro:
    • From 00:09:48h – Ernst Wolff [GER]
    • From 01:49:02h – RA Wilfried Schmitz [GER]
    • From 02:33:11h – Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
    • From 03:35:46h – Florian Shilling
    • From 04:51:25h – Sidse An intro video shows her daily life since the vaccinations, followed by a report on her suffering and the prospect of possible help.
    • From 05:47:50h – Willem Engel

98. Session on 01st April 2022 at approx. 12am CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Disambiguities”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr: (D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: VideoURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 05:11:29h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • The situation in Italy and status of various lawsuits
    • The most important medical-scientific arguments against the threat of compulsory vaccination
    • End of national self-determination? The international treaty on pandemic prevention and preparedness.
    • First open letter to WHO: proposed WHO treaty is unnecessary and a threat to sovereignty and inalienable rights
    • Situation Assessment and Detailed Geopolitical Analysis on the War in Ukraine
  • Attendees:
    • RA Dr. Renate Holzeisen (Rechtsanwältin in Tirol [Homepage], Italien)
    • Prof. Werner Bergholz (Professor für Elektrotechnik, Deutschland)
    • Shabnam Palesa Mohamed
    • Scott Ritter (fmr Marine intel, UN WMD inspector)
    • Alex Thomson
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro:
    • From 00:xx:xxh –
    • From 02:32:08h – Scott Ritter is talking about Russia and Alex Thomson is asking some things [Transciption]

97. Session on 25th March 2022 at approx. 11am CET (Berlin Time )

  • Title: “Open Secrets”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr: (D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: VideoURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 05:39:38h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Observations of a German funeral director in 2020-22: Funerals increased only after vaccination started
    • The end of the monopolar world order?
    • China as a new world power
    • The Great Carbon Reset and Agenda 21
    • The role of public-private partnerships
    • Origins of the WEF and Klaus Schwab’s CIA Connection
    • Extreme excess mortality among 18-40 year olds in the US military
    • Quarantine Camps in Australia: Why Are More Camps Being Built?
  • Attendees:
    • Marlies Spuhler
    • Živadin Jovanivić
    • Iain Davis
    • Johnny Vedmore (Investigative journalist, author at
    • Todd Callender
    • Bernd Bebenroth (aka Bernie from Australia)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro:
    • From 00:08:54h – Marlis Spuhler
    • From 00:33:39h – Živadin Jovanivić
    • From 01:35:05h – Iain Davis
    • From 02:34:01h – Johnny Vedmore – [Transcription]
    • From 03:18:04h – Todd Callender
    • From 04:29:55h – Bernd Bebenroth (aka Bernie from Australia)

96. Session on 18th March 2022 at approx. 10:45am CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Everyone Must Make Everything His Business”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr: (D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: VideoURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 05:55:17h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Strengthening democracy through transparency
    • Eliminating democracy through pandemic and compulsory vaccination
    • Financial market analysis and central bank monetary policy
    • Escalatory spirals and “sustainable” energy policy
    • Systematic Russophobia in Western Media and its Historical Roots
    • Is it still possible to stop the dynamics of war?
    • Strategy of military inability to attack.
    • Dealing with Corona Measure Critics by the Legal System
  • Attendees:
    • Marius Krüger (Developer of the Democracy App, Germany)
    • Alex Krainer (Former Hege-Fonds-Manager, USA)
    • Guy Mettan (Journalist, Author and Politican, Schwtzerlandz)
    • Andreas von Bühlow (Former Minister of Defense and nonfiction author, Germany)
    • RA Jeroen Pols (Attorney at law, Netherland)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro:
    • From 01:11:04h – Alex Krainer [Transcription]

95. Session on 11th March 2022 at approx. 12:00am CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Behind the Curtain”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr: (D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: VideoURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 06:17:04h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Omikron: Of scientific facts and political demands.
    • New pathological ways to prove death by spike “vaccination”.
    • Compulsory vaccination: politicians who vote for compulsory vaccination face manslaughter trials
    • Is the momentum of war still stoppable?
    • Intermarium/Joint German-American Statement on Ukraine
    • NATO eastward enlargement and Defender 2021
    • Illegal U.S. Bioweapons Laboratories in Ukraine
    • Sanctions “against” Russia: Extent of Damage for Europe
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Angelique Coetzee (Niedergelassene Ärztin und ehm. Vorsitzende der South African Medical Association, Südafrika)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Prof. Arne Burkhardt (Pathologe, Deutschland)
    • RA Jürgen Eskes (Rechtsanwalt, Deutschland)
    • Wolfgang Effenberger (Sachbuchautor und ehm. Bundeswehroffizier, Deutschland)
    • Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (US-amerikanischer Ökonom und Publizist, Stv. Finanzminister unter der Regierung Reagan, USA)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro:
    • From 03:36:56h – Paul Craig Roberts ist talking about the NATO Enlargement and Russia [Transcription]

94. Session on 04th March 2022 at approx. 01:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Stepping on their feet”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr: (D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: VideoURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 06:02:16h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Review of the Lanka Virus Control Experiment.
    • Russia/Ukraine Crisis: Geopolitical Background and the Role of Events for the Great Reset
    • Pressure on Caregivers and the Struggle for the Right to Physical Integrity
    • Pfizer Whistleblower: Poor Lab Management, Data Integrity Issues
    • The Freedom Trucker Convoy: The Convoy’s Spokesperson on the Situation
    • The Canadian Charter Of Rights & Freedoms
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Prof. Ulrike Kämmerer (Humanbiologin / Immunologin / Zellbiologin, Deutschland)
    • Harley Schlanger (Vizepreäsident ds Schiller-Instituts, USA)
    • RA Holger Fischer (Rechtsanwalt & Rechtl. Betreuer [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Andrea Hettler (Berufsbetreuerin, Deutschland)
    • Brook Jackson (Ehem. Mitarbeiterin der Ventavia Research Group | Whistleblower, USA)
    • Daniel Bulford (Ehem. Offizier der Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Kanada)
    • Hon. A. Brain Peckford, P.C. (Ehem. Premierminister von Neufundland, Kanada)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro:
    • From 00:xx:xxh –

6. Session on 26th February 2022 at approx. 06:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


93. Session on 25th February 2022 at approx. 01:30pm CET (Berlin Time )

Corona Comittee Session 93

  • Title: “Concentric Circles”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr: (D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: VideoURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 05:24:10h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Insight into Donald Trump’s Covid Management
    • GETTR: Social media without censorship?
    • Contaminations of cell cultures and systemic health risks of vaccinations
    • Historical overview: from Green New Deal to Great Reset
    • A former BlackRock fund manager: analysis of the situation, outlook and opportunities
    • New evidence on the cancer-promoting and immunosuppressive effects of COVID “vaccines”.
  • Attendees:
    • Jason Miller
    • RA Beate Bahner (Deutschland)
    • Dr. Judy Mikovits
    • Alexander Kamkin / Leutnant Jakub Kuspit / Aleksander Siergiej
    • Edward Dowd
    • Björn Pirrwitz
    • Dr. Stephanie Seneff
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro:
    • From 00:xx:xxh –

5. Session on 20th February 2022 at approx. 06:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Financial Destruction”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: VideoURL )
  • Length: 0x:xx:xxh
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Financial Destruction
  • Attendees:
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro:
    • From 00:xx:xxh

4. Session on 19th February 2022 at approx. 06:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Injections”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: VideoURL )
  • Length: 0x:xx:xxh
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Injections
  • Attendees:
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro:
    • From 00:xx:xxh

92. Session on 18th February 2022 at approx. 11:00am CET (Berlin Time )

Session 91

  • Title: “Of the Big and the Small”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: VideoURL / E: VideoURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 05:38:38h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Australia: How a free state abolishes itself
    • Croatia: In lockstep on the EU’s political leash
    • Russia/Ukraine: Historical and geopolitical context of the situation
    • Canada: First-hand report on the Freedom Convoy.
    • Germany: Youth Welfare Offices in systematic breach of duty
    • The end of food security? The grip of big business on our livelihoods
  • Attendees:
    • Alma Besserdin (Ehem. Botschafterin für den Australia Day im Bundestaat Victoria, Australien)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Prof. Dr. Krešimir Pavelić (Molekularbiologe und Krebsforscher, Kroatien)
    • Dr. Alexander Kamkin (Ukraine)
    • Maren Molthan (Ehem. ARD-Auslandsstudio Mitarbeiterin, Canada)
    • Margot Zybon (Kindersozialarbeiterin, Deutschland)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro:
    • From 00:xx:xxh –

3. Session on 13th February 2022 at approx. 06:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “PCR-Test”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: VideoURL )
  • Length: 0x:xx:xxh
  • Topic excerpt:
    • PCR-Test
  • Attendees:
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro:
    • From 00:xx:xxh

2. Session on 12th February 2022 at approx. 06:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “The general historical and geopolitical backdrop to all of this”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: VideoURL )
  • Length: 05:47:18h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • The general historical and geopolitical backdrop to all of this
  • Attendees:
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro:
    • From: 00:00:15h – Alex Thomson about the geopolitical situation in the world of the last hundred years [Transcription]
    • From: 00:46:53h – Methew Ehret [Transcription]
    • From: 01:57:55h – Brian Gerrish and Debbie Evans [Transcription]

91. Session on 11th February 2022 at approx. 12:00am CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Initial Reasons”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: VideoURL / E: VideoURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 05:18:33h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Report of an emergency physician
    • Psychiatrization of Covid critics
    • “The test is the plague” – learning to see the forest for the trees again
    • The little-known people behind the scenes who have a decisive influence on the development of the “Corona crisis”.
    • Parallel structures: New medical association in the Czech Republic and a new bar association in the USA
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Andreas Johannes Grüner (Facharzt für Allgemeinmedizin und Notfallmedizin, Deutschland)
    • Dr. Thomas Binder (Facharzt für Kadiologie und Allgemeine Innere Medizin, Schweiz)
    • Johnny Vedmore (Investigativer Journalist, UK)
    • Dr. Soňa Peková (Molekularbiologin und molekulare Mikrobiologin, Czechia)
    • RA Ana Garner (Rechtsanwältin, USA)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro:
    • From 00:17:09h – Andreas Grüner
    • From 01:07:58h – Thomas Binder
    • From 02:23:46h – Johnny Wedmore
    • From 03:27:11h – Soňa Peková
    • From 04:43:08h – Ana Garner

1. Session on 5th February 2022 at approx. 06:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “Opening Statements”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Odysee: (D: LIVEVideoURL / E: VideoURL )
  • Length: 0x:xx:xxh
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Opening Statements
  • Attendees:
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro:
    • From 00:xx:xxh
    • [Transcription]

90. Session on 4th February 2022 at approx. 01:00pm CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “The Virus Of Power”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: VideoURL / E: VideoURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 06:02:54h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • What are viruses – about exosomes and “endosomes”.
    • An “illegal school” is stormed by the SEK.
    • The fight against the green passport in Bosnia
    • Natural Immunity and the Illegality of the Measures
    • Investigative Journalism in the USA
  • Attendees:
    • Barbara, Lisa, Daniela (Betreiber einer nicht-angemeldeten Schule, Deutschland)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • RA Mirnes Ajanović (Anwalt in Bosien, Bosnien)
    • Steffen Löhnitz (Diplom Ingenieur)
    • Dr. Andrew Kaufman (Psychiater)
    • Dr. Stefan Lanka (Biologe und Autor, Deutschland)
    • Dr. Christian Peronne (Leiter der Apt. für Infektiologie am Universitätskrankenhaus Ramon-Poincare in Gorches, Frankreich)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro:
    • From:

89. Session on 28st January 2022 at approx. 11:00am CET (Berlin Time )

Corona Investigation Comittee 89

  • Title: “Chess Moves?”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr: ( LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: VideoURL / E: VideoURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 05:02:36h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Ukraine’s instrumental and crucial role in international geopolitics.
    • GCHQ insider: relations between anglo-american. intelligence services and the BND
    • “Chancellor’s dossier” and the question of sovereignty
    • Friedrich Naumann’s Central Europe Plan
    • Open/closed systems and the struggle for a new paradigm
    • Asymmetric, economic, conventional warfare
    • Balkanization of Russia and China as operations to destroy conventional nation-states: Great Reset
  • Attendees:
    • Jessica (KeyAccountManagerIn, Pakistan)
    • Thomas Röper (Finanzexperte / Autor / Russlandexperte, Russland)
    • Alex Thomson (Ex GCHQ , Niederlande)
    • Matthew Ehret (Autor und Historiker, Kanada)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro:
    • From: 00:17:24h – Nils and Jessica about the Situation in Pakistan
    • From: 00:49:44h – Thomas Röper
    • From: 01:58:45h – Alex Thomson about the Naumann plans and the geopolitical strategies [ENG] – [Transciption]
    • From: 03:15:56h – Matthew Ehret [ENG]

88. Session on 21st January 2022 at approx. 11:00am CET (Berlin Time )

Corona Comittee Session 88

  • Title: “Breathing Down Their Neck””
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr: ( LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) Odysee: (D: VideoURL / E: VideoURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 0x:xx:xxh
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Detection of Covid vaccine damage to organs now possible
    • General and specific medical criticism
    • Myocarditis resulting in death in young Covid “vaccinated” patients
    • Dangers of vector vaccinations.
    • The pandemic network decoded
    • Gambia: Life as it was before 2020
    • SessioResistance in the European Parliament
  • Attendees:
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro:
    • From:

87. Session on 14th January 2022 at approx. 11:00am CET (Berlin Time )

Corona Ausschuss Session 87

  • Title: “We are all David”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr: ( LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) YouTube: (D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL) Odysee: (D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 0x:xx:xxh
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Mass Formation Psychosis
    • Australia: It’s up to each individual now!
    • The Pfizer studies – What went wrong?
    • Pfizer: Significant conflict of interest.
    • Romanian resistance
  • Attendees:
    • Prof. Mattias Desmet ( Professor und Psychoanalytischer Psychotherapeut an der Universität Gent, Netherland)
    • Riccardo Umberto Guerrino Bosi (Leader of the Party: Australia One, Australia)
    • Deanna McLeod (Expertin für medizinische Peer-Review-Veröffentlichungen)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Aurelian Popa (Rumänien)
  • Contents:
    • Start: ca. 00:00:05h
    • Intro: Viviane Fischer und Reiner Fuellmich
    • From: 01:11:02h – Riccardo Bosi talks about the actual situation in Australia. [Transcript]

86. Session on 07th January 2022 at approx. 12:00am CET (Berlin Time )

Corona Ausschuss Session 86

  • Title: “The Fog Is Lifting”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Gettr: ( LiveStreamURL/ E: LIVEStreamURL ) YT: (D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL) Odysee: (D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL E: LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 0x:xx:xxh
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Nuclear power rebuttal: hydrogen as the energy carrier of the future
    • Ethylene oxide on test sticks and the authorities’ silence
    • Politics and activism in Slovenia
    • Telegraphs disease: what is the role of cellular communication and 5G?
    • Instrumentarianism vs. biourbanism
    • Evidence for premeditation: Batches with particularly lethal “vaccines
  • Attendees:
    • Ernst Wolff (Autor & Journalist, Deutschland)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Prof. Werner Bergholz (Professor für Elektrotechnik, Deutschland)
    • Tjascha Vuzem (Mitgründer der AfA Slowenien, Slowenien)
    • Dr. Mag. Gregor Kos (Politwissenschaftler, Slowenien)
    • Robin Monotti (Architekt und Filmproduzen)
    • Dr. Lee Merritt (Orthopädin und Wirbelsäulenchirurgin, USA)
    • Dr. Mike Yeadon (Former Vice President of the pharmaceutical company Pfizer Respiratory Research, Canada)
  • Contents:
    • Start: approx. 00:07:55
    • From 00:08:32h – Ernst Wolff – How do we stop the complete looting of the middle class?
    • From 00:47:04h – Werner Bergholz with Wolfgang Wodarg
    • From 01:37:24h – Tjascha Vuzem
    • From 02:01:40h – Gregor Kos [ENG]
    • From 02:26:28h – Robin Minotti [ENG]
    • From 03:15:03h – Lee Merritt [ENG]
    • From 04:33:28h – Mike Yeadon [ENG] – At the end with Robin Minotti [ENG] [Transcription]
    • From 06:49:09h – Extras: 2 Video about Bill Gates

85. Session on 30th December 2021 at approx. 11:00am CET (Berlin Time )

Corona Comittee Session 85

  • Title: “Rethinking”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: YT: (D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL) Odysee: (D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL E: LIVEStreamURL ) Twitch: ( LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 0x:xx:xxh
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Greening deserts and more: concrete technologies revealing resource crisis and population growth limit are lies
    • Highest UK court overturns ruling to revoke a doctor’s license
    • First criminal complaint launched against UK government officials for criminal misconduct in public office relating to the Covid vaccine roll-out
    • World’s first vaccine-murder lawsuit launched against Bill Gates in India
    • “Humane Economics” and the Science of Social Tripartism
  • Attendees:
    • Sabine Langer (Gründerin von: “Menschlich Wirtschaften eG i.G.”, Deutschland )
    • Heidi Herbig (Dipl. Wirtschaftspädagogin, Gründungs- und Persönlichkeits-Coach, Deutschland )
    • Dr. Sam White (Allgemeinarzt mit Spezialisierung auf funktionelle Medizin, Grossbritanien)
    • RA Dipali Ojha (Rechtsanwaltin am Supreme Court in Indien, Indien)
    • Cynthia Chung (Dozentin, Schrifstellerin, Mitbegründerin und HG der “Rising Tide Foundation” )
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro:
    • From:

84. Session on 23rd December 2021 at approx. 11:00am CET (Berlin Time )

Corona Comittee Session 84

  • Title: “Bear One Another‘s Burdens”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: YT: (D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LiveStreamURL) Odysee: (D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamVideo ) Twitch: ( LIVEStreamURL )
  • Length: 05:10:15h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • A Bishops and a Rabbis perspective on Corona, the measures and prospects for the future
    • The Overton Window and parallels to the Nazi era
    • Population reduction or saving lives – pandemic actors at odds with themselves
    • Aborigines in the crosshairs of the Australian vaccination campaign
  • Attendees:
    • Alexander Kogan (Vorsitzender der jüdischen Gemeinde in Paderborn, Deutschland)
    • Bischof Athanasius Schneider (Römisch-katholischer Weihbischof, Deutschland)
    • RA Wilfried Schmitz (Rechtsanwalt & Autor [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • David Cole (Lurnpa Tjambatjimba)(Aborigine Stammesführer, Australien)
    • Rabbi Michoel Green  (Orthodoxer Rabbi, Dozent und Autor, USA)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro:
    • From:

83. Session on 17th December 2021 at 11:00am CET (Berlin Time )

Corona Comittee Session 83

  • Title: “Standing Tall”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: YT (D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LiveStreamURL) Odysee: (D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LIVEStreamURL ) DLive: ( LIVEStreamURL ) Twitch: ( ReplayVideoURL )
  • Length: 03:56:05h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Situation in Switzerland
    • Corona as a crisis of consciousness
    • Study dropout in protest
    • Study graduation despite 3G refusal
    • School children without masks – it’s possible!
    • Vaccination cards in Australia not constitutional
    • The Depopulation Agenda of the Elite
    • Willingness to Consequence is the End of the Measures Regime
  • Attendees:
    • RA Dr.iur. Gerald Brei (Rechtsanwalt für Kartel- & Vertragsrecht, Schweiz)
    • Julian Stech (Student in Augsburg, Deutschland)
    • Leonhard Winkler (Psychologe, Schweiz)
    • Bernd Matzke (Alleinerzihender Vater, Deutschland)
    • Prof. Dr. Augusto Zimmermann (Rechtsprofessor an der Uni in Perth ,Australien)
    • Dr. Graham Lyons (Agrarwissenschafltert, Australien)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro:
    • From:

