Foundation Corona Committee, 116th session on August 8th, 2022
Dr. Ariyana Love – Naturopathic Doctor, Investigative Journalist
(Original language: English)
[Transcript from Team + Ed]
Reiner Füllmich: [2:57:07]
She’s a naturopathic doctor and investigative journalist. Her elder son was vaccine-injured at age two, and diagnosed with high-functioning autism at age seven. She applied her knowledge of naturopathic medicine and designed a dietary protocol that resulted in a near-total reversal of her son’s debilitating symptoms. In 2017 she was awarded the official title of good will ambassador to Palestine via the Palestinian authority.
She’s going to talk about covid-19 vaaccine patents, that they’re able to target and permanently delete genetic codes on genetic lineages in humans, and also encode new genetic sequences into the genome of targeted cells. About the role of gene deletion in autism or AIDS. She’s also going to talk about the 115 different animal venoms contained within the spike protein, and about the transmissibility of this bioweapon, using graphene oxide nanoparticles as vectors.
This is probably or maybe the essence of what she’s going to tell us: they’re not using viruses in any vaccines. It’s always been deadly bacteria extractions like E. Coli, to create lab-generated micoplasmas. And this is the root cause of all chronic illness.
It could be, it could very well be that this coincides with the conclusion that Dr. Judy Mikovitz has also drawn after having been so close to the people who are– some of the people who we think are behind this, Fauci, Dr. Fauci from the United States included.
So she’s going to be with us any minute now. Let’s see what she’s going to tell us about the– about how to reverse autism, or vaccine-induced autism.
Wolfgang Wodarg, MD: [2:59:20] [simultaneous translation from German]
… I’m always opposed to fear mongering. We can see so many people who see the worst. And that’s why it’s so important to avoid unnecessary fears, really digging to the bottom of things. And if anybody comes up with news that is frightening, they have to prove their point. And I’m not sure if you can go to the bottom of all of these things that you just mentioned.
Reiner Füllmich:
No, it’s good to say this. It’s a kind of disclaimer anyway. I know that some of the things that are being said, there will be a counter-reaction, but tghat’s ok, that’s fine. We don’t want to say that we know everything and we’ve got all the wisdom. And we didn’t say that we agree with all that’s been said. Viviane has made this clear in the beginning. We said we are listening to the different sides, and everybody has to come to their own conclusion. If we get better insights, we’ll comment on it.
I am happy, Wolfgang, that you are with us now, because that’s going to be quite medical, and issues that you, as a doctor, will be better able to assess than we will.
[continuing with English as original language]
Reiner Füllmich: [3:00:47]
Okay, Ariyana, Are you there?
Ariyana Love, ND:
Yes, hi Dr. Fuellmich.
Reiner Füllmich:
What happened? You got lost.
Ariyana Love, ND:
I think I mixed the time.
Reiner Füllmich:
Oh, okay, okay, a little bit, yeah. So I just read what Corbin prepared for us. You’re a naturopathic doctor, investigative journalist, and you applied your knowledge as a naturopath in order to cure your son, who was vaccine injured at age two. And then you managed to reverse pretty much all of the symptoms at– the autism symptoms, by applying what you have learned. Is is that really true?
Ariyana Love, ND:
That’s really true.
Reiner Füllmich:
Ariyana Love, ND:
Yeah, I mean, he was quite severely injured. I mean, he was nonresponsive. So I could enter the room and say his name ten, twenty times, stick my face close to his face, and he wouldn’t really look up or respond. Sometimes he would, but most of the times he didn’t. And then after putting him on the specialized diet– I just took matters into my own hands, because the diagnosis took about three years, and I couldn’t wait any more to give him relief. So I tried the diet, a specialized diet, and then literally within two weeks he was a different kid. I’d walk in the room, say his name, he would look up, “What, Mom?”, like that. So it’s totally doable, and I’ve helped people since then with children with autism to reverse most of it.
Reiner Füllmich:
We– I’ve heard the same story from someone else, and that is Dr. Judy Mikovits. She is, she’s done a lot with respect to autism. I think she’s going to take part, this month actually, she’s going to take part in another– I guess it’s a conference on autism, “Autism One” or something like that. And it’s going to be, that particular meeting is going to be held in… I believe Phoenix, Arizona, or maybe Mesa, I’m not sure. But some place in Arizona. Have you spoken to her?