82. Session on 10th December 2021 at 11:00am CET (Berlin Time )

Corona Ausschuss Session 82

  • Title: “There’s No Such Thing As A Free Lunch”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: YT (D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LiveStreamURL) Odysee: (D: LiveStreamURL / E: LiveStreamURL ) DLive: ( LiveStreamURL ) Twitch: ( ReplayVideoURL )
  • Length: 05:45:45h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Population Control and Transhumanism
    • The planned social credit system.
    • Spanish flu, EHEC, Corona: inventing epidemics in the past and today
    • Omicron
    • VAIDS: Vaccine Aquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome: How Corona Gene Therapy Weakens the Immune System
  • Attendees:
    • Catherine Austin Fitts (ehem. Investment Banker / Assist. Sec. of Bush Gouvernement [Homepage], USA)
    • Hans Tolzin (Medizin-Journalist, Deutschland)
    • Dr. Shankara Chetty (Allgmeinmediziner, Südafrika )
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Prof. Ulrike Kämmerer (Humanbiologin / Immunologin / Zellbiologin, Deutschland)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:xx:xxh
    • Intro:
    • From: 00:02:59h – Catherine Austin Fitts [ENG] [Transcription]
    • From: 02:31:35h – Dr. Shankara Chetty [ENG] [Transcription]

81. Session on 3rd December 2021 at prox. 10:30am CET (Berlin Time )

Corona Committee Session81

  • Title: “Obligatory Testing At Work And Mandatory Vaccination In Austria”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: YT (D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LiveStreamURL) Odysee: (D: LIVEStreamURL / E: LiveStreamURL ) DLive: ( LiveStreamURL )
  • Length: 06:01:26h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Mandatory Vaccination: A way to escape it!
    • Website directory of all Corona related lawsuits.
    • Ireland: Big Tech and Big Pharma dominate the Economy
    • Soldiers stand up
    • Resistance in the restaurant industry
    • Resistance in the medical profession
    • Current events in the mirror of time
  • Attendees:
    • Howard & Carola Steen (Content Creator, Filmemacher und Künstler)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • RA Dr. Renate Holzeisen (Rechtsanwältin in Tirol [Homepage], Italien)
    • Gemma O’Doherty (Aktivist und Autor) & John Waters (Kolumnist und Autor)
    • RA Björn Pirrwitz (Rechtsanwalt und Finanzexperte)
    • Beate Marchewicz (Polnisch-Deutsche Aktivistenkoordinatorin, Übersetzerin Polnisch / Deutsch)
    • 2 Polish Soldiers
    • Laura Adams & Christiane Wagner-Adams (Inhaber der Gaststätte Fischerwirt in Schlehdorf am Kochelsee [Homepage])
    • RA Dr. Josef Hingerl
    • Dr. Torsten Mahn (FA für Innere Medizin, Leipzig, Deutschland)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:00:00h

80. Session on 26th November 2021 at prox. 03:00pm CET (Berlin Time )

Corona Comittee Session 80

  • Title: “Obligatory Testing At Work And Mandatory Vaccination In Austria”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: YT (D: VideoURL / E: VideoURL) Odysee: (D: VideoURL / E: VideoURL )
  • Length: 06:05:00h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Mandatory tests at work: In light of the German Basic Law
    • The Intensive Care Mafia
    • Situation in Austria
    • Between measures and reality: occupancy of intensive care beds
    • Destruction of society through falsified figures and fear
    • Legal situation regarding mandatory tests and vaccines at work in Austria
    • Unions as a means of orderly resistance
  • Attendees:
    • RA Christiane Ringeisen (Rechtsanwältin für Betriebsverfassungsrecht und Arbeitsrecht, Deutschland )
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Dr. Walter van Rossum (Literaturkritiker / Buchautor für WDR, Df, FAZ und anderen)
    • Dr. Maria Hubmer-Mogg (Ärztin für Allgemeinmedizin / Resilienztrainerin [Homepage], Österreich )
    • Prof. Dr. Andreas Sönnichsen (Wissenschaftler und Allgemeinmediziner, ehm. Vorsitzender des Deutschen Netzwerks Evidenzbasierte Medizin, Deutschland)
    • Dr. Christian Fiala (Gynäkologe, Österreich)
    • RA Dr. Michael Brunner (Gründungsmitglied der Rechtsanwälte für Grundrechte [Homepage], Österreich)
    • Rainer Held – Real_DataHero (Analyst , [TG Kanal])
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:00:00h

79. Session on 19th November 2021 at prox. 03:00pm CET (Berlin Time )

Corona Comittee Session79

  • Title: “New Paths out of Trauma”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: YT (D: VideoURL / E: VideoURL) Odysee: (D: VideoURL / E: VideoURL )
  • Length: 06:58:42h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Purpose of the committee
    • Psychogram of those in power
    • Agenda 21 and how a global transformation is taking place under the guise of environmental protection, sustainability and globalization
    • A look at India
    • Members of the European Parliament against the Green Passport
    • The dangerous uncertainties of mRNA gene therapies
    • Vaccine damage from J&J – no cure in sight yet
    • Working contracts for employers who push vaccination
  • Attendees:
    • Cālin Georgescu (Ehm. Mitglied ClubofRome, Rumänien)
    • RA Dipali Ojha (Rechtsanwaltin am Supreme Court in Indien, Indien)
    • MEP Cristian Terhes (Rumänien)
    • Ivan Vilibor Sincic (Kroatien)
    • Prof. Alexandra Henrion-Claude (Genetikerin und RNA-Expertin, Frankreich)
    • Lars Kuhlmann (Impfgeschädigter, Deutschland)
    • Werner Gertz (Economic Correspondent, Namibia)
    • Patrick Wood (USA)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:10:00h
    • Intro: Viviane Fischer on her visit to Warsaw/Poland – Reiner Fuellmich again on the Committee’s self-appointed task
    • Ab 00:21:25h – Cahin Georggescu about his membership in ClubOfRome and why he no longer considers this club to be a leader. [ENG]
    • Ab 01:19:00h – Dipali Ojha on the current situation in India and the judgments of the Supreme Court of India.[ENG] [Transcription]
    • Ab 01:55:03h – The 2 MEPs Cristian Terhes and Ivan Vilibor Sincic denounce the vaccine manufacturers contracts of the EU. These are not transparent and no one knows the contents. [ENG]
    • Ab 02:44:03h – Alexandra Henrion-Caude [ENG]
    • Ab 04:03:14h – Lars Kuhlmann, Vaccine-injured 33-year-old recounts his experience.
    • Ab 04:47:09h – Werner Gertz
    • Ab 05:24:08h – Patrick Wood about the technocracy of society [ENG]
    • Ab 06:55:47h – Extra Video : David E. Martin

78. Session on 12th November 2021 at prox. 03:00pm CET (Berlin Time )

Corona-Commitee - Session78

  • Title: “New Paths out of Trauma”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: YouTube: (D: LiveStreamURL English: LiveStreamURL ) DLive: ( LiveStreamURL )  Odysee: (LiveStreamURL)
  • Length: 05:14:20h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Class action and central register of complaints: Update
    • New lawsuit in France
    • Psychological explanation of collective mass psychosis
    • Harassment as a constitutive feature of Totalitarianism
    • Dynamics of abuse as an explanation of general conformity to tyranny
    • Ways out of learned helplessness
    • Between delusion and reality: A look at Bulgaria
    • Platform for “Healing Social Distancing”
  • Attendees:
    • RA Virginie de Araujo-Recchia (Rechtsanwältin Steuerrecht, Frankreich)
    • RA Xavier Azalbert (Autor und Betreiber der Webseite , Frankreich )
    • Dr. Ariane Bilheran (Klinische Psychologin und Autorin, Frankreich )
    • Meredith Miller (Traumatherapeutin, Autporin, Rednerin [Homepage], USA)
    • Plamen Paskov (Tierarzt, geopolitischer Analyst und Politiker, Bulgarien)
    • RA Wilfried Schmitz (Rechtsanwalt & Autor [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Eleonore Fischer (, Deutschland)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:27:05h
    • Intro: Viviane Fischer about …., Reiner Fuellmich about
    • Ab 00:51:40h – Virgine, Xavier & Adiane about France
    • Ab 02:31:51h – Meredith Miller [Transcripton]
    • Ab 03:20:07h – Plamen Paskov about the situation in Bulgarien
    • Ab 04:32:23h – Wilfried Schmitz and Eleonore Fischer about a Project: Connecting-Life
    • Ab 05:01:19h – 3 Videos about “Are vaccines effective?”, “GB resistance”, “Vaccination robot”

77. Session on November 05th 2021 at approx. 02:00pm CET (Berlin Time )

Sorona-Commite - Session77

  • Title: “Schrödinger’s Vaccine Cat”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: YT: (German VideoURL ) English: ( VideoURL ) DLive: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 06:17:43h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • The crisis after the crisis: provoked supply shortages and power outages
    • Walk-out / No-show / Sickout / Strike
    • Great Barrington Declaration
    • Review of failed containment strategies.
    • The new “conventional” Covid vaccines – what to make of them?
    • The Spanish flu – between fact and mania
    • Vaccinations in general – Medicine’s greatest achievement or a measure with serious pitfalls?
    • Fauci – the linchpin of numerous pharmaceutical scandals
  • Attendees:
    • Cluse Krings (Ethnologe und Amerikanist, Buchautor und Journalist, Deutschland )
    • Leigh Dundas (Anwältin für Menschenrechte, USA)
    • Prof. Dr. Jayanta Bhattacharya (Professor für Medizin an der Universität Standford, USA )
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Dr. Claus Köhnlein (Facharzt für innere Krankheiten)
    • Torsten Engelbrecht (Buchautor)
    • Robert F. Kennedy jr. (Children Health Defence, USA)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:16:49h
    • Intro: Viviane Fischer erläutert den Titel der Sitzung
    • Ab 00:18:47h – Cluse Krings erläutert den Kasinokapitalismus und erzählt die Geschichte , wie wir dazu gekommen sind.
    • Ab 01:14:08h – Leigh Dundas erzählt was zu dem geplanten Generalstreik in den USA und zu den Impfungen an Kindern. [ENG]
    • Ab 01:34:38h – Jayanta Bhattacharya redet über die Wissenschaftlichen Debatten, welche aktuell nicht mehr stattfindet. Hat die Great Barrington Declaration mit verfasst und unterzeichnet. [ENG]
    • Ab 02:31:59h – Cluse Krings erläutert den Kasinokapitalismus weiter.
    • Ab 02:58:07h – Wolfgang Wodarg erzählt etwas über neueste Erkenntnisse zur COVID-19 Impfung
    • Ab 03:56:41h – Dr. Claus Köhnlein zusammen mit Torsten Engelbrecht ganz kurz ob Impfen jemals Sinn gemacht haben
    • Ab 04:07:46h – Robert F. Kennedy jr. über die Skandale des Fauci in den USA und wie er die Coronakrisa mit Bill Gates steuert. Buchwerbung: «The Real Anthony Fauci. Bill Gates, Big Pharma and the global War on Democracy and Public Health» [ENG] [Transkription]
    • Ab ca. 04:20:00h – Youtube hat die Livestreams abgeschaltet
    • Ab 05:00:52h – Weiter: Dr. Claus Köhnlein zusammen mit Torsten Engelbrecht, ob Impfen jemals Sinn gemacht haben. Ein Abriss über die Geschichte des Impfen.
    • Ab 06:04:38h – 2 Videos

76. Session on Oktober 29th 2021 at approx. 11:00 a.m. CET (Berlin Time )

Corona Ausschuss Session 76

  • Title: “Columbus’ Rotten Eggs”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: YT-German: ( LiveStreamURL ) English: ( LiveSimultanStream ) Twitch: ( LiveStreamURL )
  • Length: 0x:xx:xxh
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Astroturfing and the connection between Covid-19 and the CO2 narrative.
    • How the World Economic Forum and Co. are using the pandemic to further increase their power and influence over “global governance.”
    • Strategy to take back power from corporations.
    • Moderna should have been considered a failed company for years – why not?
    • Supply bottlenecks and limits to growth
    • Inevitable transformation of the world order?
  • Attendees:
    • Matthew Ehret (Autor und Historiker, Kanada)
    • Ricardo Leppe (Gedächtnistrainer, Deutschland)
    • Norbert Häring (Wirtschaftsjournalist und Autor, Deutschland)
    • Whitney Webb (Investigative Journalistin, Autorin & Rechercheurin für Unlimited Hangout, USA)
    • Dr. Chris Martenson (Wirtschaftwissenschaftler, Wirtschaftforscher und Futurist, Gründer von PeakProsperity, USA)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:14:23h
    • Intro: Reiner Fuellmich und Viviane Fischer stellen kurz klar was der Titel der Sitzung bedeutet und zeigen auf, was uns erwartet
    • Ab 00:20:43h – Matthew Ehret [ENG]
    • Ab 01:35:33h – Ricardo Leppe
    • Ab 02:35:06h – Norbert Häring
    • Ab 03:22:20h – Whitney Webb [ENG]
    • Ab 04:14:02h – Dr. Chris Martenson zu Lieferkettenproblemen in der Welt [ENG]
    • Ab 05:09:07h – 3 Videos

75. Session on Oktober 22th 2021 at approx. 11:00 a.m. CET (Berlin Time )

Corona-Ausschuss Sitzung-75

  • Title: “So help me God?”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Odysee: ( VideoUrl ) English: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 06:25:53h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Vaccine side effects in Israel
    • New data: Vaccinations more dangerous than Covid-19
    • Strategic BMI paper 2.0 and bogus arguments about infection incidence
    • New vaccinations against Corona – what to make of it?
    • Mask lawsuit at the ECtHR shot down on absurd grounds
    • Situation in Chile, vaccination of children and the “mobility passport
  • Attendees:
    • Avital Livny (Initiatorin des “The testimonies Project”, Israel)
    • Prof. Dr. Björn Hammerskjöld (Kinderarzt / Biochemiker und Pädiatrieprofessor, Schweden)
    • Rainer Held – Real_DataHero (Analyst , [TG Kanal])
    • Daniela Prousa (Diplom-Psychologin und Menschenrechtsaktivistin, Deutschland)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • RA Jens Biermann (heute nur als Übersetzer, Deutschland/Spanien)
    • Dr. Patricio Villarroel Burgos (Chirurg an einem Krankenhaus Universidad de Chile, Chile)
    • Emilio Balmaceda Jarufe (Anwalt der “Anwalt für Wahrheit”, Chile)
    • RA Jeroen Pols (Rechtsanwalt, Niederlande)
    • Testimonial Project Israel
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:00:00h

74. Session on Oktober 15th 2021 at approx. 11:00 a.m. CET (Berlin Time )


  • Title: “So help me God?”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: YT-German: ( VideoUrl ) English: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 05:16:36h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Situational analysis from a biblical perspective
    • The Free Left: Corona and Wealth Distribution
    • Statistics on myocarditis/pericarditis
    • Policemen and -women in resistance from around the world
    • The rift in society and risk of civil war from a military strategy perspective
    • Vaccine victims speak out: We must no longer accept being silenced!
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Jacob Tscharntke (Pastor der evangelischen Freikirche Riedlingen)
    • Gerd Kauschat & Sabine Fischer (Aktivisten der “Freie Linke”)
    • Rainer Held – Real_DataHero (Analyst , [TG Kanal])
    • Johann Gaiswinkler (Bergführer + ehem. Brigadegeneral, Österreich)
    • RA Dr. Renate Holzeisen (Rechtsanwältin in Tirol [Homepage], Italien)
    • Nandra Nunzia Alessandra Schilirò (Suspendierte sellvertretende Quästorin von Rom, Italien)
    • Michael McMaho (LAPD-Officer, USA)
    • Vanessa Saucedo (LAPD-Seargeant, USA)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:06:13h

73. Session on Oktober 8th. 2021 at approx. 11:00 a.m. CET (Berlin Time )

Corona Ausschuss Session 73

  • Title: “I Am, Therefore I Think”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: YT: ( VideoUrl )
  • Length: 04:37:50h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Public data illustration and analysis.
    • What we are experiencing is an information warfare
    • Creeping transformation into the spirit of the GDR
    • Psychological control of the population
    • Documentation of “vaccination” damage
    • The Dark Winter Exercise (2001) and the Parallels to the Present Day
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Rainer Held – Real_DataHero (Analyst , [TG Kanal])
    • Prof. Werner Bergholz (Professor für Elektrotechnik, Deutschland)
    • Herbert Ludwig (ehem. Rechtspfleger und Lehrer)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:18:30h

72. Session on Oktober 1st. 2021 at approx. 11:00 a.m. CET (Berlin Time )

Corona Ausschuss Sitzung 72

  • Title: “The Coolant Is Boiling”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Odysee: ( VideoUrl ) English: ( LiveSimultanStream )
  • Length: 05:55:17h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Judge indicts: Crimes against humanity committed by a pedophile elite!
    • Situation in Israel
    • Spanish flu – what role did vaccination play then?
    • The “Delta Variant” is the vaccination itself!
    • About scripted BBC interviews
    • Harmfulness of the spike protein
    • Herd immunity by means of inoculation of harmless parts of the population
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Rui da Fonseca e Castro (Richter, Portugal)
    • Dr. Shimon Yanowitz (Elektroingeneur und unabhängiger Forscher, Israel)
    • John O’Looney (Bestattungsunternehmer, Großbritannien)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Prof. Byram Bridle (Ausserordentlicher Professor für Virusimmunologie, Kanada)
    • Paul E. Alexander (Evidenzbasierte Medizin Gesundheitsforscher, Kanada)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:15:54h
    • Intro: Viviane Fischer rückblickend zum Abschneiden der Partei dieBasis bei der Bundestagswahl 2021. Bitte nutzt das Tor-Netzwerk
    • Ab 00:24:01h – Rui da Fonseca e Castro mit dem IntroVideo und spricht danach im Interview über die Machtverteilung in der Politik [ENG]
    • Ab 01:16:33h – Shimon Yanowitz über die Lage in Israel [ENG]
    • Ab 02:15:35h – John O’Looney als Bestatter in England erzählt über sein Arbeit. [ENG]
    • Ab 03:01:16h – Byram Bridle über die Situation in Kanada an seiner Uni und die Gefahr durch die Impfung für Schwangere [ENG]
    • Ab 04:09:09h – Paul Alexander über seine Tätigkeit als Pandemieberater in der D. Trump Administration [ENG]
    • Ab 05:17:45h – Video: Der Subjektive Student – Impfstatus-Gate
    • Ab 05:25:49h – Video: Aktion #allesaufdentisch Corona & Rechtsstaat

71. Session on September 24th 2021 at 11:00am CET (Berlin Time )

Corona Ausschuss Sitzung 71

  • Title: “If Not Now, When?”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: YT: ( VideoUrl ) English: ( LiveSimultanStream )
  • Length: 0x:xx:xxh
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Rare earths in vaccines?
    • Corruption in the legal system: arbitrary jurisdiction as a weapon against dissidents and to protect those in power
    • Pia Lamberti: The Network Behind the Conspiracy Theory “Specialist”
    • Myocarditis in young men after corona “vaccination”
    • FAQs from vaccination victims.
    • How to aquire herd immunity naturally
    • Hyperinflation, fascism and war: how we might stop the NWO once again
  • Attendees:
    • Prof. Werner Bergholz (Professor für Elektrotechnik, Deutschland)
    • RA Wilfried Schmitz (Rechtsanwalt & Autor [Homepage])
    • Colin Meier (Sozialwissenschaftler und freier Journalist, Deutschland)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Matthew Ehret (Autor und Historiker, Kanada)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:05:58h
    • From 00:08:05h – Werner Bergholz
    • From 00:43:12h – Reiner Fuellmich
    • From 01:06:54h – Wilfried Schmitz
    • From 01:56:37h – Viviane Fischer
    • From 01:57:26h – Colin Meier
    • From 02:27:35h – Wolfgang Wodarg about Myokarditis
    • From 03:21:21h – Matthew Ehret
    • From 04:44:28h – Video from Dr. Thomas Binder vom Netzwerk Aletheia. “Warum gibt es keine representative Überwachungskohorte” “Wacht auf und kämpft“
    • From 04:48:35h – Podcast Kommentar von Marco Worms – “Warum lassen wir es zu…“

70. Session on September 17th 2021 at 11:00am CET (Berlin Time )

Corona Ausschuss Sitzung 67

  • Title: “If Not Us, Who?”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: YT: ( VideoUrl ) English: ( LiveSimultanStream )
  • Length: 0x:xx:xxh
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Indications of increased abortions after COVID vaccination.
    • Nonconfrontational ways of intervention.
    • Administrations: The mood is tilting
    • German burden-sharing law and other threats to SMEs
    • Sweden – between political reality, news coverage and international glorification
    • Erosion of Greek Civil Society and Potentials of Resistance
    • Death from J&J vaccination: Now also officially confirmed
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Lungenfacharzt/Internist/Pneumologe/Sozialmediziner [Homepage], Deutschland)
    • Dr. Rebekka Leist (Fachärztin für Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe)
    • Nils Wehner (von der “Bewegung Leipzig”)
    • Gudrun Leden (Mitglied eines schwedischen Regional- und Ethikrats, Schweden)
    • Gunnar Söderberg (Sozialwissenschaftler und ehem. schwedischer Politiker, Schweden)
    • Prof. Holger Rekow (Professor für BWL, HR und Unternehmensführung)
    • Pan Pawlakudis (Fachausschuss Recht, dieBasis NRW)
    • Prof. Georgios Kasimatis (Prof. für Verfassungsrecht, Griechenland)
    • Prof. Konstantinos Vathiotis (Prof. für Strafrecht, Griechenland)
    • Dr. Elpidoforos Soteriades (Epidemiologe, Griechenland)
    • Dr. Stilianos Karpathiou (Psychiater und griechisch-orthodoxer Pater, Griechenland)
    • Pamela Everett-Goodman & Jeff Goodman (Eltern des nach der J&J-Impfung verstorbenen Benjamin Goodman, USA)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:10:01h
    • Intro: Reiner Füllmich und Viviane Fischer zu den bis heute aufgetreten Impftoten
    • Ab 00:14:00h – Rebekka Leist über die Schwangerschaften und die Abbrüche, bringt die Impfung in Verdacht
    • Ab 00:46:36h – Nils Wehner
    • Ab 01:33:33h – Holger Rekow über die Situation der Mittelständler in Deutschland
    • Ab 02:26:45h – Gudrun Leden & Gunnar Söderberg über die Realität in Schweden [ENG]
    • Ab 03:11:22h – Pan Pawlakudus blickt auf Griechenland und wie dort aktuell die Situation ist [ENG]
    • Ab 03:18:10h – Georgios Kasimatis
    • Ab 03:30:50h – Konstantinos Vathiotis
    • Ab 03:51:02h – 2 Beamte des Krankenhauses erklären ihre Lage in dem Krankenhaus [GRE] Pan übersetzt
    • Ab 04:08:10h – Elpidoforos Soteriades mit dem Kontakt zu John Ioanidis
    • Ab 04:33:39h – Youtube hat den LiveStream unterbrochen und die Webseite wurde angegriffen – Info von Viviane Fischer
    • Ab 04:34:24h – Stilianos Karpathiou
    • Ab 05:00:44h – Familie Goodman spricht über den Tod ihres Kindes und den Obduktionsbescheid [ENG]

69. Session on September 10th 2021 at 11:00h

Corona Ausschuss Sitzung 69

  • Title: “Be water, my friend”
  • Video-Link to the meeting: Odysee: ( VideoUrl ) English: ( LiveSimultanStream )
  • Length: 04:57:55h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Resistance option: boycott
    • Court decision on green passport in Spain
    • New school regulation in Austria
    • Custody and homeschooling
    • Psiram – new findings
    • Entrepreneurs with a clear view
    • Agriculture – before and in Corona times
  • Attendees:
    • RA Wilfried Schmitz (Lawyer & Author [Homepage], Germany)
    • Attorney Gottfried Forsthuber (Lawyer and insolvency administrator [ Homepage ], Austria)
    • Markus Fiedler (Biologist / Wikipedia expert [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Reinhard Hübner (Beiratsvorsitzender Hübner GmbH / Co. KG , Germany)
    • Sabine Lehmann (Managing Director Lehmann GmbH – fashion house owner [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Axel Turck (Head of the company EMIL TURCK GmbH & CIE KG [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Helmut Ohlhoff (Managing Director leguano GmbH [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Christine Bögl (Managing Director for a ConceptStores [Homepage], Germany)
    • Alois Meier (Farmer, Germany)
    • Georg Straller (Farmer, Member Federal Association of Free Farmers, Germany)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:14:24h
    • Intro: Reiner Fuellmich kurz über die Testpandemie und das Schreiben der KV Nordrhein an ihre Ärzte und der Kommentar einer Ärztin dazu. Viviane Fischer zu der Impfungsempfehlung der STIKO an Schwangere.
    • Ab 00:23:18h – RA Wilfried Schmitz – Über den Ausstieg aus dem System. Boykott der Globallisten und zeigt Ihnen den Mittelfinger “Fickt Euch!”
    • Ab 01:02:07h – RA Gottfried Forsthuber zu den Massnahmen in Spanien
    • Ab 01:36:58h – Markus Fiedler über das Psiram Netzwerk
    • Ab 02:11:37h – Axel Turck Intro
    • Ab 02:14:05h – Viviane Fischer zu der Umfrage: “Werden sie von Ihrem Arbeitgeber wegen der Impfung unter Druck gesetzt?”
    • Ab 02:15:26h – Reinhard Hübner über die Lage in seinem Betrieb
    • Ab 02:29:22h – Sabine Lehmann über die Lage ihres Betriebes
    • Ab 02:36:40h – Reinhard Hübner über die Impfungen in seinem Betrieb
    • Ab 02:39:49h – Axel Turck über die Impfungen in seinem Betrieb
    • Ab 02:52:17h – Helmuth Ohlhoff findet ganz klare Worte zu der aktuellen Lage in Deutschland
    • Ab 03:17:36h – Christine Bögl zur Bundestagswahl und ihre Empfehlung
    • Ab 03:27:07h – Sabine Lehmann kurz ein Aufruf an alle Unternehmer im Land
    • Ab 03:30:32h – Alois Meier über die aktueller Lage der Landwirte in Deutschland und die “Landwirtschaft im Hamsterrad”
    • Ab 04:03:42h – Georg Straller ergänzend zu dem Vortrag von Alois Meier
    • Ab 04:36:10h – Antonia Fischer & Justus P. Hoffmann zu Schulkindern über Masken, Testpflicht und Schulpflicht vs. Rechtsgrundlage und Freiwilligkeit !

68. Session on September 3rd 2021 at 14:00h

Corona committee meeting 68

  • Title: “Effective Resistance”
  • Video-Link to the meeting:YT: ( VideoUrl ) English: ( LiveSimultanStream)
  • Length: 04:30:14h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Diagnosis and treatment options for vaccine damage
    • Vaccine damage competence center
    • Measles vaccinations and children in the crosshairs
    • Resistance through photographic documentation
    • The situation in Australia – a country in zero-covid mania
    • Warning notices against aggressive vaccination advertising
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Bernie from Australia (Youtuber [ YT channel ] and real estate agents, Australia)
    • Willem Christiaan angel (Founder of the organization [ Virus Waarheid ] , Netherlands)
    • Sue Frost (Sacramento County Supervisor, USA)
    • Bjorn Pirrwitz (Lawyer, tech investor and venture capitalist [ Homepage ] , Germany)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00: 32: 37h (sound track + 10sec delay until 00: 47: 30h)
    • From 00: 55: 02h – Wolfgang Wodarg Discussion about the next flu wave and possible side effects of the vaccinations – concept for a hospital to treat the vaccinated victims
    • From 01: 35: 49h – Bernie on the disastrous current situation in Australia – How the people are treated by the government.
    • From 02: 30: 48h – Willem Engel on the situation in the Netherlands / on the measles vaccine for the future [CLOSELY ] with German simultaneous translation
    • From 02: 54: 03h – Sue Frost about how California got into lockdown / emergency. We as politicians have always thought that an emergency preceded a catastrophe … and now we have a year and a half of emergency. “ . She shows her struggle for truth and freedom. “We have the heart of the lions” [CLOSELY ] with German simultaneous translation
    • From 03: 52: 17h – Bjorn Pirrwitz explains the drug advertising law[HWG] and calls for lawsuits against vaccination advertising. Send reports of illegal or immoral advertising to

67th meeting on August 27, 2021 from 11 a.m.

Corona committee meeting 67

  • title : “The pusher”
  • Video link to the session: YT: ( VideoUrl )
  • Length: 04: 27: 54h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • How the pharmaceutical industry creates markets
    • From swine flu to Covid-19: from fraud and harm
    • Narcolepsy as a result of swine flu vaccination and its treatment
    • Pressure on doctors with critical opinions
    • Companies stand up
  • Attendees :
    • Elisabeth Linder (Former pharmaceutical representative, Germany)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Dr. André Toussaint (Pharmacist, Germany)
    • Dr. Sam White (General practitioner specializing in functional medicine, Great Britain)
    • Jörn Pelka & Elke Eisenhauer (Chairwoman of the board of the Schutzgemeinschaft Unternehmens Mittelstand, in short SUM , Germany)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:05:28
    • Intro: Viviane Fischer to the last base camp / Pure fill me on the lawsuits in California
    • From 00: 12: 36h – Elisabeth Linder ( VideoLink for vaccinations against cervical cancer) Elisabeth Linder worked as a pharmaceutical representative for 28 years. She worked for a large pharmaceutical company in the field of vaccines. She speaks bluntly about the sophisticated scams of the vaccine industry and how naturally it all went.
    • From 01: 18: 40h – Dr. André Toussaint – Expert in narcolepsy treatment – talks about the latest plan, swine flu and its side effects
    • From 02:14:12 – Dr. Sam White from England[ENG] with simultaneous translation on his case as a doctor, how he was bullied and forced out of his job as a critical employee.
    • From 02: 54: 00h – Jörn Pelka & Elke Eisenhauer on the situation of the middle class in Germany
    • From 04: 11:15 a.m. – Followed by the video from LAFD Christian Granucci -> Here with German subtitles: VideoLink

Base camp DAY 5 on August 24, 2021 from 12:00 p.m.

Base camp

  • title : “Business game event”
  • Video link to the session: YT: ( VideoUrl )
  • Length: 02: 12: 15h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • The business game event “Basiscamp” is organized by members of the Corona Committee, together with members of the German party “dieBasis” and numerous previous guests.
    • The scenario: the federal government has resigned and a transitional government has been formed. Under the direction of the new Federal Chancellor Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and other members of the interim government will analyze the current situation with the help of experts from various areas. The measures are evaluated.
  • Attendees :
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Alkje Fontes (Federation / Freedom / ST – LV dieBasis Sachsen-Anhalt [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Stephan Kohn (Administrative Scientist, Germany)
    • Ernst Wolff (Author & journalist, Germany)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00: 10: 03h
    • Simulation game: Base camp – DAY 5 “A global pandemic exit exercise”
      • Corona cabinet:
        • Pure fill me (Interim Chancellor)
        • Viviane Fischer (Minister of the Interior)
        • Franz Ruppert (Federal President)
        • Stephan Kohn (RKI Director)
        • Alkje Fontes (Minister of Labor)
        • Wolfgang Wodarg (Minister of Health)
        • Thomas Sarnes ( Minister of State from the Ministry of Health)
        • Adelheid von Stösser (Employee at the Minister of Health)
        • Renate Holzeisen (Minister of Justice)
        • Werner Bergholz (Minister of Economic Affairs)
        • Gunnar Kaiser (Foreign Minister)
        • Harald Walach (State Secretary in the Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs)
        • Matthias Burchardt (Minister for Education and Research)
        • Uli Masuth (State Secretary for Culture & Media)
        • Ernst Wolff (Finance minister)

Base camp DAY 4 on August 23, 2021 from 11 a.m.

Base camp

  • title : “Business game event”
  • Video link to the session: YT: ( VideoUrl )
  • Length: 05: 35: 15h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • The business game event “Basiscamp” is organized by members of the Corona Committee, together with members of the German party “dieBasis” and numerous previous guests.
    • The scenario: the federal government has resigned and a transitional government has been formed. Under the direction of the new Federal Chancellor Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and other members of the interim government will analyze the current situation with the help of experts from various areas. The measures are evaluated.
  • Attendees :
    • Dr. Matthias Burchardt (Educational philosopher & anthropologist, Germany)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • RA Dr. Renate Holzeisen (Lawyer in Tyrol [ Homepage ] , Italy)
    • Alkje Fontes (Federation / Freedom / ST – LV dieBasis Sachsen-Anhalt [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Adelheid von Stösser (German nursing expert, [ Homepage ])
    • Prof. Dr. Werner Bergholz (Risk analyst, expert in the German Bundestag, Germany)
    • Stephan Kohn (Administrative Scientist, Germany)
    • Dr. Thomas Sarnes (Orthopedics, surgery, trauma surgery, Germany)
    • Prof. Dr. Franz Ruppert (Psychotraumatologist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Prof. Dr. Dr. Harald Walach (Psychologist, scientific theorist and historian[Homepage] , Germany)
    • Uli Masuth (Artist, Germany)
    • Prof. Dr. Michael Esfeld (Philosopher of Science at the University of Lausanne (CH) / Member of the Leopoldina, Switzerland)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:57:20
    • Simulation game: Base camp – DAY 4 “A global pandemic exit exercise”
      • Corona cabinet:
        • Pure fill me (Interim Chancellor)
        • Viviane Fischer (Minister of the Interior)
        • Franz Ruppert ( Federal President)
        • Stephan Kohn (RKI Director)
        • Alkje Fontes (Minister of Labor)
        • Wolfgang Wodarg (Minister of Health)
        • Thomas Sarnes (Minister of State from the Ministry of Health)
        • Adelheid von Stösser (Employee at the Minister of Health)
        • Renate Holzeisen (Minister of Justice)
        • Werner Bergholz (Minister of Economic Affairs)
        • Gunnar Kaiser ( Foreign minister)
        • Harald Walach (State Secretary in the Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs)
        • Matthias Burchardt (Minister for Education and Research)
        • Uli Masuth (State Secretary for Culture & Media)

Base camp DAY 3 on August 22, 2021 from 11 a.m.

Base camp

  • title : “Business game event”
  • Video link to the session: YT: ( VideoUrl )
  • Length: 05: 10: 30h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • The business game event “Basiscamp” is organized by members of the Corona Committee, together with members of the German party “dieBasis” and numerous previous guests.
    • The scenario: the federal government has resigned and a transitional government has been formed. Under the direction of the new Federal Chancellor Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and other members of the interim government will analyze the current situation with the help of experts from various areas. The measures are evaluated.
  • Attendees :
    • Dr. Matthias Burchardt (Educational philosopher & anthropologist)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Alkje Fontes (Federation / Freedom / ST – LV dieBasis Sachsen-Anhalt [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Prof. Dr. Werner Bergholz (Risk analyst, expert in the German Bundestag)
    • Stephan Kohn (Administrative Scientist, Germany)
    • Prof. Dr. Franz Ruppert (Psychotraumatologist [ Homepage ])
    • Uli Masuth (Artist, Germany)
    • RA Hans-Christian Prestien (formerly Family judge and lawyer [ ABC child representation ], Germany)
    • Prof. Dr. Georg Lind (Psychologist with a focus on moral development)
    • Prof. Mattias Desmet (Professor and Psychoanalytical Psychotherapist at the University of Ghent, The Netherlands)
    • Christian Kreiss
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00: 42: 57h
    • Simulation game: Base camp – DAY 3 “A global pandemic exit exercise”
      • Corona cabinet:
        • Pure fill me (Interim Chancellor)
        • Viviane Fischer (Minister of the Interior)
        • Franz Ruppert (Federal President)
        • Stephan Kohn (RKI Director)
        • Alkje Fontes (Minister of Labor)
        • Wolfgang Wodarg (Minister of Health)
        • Thomas Sarnes (Minister of State from the Ministry of Health)
        • Adelheid von Stösser (Employee at the Minister of Health)
        • Renate Holzeisen (Minister of Justice)
        • Werner Bergholz (Minister of Economic Affairs)
        • Gunnar Kaiser (Foreign Minister)
        • Harald Walach (State Secretary in the Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs)
        • Matthias Burchardt (Minister for Education and Research)
        • Uli Masuth (State Secretary for Culture & Media)
        • Hans-Christian Prestien (President of the Child Protection Association)

Base camp DAY 2 on August 21, 2021 from 11 a.m.

Base camp

  • title : “Business game event”
  • Video link to the session: YT: ( VideoUrl )
  • Length: 03: 47: 16h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • The business game event “Basiscamp” is organized by members of the Corona Committee, together with members of the German party “dieBasis” and numerous previous guests.
    • The scenario: the federal government has resigned and a transitional government has been formed. Under the direction of the new Federal Chancellor Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and other members of the interim government will analyze the current situation with the help of experts from various areas. The measures are evaluated.
  • Attendees :
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • RA Dr. Renate Holzeisen (Lawyer in Tyrol [ Homepage ] , Italy)
    • Alkje Fontes (Federation / Freedom / ST – LV dieBasis Sachsen-Anhalt [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Adelheid von Stösser (German nursing expert, [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Stephan Kohn (Administrative Scientist, Germany)
    • Dr. Thomas Sarnes (Orthopedics, surgery, trauma surgery, Germany)
    • Prof. Dr. Franz Ruppert (Psychotraumatologist [ Homepage ], Germany)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00: 18: 00h
    • Break due to tech. Fault: From 00:48:56 to 00:59:47
    • Break due to tech. Fault: From 01:33:16 to 01:43:32
    • Simulation game: Base camp – DAY 2 “A global pandemic exit exercise”
      • Corona cabinet:
        • Pure fill me (Interim Chancellor)
        • Viviane Fischer (Minister of the Interior)
        • Franz Ruppert (Federal President)
        • Stephan Kohn (RKI Director)
        • Alkje Fontes (Minister of Labor)
        • Wolfgang Wodarg (Minister of Health)
        • Thomas Sarnes (Minister of State from the Ministry of Health)
        • Adelheid von Stösser (Employee at the Minister of Health)
        • Renate Holzeisen (Minister of Justice)
        • Werner Bergholz (Minister of Economic Affairs)
        • Gunnar Kaiser (Foreign Minister)
        • Ulrike Kämmerer (Expert)
        • Mike Yeadon (Expert)

66th meeting on August 20, 2021 from 11:30 a.m.

Corona committee meeting 66

  • title : “Chain reaction”
  • Video link to the session: YT: ( VideoUrl ) – Odyssey: ( VideoLink )
  • Length: 06: 31: 35h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Care in a crisis
    • Simulation game: Food Chain Reaction
    • Simulation games: principle, meaning and effect
  • Attendees :
    • Dr. Matthias Burchardt (Educational philosopher & anthropologist, Germany)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • RA Dr. Renate Holzeisen (Lawyer in Tyrol [ Homepage ] , Italy)
    • Alkje Fontes (Federation / Freedom / ST – LV dieBasis Sachsen-Anhalt [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Adelheid von Stösser (German nursing expert, [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Prof. Dr. Werner Bergholz (Risk analyst, expert in the German Bundestag, Germany)
    • Stephan Kohn (Administrative Scientist, Germany)
    • Dr. Thomas Sarnes (Orthopedics, surgery, trauma surgery, Germany)
    • Prof. Dr. Franz Ruppert (Psychotraumatologist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Dr. Mike Yeadon (Former Vice President of the pharmaceutical company Pfizer Respiratory Research, Canada)
    • Prof. Ulrike Kämmerer (Human biologist / immunologist / cell biologist, Germany)
    • Gunnar Kaiser (Philosopher / writer, Germany)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00: 35: 38h
    • Intro:
    • From 00: 37: 50h – Dr. Matthias Burkhardt
    • From 00: 56: 49h – An interlude on the change of government / The fictitious resignation of the federal government
    • Break
    • Base camp
    • From 01: 45: 55h – Presentation of the new federal government – Simulation game: Base camp – DAY 1 “A global pandemic exit exercise” Corona cabinet:
        • Pure fill me (Interim Chancellor)
        • Viviane Fischer (Minister of the Interior)
        • Franz Ruppert (Federal President)
        • Stephan Kohn (RKI Director)
        • Alkje Fontes (Minister of Labor)
        • Wolfgang Wodarg (Minister of Health)
        • Thomas Sarnes (Minister of State from the Ministry of Health)
        • Adelheid von Stösser (Employee at the Minister of Health)
        • Renate Holzeisen (Minister of Justice)
        • Werner Bergholz (Minister of Economic Affairs)
        • Gunnar Kaiser (Foreign Minister)
        • Ulrike Kämmerer (Expert)
        • Mike Yeadon (Expert)

65th meeting on August 12, 2021 from 11:30 a.m.