Ariyana Love, ND:
Not directly, but I would really like to. I have a lot of admiration for Dr. Mikovits.
Reiner Füllmich:
Yeah, she’s pretty cool. And what is– what kind of diet is that you’re talking about? You know, earlier today we spoke with Professor Ulrike Kammerer. She’s a microbiologist and an immunologist from the University of Würtzburg, in Bavaria. And she explained to us about the values of a ketogenic diet. What is your diet, in that case?
Ariyana Love, ND:
Well I found that children with high-functioning autism, they all have an intolerance to gluten. That’s the main thing; they can’t digest it. So it leaks from the intestines into the blood stream. And when it reaches the brain it creates, like a hallucinogen effect.
Reiner Füllmich:
Ariyana Love, ND:
So this is why they’re so much in their own world. And, you know, they can even have nightmares and things like that. And then also this intolerance to dairy, for some reason. So what I did was I removed gluten and dairy.
Reiner Füllmich:
Ariyana Love, ND:
And then incorporated– at the time, I incorporated a a product called Stemtech, which are super nutrients that make your adult stem cells start producing again in the body. And back then, the company only got the adult stem cell production up to 20 percent. Now, they have it up to 53 percent. And then in my protocol, I’ve gotten it up maybe 60, 63 percent. So this is pretty phenomenal, because they’ve put trillions [sic]of dollars into stem cell research, to try to figure out how to get the adult stem cells to start producing again. Super nutrients.
Reiner Füllmich:
Ariyana Love, ND:
So– and I also gave him bluegreen algae, which is the most nutrient-dense food known to man. And it chelates the blood of heavy metals, and it also binds to graphene oxide nano particles. I mean, I don’t have the studies on that, but I believe so, because it does bind to metals. So yeah, it took about two weeks, and he just completely turned around. I had him on this diet for three months. And then after that, I think new pathways were created in his brain, and all of his allergies seemed to be gone, and he was able to eat anything.
Reiner Füllmich:
Ariyana Love, ND:
You know, he didn’t have too much– Yeah, I monitored his diet. I’m, you know, always making healthy foods. But pretty much, he was able to live a normal life. And people could not tell he was high functioning autistic, unless they studied it.
Reiner Füllmich:
Ariyana Love, ND:
Then they could pick it up.
Reiner Füllmich:
Uh-huh. So is he now, can he now, is he completely cured?
Ariyana Love, ND:
He… was for the most part, until he went into the army in Finland, in the Finish, you know, did his nine-months mandatory service. And they jabbed him with the flu vaccine.
Reiner Füllmich:
Ariyana Love, ND:
And apparently it was the mRNA nano technology. And I had to put him on my protocol and– I mean, he became autistic again and almost catatonic, really, and unable to speak for months. And I finally put things, the pieces, together and realized that, oh boy, he’s been vaccine injured again. But this time with more dangerous technology. So I witnessed that 1p36 [correcting] deletion syndrome, up close and personal. And, the reversal of it, not completely but maybe halfway. You know, he is responsive again and talking and he’ll probably kill me for talking about him, but I just won’t send him this video.
Reiner Füllmich:
But now he’s–
Ariyana Love, ND:
It’s important that people hear about this.
Reiner Füllmich: [3:06:36]
But he’s on a, he’s on a good way right now.
Ariyana Love, ND:
He’s– yeah, I got him– I mean, for months, he wasn’t talking. And I mean, I just saw that complete lobotomization in the frontal cortex of his brain. I’ve researched all of that as well and found the proof of it. But to see it up close and personal– I’ve seen it in some of my clients as well, and they can come back. The person will start to come back naturally and the body will repair itself as long as they’re not, a person is not continuously being poisoned. But there’s ways to speed up the process of bringing someone back.
Reiner Füllmich:
Ariyana Love, ND:
So you have to detoxify their body completely from all the poison and then, you know, get the technology out, and then blast their body with super nutrients and other things. I mean, we could get into that maybe a little bit later.