Corona committee meeting 65

  • title : “International Solidarity”
  • Video link to the session: YT: ( VideoUrl ) – Odyssey: ( VideoLink )
  • Length: 03: 06: 15h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Corona measures acceptance in the Berlin rap scene
    • The Young Global Leader Network
    • Is the economic collapse looming?
    • Tetanus vaccination campaign and sterilization in Kenya
    • Situation and referendum in Switzerland
  • Attendees :
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00: 12: 30h
    • Intro: Viviane Fischer [ Transcript ]
    • From 00: 15: 13h – Belash tells how things are currently in his Berlin neighborhood and in general with migrants and how the Corona issue concerns them. [ Transcript ]
    • From 00: 47: 00h – Viviane Fischer + Reiner Fuellmich Short interlude to the audience numbers of the Corona Committee [ Transcript ]
    • From 00: 48: 19h – Ernst Wolff about the structure of the WEF & the occupation of the Young Global Leader , Structures and all the names behind them [ Transcript ]
    • From 01: 40: 45h – Christine Bögl [ Transcript ]
    • From 01: 45: 09h – Dr. Wahome Ngare reports from Kenya[ENG] [ Transcript ]
    • From 02:22:50 – Uwe Burka about the importance of cooperation between farmers and consumers. Thoughts and views on what should happen to people now. [ Transcript ]
    • From 02: 53: 44h – Bianca Ball about the Swiss network, the new popular initiative and with a brief overview of the means of direct democracy [ Transcript ]

64th meeting on August 6th, 2021 from 11 a.m.

Corona committee meeting 64

  • Video link to the session on YT: ( VideoUrl )
  • Length: 04: 47: 50h
  • title : “Media criticism was yesterday”
  • Topic excerpt:
    • The propaganda matrix
    • Media today and in the GDR
    • A look at Australia
    • Human rights and informed decisions
    • Vaccination cards and the principle of liberal democracy
    • Economic consequences of previous measures
    • Comirnaty action for annulment against admission for children from 12
    • The coup d’état 20/21
    • Police violence on demonstrations
  • Attendees :
    • Prof. Dr. Michael Meyen (Communication scientist [ Homepage ], Media researcher at the University of Munich, Germany)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Tony Nikolic (Lawyer & Criminologist, Australia)
    • Dr. Rocco Loiacono (Lecturer in Real Estate Law and Research in Law, “Advanced Legal Research” [ Homepage ], Australia)
    • Prof. Gigi Foster (Professor of Economics, University of Sydney [ Homepage ], Australia)
    • RA Dr. Renate Holzeisen (Lawyer in Tyrol [ Homepage ] , Italy)
    • Markus Schlöffel (Remonstrating Federal Policeman, Germany)
    • Martin Lejeune (Freelance journalist, YT channel , Germany)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:02:48
    • Intro:
      • Pure fill me On the topics: Thanks everyone for the help / situation of the migrants who give a voice / Landtag: recalled in Bavaria / Mask judgment from Lüneburg (34 OWi 260/21 ) – June 10, 2021 / class action in Canada on the question of whether the virus exists / funeral march on the death of the “dieBasis” member in Berlin on August 7, 2021 by Berlin Mitte / infiltration of the party “the base “/ The full-body condom at Heathrow Airport
      • Viviane Fischer to the network “ KRiStA “Network of Critical Judges and Prosecutors
    • From 00: 17: 50h – Prof. Michael Meyen about the propaganda in the media in Germany from different perspectives
    • From 01: 12: 16h – Tony Nikolic reports on the situation in Australia [ENG]
    • From 01: 36: 39h – Dr. Rocco Loiacono reports on the situation in Australia [ENG]
    • From 01: 56: 07h – Prof. Gigi Foster reports on the situation in Australia from an economic point of view [ENG]
    • From 02:10:55 – Tony Nikolic forgot to say something [ENG]
    • From 02: 14: 53h – RA Renate Holzeisen About the introduction of the Green Pass in Italy, which means a fundamental attack on human rights, about the resulting large demonstrations in Italy, about the participation of all sections of the population in the resistance. Dismissal of nurses and their lawsuits against it. Status of your lawsuits against the conditional approval of the so-called corona vaccines before the European court. [ Transcript of the conversation ]
    • From 03: 11: 56h – Markus Schlöffel on his case as a federal police officer demonstrating and the situation in the police [ Transcript of the conversation ]
    • From 04: 04: 38h – Markus Schlöffel was in the crisis region around Ahrweiler to help his report (part 1) [ Transcript of the conversation (part 1) ]
    • From 04: 10: 55h – Martin Lejeune directly from the disaster area in the Eifel. Several public prosecutors have started investigations, and a house search was carried out in the district office of Ahrweiler. [ Transcript by Martin Lejeune On site ]
    • From 04: 24: 15h – Markus Schlöffel was in the crisis region around Ahrweiler to help prepare his report (part 2) [ Transcript of the conversation (part 2) ]
    • From 04:42:48 – The promotional video of an Italian actress that went differently than planned.

63rd meeting on July 30, 2021 from 11:30 a.m.

corona committee meeting 63

  • title : “In the eye of the storm”
  • Video link to the session: on Odyssey: ( VideoUrl )
  • Length: 04: 43: 21h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Update on the flood disaster
    • “Vaccinate” until the doctor comes to his senses
    • Dentistry and “vaccination” side effects
    • CDC prognosis: Novel diseases are on the rise
    • Psychology of the masses and totalitarian thinking
  • Attendees :
    • Martin Lejeune (Freelance journalist, YT channel , Germany)
    • Dr. Robert Kleinstäuber (Specialist in anesthesia, intensive care and emergency medicine, Germany)
    • Dr. Harold Eymer (Dentist specializing in naturopathy [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Dr. Bryan Ardis (CEO , UNITED STATES)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Prof. Mattias Desmet (Professor and Psychoanalytical Psychotherapist at the University of Ghent, The Netherlands)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:01:46
    • Intro to Viviane Fischer
    • From 00: 04: 38h – Martin Lejeune with a comprehensive report from the disaster area and how politics is putting pressure on local mayors.
    • From 00: 35: 10h – Dr. Robert Kleinstäuber about the side effects of this “vaccination”, the lack of information and what to say about his YT -Video
    • From 01: 20: 21h – Dr. Harald Eymer explains the side effects of the “vaccinations” from a dentist’s point of view
    • From 01: 35: 07h – Dr. Bryan Ardis introducing [ENG]
    • From 01: 35: 42h – Viviane Fischer Regarding the irregularities of the laboratory bills in the Charite, she asks everyone who has laboratory diagnostic bills of the Charite to send them to the following email address for processing:
    • From 01: 39: 48h – Dr. Bryan Ardis on the scandalous medical treatments in the USA with remdesivir, discussion with Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg . [ENG] [to be transcibed]
    • From 02: 34: 41h – Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg how to report side effects and doctors’ diagnoses and why they are doing this.
    • From 02: 39: 47h – Dr. Bryan Ardis on to new diseases and the FDA slide 16, Fauci and the Genocide and Crime [ENG]
    • From 03:04:10 – summary closed Dr. Bryan Ardis and confirms that this is not about the disease, but about a genocide.
    • From 03: 08: 01h – Prof. Mattias Desmet talks about the mass exposure and influence of the media, analogous to the time before the 2nd World War, he gives practical advice to get out of this hypnosis. [ENG] [Transkription]

62nd meeting on July 22nd, 2021 from 12:00 p.m.

Corona committee meeting 62

  • Title : “The wave”
  • Video link to the session on YT: ( VideoUrl )
  • Length: 06: 34: 45h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • The flood disaster in the Eiffel
    • Conditions of care
    • Vaccination side effects
    • Eugenics yesterday and today
    • Perspective from Israel
    • Alternative treatment methods / The “Zelenko Protocol”
  • Attendees:
    • Martin Lejeune (Freelance journalist YT channel , Germany)
    • Christine Fur (Retired nurse, Germany)
    • Matthew Ehret (Author and historian, Canada)
    • Ilana Rachel Daniel (Health Advisor, Politician & Activist, Israel)
    • Vera Sharav (Founder: Alliance of Human Research Protection, [ Homepage ], UNITED STATES)
    • Dr. Vladimir Zelenko (General Practitioner [ Homepage ], UNITED STATES)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00: 18: 31h
    • From 00:18:33 – Intro with Viviane Fischer and Pure fill me
    • From 00: 21: 21h – Videos & pictures of the flood disaster in the Eifel from Martin Lejeune
    • From 00: 33: 08h – Martin Lejeune reports from the disaster area in the Eifel.
    • From 01: 24: 24h – Christine fur looking back on the overall state of care and how the work has changed.
    • From 02: 27: 23h – Matthew Honor reports from Canada as a historian about the beginnings of the genocide. [ENG]
    • From 02: 28: 43h – Thomas Renz Video of the vaccine deaths in the US, which are now more than 45,000. [ENG]
    • From 02:32:18 – Matthew Honor further reports on the global context of the genocide in the world and how it comes to the Great Reset. [ENG]
    • From 03: 43: 15h – Ilana Daniel on the situation in Israel and it describes the big picture of eugenics and genocide in the world. She notices that waking up is faster than the other side thought, and that also in Israel. [ENG]
    • From 04: 20: 18h – Vera Sharav about the current global genocide and shows who is involved -> [Transcript with the translation by R. Fuellmich] [ENG]
    • From 04: 55: 27h – Ilana Daniel continues to tell [ENG]
    • From 05: 04: 12h – Dr. Vladimir Zelenko for alternative treatment: “Promoting a three drug cocktail of hydroxychloroquine , Zinc other Azithromycin “in discussion with Dr. W. Wodarg [ENG]
    • From 06: 27: 53h – RA Reiner Fuellmich draws a summary of the current activity: “We’re doing our best, but there will be a lot of people we can’t help.” -> [Transcript ]

61st meeting on July 16, 2021 from 11 a.m.

Sorona Committee number 61

  • Title : “We’ll catch you ’cause we can”
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoUrl )
  • Length: 06: 20: 40h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • “Pandemics” yesterday and today
    • Questionable experts in the focus of the old media
    • Presentation of relevant basic psychological experiments
    • Agenda: Targeted population reduction
    • Media lies about the situation in India
    • Situation in France
    • Lawsuit against the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
    • Lawsuit against Joe Biden
  • Attendees :
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Dr. Thomas Sarnes (Orthopedics, surgery, trauma surgery, Germany)
    • Dr. Susanne Hilken (Specialist in neurology and psychiatry, Germany)
    • Peter King (Economist and geopolitical analyst, Switzerland)
    • RA Dipali Ojha (Attorney at the Supreme Court in India, India)
    • RA Virginie de Araujo-Recchia (Lawyer Tax Law, France)
    • RA George Wentz (Lawyer of the Davillier Law Group , UNITED STATES)
    • Leslie Manookian (Maker of the film: “ / “- President of the Health Freedom Defense Fund, UNITED STATES)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00: 12: 08h
    • Intro:
    • From 00: 29: 03h – Dr. Thomas Sarnes – This is a matter of life and death. The people are so psychologically down from all the constant stress that only the word “Corona” can kill them.
    • From 01: 18: 56h – Dr. Susanne Hilken about the influence and manipulation by the media. How can it be that people, like moths, run to their doom?
    • From 02: 04: 48h – Peter king tells about personal experiences in the family. It has nothing to do with health anymore. The vaccinations kill and sterilize. There is a huge shift in capital from western countries to China. The World Bank, IMF and FED are all semi-private and all work together as a PPP (Public Private Partnership).
    • From 03: 23: 14h – RA Dipali Ojha on the current situation in India. The question of why there are no cures, only vaccination. But there are other medicines. Attempts are still being made to defame other remedies. In India the Epic Codex is being violated on a massive scale. There should be no compulsory vaccination in India. [ENG]
    • From 04: 29: 50h – RA Virginie de Araujo-Recchia on the current situation in France (she was close to tears). The same goes for the current government statement from President Macron. All fundamental rights have been taken away. A war is being waged against the unvaccinated. [ENG]
    • From 05:05:14 – RA George Wentz & Leslie Manookian on the situation in the USA and the current development of the title “private words”, which should be restricted. The measures are like “ Jumping the Shark “, completely absurd. Presumably 50% of the US population are no longer willing to participate. [ENG]
    • From 06:04:35 – Followed by a Youtube video by Nikolai Binner: “ The destruction of the HETZPORTAL Volksverpetzer

60th meeting on July 9th, 2021 from 11 a.m.

Corona committee meeting 60

  • title : “Time is not a flat circle”
  • VideoLink to the session: on Odysee: ( VideoUrl )
  • Length: 06:30:24h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Corona in a historical-geopolitical context
    • (Global) Deep State
    • Actors of the Great Reset
    • Inventor of mRNA vaccination technology: unpredictable side effects
    • Covert mental surgery
    • Patent Law and Corona – Pathogen to Profit
  • Attendees :
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Wolfgang Effenberger (Former time officer of the Bundeswehr, retired teacher, political scientist and non-fiction author, Germany)
    • Ullrich Mies (Social scientist and peace researcher, Netherlands)
    • Dr. Robert Malone (Virologist, immunologist, microbiologist [ Homepage ], UNITED STATES)
    • Dr. Gary Sidley (Clinical psychologist, member of the Health Advisory & Recovery Team , Great Britain)
    • Dr. David E. Martin (Chairman of M-CAM International , UNITED STATES)
    • Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab (Professor of Law in Bielefeld, Germany)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:14:36
    • Intro of the committee about the establishment of the Corona Committee a year ago in July 2020
    • From 00:20:20h – RA Reiner Fuellmich on the legal disputes in Germany and the world and on the infiltration of the party “ the base
    • From 00:32:23h – Attorney Viviane Fischer to the current video material of the Corona committee meetings and what’s coming soon.
    • From 00:33:57h – wolfgang Effenberger on the subject of the nuclear planning group in the “Cold War” in Germany and the influence of the Freemasons in the world.
    • From 01:23:12h – Ulrich bad on the “Great Reset” and the US Despotic World Government. Only 41% of people still trust their politicians. Use the crowbar to make the current measures the new normal. Tyranny of fear. [to be transcibed]
    • From 02:20:21h – Dr. Robert Malone about the side effects of the mRNA vaccination and that the virus may have broken out from the laboratory in Wuhan. Wolfgang Wodarg asked frequently and asked a lot of good questions. No post marketing tests have been done yet. No tests were performed. Everything is thrown overboard and any precaution with vaccinations is omitted. [ENG]
    • From 03:36:32h – Dr. Gary Sidley about the unethical nuggings and the psychology of the media and politicians. [ENG]
    • From 04:30: 29h – Dr. David E. Martin about all of the US Patents Filed and Entanglements & Relationships. SARS-COV 2 is an invention, patented with 73 patents since 2000. [ENG] !!! Transcription of the part with Dr. D. Martin in the original !!! More references to: Andomo.RU
    • From 06:21:14h – The entire Corona Committee is after the revelations of Dr. David E. Martin Visibly shaken and discussed a little further Martin Schwab and wolfgang Wodarg . [to be transcibed]

59th meeting on July 2nd, 2021 from 11 a.m.

Corona Committee Meeting59

  • title : “The devil is in the details”
  • VideoLink to the session: on Odyssey: ( VideoUrl )
  • Length: 04: 51: 56h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • New study on the effects of masks on children
    • Cyber Polygon & Technocratic Agenda
    • Mega Group and Leslie Wexner
    • New knowledge about the “vaccinations”
    • First fatal vaccine damage, then death threat against parents
    • Study on the ratio of vaccine deaths to those allegedly rescued by vaccination
  • Attendees:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ])
    • Dr. Andreas Diemer (General practitioner and naturopathic doctor, Germany)
    • Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi (Specialist in infection epidemology and microbiology, Germany)
    • Whitney Webb (Investigative journalist, author & researcher for Unlimited hangout , UNITED STATES)
    • Jeff and Pamela Everett-Goodman (Parents of Benjamin Goodman, USA, who died after the J&J vaccination)
    • Prof. Dr. Dr. Harald Walach (Psychologist, scientific theorist and historian [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Dr. Reiner J. Klement (Medical physicist and researcher at the Leopoldina Hospital Schweinfurt [ Homepage ], Germany)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00: 13: 06h
    • Intro to Viviane Fischer to people who want to approach you (SCA) and warns
    • Intro to Pure fill me about the “controlled opposition” and looking back too Volker Eysser (# 58) and energy production
    • From 00: 21: 09h – Dr. Andreas Diemer on the subject: “How toxic the masks are for children.” [ Transcription of the interview with Dr. A. Diemer ]
    • From 01: 09: 07h – Whitney Webb About BigTec’s great power interests to control people through the health system. DARPA and the entanglements with the big pharmaceutical companies. Control and eugenics. [ENG]
    • From 02: 39: 57h – Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi about the current status of the vaccination narrative and the futility of vaccinating against COVID-19. Visibly shows the dangers of the vaccination and how it works.
    • From 03: 10: 18h – Jeff and Pamela Goodman about the vaccination of their son and the not received information and their fight for the truth. The family received death threats [ENG]
    • From 03: 43: 00h – Prof. Harald Wallach along with Dr. Pure Klement on your work on the post-marketing study of vaccines / emergency approval and the requirements / how high is the risk difference? “Number needed to vaccinate”. The EMA’s database of side effects is searchable. It was found that EU countries do not carefully report all data. The ratio of deaths from COVID-19 to deaths from vaccination is 3 to 2. Also on the problem “Conflict of intrest” of the researchers. The data quality: if you only have garbage data, you can only research garbage.
    • From 04: 48: 17h – Attorney Antonia Fischer says vaccination awareness is regulated in by law §630e BGB , it has to take place through a conversation and not just through a signed paper.

58th meeting on June 25th, 2021 from 11 a.m.

Corona committee meeting 58

  • title : “Please go on, there is nothing to see here”
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoUrl )
  • Length: 05: 09: 55h
  • Attendees :
    • Sally Beck (Journalist [ Homepage ], Great Britain)
    • Dr. Petra Baumgartner (Emergency doctor, Austria)
    • Frank Mörl (Sports scientist, focus on biomechanics, Germany)
    • Michael Günther (Physicist, theoretical biomechanic, focus on locomotion and muscle modeling, Germany)
    • Gerhard Wisnewski (Book and film author [ Homepage ],Switzerland)
    • Volker Eyssen (Technical advisor and former deputy head of Schacht Konrad, Germany)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00: 00: 41h
    • From 00: 04: 55h – Sally Beck speaks about her work as a journalist and about several vaccine damage in England [ENG]
    • From 01: 24: 11h – Dr. Petra Baumgartner speaks about her case, she was terminated without notice because she criticized the vaccinations.
    • From 01: 56: 07h – Frank Mörl & Michael Günther show the current figures from RKI, Health Department & Paul Ehrlich Institute and ask, are the vaccinations working now?
    • From 03: 07: 01h – Gerhard Wisnewski says vaccination is a bio-weapon. People are conditioned by fear. The economy is to be placed under the bushels of WEF and other private organizations. The middle class should be destroyed. About the merging of private and state action. Keyword: Public Private Partnership – We are on the way to a slave planet.
    • From 04: 19: 43h – People Eyssen presents a new atomic reactor based on atomic fission “DualFluidReactor”. You can continue to use all old fuel rods.

57th meeting on June 18, 2021 from 11 a.m.

Corona committee meeting 57

  • title : “Negative pressure”
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoUrl )
  • Length: 04: 45: 20h
  • Attendees :
    • Dr. Peter Kuit (Founder and chairman of the BPOC NL , Netherlands)
    • Jade Kuit ( BPOC NL , Netherlands)
    • Attorney Gottfried Forsthuber (Lawyer and insolvency administrator [ Homepage ], Austria)
    • Dr. Ralf Tillenburg (Specialist, general practitioner [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Dr. Martin Shepherd (Pediatrician and author [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Dr. Simone Gold (Doctor, lawyer, author and founder of America’s Frontline Doctors , UNITED STATES)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00: 11: 30h
    • From 00: 21: 55h – Dr. Peter Kuit and jade Kuit about the work of the Corona Investigation Committee in the Netherlands
    • From 01: 39: 34h – Attorney Gottfried Forsthuber about his work in Austria
    • From 02: 28: 08h – Dr. Ralf Tillenburg about testing practices and the dangers of vaccination
    • From 02: 52: 03h – Dr. Martin Shepherd about the stress of children with the tests and vaccinations in children
    • From 03: 46: 15h – Dr. Simone Gold talks about what happened and the situation in the USA [ENG]
    • From 04: 29: 06h – Video from “Citizien for a free America” on vaccination damage in a family [ENG]

56th meeting on June 11, 2021 from 3 p.m.

  • title : “With hellish Latwergen”
  • VideoLink to the session: on Odyssey: ( VideoUrl )
  • Length: 03: 53: 11h
  • Attendees :
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ] , Germany)
    • Dr. Michael Dykta (Senior physician in general, visceral and thoracic surgery, Germany)
    • Prof. Arne Burkhardt (Pathologist, Germany)
    • Dr. Peter A. McCullough (Cardiologist and Deputy Chief Physician, Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, USA)
    • Dr. Roger Hodkinson (Pathologist, Canada)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00: 12: 37h
    • Intro to Attorney Viviane Fischer via the Corona Committee of the Federal Government in Brandenburg with Mr. Drosten
    • From 00: 25: 21h – Intro by RA Reiner Fuellmich on the case of Ms. Küglein (SCA 54)
    • From 00: 26: 07h – Dr. Michael Dykta on the case of Ms. Klüglein and explains the treatment in detail.
    • From 00: 57: 31h – Prof. Arne Burkhardt on the work of pathology and the success of medicine through pathology
    • From 01: 34: 27h – Dr. Peter McCullough about what is currently being initiated worldwide with bioterrorism [ENG]
    • From 02: 32: 09h – Pure fill me translates the last part of Peter McCullough and draws a summary of it together wolfgang Wodarg & Dr. Michael Dykta
    • From 02: 49: 03h – Dr. Roger Hodkinson in conversation with Viviane Fischer and Reiner Fuellmich ( Recording of the AdHoc 13 ) [ENG]


55th meeting on June 4th, 2021 from 12:00 p.m.

Corona Committee 55th meeting

  • title : “Investigations”
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoUrl )
  • Length: 05: 32: 06h
  • Attendees :
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ] , Germany)
    • Attorney Jens Biermann (today only as translator, Germany)
    • Christina Martín Jiménez (Journalist)
    • Dr. Jacob Nordangard (Journalist, expert in technology and social change)
    • Attorney Elmar Becker (Lawyer for labor law, Germany)
    • Prof. Dr. Knut Wittkowski (20 years head of the epidemiology, biostatistics and research design department at Rockefeller University in New York, USA)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00: 22: 11h
    • From 00: 28: 36h – Christina Martín Jiménez about the involvement of the Bilderbergers with politics [ESP]
    • From 02: 02: 32h – Dr. Jacob Nordangard on the way to the new world order – “The Great Transition” [ENG]
    • From 03: 02: 12h – Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg about divide and rule as well as about the effects of vaccinations with regard to D-dimers and thromboses
    • From 03: 32: 02h – Attorney Elmar Becker for determining side effects of vaccination and for scientific evaluation
    • From 04:08:04 – In conversation with Prof. Knut Wittkowski ( Recording of the ad hoc 11 )

54th meeting on May 28, 2021 from 11 a.m.

Corona Committee 54th meeting

  • title : “Between nudging and side effects”
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoUrl )
  • Length: 05: 46: 20h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Recommendations for those who decide to vaccinate
    • Bowel removal due to vaccine damage
    • School principal proves her backbone
    • Common Purpose, Behavioral Insights and Nudging
    • SAGE and WHO
    • Vaccination Side Effects and Shedding Theory
  • Attendees :
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Ramona Klüglein (Vaccine victims from AstraZeneca, Germany)
    • Bianca Höltje (Rector of a state primary school, Germany)
    • Brian Gerrish
    • Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger (International health scientist [ Homepage ], Switzerland)
    • Dr. Simone Gold (Doctor, lawyer, author and founder of America’s Frontline Doctors , UNITED STATES)
    • James Corbett (Journalist [ Homepage ])
  • Contents:

53rd meeting on May 21, 2021 from 11 a.m.

Corona Committee 53rd meeting

  • title : “Determine yourself”
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 05: 16: 29h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Germany
    • Basic Law
    • psychology
  • Attendees :
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Attorney Wilfried Schmitz (Lawyer & Author [ Homepage ])
    • Andreas von Bühlow (former Minister of Defense and non-fiction author)
    • Tobias Otto (Historian with a focus on constitutional history)
    • Dr. med. Hans Joachim Maaz (Psychiatrists and psychoanalysts, [ Homepage ])
    • Dr. rer. nat. Dietmar Czycholl (Psychologist and psychological psychotherapist [ Homepage ])
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:08:52
    • Intro to Pure fill me
    • From 00: 23: 47h – Attorney Wilfried Schmitz on the persecution of minorities in times of Corona and the sovereignty of states in general
    • From 01: 18: 48h – Andreas von Bühlow about the interference of the great powers in the sovereignty of states and their megalomania, infiltration of states
    • From 01: 59: 00h – Attorney Wilfried Schmitz to the interview with Andreas von Bühlow
    • From 02: 28: 30h – Tobias Otto on the history of the constitution in Germany
    • From 03: 24: 25h – Dr. Hans Joachim Maaz about the danger of social division and about scare tactics in general, “Sect Corona” [ Transcript – Part Dr. Maaz ]
    • From 04: 19: 30h – Dr Dietmar Czycholl Assessments of the crisis from a psychological point of view

Special Session: “International Legal Offensive, Part 3” May 14, 2021 from 3 p.m.

Corona Committee ILO3

  • title : “Special Session: ‘International Legal Offensive, Part 3′”
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 03: 45: 51h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • International Call – Part 3
  • Attendees :
    • Tony Roman (Restaurant Owner, USA)
    • Gina Cloud (Human Rights Activist [ Homepage ], UNITED STATES)
    • Elli Dillmann (Representative of Concerned Lawyers Network, Australia)
    • Peter Weis (Attorney, Slovakia)
    • Michael Verstraeten (Attorney, Belgium)
    • Prof. Saji N Hameed (Prof. of Atmospheric-Climate Sciences [ Homepage ], India / Japan)
    • Alexis Stylianou (Attorney, Cyprus)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:08:17
    • From 00: 09: 18h – Tony Roman about his fight as a restaurant operator against the masks and vaccinations [ENG]
    • From 00: 50: 48h – Gina Cloud about Tony Roman’s fight and their collaboration [ENG]
    • From 01:05:49 – Elli Dillmann about the current situation in Australia [ENG]
    • From 01: 36: 30h – Peter Wis about the current situation in Slovakia [ENG]
    • From 01: 59: 07h – Michael Verstraeten on the situation in Belgium and from the judgment on the dissolution of the exception rule. [ENG]
    • From 02: 35: 01h – Prof. Saji N Hameed on the situation in India and Japan [ENG]
    • From 03: 07: 48h – Alexis Stylianou on the situation in Cyprus [ENG]

52nd meeting on May 14, 2021 from 11 a.m.

Corona Committee 52nd meeting

  • title : “Carrot and Stick”
  • VideoLink to the session: on Odyssey: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 04: 04: 19h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Current state of knowledge about the “vaccinations”
    • The immunity card
    • Damage from nasal and throat swabs
    • Display due to Violation of compulsory school attendance after rejection of the tests
    • Mask study
  • Attendees :
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ])
    • Dr. Josef Thoma (ENT doctor)
    • Francisca Nicolau (Head of the criminal defense law firm)
    • Dr. Eugen Janzen (Pediatrician [ Homepage ])
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:08:11
    • From 00: 09: 57h – Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg about the current vaccinations
    • From 01: 00: 22h – Dr. Josef Thoma about the test sticks and the damage caused by these tests
    • From 02: 11: 55h – Francisca Nicolau about her case with children to be tested at school
    • From 02: 57: 43h – Eugene Janzen to his current mask studies and how to add to him as a doctor

51st meeting on May 7th, 2021 from 10:00 a.m.

Corona Committee 51st session

  • title : “The Reality Check”
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 06: 36: 15h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Broadcasting fee
    • Intensive care units
    • Suicide
  • Attendees :
    • Alkje Fontes (Federation / Freedom / ST – LV dieBasis Sachsen-Anhalt [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Gudrun Fontes
    • Olaf Kretschmann (Founder Initiative “ Broadcast-free “)
    • Prof. Dr. Dietrich Murswiek (Expert in constitutional law, administrative law, international law, ehm. Prof. at the University of Göttingen [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Attorney Wilfried Schmitz (Lawyer & Author [ Homepage ])
    • Steffi (operates the Telegram channel “Nursing and hospital staff for education”, Germany)
    • Florian (Nurse on a corona isolation ward, Germany)
    • Christiane (Nurse in an intensive care unit, Germany)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • INFORMANT lockdowns: perspective of a paramedic from Lower Saxony / Bremen (Germany)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:08:25
    • From 00: 19: 57h – Alkje Fontes about the situation of the children and the consequences for the child’s well-being
    • From 00: 22: 32h – Gudrun Fontes about her situation at school because of the mask exemption.
    • From 00: 50: 45h – Olaf Kretschmann about his initiative and how the broadcasting fee is to be understood
    • From 02: 03: 45h – Prof. Dietrich Murswiek on the submitted constitutional complaint to § 28 b ([Transkription] )
    • From 03: 02: 56h – Olaf Kretschmann continue to his initiative Rundfunkfrei
    • From 03: 12: 45h – RA W. Schmitz about the “Controlled Opposition”
    • From 04: 25: 02h – Steffi via their telegram channel and the care status in Germany
    • From 04: 38: 11h – Florian reports on the work in the corona isolation ward
    • From 05: 05: 54h – Christiane about work in the intensive care unit, in discussion with wolfgang Wodarg
    • From 05: 49: 44h – Ad hoc 9 – Lockdowns: Perspective of a paramedic from Lower Saxony / Bremen

Special Session: “International Legal Offensive, Part 2” April 30, 2021 from 4:00 p.m.

Corona Committee ILO2

  • title : “Special Session: ‘International Legal Offensive, Part 2′”
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 02: 59: 15h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • International Call – Part 2
    • Foreign countries: Greece, France, South Africa, Israel, USA
  • Attendees :
    • Attorney Antonios Papantoniou (Greece)
    • Maria Adavani (Translator)
    • Attorney Nicolaos Karavelos (Greece)
    • Jean Pierre Joseph (France)
    • Pastor Dr. John Mosepele (South Africa)
    • RA Uriel Cohen (Israel)
    • RA Red Brown (Israel)
    • Attorney at law Tamir Turgal (Medical Law, Israel)
    • Attorney Tom Renz (UNITED STATES)
    • Werner Gertz (Economic Correspondent, Namibia)
    • King Lemuel Greatness
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00: 00: 27h
    • From 00: 03: 03h – Attorney Antonios Papantoniou about the situation in Greece [ENG]
    • From 00: 28: 58h – Attorney Nicolaos Karavelos about the situation in Greece [CLOSELY ]
    • From 00:45:45 – Jean Pierre Joseph about the situation in France [ENG]
    • From 01: 02: 40h – Pastor John Mosepele about the situation in South Africa and all of Africa [ENG]
    • From 01: 27: 41h – RA Uriel Cohen about the situation in Israel [ENG]
    • From 01: 35: 38h – RA Red Brown about the current situation in Israel [ENG]
    • From 01: 54: 48h – Attorney at law Tamir Turgal about the situation in Israel [ENG]
    • From 02:12:40 – Attorney Tom Renz about the situation in USA / New Mexico [ENG]
    • From 02: 30: 56h – Werner Gertz about the situation in Namibia & Pastor John Mosepele [ENG]
    • King Lemuel Greatness was greating at the end. [ENG]

50th meeting on April 30, 2021 at 1 p.m.

Corona Committee 50th meeting

  • title : “The Oath of Revelation”
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 03: 00: 25h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Media landscape in Germany
  • Attendees :
    • Ken Jebsen (Freelance journalist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • RA Dr. Gerhard Strate (Criminal Lawyer [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab (Professor of Law in Bielefeld [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Thomas Alexander Pallushek [ Homepage ]
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:10:37
    • From 00: 12: 43h – Ken Jebsen on the state of the free media and on freedom of expression [to be transcibed]
    • From 01:05:16 – Attorney Gerhard Strate speaks about what happened to his client: Christian Dettmar (family judge in Weimar) after he wrote his judgment
    • From 01: 37: 10h – Prof. Martin Schwab on the judgment from Weimar and the possible consequences for the rule of law [to be transcibed]
    • From 02:06:15 – Thomas Alexander Pallushek on the situation in India

Special Session: “International Legal Offensive, Part 1” April 23, 2021 from 5:00 p.m.

Corona Committee ILO1

  • Title : “Special Session: ‘International Legal Offensive, Part 1′”
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 04: 29: 01h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • International Call – Part 1
    • South America
    • Euthenasia
    • Lockdown
  • Attendees :
    • RA Renate Holzeisen (Attorney [ Homepage ], Italy)
    • RA Francis E. Hoar (Lawyer [ Homepage ], Great Britain)
    • Attorney Dominic Desjarlais (Attorney, Canada)
    • Attorney Ana Garner (Attorney, USA)
    • Leslie Manookian (President of the Health Freedom Defense Fund, UNITED STATES)
    • RA Andrea Steindl (Attorney [ Homepage ], Austria)
    • Attorney Gerold Beneder (Lawyer [ Homepage ], Austria)
    • RA Dr. Michael Brunner (Lawyer [ Hoempage ], Austria)
    • Translator: Betina Feldman (Argentina)
    • RA Miguel Luis Marcelo Iannolfi (Lawyer and Doctor, Argentina)
    • RA Dr. Gustavo Salle Lorier (Lawyer and social scientist, Uruguay)
    • RA Natalia Ravanales (Lawyer, Chile)
    • RA Michael Swinwood (Attorney, Canada)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:01:04
    • From 00:02:35 – RA Renate Holzeisen [ENG]
    • From 00: 28: 19h – RA Francis E. Hoar about the current situation in Great Britain [ENG]
    • From 00: 47: 57h – Attorney Dominic Desjarlais about the situation in Canada [ENG]
    • From 01: 04: 16h – Attorney Ana Garner about the current situation in the USA [ENG]
    • From 01:19:18 – Leslie Manookian [ENG]
    • From 01:50:15 – RA Andrea Steindl about the situation in Austria and the current lawsuits [DEU]
    • From 02:02:16 – Attorney Gerold Benneder about the situation in Austria and the current lawsuits [DEU]
    • From 02: 27: 05h – Attorney Michael Brunner about the situation in Austria and the current lawsuits [DEU]
    • From 02: 40: 16h – RA Miguel Luis Marcelo Iannolfi about the current situation in Uruguay [ESP / ENG]
    • From 03: 00: 14h – RA Gustavo Salle Lorier about the current situation in Argentina [ESP / ENG]
    • From 03: 19: 43h – RA Natalia Ravanales on the situation in Chile and the reprisals by the government [ESP / ENG]
    • From 03: 50: 48h – Michael Swinnwood, attorney about the situation in Canada [ENG]

49th meeting on April 23, 2021 from 3 p.m.

Corona Committee 49th meeting

  • title : “The Oath of Revelation”
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 02: 04: 17h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Family court judgment Leipzig
    • Constitutional complaint by RA Murswiek
    • Self-test in schools
  • Attendees :
    • RA Hans-Christian Prestien (formerly Family judge and lawyer [ ABC child representation ], Germany)
    • Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab (Professor of Law in Bielefeld [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Anatolio Solo (Deputy chairman of the “dieBasis” district association Soest, Germany)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00: 11: 55h
    • From 00: 12: 30h – Hans-Christian Prestige on the judgment of the court in Leipzig
    • From 01: 14: 50h – Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab to the new IfSG and the current constitutional suit of RA D. Murswiek [to be transcibed]
    • From 01: 49: 54h – Anatolio solo about using the self-tests, afterwards Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab for legal assessment [to be transcibed]

48th meeting on April 16, 2021 from 11 a.m.

Corona Committee 48th meeting

  • title : “Of lionesses and lions”
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 05: 09: 00h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • Decision of the AG Weimar
    • A care center as a bastion of human dignity
    • Courageous women: “We don’t do it anymore”
    • Mirror relationships between inside and outside in times of Corona
    • Entrepreneurs unpack
  • Attendees :
    • RA Hans-Christian Prestien (formerly Family judge and lawyer [ ABC child representation ] , Germany)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Isabell Flaig (Managing Director Nursing Center Kirchheim GmbH [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Carola Huettner (formerly Teacher and chair “Children for World Peace eV” [ Homepage ]) , Germany)
    • Antonya-Fé minor (Educator and cosmetic studio operator [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Prof. Dr. Franz Ruppert (Psychotraumatologist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Ulf Steinecke (Dipl. Business economist at Go2 – Convent GmbH [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Christine Bögl (Managing director of a concept store [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Tobias Fink (Gourmet restaurant operator s’Reiwerle [ Homepage ], Germany)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00: 13: 08h
    • Pure fill me – Intro and from 00: 16: 05h – about the judgment of Weimar
    • From 00: 29: 53h – Intro Pure fill me + Hans-Christian Prestige on child welfare and structure of the judgments from Weimar & Weilheim [ transcription ]
    • From 01: 11: 21h – Isabell Fluffy about her lawsuit against compulsory testing and vaccinations in her home, as well Dr. wolfgang Wodarg
    • From 02: 00: 52h – Carola Huettner on the situation of children in school and the wearing of masks
    • From 02: 18: 46h – Antonya-Fé minor on the situation in kindergartens / daycare centers
    • From 02: 35: 10h – Prof. Franz Ruppert to traumatize people – quotes from his new book
    • Break: 03: 24: 33h
    • From 03: 33: 27h – Ulf Stone corner on the location of the event business and the event industry
    • From 04: 03: 12h – Christine Bögl about her current economic situation as a retailer
    • From 04: 41: 32h – Tobias finch the current location of his restaurant and the location of the industry
    • From 04: 50: 54h – wolfgang Wodarg to the current corona test numbers in Germany [to be transcribed]

47th meeting on April 9th, 2021 from 11 a.m.