Reiner Füllmich:
Okay. Well, I read here that as far as the covid-19 vaccine patents are concerned, you believe that they’re able to target and permanently delete genetic codes and genetic lineages in humans. And also encode new genetic sequences into the genome of targeted cells. What does that mean? Because this is in connection with autism and AIDS. What does that mean?
Ariyana Love, ND:
Ok. Well it’s a mouthful to reply to. And a have my notes here. I’m gonna go into a little bit of detail about how their how they’re transecting human cells. We do have a study out of Sweden, right, that– recently, that proves that the mRNA is transcribing into the DNA so they’re using
Reiner Füllmich:
Yeah, xxxxxx talk about it.
Ariyana Love, ND:
Right. Yeah. So they’re using three different microscopic organisms. They’re using hydras, parasites and worms as carriers of the messenger RNA. So what that means– for example the hydra vulgaris. It was first identified by doctor Carrie Madej and aired on Stew Peters Show in September of 2021. And that got my attention. I’m like, what is this doing and in these vials, you know. And so I started researching, and I found a plethora of information and wrote my first article. This was before I even got into the patents.
So this hydra vulgaris is a transgenesis technology that was developed over the last thirty years. And it’s for transferring genes and organisms from one species to another and for creating a new clone species. So this technology that they’re using now on humans, the mRNA nano technology, it is a cloning technology. And it says so in the studies and in the patents. They specify that. So the masks, the PCR kits, they are all cloning devices. And this is on NIH website. I can give you all the links. The masks contain hydrogels and, you know, people have identified that. And it contains an entire, the entire cloning system. Same with the PCR. And then it’s also the the injections. Okay.
Wolfgang Wodarg, MD
… I interrupt?
Ariyana Love, ND:
Wolfgang Wodarg, MD
I’m sorry, but you tell us so many different things, but I cannot bring them together now that they have to do with each– so you xxxxxxxx the 1p36 syndrome, which is a very rare genetic disease which is inherited in most of the cases and you spoke about the… Swedish study of changing DNA. and now you’re speaking about completely different things. So if we want to discuss those things, we should have more time for the single topics. I would be very interested in discussing the–
Ariyana Love, ND:
All right. I’ll keep it, I’ll try to keep it simple and slow down. Yeah. Okay. I’m not good at that, but I’ll do it. I always try to cram too much information, and there’s so much information. Okay so the i– the 1p36 gene deletion: what the studies say is that the deletion syndrome, it’s due to gene deletion, targeted gene deletion in the brain. And what I found and studied and documented is that they are knocking out– knock out means the complete deletion of the X chromosome in three different regions of the brain that they’re targeting. It’s like surgical strikes with nano robots. And they are first deleting the x chromosome which is the e1 gene. When you do that in the frontal cortex of the brain it induces autism and autism spectrum disorder in those three regions of the brain.
Wolfgang Wodarg, MD
Okay so the diseases known because it’s– in some cases, in 20 percent of the cases it’s an inherited disease it is a… if both parents have it, you might have my have children who have this disease–
Ariyana Love, ND:
It’s not inherited.
Wolfgang Wodarg, MD
20 percent–
Ariyana Love, ND:
That’s what they say.
Wolfgang Wodarg, MD
No, 20 perecent–
Ariyana Love, ND:
That’s what they say–
Wolfgang Wodarg, MD
20 percent is NOT a inherited. 20 percent–
Ariyana Love, ND:
I don’t think so. I don’t think any more. I mean, that’s what it– They groom us to be, for what they’re preparing to do to us. So they start to release information like two, three years before they launch the attack. And they say words they want us to believe. But there are so many lies in… you know, you have to know… I don’t know. I’ve done so much research that I have documents proving that it’s due to g– all of the studies say it’s gene deletion, not that it’s some inherited thing when you’re born. There are some sites that say that, but I don’t believe them, because the studies say something else. So–
Wolfgang Wodarg, MD
I would be very interested in the studies you take as a background of your words. Because I used to work in an institution where, which were all those people trying to give consultants to parents who were afraid of genetic diseases when they get newborn children. And I know that this is a very rare disease, and there’s, there’s very few cases. And I would be very interested where there’s, where this overview comes from and who’s collecting such data, and why, and with which method. Because I don’t want to– I think it’s not enough to believe something. It’s– we have to, we have to be skeptical about all informations we get from each side. I don’t– if someone is on the right side, I don’t stop asking questions, sorry.