Corona Committee 47th meeting

  • title : “Unpack, tackle
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 05: 45: 40h
  • Topic excerpt:
    • The mask and the golden calf
    • Situation in Israel
    • Well-known entrepreneurs unpack
    • Self-tests in schools: a teacher stands across
  • Attendees :
    • RA Marcel Templin (Lawyer for contract law, state liability law, Germany)
    • Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab (Professor of Law in Bielefeld [ Homepage ] , Germany)
    • Rabbi Chananya Weissman (Orthodox rabbi and author, Israel)
    • Sabine Lehmann (Managing Director Lehmann GmbH – fashion house owner [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Axel Turck (Head of the company EMIL TURCK GmbH & CIE KG [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Helmut Ohlhoff (Managing Director leguano GmbH [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Hendrik Pahl (Managing Director Battle Merchant Wacken GmbH [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Ingo Ritter (Grammar school teacher mathematics / physics, Germany)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00: 11: 07h
    • From 00: 12: 32h – Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab Updates on current legal issues (test obligation & data protection and health protection –[Transkription] )
    • From 00: 58: 27h – Rabbi Chananya Weissman on the current situation in Israel [ENG]
    • From 01: 56: 13h – Sabine Lehmann about the location of your business and the change in culture
    • From 02:46:18 – Axel Turck on the situation of his company – foundry and the sales market, general view of the competition
    • From 03: 15: 30h – Helmut Ohlhoff to his location of the company, masks bring nothing with examples
    • From 03: 38: 21h – wolfgang Wodarg about the work of the professionals / specialists
    • From 04: 08: 05h – Hendrik Pahl the situation of his company and the grant applications
    • From 04: 37: 52h – Ingo Knight on the situation in schools in Saxony, explanation of how the self-tests are to be used

46th session broadcast on April 2nd, 2021 from 5:00 p.m. – live recording from April 1st

Corona Committee 46th meeting

  • title : “Fear is curable
  • VideoLink to the session: on Odyssey: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 05: 12: 49h
  • Attendees :
    • Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab (Professor of Law in Bielefeld [ Homepage ] , Germany)
    • Prof. Dr. Christian Schubert (Psychoneuroimmunologist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Prof. Dr. Dr. Harald Walach (Psychologist, scientific theorist and historian [ Homepage ])
    • Katy Pracher-Hilander (Psychologist / Management Consultant, [ Homepage ])
    • Wolfgang Maly (Healing mediator, [ Homepage ])
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:00: 05h
    • From 00: 02: 02h – Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab on current legal issues, compulsory testing and data protection issues [ Transcription until 00:58:47 ]
    • From 00: 50: 15h – Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab on defamation and strategies of decomposition, later Viviane Fischer & Pure fill me to
    • From 00: 58: 47h – Prof. Dr. Christian Schubert about the fears that are spread and how to overcome them
    • From 02:06:56 – Prof. Dr. Dr. Harald Walach to psychological remedies on how to get out of fear.
    • From 02: 41: 00h – Katy Pracher-Hilander to the fear aspects and how to counteract them.
    • From 03: 53: 38h – wolfgang Maly about methods of getting out of fear
    • From 04: 47: 20h – meditation course from wolfgang Maly until the end

45th meeting on March 26, 2021 at 11 a.m.

Corona Committee 45th meeting

  • title : “Can arithmetic be a sin?
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 04: 22: 15h
  • Attendees :
    • Dr. Rüdiger Pötsch (Doctor and former Chairman of the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, Germany)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Prof. Stephan Luckhaus (Mathematician, physicist, Leopoldina critic [ Homepage ])
    • Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi (Specialist in infection epidemology and microbiology, Germany)
    • Katy Pracher-Hilander (Psychologist / Management Consultant, [ Homepage ])
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:02:43
    • From 00: 15: 20h – Dr. Rüdiger Pötsch – turns off later Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg and discuss with.
    • From 01:10:15 – Prof Stephan Luckhaus – turns off later Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg and discuss with.
    • From 02: 14: 02h – Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi
    • From 03: 03: 12h – Katy Pracher-Hilander talks about the psychological terror that governments are exerting on the population ( Transcription of the part by Katy Pracher-Hilander [ German / Español ] )

44th meeting on March 19, 2021

Corona Committee 44th session

  • Title: “The Roots of Evil”
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 05: 09: 14h
  • Attendees :
    • Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab (Professor of Law in Bielefeld [ Homepage ] , Germany)
    • RA Hans-Christian Prestien (formerly Family judge and lawyer [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Dr. Mike Yeadon (Former Vice President of the pharmaceutical company Pfizer Respiratory Research, Canada)
    • Vera Sharav (Founder: Alliance of Human Research Protection, [ Homepage ], UNITED STATES)
    • Hendrik Poetzschke (IT specialist / lateral thinking 841, [ Its YT channel ], Germany)
  • I. content:
    • Start: 00: 13: 43h
    • Intro to RA Reiner Fuellmich on the “Class Action” lawsuit in NYC and what it is based on
    • From 00: 29: 03h – Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab on current legal issues (children and the tests / “compulsory schooling” / employer requires tests / mask tests / incidence value / right to demonstrate) [to be transcibed]
    • From 01: 22: 36h – RA Hans-Christian Prestien on children’s rights and the bias of civil servants, judges and members of parliament [ Transcription of the RA Prestien part ]
    • From 02:11:25 – Dr. Mike Yeadon to his thoughts on what the vaccination certificate will really be [ENG]
    • From 03: 10: 00h – Vera Sharav about vaccinations and what it can mean for humanity, keyword: genocide – [ transcription 44th session – Vera Sharav in German] [ENG]
    • From 04: 22:10 – Hendrik Poetzschke deals with the current numbers reported by the RKI in an Excel / pivot table

43rd meeting on March 5, 2021

Corona Committee 43rd meeting

  • Title: “Once fascism and back”
  • VideoLink to the session: on Odyssey: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 07: 02: 56h
  • Attendees :
    • Ilana Rachel Daniel (Health Advisor / Politician, Israel)
    • Prof. Dr. Georg Lind (Psychologist with a focus on moral development)
    • Dr. Walter van Rossum (Literary critic / book author for WDR, Df, FAZ and others)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Ricky Matyschiok (Kiosk operator in Sommerda, Germany)
    • Robert Cibis (Co-founder of Oval media / Filmmakers)
    • Dirk Pohlmann (Author and documentary filmmaker [ Homepage ])
    • Naomi Wulff (Writer and activist, USA)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00: 00: 00h
    • Pure fill me – Intro to the lawsuits in the USA / Vaccination strategies and lawsuits against Drosten and Co. / Stand in Israel [ Transcription 43rd session – Corona Committee until 00: 25: 30h]
    • From 00: 11: 27h – Viviane Fischer – The one fertility study in Israel
    • From 00: 13: 14h – Attorney Justus P. Hoffmann – Legal information on consent to medical experiments
    • From 00: 25: 35h – Ilana Rachel Daniel – To their Voice message[https://www””] and the current situation in Israel [ENG]
      • From 01:22:39 – Viviane Fischer Analysis: “The genetic superiority and that you are better with the green passport< …> The fact that one constantly replicates and releases these virus particles is perhaps not so good after all. “
      • From 01:23:36 – Pure fill me<…..>Those people who did not get vaccinated there are going to be the ones that will survive <…> there is a huge problem as we have learned <….> that more and more life Insurance companies and health Insurance Companies are denying coverage for people who got vaccinated because they are saying: <look if we dont even insure people who are entertain dangerous hobbies like bunggeejumping, why should we insure people who are bunggejumpers without a rope and get vaccinated.> – And there is a huge thing is coming – It will destroy a lot of credibility too.[ENG]
    • From 01: 29: 11h – Prof. Georg Lind – Mind control and how politics affects the masses, the obedience experiment
    • From 02: 31: 28h – Dr. Walter van Rossum to the state of the current media, collapse of the MSM is imminent, to Drosten
      • From 02:39:02 – RA R. Fuellmich: “… that some of the MSM are practically bankrupt and could therefore easily be taken over.”
    • From 03: 18: 00h – Ricky Matyschiok about his case and the attack on his stand in front of the door ( Video about the robbery ) also seen in the committee, stasi methods
    • From 03: 36: 36h – Robert Cibis and Dirk Pohlmann about Ovalmedia and how Sebastian Leber (Tagesspiegel) and the media / Wikipedia work / collaborate.
    • From 04: 01: 56h – Naomi wolf to Bill Gates: his money distributions, his cooperation with China, BigTec wants to achieve the end of privacy, the US road to fascism [ENG]
    • From 05: 28: 35h – Dirk Pohlmann Brief résumé too Naomi wolf and general discussion about fascism
    • EXTRA : From 05: 38: 41h – analysis of the patient files of a whistleblower

42nd meeting on March 5, 2021

Corona Committee 42nd meeting

  • Title: “The System Crisis”
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 06: 39: 18h
  • Attendees:
    • Mr. Reiser (Consultant in the automotive sector)
    • Attorney Wilfried Schmitz (Lawyer & Author [ Homepage ])
    • RA Dr. Luis De Miguel-Ortega (Lawyer for consumer and patient law, Spain)
    • Jens Biermann (Translator for colleagues from Spain)
    • Dr. Angel Ruiz-Valpenas (Family and community physicians)
    • Juan Manuel Ramos Mateo (Founder & President ‘Policias por la Libertad’, Spain)
    • Prof. Dr. Michael Esfeld (Philosopher of Science at the University of Laussanne (CH) / Member of the Leopoldina)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Prof. Francis Boyle (Lawyer for International Law and Human Rights, USA)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00: 19: 21h
    • Intro to Viviane Fischer via the hat shop and a call for two problem cases, suicide among children and dead grandparents
    • from 00: 26: 06h Mr. ricehe prepares the death toll for people over 80 years of age in 2020/2021
    • from 00: 43: 17h – Attorney Wilfried Schmitz on the subject of media criticism – GEZ boycott
    • from 01: 30: 34h – Jens Beer man translated for colleagues in Spain
      • from 01: 44: 35h – RA Dr. Luis De Miguel-Ortega about the crisis in Spain [ESP]
      • from 02:34:22 – Dr. Angel Ruiz-Valpenas about the crisis in Spain [ESP]
      • from 03: 22: 52h – Juan Manuel Ramos Mateo on freedom of the press in Spain [ESP]
    • From 03: 50: 26h – Prof. Dr. Michael Esfeld on the Leopoldina’s ad hoc paper from 2020, Sinn von Lockdowns
    • From 04: 42: 28h – Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg about the paid science and how the mRNA vaccine works, side effects
    • From 05: 09: 15h – Prof. Francis Boyle on biological weapons programs [ENG]

41st meeting on February 26, 2021

Corona Committee 41st meeting

  • Title: “Troy Everywhere”
  • VideoLink to the meeting: on YT: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 05: 03: 11h
  • Attendees :
    • Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab (Professor of Law in Bielefeld, Germany)
    • Dr. Silvia Behrendt (Pandemic and WHO legal expert, Austria)
    • Dr. Astrid Stückelberger (International health scientist, France)
    • Vera Lengsfeld (GDR civil rights activist / former Member of the Bundestag / author & publicist, Germany)
    • Whistleblower nursing home (Germany)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00: 14: 28h
    • from 00: 15: 40h – RA Reiner Fuellmich All-round cover to the current legal events / class action project with Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab [to be transcibed]
    • from 01: 22: 12h – Attorney Viviane Fischer about your whistleblower tool and the information that is coming in there
    • from 01: 28: 32h – Dr. Silvia Behrendt talking about the role of WHO and international health regulations / PublicPrivatePartnerships
      • From 01: 55: 30h -> 02: 03: 31h – Conclusion on WHO by Purer Fuellmich & Silvia Behrendt
      • From 02:08:20 -> 02: 19: 58h – over Dr. Lothar Wieler – Chairman of that committee
      • [ Transcription Dr. Silvia Behrendt ]
    • From 02: 20: 15h- Dr. Astrid Stückelberger on the corruption of WHO and SwissMedic by Bill Gates [ENG]
    • From 03: 09: 03h – Vera Lengsfeld on underground work in the GDR / How to end the pandemic / Angela Merkel and her controlled action / The Communist Experiment [to be transcribed]
      • From 03: 28: 22h – Junker once said: “We’ll put something in the room and wait …” – pushing the envelope
      • From 03: 57: 46h (3: 00min.) – Vera Lengsfeld to the politicians what has become of them.
      • From 04: 10: 04h (2: 30min.) – Vera Lengsfeld about the 2030 Agenda
    • From 04.20: 18h – “Vaccination in the Berlin old people’s home”, video of a whistleblower with an interview by Purer Fuellmich & Viviane Fischer

Special meeting on February 16, 2021

Corona Committee - The Great Recall - International

  • Title: “The Great Recall – International”
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 04: 05: 00h
  • Attendees :
    • RA Beate Bahner (Germany)
    • RA Markus Haintz (Germany)
    • Attorney Tobias Ulbrich (Consumer protection attorney)
    • Robert F. Kennedy Jr. ( Children Health Defense , UNITED STATES)
    • RA Mary Holland ( Children Health Defense , UNITED STATES)
    • Magister Gerald Beneder (Austria)
    • RA Dr. Michael Brunner (Austria)
    • RA Ralf Ludwig (Lawyer for Enlightenment, Germany)
    • RA Dr. Angelo Giorgianni (Former Anti-Mafia public prosecutor / judge at a higher regional court / founder of OMV “ Organizacion Mundial por la Vida “, Italy)
    • RA Dr. Renate Holzeisen (Translator for A.Giorgianni, Italy)
    • Senta Depuydt (Journalist / Founder of the Children Health Defense in EU, Belgium)
    • RA Jeroem (Netherlands)
    • Attorney Jens Biermann (Spain)
    • Attorney at law Tamir Turgal (Medical law, Israel) incl. Shirley
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:01:40
    • From 00: 02: 27h – Robert F. Kennedy Jr. about the situation in the USA and the vaccinations [ENG]
    • From 00: 52: 55h – RA Mary Holland on the lawsuit in NYC against expulsion from school without a test
    • From 00: 56: 36h – Magister Gerald Beneder to the situation and ( ) in Austria
    • From 01: 02: 38h – RA Dr. Michael Brunner on the vaccination situation in Austria
    • From 01: 34: 24h – RA Ralf Ludwig on the damage of the pandemic and who pays it, claims for damages, state bankruptcies [ transcription ]
    • From 01: 42: 52h – RA Beate Bahner to the entrepreneurs and a call to join forces
    • From 01: 44: 44h – RA Dr. Angelo Giorgianni (ITA) on the current investigation results and the situation in the world (translation of RA wooden iron ) [ENG]
    • From 02: 43: 58h – RA Renate Holzeisen on the nullity action against the EU to approve the Pfizer / BionTech vaccine
    • From 02: 53: 19h – Senta Depuydt on the situation in the EU, vaccines [ENG]
    • From 03: 13: 50h – RA Jeroem on the situation in the Netherlands and the lawsuits against the measures [ENG]
    • From 03: 38: 30h – Attorney Jens Biermann on the situation in Spain, with translation into English [ENG]
    • From 03: 44: 31h – Attorney at law Tamir Turgal on the situation in Israel [ENG]


40th meeting on February 16, 2021

Corona Committee 40th meeting

  • Title: “The Great Recall”
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 04: 56: 55h
  • Attendees :
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab (Professor of Law in Bielefeld [ Homepage ] , Germany)
    • Attorney Tobias Ulbrich (Consumer protection attorney [ Homepage ])
    • Dr. Matthias Burchardt (Educational Philosopher & Anthropologist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Thomas A. Pallushek (Head of the German International Academy in Chennai [ Homepage ], India)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:07:51
    • From 00: 11: 04h – Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg Inventory of the 2020/2021 flu season – vaccinations & immune system
    • From 01: 37: 29h – Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab about his work at the Corona Committee
    • From 01: 42: 00h – Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab about compensation during quarantine – consequences under liability law – all-round deal
    • From 02: 29: 20h – Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab on the radio license fee and the reporting of the public media [to be transcibed]
    • From 03: 09: 25h – Attorney Tobias Ulbrich Intro and liability claims to the executing officers
    • From 03:42:33 – Dr. Matthias Burchardt about the current processing of the personal activities of the protagonists, revitalization of democracy
    • From 04: 32: 08h – Thomas A. Pallushek about the situation in India

39th meeting on February 12, 2021

Corona Committee 39th meeting

  • Title: “The global context and the press: Russia, Sweden, Italy etc.”
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 06: 03: 55h
  • Attendees :
    • Marius Kramer (Engineer & Big Data Analyst)
    • Thomas Röper (Financial Expert / Author / Russia Expert)
    • Prof. Dr. Bjorn Hammerskjold (Pediatrician / Biochemist and Pediatric Professor, Sweden)
    • RA Dr. Renate Holzeisen (Translator for Angelo Gioranni, Italy)
    • RA Dr. Angelo Giorgianni (Former Anti-Mafia public prosecutor / judge at a higher regional court / founder of OMV “ Organizacion Mundial por la Vida “, Italy)
    • RA Annu Palmu (former attorney at NOKIA, Finland)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00: 13: 04h
    • From 00: 13: 49h – Marius chandler on the situation in Peru and the deaths / incorrect treatment of medicine
    • From 01: 25: 20h – Thomas Röper to the press in Russia and the current situation
    • From 02: 22: 20h – Prof. Dr. Bjorn Hammerskjold on the situation in Sweden with comparisons to lockdown / how much of the mRNA vaccination arrives in the body. [ENG]
    • From 03: 57: 45h – RA Dr. Angelo Giorgianni on WHO and their machinations / On the situation in Israel, South America & Latin America (ITA), translated by Renate Holzeisen [ Transcription in German ]
    • From 05: 16: 36h – RA Dr. Angelo Palmu to the secret services (including NSA) how they listen to and record mobile phone calls worldwide [ENG]
    • From 05: 57: 18h – Pure fill me briefly on the GEZ fee and reminder letter for reclaiming – information at

38th meeting on February 5, 2021

Corona Committee 38th meeting

  • Title: “Attack on people and society”
  • VideoLink to the session: on tube: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 05: 58: 30h
  • Attendees :
    • Prof. Ulrike Kämmerer (Human biologist / immunologist / cell biologist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Gunnar Kaiser (Philosopher / writer [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Markus Fiedler (Biologist / Wikipedia expert [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Catherine Austin Fitts (formerly Investment banker / assist. Sec. of Bush Governorate [ Homepage ], UNITED STATES)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:20:40
    • From 00: 21: 50h – Prof. Ulrike Kämmerer on Eurosurvaillance and the Corman-Drosten PCR tests
    • From 00: 57: 58h – Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg in conversation about the coronavirus and other viruses
    • From 01: 28: 15h – Gunnar Kaiser on political and social challenges in society
      • Dr. Justus P. Hoffmann towards the end of the section with Gunnar Kaiser about the psychosocial effects of government measures on many people [ transcription ]
    • From 02: 24: 14h -> 02:32:49 BREAK
    • From 02:32:50 – Gunnar Kaiser further to reprisals of the population in the population
    • From 02: 54: 51h – Markus fiddler on the vaccine from BioNTech-Pfizer & Wikipedia and the power of opinion
    • From 03: 41: 33h – Cathrinne Austin Fitts about the financial system in the USA / worldwide and centers of power in the financial centers – outlook on the economic systems [ENG]

37th meeting on January 29, 2021 from 10 a.m.