Ariyana Love, ND:
No, you don’t have to apologize for that. I totally get it. I mean, I would never talk so freely about it, these things, except that I’ve documented it all. I’ve seen the evidence myself. So I, I can speak about it with confidence. And I’ve got it all on my blog, my website.
Wolfgang Wodarg, MD
When you– you told us your son got this disease.
Ariyana Love, ND:
xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx
Wolfgang Wodarg, MD [3:14:09]
How did, you know, how this this chromosome defect–
Ariyana Love, ND:
Disorder, yeah.
Wolfgang Wodarg, MD
Disorder, yes. After he got the vaccinations in the army how did you make the, how did you make the diagnosis? How did you find out?
Ariyana Love, ND:
Well I compared what he was going through, what I witnessed him experience, you know, what happened to him in front of my eyes, and I compared it to what’s been happ–, what I’ve seen in my clients. So I’ve seen the same thing in–
Wolfgang Wodarg, MD
You only had… you didn’t have a genetic analysis or something like that?
Ariyana Love, ND:
No, of course I don’t have a science lab. Yeah, I do, you know, use the old-fashioned, good old-fashioned medicine, which is, you know, you diagnose based on symptoms.
Wolfgang Wodarg, MD
Yeah, okay.
Ariyana Love, ND:
Yeah. Classic traditional medicine.
Wolfgang Wodarg, MD [3:14:58]
… old way of diagnosis to have a differential diagnosis and to find out whether there are other reasons why you can have this symptoms. So this would be very important to find out which of the possible reasons could be the one which is valid in this case.
Ariyana Love, ND:
Well I think it’s possible that they could be– people are, kids are born with this disorder, and it’s probably due to the vaccines that their parents had. I believe it’s all pharma-induced, based on the studies that I’ve researched and documented. I believe so.
Reiner Füllmich: [3:15:35]
That’s precisely what Judy Mikovits also believes, after having been in this business– quote unquote business, well it is a business– since the early 1980s. And she’s taken a really close look. So in that sense, it makes sense. It’s the– the thing is, we have to be very careful to not assume anything. And I know you’re not doing that. That’s why you’re referring to all these studies that you base your diagnoses on.
The the weird thing is, in my view, that the same thing happened to your son after the first vaccinations that he got as a child, and then another jab when he entered the army. Or was it, was he sent overseas and to Finland, and then he had to get another shot. I mean, this is what happened to most soldiers, happens to most soldiers when they’re sent overbroad, abroad, I’m sorry. They have to take numerous shots. I am, I’ve never been, I’ve never been what they now call a vaccine denier. I am now, after everything we’ve seen and heard about what these shots are doing, and after Dr, Judy Mikovits explains to me that, over and over again she does it, and she did it, that the cell lines which they use in order to create the… vaccines have been, well I guess “poisoned” is the right term to use, since the early 1960s, maybe even earlier. So anything you can catch from these vaccines makes sense, when you start from that basis. Because there is mice or mouse cells in there, there’s human fetuses in there.
So anything can happen, I suppose. What, what do you think? What is it that causes, in your particular case or in your son’s case, that causes autism?
Ariyana Love, ND: [3:17:53]
Well his, he did a nine-month mandatory service in Finland. And it was the Finnish government the jabbed him. If I knew they were going to administer it, I would have warned him, but I didn’t know. He came home one day and told me and they called it a flu vaccine. That was 2018.
Reiner Füllmich:
Ariyana Love, ND:
But what I found out, and I have a study that proves that, that pharma was testing the mRNA nano technology in their, in flu vaccine since 2015, though militaries are notorious for experimenting on, on–
Reiner Füllmich:
Ariyana Love, ND:
–troops. Yeah, and it took a little while for me to realize that wasn’t a normal flu vaccine. So I think, I think Dr. Mikovits is absolutely correct. And I, you know, she’s given so many pieces to the puzzle, and certainly helped me and my research too, you know, to go in the right direction.
Wolfgang Wodarg, MD
I’m, i’m just irritated about the diagnosis 1p36 syndrome. And, because I’ve never heard that you can, if you have this, that it is going to be repaired, that there is any cure, and if there is any getting better afterwards. I’ve never heard that.