37th meeting of the Corona Committee

  • Title: “The settlement: legal system and mRNA technology”
  • VideoLink to the session: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 06: 51: 03h
  • Attendees :
    • Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab (Professor of Law in Bielefeld [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Nina Proll (Actress [ Homepage ], Austria)
    • Dr. Matthias Burchardt (Educational Philosopher & Anthropologist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Dr. Vanessa Schmidt-Kruger (researches on Kadiovascolar Diseases at the MDC Berlin, Germany)
    • RA Dr. Renate Holzeisen (Attorney in Tyrol [ Homepage ], Italy)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00: 12: 00h
    • Dr. Pure fill me to the financial crisis and what led to the Lehmann-Brother bankruptcy. How was Deutsche-Bank involved? Rollover from 1992 to 2004
    • From 00:52:15 – fines & dunning notices – Prof Dr Martin Schwab & Dr Justus P. Hoffmann [to be transcibed]
    • From 01: 34: 33h – actress Nina Proll to actors, industry news
    • From 02: 30: 50h – Dr. Matthias Burchardt Analysis of power structures, social dynamics – [ Transcription of the 1st part / Part 2 ]
    • From 03: 57: 00h – Dr. Vanessa Schmidt-Kruger on side effects of the mRNA-based vaccines from Pfizer / BionTech
    • From 06: 29: 00h – RA Dr. Renate Holzeisen on the information obligation in the EU

36th meeting on January 22, 2021

Corona Committee 36th meeting

  • Title: “Is it devil stuff? – mRNA technology in sheep’s clothing “
  • VideoLink to the session: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 05: 45: 13h
  • Attendees :
    • Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab (Professor of Law in Bielefeld [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Attorney at law Tamir Turgal (Medical law, Irsael)
    • Assistance to T.Turgal – Shirley (Israel Army, Israel)
    • Dr. Dieter Lange (former medical officer in the health department, Germany)
    • Prof. Dolores Cahill ([ Homepage ], Ireland)
    • Prof. Max Otte (Ökonon and fund manager [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • RA Dr. Renate Holzeisen (Attorney [ Homepage ], Italy)
    • RA M. Templin (Lawyer for contract law, state liability law)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Dr. Dr. Georg Lind (Moral and democracy psychologist)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00: 28: 31h
    • From 00: 31: 45h – Dr. Pure fill me about the side effects of vaccinations
    • From 00: 35: 30h – Prof. Dolores Cahill about the side effects of vaccinations [ENG]
    • From 01: 25: 27h – Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab Legal information on legal protection and personal liability of doctors [to be transcibed]
    • From 01: 35: 25h – Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab + RA R.Fuellmich legal information on the judgment of the AG Weimar
    • From 01: 47: 10h – RA M. Templin to lawsuits against the advisers of the federal government
    • From 02: 07: 00h – RA Dr. Renate Holzeisen – Facebook posts & freedom of expression
    • From 02:41:15 – Dr. Dieter Lange about vaccinations and influenza viruses
    • From 02:55:35 – Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg to the pedigree of the coronaviruses
    • From 03: 07: 24h – Dr. Dieter Lange on deaths in Germany in 2020
    • From 03: 31: 36h – Dr. Dr. George Lind to scare the public
    • From 04: 08: 21h – Attorney at law Tamir Turgal on the situation in Israel [ENG]
    • From 05:05:05 – Prof. Max Otte on the economic situation in Germany

35th meeting on January 15, 2021

Corona Committee 35th meeting

  • Title: “Law and Health – The Blind Spot”
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 04: 39: 25h
  • Attendees :
    • Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab (Professor of Law in Bielefeld [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Prof. Jörg Spitz (Nuclear and preventive medicine)
    • Ed Dellian (Lawyer and philosopher)
    • Herbert Ludwig (former Rechtspfleger and teacher)
    • Uwe Grober (Pharmacist, Academy for Micronutrient Medicine [ AMM ], Essen, Germany)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Dr. Peter Lauda (Orthomolecular Medicine [ Homepage ], Austria)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:06:48 ( Transcription of the 35th session by 02: 07: 00h )
    • Intro on founding a party at Scotch & Sofa
    • From 00: 19: 20h – Prof. Jörg Spitz to the body’s immune system and vitamin D.
    • From 01: 19: 14h – Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab / RA Fuellmich on collective legal protection
    • From 01: 23: 11h – RA Ed Dellian on the credibility of science and the rule of law of politicians
    • From 01: 32: 40h – Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab on socialization of the offspring / rule of law of government trade ( Transcript: From 1: 38: 18-01: 39: 39 ) -> SUPER statement
    • From 01: 52: 04h – RA Ed Dellian to defend the bases of the ordinances / fundamental rights
    • From 02: 07: 40h – Herbert Ludwig in conversation about the authority of the judiciary and the Germans
    • From 02: 43: 34h – 02: 52: 33h – break
    • From 02: 52: 34h – Uwe Grober about COVID-19 and immunonutrition / malnutrition in seniors
    • From 03: 34: 00h – Dr. Peter Lauda about nutrients & nutrients, also Dr.Wodarg
    • From 04: 15: 10h – Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg to the current vaccinations as an experiment


34th meeting on January 8th, 2021

Corona Committee 34th meeting

  • Title: “You can’t see them in the dark”
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 05: 03: 55h
  • Attendees :
    • Attorney Holger Fischer (Lawyer & Legal Supervisor [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Mrs. Bauer (Legal supervisor / social worker)
    • Ernst Wolff (Author & journalist, Germany)
    • Norbert Haring (Business journalist, [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Dr. Yana Milev (Cultural sociologist, [ Homepage ], Switzerland)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:08:53
    • from 00:09:50 – Viviane Fischer to founding a party of “ Team freedom
    • from 00: 13: 45h – RA H. Fisherman about the vaccinations in the nursing homes and the education of those affected and consent / liability
    • from 00: 52: 22h – Fr. Farmer about the vaccinations in the nursing homes and the consent
    • from 01: 46: 31h – serious Wolff to the economic consequences and what threatens to come
    • from 02: 31: 10h – VViviane Fischer, Reiner Fuellmich & Wolfgang Wodar g establishing a party in a restaurant
    • from 02: 53: 25h – Norbert Haring on the current economy in Germany / cash abolition / private autonomy
    • from 03: 54: 26h – Dr. Yana Milev to control each individual / sovereignty / media war
    • from 04: 52: 22h – Purer Fill me to found a party for team freedom in Kojak style

33rd meeting on January 1, 2021

Corona Committee 33rd meeting

  • Title: “Final line 2020”
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 03:10:57
  • Attendees :
    • RA Marcel Templin (Lawyer for contract law, state liability law)
    • Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab (Professor of Law in Bielefeld, Germany)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:24:30
    • From 00: 26: 05h – RA Reiner Fuellmich with an introduction to the current situation and the networking of the committee
    • From 00: 39: 15h – Attorney Viviane Fischer to the old people’s homes and the vaccinations under pressure – afterwards Pure fill me for vaccination information
    • From 00: 46: 30h – Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab on the legal aspect of compulsory vaccination
    • From 00: 56: 20h – Attorney Viviane Fisherman to the vaccination critics and Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab to exclude the unvaccinated and RA Marcel Templin on possible lawsuits / class actions
    • General technical discussion about the corona measures and an all-round deal

32nd meeting on December 18, 2020

Corona Committee 32nd meeting

  • Title: “Human soul, how you are like water
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 05: 46: 37h
  • Attendees :
    • Jürgen Fly (Theologian, publicist and talk show host, Germany)
    • Christian Stockmann (Pastor)
    • Andrê Sikojev (Russian Orthodox Archpriest)
    • Nils Roth (Owner Green Mango Karaoke Bar , Berlin, Germany)
    • RA Yitzshok Dovid Smith (US lawyer and rabbi, USA)
    • RA Michael Swinwood (Native American Lawyer, Canada)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:15: 50h
    • Intro to Viviane Fischer to the soul of man
    • From 00: 22: 12h – Jürgen Fliege / Christian Stockmann / Andrê Sikovjev about the role of religious communities / churches
    • From 01: 30: 03h – Reiner Fuellmich / Nils Roth about its situation as a catering business and the current lawsuit
    • From 01: 40: 50h – Jürgen Fliege / Christian Stockmann / Andrê Sikovjev about the crisis of love between people
    • From 02: 59: 57h – RA Yitzshok Dovid-Smith about the situation in the USA and the comparisons between the genocide and today [ENG]
    • From 04: 32: 00h – Michael Swinwood about the spiritual point of view in Canada and Peru [ENG]

31st meeting on December 11, 2020

Corona Committee 31st meeting

  • Title: “The dam breaks lovingly
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 02: 46: 33h
  • Attendees :
    • Nils Roth (Owner Green Mango Karaoke Bar , Berlin, Germany)
    • Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab (Professor of Law in Bielefeld [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Thomas Berthold (formerly German soccer player, Germany)
    • Holger Thiesen (formerly German handball player / life guide / fairness trainer, Germany)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:07:22
    • From 00: 08: 45h – Nils Roth to his current position as a karaoke bar owner
    • From 00: 23: 26h – Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab on the legal situation of the catering industry
    • From 01:02:19 – Thomas Berthold about his commitment and his own project in Italy
    • From 01: 52: 54h – Holger Thiesen on his situation and civil disobedience during the curfew

30th meeting on December 04, 2020

Corona Committee 30th meeting

  • Title: “Under the microscope”
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 04: 18: 40h
  • Attendees :
    • Prof. Rolf Bass (Founding member of the Paul Ehrlich Institute , Germany)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Stefan W. Hockertz (Immunotoxicologist and pharmacologist, former Director of the Institute for Experimental Pharmacology and Toxicology at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, founder and managing director of tpi consult GmbH , Germany)
    • Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab (Professor of Law in Bielefeld [ Homepage ], Germany)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00: 13: 48h
    • From 00: 17: 04h – Prof. Rolf bass for the development of a corona vaccine from BioNTec
    • From 01: 17: 45h – Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg discussed with
    • From 03: 04: 08h – Prof. Stefan Hockertz about vaccine approvals and political pressure
    • From 03: 17: 52h – Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab about the Imfection Protection Act
    • From here to the end a discussion between Fuellmich / Wodarg / Hockertz / Schwab
      • Pure fill me : “Everything speaks for the fact that we are dealing here with willful immoral damage.”

29th meeting on November 26, 2020

Corona Committee 29th meeting

  • Title: “The attack on body and soul”
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 04: 10: 55h
  • Attendees :
    • Dr. Thomas Ly (Doctor in Bangkok, Thailand)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Martin Gerloff (Documentary filmmaker)
    • Prof. Claudia von Werlhof (Sociologist)
    • Prof. Dr. Christian Schubert (Psychoneuroimmunologist [ Homepage ])
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00: 17: 55h
    • From 00: 19: 56h – Dr. Thomas Ly about the situation in Thailand and how they treat the patients
    • From 01: 48: 18h – Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg
    • From 02:48:25 – Prof. Claudia von Werlhof – short introduction
    • From 02: 50: 00h – Prof. Dr. Christian Schubert about fear and the irrationality and division
    • From 03: 09: 21h – Prof. Claudia von Werlhof going on about where this is all supposed to lead. “MegaMachine”
    • From 03: 53: 43h – Prof. Dr. Christian Schubert interrupts briefly for comments

28th meeting on November 20, 2020

Corona Committee 28th meeting

  • Title: “The sloping slope”
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 04: 47: 50h
  • Attendees :
    • Anselm Lenz (Democratic Resistance [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Carsten Wappler (IT specialist, Germany)
    • Peer Eifler (Doctor [ Homepage ], Austria)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:15: 18h
    • Intro to Viviane Fischer and Pure fill me on the current complaint of the class action and whether that would be a false flag
    • From 00: 19: 48h – Anselm Lenz on the decomposition of democracy in discussion, also with wolfgang Wodarg
    • From 02: 30: 40h – Carsten Wappler for the demonstration in Berlin
    • From 02: 53: 16h – break
    • From 03: 07: 51h – peer Eifler has the license to practice medicine been withdrawn and how to break it.

27th meeting on November 13, 2020

Corona Committee 27th meeting

  • Title: “An all-round blow”
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 03: 43: 15h
  • T participant :
    • Dr. Mike Yeadon (Former Vice President of the pharmaceutical company Pfizer Respiratory Reseach, Canada)
    • Dr. Clare Craig (Doctor and pathologist [ Homepage ], Great Britain)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00: 00: 00h
    • From 00: 00: 00h – Dr. Mike Yeadon [ENG]
    • From 01: 46: 30h – Dr. Clare Craig about the PCR tests [ENG]
    • From 02:02:33 – Dr. Mike Yeadon about the descriptions of C. Craig [ENG]
    • From 02:42:25 – Dr. Clare Craig continue to the PCR test [ENG]
    • From 03: 14: 30h – wolfgang Wodarg on the topics of the previous speakers

26th meeting on November 6th, 2020

Corona Committee 26th meeting

  • Title: “PCR test – the dominoes are falling
  • VideoLink to the session: on Odyssey: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 03: 19: 23h
  • Attendees :
    • Prof. Ulrike Kämmerer (Biologist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Prof. Dr. Stefano Scoglio (Medic [ Homepage ], Italy)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • RA Jeroem (Netherlands)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:24:17
    • Break: 00: 47: 04h – 00: 59: 19h
    • From 00: 59: 31h – Prof. Ulrike Kämmerer about the PCR test and the false positives, margin of error
    • Break: 01: 54: 21h – 02: 04: 30h
    • From 02: 04: 30h – Prof. Dr. Stefano Scoglio about the treatment of corona sufferers[ENG] Discussion with Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg
    • From 03: 13: 16h – RA Jeroem about the legal situation in the Netherlands

25th meeting on October 30, 2020

Corona Committee 25th meeting

  • Title: “The danger of bringing our legal system into line, police violence and encroachments on private individuals”
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 04: 34: 50h
  • Attendees :
    • Bert Bohla
    • Attorney Dirk Sattelmeier (Lawyers for education, Germany)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Friederike Pfeifer (Lateral thinking Ulm, Germany)
    • RA Markus Haintz (Lawyer, civil rights activist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Hans Scharpf (Legal advisor / LLM “Legum Magister”)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 01: 33: 37h
    • From 01: 36: 06h – Video clip of the abuse of the wheelchair user Bert Bohla by the police and a short interview
    • From 01: 45: 53h – Attorney Dirk Sattelmeier to the case of Mr. Bohla
    • From 02: 54: 13h – Friederike piper and some video clips of police attacks and arrests RA Markus Haintz
    • From 03: 00: 54h – RA Markus Haintz on his arrest in Berlin
    • Break: 03: 44: 45h – 03: 56: 07h
    • From 03: 56: 07h – Hans Sharp about police violence – video from 02: 55: 03h

24th meeting on October 23, 2020

Corona Committee 24th meeting

  • Title: “The strength of our immune system and the voices of children”
  • VideoLink to the session: on Odyssey: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 03: 16: 32h
  • Attendees :
    • Dr. Matthias Burchardt (Educational Philosopher & Anthropologist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Dr. Claus Köhnlein (Specialist in internal diseases)
    • 3 young people from the network of the Samuel Eckert Jungsters
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00: 00: 00h
    • From 00:02:15 – Dr. Matthias Burchardt about the situation of democracy in Germany
    • From 01: 39: 26h – Dr. Claus Köhnlein to the strength of one’s own immune system
    • From 02:39:34 – three young people from the network interviewed Samuel Eckert Jungsters

23rd meeting on October 21, 2020

Corona Committee 23rd meeting

  • Title: “Play and serious: actor Marco Rima, cabaret artist Arnulf Rating and a look inside a union”
  • VideoLink to the session: on Odyssey: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 04: 05: 58h
  • Attendees :
    • Roman Roth (IT entrepreneur, Switzerland)
    • Marco Rima and his wife Christina (Swiss cabaret artists [ Homepage ], Switzerland)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Arnulf Rating (Cabaret artist [ Homepage ])
    • Colin Meier (Union Employee Education & Science / Erlangen, Germany)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:00: 05h
    • From 00:01:15 – Marco Rima on the situation in Switzerland
    • From 00:05:25 – novel Roth about the situation in Switzerland
    • From 01: 38: 23h – Arnulf Rating about the situation in the industry and the fear of positioning yourself
    • From 02: 26: 55h – Colin Meier to work inside a union
    • From 03: 56: 54h – two small cabaret clips

22nd meeting on October 19, 2020

Corona Committee 22nd meeting

  • Title: “Player: Drosten, Ferguson, Wieler, the Charité and the role of TIB Molbiol”
  • VideoLink to the session: on Odyssey: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 05: 29: 09h
  • Attendees :
    • Dr. Artur Aschmoneit ( Historian / Author – Blog: corodok )
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Torsten Engelbrecht (Author)
    • Prof. Ulrike Kämmerer (Biologist [ Homepage ], Germany)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00: 23: 23h
    • From 00: 25: 13h – Dr. Artur Aschmoneit about the dissertation of Mr. Drosten
      • Pure Fuellmich: “That’s Captain von Koepenick! A shell player gets two Federal Merit Crosses here! Normally the water should be whiskey, nobody can stand that! “
    • From 02: 19: 11h – Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg about a fake employee in his health department
    • Break : 02: 35: 11h – 02: 52: 17h
    • From 02: 52: 50h – Torsten Engelbrecht about Neil Ferguson and his entanglements
      • 2001 – Misjudgment of the mouth and claw disease
      • 2002 – Misjudgment of the Kreuzfeld Jacob disease
      • 2005 – Misjudgment about bird flu
      • Misjudgment about swine flu
      • Misjudgment about camel flu, Ebola and MERS
    • Break : 03: 47: 05h – 03: 55: 10h
    • From 03: 55: 10h – Prof. Ulrike Kämmerer on the Corman-Drosten paper submitted in

21st meeting on October 16, 2020

Corona Committee 21st meeting

  • Title: “Corporate Power and Corruption”
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 04: 33: 38h
  • Attendees :
    • RA Dr. Renate Holzeisen (Attorney [ Homepage ], Italy)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Paul Schreyer (Multipolar – Freelance Journalist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Dr. Günter Frank (General Practitioner [ Homepage ], Naturopathic treatment)
    • Dr. Eugen Janzen (Pediatrician [ Homepage ], Germany)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00: 13: 14h
    • From 00: 14: 16h – RA Renate Holzeisen about the misrepresentation of the current figures and the situation in Italy with the masks and measures
    • From 01: 14: 08h – Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg talks about the PCR test and continues to discuss
    • From 01: 30: 33h – Paul Schreyer talks about the entanglements between WEF & WHO & GAVI & Melinda & Bill Gates Foundation on January 21, 2020
    • Break 02: 21: 45h – 02: 48: 13h
    • From 02:48:40 – Dr. Günter Frank talks about Karl Lauterbach and evaluates his statements and the entanglements with well-known donors
    • Break: 03: 20: 22h – 03: 30: 35h
    • From 03: 30: 55h – Dr. Eugen Janzen talks about the mask problem and the children

20th meeting on October 9th, 2020

Corona Committee 20th meeting

  • Title: “Financial system and Hartz IV regime”
  • VideoLink to the session: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 04: 24: 41h
  • Attendees :
    • Ernst Wolf (Journalist and book author, Germany)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Ralph Boes (Philosopher [ Homepage ])
    • Prof. Michael Klundt (Childhood researcher)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:10:57
    • From 00: 12: 01h – serious wolf about the problems of the current financial system and the introduction of a new digital monetary system
    • From 01: 34: 18h – Ralph Boes about the situation of the Hartz IV problem
    • Break: 02: 49: 27h – 03: 09: 11h
    • From 03: 09: 33h – Prof. Michael Klundt about the children and the consequences of the Corona measures for the children

19th meeting on October 6, 2020

Corona Committee 19th meeting

  • Title: “Risks from the treatment / internals from the schools”
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 03: 56: 56h
  • Attendees :
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Anonymous teacher
    • Dr. Claus Köhnlein (Specialist in internal diseases)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:06:22
    • From 00: 07: 34h – Anonymous teacher about the situation in the school and the mask requirement
    • From 00: 35: 24h – Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg to the mask as virus protection
    • From 00: 42: 14h – Dr. Justus P. Hoffmann that the school should not force the children and to the legal things: “The schools should just insist on their lack of responsibility.”
    • Break : 01: 15: 31h – 02: 08: 58h
    • From 02: 11: 24h – Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg to the doctor, who informed about the benefits and harms of masks in children
    • From 02: 35: 16h – Dr. Claus Köhnlein about the treatment of corona sufferers

18th meeting on October 2nd, 2020

Corona Committee 18th meeting

  • Title: “Danger from the measures, risks from the treatment”
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 04: 36: 35h
  • Attendees :
    • Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab (Professor of Law in Bielefeld, Germany)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Dr. Martin Hulpke bet (Doctor for paediatrics / preventive medicine)
    • Manuel Döring (Engineer)
    • Dr. Helmut Traindl (Engineer)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:01:57
    • Introduction to the media as they report incorrectly.
    • From 00: 41: 30h – Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab to the LG Munich on a case of a restaurant operator
    • Break : 01: 20: 18h – 02: 28: 26h
    • From 02: 29: 14h – Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg to the masks
    • From 02: 38: 10h – Dr. Martin Hulpke bet to the masks and oxygen saturation
    • From 03: 33: 15h – Manuel Döring works as a reviewer and explains the masks
    • From 03: 57: 13h – Dr. Helmut Traindl the CO2 concentration under the mask

17th meeting of September 18, 2020

Corona Committee 17th meeting

  • Title: “The economy in the grip of the pandemic”
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 05: 19: 27h
  • Attendees :
    • Oliver Gaebe (Journalist)
    • Volker Reusing (Human rights activist)
    • Sarah-Luzia Hassel-Reusing
    • Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi (Specialist in infection epidemology and microbiology, Germany)
    • Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab (Professor of Law in Bielefeld, Germany)
    • Paul Schreyer (Multipolar – Freelance Journalist, Germany)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00: 18: 00h
    • From 00: 19: 05h – Oliver Gaebe about his personal situation and the local situation in Mallorca
    • From 01: 17: 00h – People Reusing about his work as a human rights activist
    • Break : 02: 13: 22h to 03: 15: 56h
    • From 03: 15: 56h – Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi about the possible corona vaccinations
    • From 03: 41: 59h – Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab with legal additions to the statements by Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi
    • Break : 03: 46: 22h to 04: 24: 06h
    • From 04: 24: 58h – Paul Schreyer on pandemic planning – Event 201 – Discussion, questions and comments from Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab

16th meeting of 17th September 2020

Corona Committee 16th meeting

  • Title: “The Corona consultation hour: Help for self-help with masks, tests, quarantine”
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 03: 37: 03h
  • Attendees :
    • Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab (Professor of Law in Bielefeld, Germany)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Attorney Dirk Sattelmeier (Lawyers for Education, Germany)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00: 21: 31h
    • Introduction with discussion of mask certificates
    • From 01: 35: 30h – Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab about the problems with the quarity notices and excesses of the authorities
    • From 01: 59: 54h – Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg discussed with Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab
    • From 02: 29: 33h – Attorney Dirk Sattelmeier on the criminal law issues relating to mask-exempt persons and notices of fines

15th meeting on September 12, 2020

Corona Committee 15th meeting

  • Title: “Hypnosis, rituals, fear and ways out of the trauma crisis”
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 03: 16: 08h
  • Attendees :
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Prof. Dr. Franz Ruppert (Psychotraumatologist)
    • Prof. Gerald Hüther (Neurobiologist
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00: 11: 03h
    • introduction
    • From 00: 14: 05h – Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg to develop vaccines in the US and Europe
    • From 01: 01: 00h – Dr Dr Franz Ruppert about psychological aspects
    • From 02: 12: 00h – Prof. Gerald Hüther

14th meeting on September 11, 2020

Corona Committee 14th meeting

  • Title: “The rule of law and the Berlin demonstrations”
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 04: 46: 02h
  • Attendees :
    • Daniel Siber (Former Green politician, Germany)
    • RA Ralf Ludwig (Lawyers for Education, Germany)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Lars Oberndorf (Former Police Commissioner, Germany)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00: 16: 08h
    • From 00: 31: 53h – Daniel Siber after the demonstrations in Berlin he was resigned from the Greens
    • short break: 00: 37: 33h – 00: 39: 44h
    • From 00: 31: 53h – Daniel Siber Further
    • From 01: 56: 35h – RA Ralf Ludwig for the demonstration in Berlin
      • Pure Fuellmich:The central point of the determination of the epidemic situation of national scope was the overburdening of the health system. That was the central point and there was never this excessive demand! “
    • From 03: 26: 15h – Lars Oberndorf quotes Helmut Schmidt: “The character shows itself in the crisis.” About his experience at the demo in Berlin and the rule of law of the demo ban

13th meeting on August 21, 2020

Corona Committee 13th meeting

  • Title: “Middle class in crisis, national debt, pandemic profiteers”
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 05: 08: 37h
  • Attendees :
    • Karl-Hermann Wagner (Entrepreneur – hospital kitchen operator, Germany)
    • André Reiser (Management consultant in the automotive industry)
    • Dr. Wolf Stelzner ( Business psychologist)
    • Prof. Dr. Christian Kreiss ( Economist)
    • Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab (Professor of Law in Bielefeld, Germany)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:06:49
    • From 00: 07: 36h – Karl-Hermann wagner about the economic situation of his company and the situation of the hospitals (crystal clear assessment of the economic situation in Germany)
    • From 00: 39: 45h – André Reiser about the automotive industry and its struggle for survival
      • André Rieser: “We need a climate. I would like to call it a climate that allows social discourse in a wide variety of places and we need someone who brings society back out of the compulsion to normopathy. “
    • From 01: 27: 15h – Dr. wolfgang Wodarg
    • From 01: 36: 25h – Dr. Wolf Stelzner to the pre-existing economic problems and why one is not heard in the political environment
    • From 01: 47: 05h – Prof. Dr. Christian Kreiss about the economy in Germany.
    • From 02: 18: 10h – Dr. wolfgang Wodarg a discussion begins
    • Break : 02: 35: 39h – 02: 37: 50h
    • From 02:37:50 – Karl-Hermann wagner starts a discussion and All discuss possible measures and the future
    • Break : 03: 14: 49h – 03: 32: 55h
    • From 03: 32: 59h – Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab – Question: “A state that forbids its companies to make money must tell them where it should come from instead.”

12th meeting on August 20, 2020

Corona Committee 12th session

  • Title: “Disincentives in the System – The Role of the Media II”
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 03: 02: 09h
  • Attendees :
    • Hermann Ploppa (Political scientist)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Don Dylan (Health and Prevention Advisor)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:18:42
    • From 00: 21: 07h – Hermann Ploppa about the structures of the interrelationships with think tanks and politics
    • From 01: 47: 31h – Don Dylan on the sense of a turnaround in health care – disincentives in health care.

11th meeting on August 17, 2020

Corona Committee 11th meeting

  • Title: “Data protection – 1 million genomes, health ID, tracking app legal system – basis for the measures, encroachments on fundamental rights
  • VideoLink to the session: on Odyssey: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 04: 17: 01h
  • Attendees :
    • Dr. Thilo Weichert (Data protection expert)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Attorney Gordon Pankalla (Lawyer)
    • Karl Hilz (Retired police officer, Germany)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:08:48
    • From 00: 10: 08h – Dr. Thilo Weichert on the subject of data protection in relation to the health ID and the corona test data
    • Break: 01: 41: 38h – 02: 01: 03h
    • From 02: 01: 23h – Attorney Gordon Pankalla explains the legal issues of the current situation and the courts that do not want to decide
    • From 03: 14: 16h – Karl Hilz on organized crime in the Ministry of Health and the government

10th meeting on August 14, 2020

Corona Committee 10th meeting

  • Title: “Dangerousness of the virus, treatment of the disease, vaccination as a way out?”
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 04: 32: 38h
  • Attendees :
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Dr. Gerd Reuther (Former head physician)
    • Clemens Arvey (Dipl. Biologist, Germany)
    • Prof. Pierre Capel (Immunologist)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00: 14: 20h
    • From 00: 15: 35h – Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg about the dangerousness of the virus
    • From 01:11:50 – Dr. Gerd Reuther for the treatment of corona patients
    • From 02: 27: 32h – Clement Arvey about the dangers of the virus and the dangers of vaccinations
    • From 03: 32: 48h – Prof. Pierre Capel about the PCR tests and the virus and vaccinations

9th meeting on August 13, 2020

Corona Committee 9th meeting

  • Title: “The role of the media”
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 04: 07: 04h
  • Attendees :
    • Patrick Plaga (Journalist, now lives in Sweden, Sweden)
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Prof. Dr. Michael Meyen (Media researcher)
    • Johannes Ludwig (Communication scientist)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:07:26
    • From 00: 09: 35h – Patrick Plaga about the situation in Sweden and how it is presented in the German media
    • From 01: 07: 55h – Dr. wolfgang Wodarg via the title media as a transition to Prof. Dr. Michael Meyen
    • From 01: 12: 22h – Prof. Dr. Michael Meyen zurr current media society and the possibility of influence
    • From 02: 25: 42h – John Ludwig about the connections below the media and the problem with it

08th meeting on August 10, 2020

Corona Committee 8th meeting

  • Title: “USA – the view from the inside / Current situation in Sweden, France, Italy etc.”
  • VideoLink to the session: on Odyssey: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 04: 08: 00h
  • Attendees :
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Dr. Pam Popper (UNITED STATES)
    • Ash Zrl (Entrepreneur / fashion designer, Nepal)
    • Dr. Luca Speciani (Italy)
    • Gaby Weber (Journalist, Argentina)
    • Dr. Dolores Cahill (Ireland)
  • Contents:
    • From 00: 17: 30h – Dr. wolfgang Wodarg about the situation in the USA
    • Break at 00:31:35
    • From 00: 33: 26h – Dr. Pam Poppers on the situation in the USA and the assessment of the healthcare industry [ENG]
    • From 02: 00: 51h – Dr. wolfgang Wodarg sums up Pam Poppers’ views
    • From 02: 02: 55h – Ash Zrl describes the situation in Nepal [ENG]
    • From 02: 20: 23h – Dr. Luca Speciani on the situation in Italy and a prognosis for the ruin of the middle class [ENG]
    • From 02: 42: 02h – Gaby Weber on the situation in Argentina – shocking – [ DEU ]
    • From 03: 20: 39h – Ash Zrl – Continuation of the interview on the situation in Nepal [ENG]
    • From 03: 31: 29h – Dr. Dolores Cahill on the situation in Ireland [ DEU ] [ENG]

07th meeting on August 7, 2020

Corona Committee 7th session

  • Title: “Do the masks protect or do they harm?”
  • VideoLink to the session: on Odyssey: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 04: 12: 20h
  • Attendees :
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Attorney Anthony Brink (Lawyer, South Africa)
    • Patrick Plaga (Journalist, Sweden)
    • RA Jeroem Pauwls (Lawyer, Netherlands)
    • Attorney Michael Verstraeten (Lawyer, Belgium)
    • Dr. Hans-Joachim Maaz (Psychiatrist, psychoanalyst and author)
    • Daniela Prousa (Graduate psychologist, focus on stress)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:01:03
    • From 00:02:40 – Dr. wolfgang Wodarg about the situation in Germany [ENG]
    • To 00: 08: 02h – Attorney Anthony Brink about the situation in South Africa [ENG]
    • From 00: 18: 02h – Patrick Plaga on the situation in Sweden [ENG]
    • From 00: 24: 42h – Attorney Jeroem Pauwls about the situation in the Netherlands [ENG]
    • From 00: 28: 44h – Attorney Michael Verstraeten on the situation in Belgium [ENG]
    • From 00: 38: 22h – Antonia Fischer on the situation in Germany
    • From 00: 43: 13h – Dr. wolfgang Wodarg to the masks
    • From 00: 54: 14h – Patrick Plaga to schools in Sweden
    • From 00: 56: 16h – Dr. wolfgang Wodarg on masks and the dangers of oxygen saturation
    • Break : 01: 27: 33h – 01: 43: 00h
    • From 01: 43: 01h – Dr. Hans-Joachim Maaz to the psychological dimension of wearing a mask
    • Break : 02: 39: 40h – 02: 52: 15h
    • From 02: 52: 15h – Daniela Prousa about the psychological consequences of the masks and the physical consequences

06th meeting on July 31, 2020

Corona Committee 6th meeting

  • Title: “The situation of the children”
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 03: 57: 44h
  • Themenauszug:
    • Increase in panic, fear, insecurity, abnormal behavior
    • Children feel an unnatural new school world
    • Welfare and advice centers are not available at all or only to a limited extent
    • Additional burdens for parents and educators
    • School openings with socio-psychological consequences (masks, disinfection, distance)
    • Cancellation of important social events (school trips, religious celebrations, degrees)
  • Attendees :
    • Dipl.-Psych. Elisabeth M. Sternbeck (Child and adolescent psychotherapist)
    • Prof. Dr. Christian Schubert (Psychoneuroimmunologist)
    • Tina Rhomdani (Member of , Germany)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00:06:24
    • From 00: 09: 18h – Dipl.-Psych. Elisabeth M. Sternbeck Intro
      • From 00:10: 52h – Loss of education and damage to the child’s well-being has already occurred and must urgently be reversed!
      • From 00: 28: 00h – school usually provides uncritical and undifferentiated information: Virus, quarantine, pandemic
      • From 00: 45: 00h – If you give grandma a kiss now, grandma will die!
      • From 00: 50: 00h – The longer the measures last, the more serious the psychological consequences. The restrictions are grossly exaggerated, at least for children
        Children currently only learn obedience, they unlearn to question them, they are afraid that others will die as a result of their behavior
      • From 01: 09: 00h – it is essential to discuss parents’ doubts with the children
      • From 01: 13: 00h – experiment social distancing Children need social closeness!
      • From 01: 23: 45h – experiment still face: Children need facial expressions for soul and development!
    • From 01: 34: 30h – Prof. Dr. Dr. Christian Schubert – We are approaching this medically wrong! Mental contemplation is missing, only machine medicine
    • From 1:50:30 am – Psychological pandemic research (fear / fear? Stigmatization / discrimination? Search for strategies) can help with a holistic view of sociological, psychological and neural consequences
    • From 01:57 a.m. – The fear pandemic is characterized by irrationality, not stupidity
    • From 02:05:00 – media influence the children via the detour “parents”, high risk of trauma
    • From 02:14:30 – the image of health must be improved and expanded (preventive medicine / salutogenesis)
    • From 02:18 p.m. – consumer advertising is harmful, systemic repairs are necessary for new medicine
    • From 02: 27: 00h – is the psychosocial disaster or the apocalypse coming?
    • From 02: 50: 00h – audience reactions
    • From 02: 54: 00h – Tina Romdhani for the initiative parents stand up
      • From 02: 59: 00h – parents’ experience report
        Schools uncritically assume the role of enforcement by intimidating children
        Visible symptoms increase: sadness, nausea, restlessness
        Hearing impaired children have big problems
        Inquisitive and interested children are given detention
        Children play together outside without any problems, why distance & masks?
      • From 03: 07: 00h – personal view
        Children shouldn’t question anything, school surrenders to obedience
        Children’s development is permanently disturbed
        Parents should encourage children to share about the new school
        Class teachers lose confidence
      • From 03: 12: 00h – We have Corona! General apology for all measures. Critical parental inquiries should by default not be answered by the education authority
      • From 03: 16: 00h – Corona will find its way into German and math classes as the new normal
      • From 03: 19: 00h – State welfare fails, child protection and care is neglected, parents are challenged like never before
    • Joint final discussion
      • From 03: 23: 00h – The Stockholm Syndrome
      • From 03: 26: 00h – children lose touch with the natural self
      • From 03: 31: 00h – Ignorance & aggression in society are increasing, also towards children? great social pressure
      • From 03: 39: 00h – The indecent naked face
      • From 03: 44: 00h – we all have to get up!

5th meeting on July 30, 2020

Corona Committee 5th meeting

  • Title: “The situation of entrepreneurs and the self-employed”
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 04: 22: 59h
  • Attendees :
    • Nils Roth (Owner of Green Mango Karaoke Bar, Berlin, Germany)
    • Martin Ruhland (Musician / sales representative, Germany)
    • Heinz Kruse (Retired economic department / banking department, Germany)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 00: 16: 26h
    • From 00: 18: 55h – Nils Roth on its post-lockdown situation
    • From 01: 00: 43h – Martin Ruhland on the situation in his branch and the applications / assistance
    • From 02:19:19 – break (15 minutes)
    • From 03: 25: 05h – Heinz Kruse The overall classification of the corona crisis in economic terms

4th meeting on July 24, 2020

Corona Committee 4th meeting

  • Title: “The Drosten Test, Immunity and the Second Wave”
  • VideoLink to the session: on Odyssey: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 03: 12: 45h
  • Attendees :
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Prof Ulrike Kämmerer (Virologist / Immunologist, University of Würzburg, Germany)
  • Contents:
    • From 00: 15: 25h – Prof. Ulrike Kämmerer on the coronavirus and a comparison with the flu waves of previous years
    • From 01: 51: 51h – break
    • From 02: 15: 27h – Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg

3rd meeting on July 23, 2020

Corona Committee 3rd meeting

  • Title: “Bergamo – what was going on?
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 04: 39: 53h
  • Attendees :
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Dr. Luca Speciani (Nutritionist, Founder of the Signal Medicine Academy, [ Homepage ], Italy)
    • Dr. Loretta Bolgan (Pharmacologist, molecular biologist,[Homepage] , Italy)
    • Translator: Mr. Fabio Zoffi
    • Prof. Antonietta Gatti (Nanopathologist, University of Urbino, co-founder of the Free Health Academy,[Homepage] , Italy)
    • Dr. Prof. Pasquale Bacco (Pathologist, doctor, Italy)
  • Contents:
    • Start: 18: 40h
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg introductory to the situation in Bergamo
    • From 00: 29: 10h – Dr. Luca Speciani on the situation in Bergamo and Italy [ENG]
    • From 01: 11: 28h – Dr. Loretta Bolgan on the situation in Bergamo and Italy [ENG]
    • Break: 02: 00: 20h – 02: 47: 08h
    • From 02: 47: 08h – Prof. Antonietta Gatti on the examined dead in Italy who died of or with Corona [ENG]
    • From 03: 22: 18h – Prof. Pasquale Bacco tells what is done wrong in treatment and killing patients with wrong drugs [ENG]
    • From 03:39:50 – Prof. Antonietta Gatti on to drugs and causes of death [ENG]

2nd meeting on July 15, 2020

Corona Committee 2nd meeting

  • Title: The situation of the people in the nursing homes
  • VideoLink to the session: on YT: (Intro: VideoURL Part 1: ? , Part 2: ? )
  • Length: 05:01:58
  • T participant :
    • Adelheid von Stösser (German nursing expert, [ Homepage ], Germany)
    • Mrs. Herrmann (Psychologist, institution for mentally and multiply disabled people, Germany)
    • Mr. Kusch (Supervisor, Germany)
    • Dr. Regina Kühne (Daughter of a person in need of care, Germany)
  • Contents:
    • From 00:00: 05h – introduction
    • From 00:01:18 – Adelheid von Stösser on the situation in old people’s homes in Germany
    • End: 00: 10: 01h
    • From 00: 01: 28h – Adelheid von Stösser on the situation in old people’s homes in Germany
    • From 00:05:58 – Mrs. Herrmann
    • From 00: 39: 56h – Adelheid von Stösser on the situation in old people’s homes in Germany
    • From 01:46:29 – break
    • From 03: 17: 52h – Adelheid von Stösser on the situation in old people’s homes in Germany
    • From 03: 24: 25h – Mr. Kusch – Part 1
    • From 03: 59: 49h – interruption
    • From 04:05:50 – Mr. Kusch , Part 2
    • From 04: 15: 08h – Dr. Regina Kühne
    • End: 05:01:58

1st meeting on July 8th, 2020

Corona Committee 1st meeting

  • Title: Learning from the swine flu investigative committee
  • VideoLink to the session: on Odyssey: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 03: 36: 48h
  • Attendees :
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Pulmonologist / internist / pulmonologist / social medicine specialist [ Homepage ], Germany)
  • Contents:
    • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg on the outbreak of bird flu, its spread and control. Conclusions & termination. Lessons from the Swine Influenza Investigative Committee

Initial press conference on July 10, 2020

1st Corona Committee press conference

  • Title: Press conference of the Corona Committee
  • VideoLink to the session: on Odyssey: ( VideoURL )
  • Length: 01: 49: 55h
  • Attendees :
    • RA Reiner Fuellmich
    • Attorney Viviane Fischer
    • Attorney Antonia Fischer
    • Attorney Justus P. Hoffmann
  • Contents:
    • Presentation of the Corona Committee and its upcoming activities

The table of contents was created on the basis of the material available in the videos.

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