Ariyana Love, ND:
Yeah. See, I’m so outside of the system my whole life. i’m a second-generation naturopathic doctor. I’ve never ever subscribed to allopathic medicine. I’ve been always against it. I’ve stayed out of hospitals my whole life. My parents raised me that way; I raise my kids… treating them at home. So my understanding and my approach to medicine is completely different. The root cause of disease to me is toxicity and deficiency. And that’s it. It’s simple as that. So whenever somebody is diseased or sick, they have toxicity or poisoning in the body. And the body needs help getting rid of it.
What I’ve found is that, that the human body has the capability of repairing itself of absolutely anything, of getting rid of absolutely any poison. And I’m seeing it now in my practice with people who are, are, you know, vax-injured. So I know it’s very different than allopathic medicine. But I’m… you could say traditional medicine prior to the Rockefeller Foundation in nine– that was established and 1909. So it’s, you know, real traditional medicine that, what we used to use.
Reiner Füllmich:
Yeah, that’s my approach. That’s what real medicine used to be. That’s what they taught at the universities. And then in 1913, I believe it was, the Rockefellers and, you know, the usual suspects decided to turn everything on its head. And I think they hired thousands of teachers and professors who were, since then, trying to to delete the memory, even, of how well naturopathic medicine worked for the people, and introduced allopathy and the pharmaceutical industry, more or less. And I, to me, after everything that we’ve learned over the last two and a half years when we– or less than that– we were conducting this Corona Investigative Committee, to me it makes absolute sense, what you’re saying. But of course, someone who is within the, or was within the system– Wolfgang was never really part of the system. He’s too unusual to be part of anything– but of course, to him as a doctor, an experience doctor, lung specialist, he needs to ask questions. I think this is good.
This is good for science; this is good for getting us ahead.
Ariyana Love, ND: [3:21:46]
I can, I can also address something that I get asked quite often, like, because when the cells are cloned with the messenger RNA and, you know, genes are deleted, artificial genetic sequence is coded into the genome, how is that reversible? This is what people ask. Well, it isn’t. The truth is, those cells are goners, that when you delete genes it’s permanent. You can’t get that back in that cell. But we have trillions of cells, in our body, and they can’t transfect all of them. This is why they want repeated injections: because this is a cloning process, and they have to keep the body poisoned in order for their technology to work. The nano technology can only disassemble, reassemble and self-replicate when the body is hypoxic, when the cells are in oxidative stress, when the mitochondria is in a reactive oxygen species, when the body is essentially poisoned and acidic. They have to keep it acidic, and then the nano technology works.
When the body is put back into a a state of homeostasis or balanced pH, then the nano technology cancells and is flushed out of the body. So this is in the studies.
Reiner Füllmich:
Ariyana Love, ND:
And so when it comes to reversing, for example, the lobotomization in the frontal cortex, you know, then the 1p36 gene deletion syndrome. Or “deletion syndrome”, it’s called. How that’s reversible is that those cells– okay, when the body is balanced again, the body starts to repair itself and does what the body naturally does: it will isolate those cells as dead cells, because they don’t contain the god-given genetic codes any more, so the body will identify them and get rid of them. And then your, your cells– as yours cells start to replicate again, you know, if you boost up the adult stem cell production– this is very important– then the body can rapidly recover. And in that case, it’s through the cellular replication, which takes a little bit of time, that you get a person back. But, you know, most cells have replicated in the body after just two years. It’s a process.
Wolfgang Wodarg, MD
No, the cells– I think you’re right that there– the Swedish study says that the repair mechanisms of the DNA is, is damaged.
Reiner Füllmich:
Wolfgang Wodarg, MD
And this is why, this is why the cells are not able to to adjust to new tasks. They are not able to… learn any more. And we have, we need those immune cells. It’s mostly the immune cells which are very, very important in such cases. We need those immune cells to, to detect cancer cells, to detect infected cells, or toxic, toxically damaged cells. And they will find them, and they will neutralize them, or eat them, or do something with them that they are no longer damaging us. And it’s a, it’s a matter of, also a matter of quantity. If we have lots of damage, your– it will be very difficult for the celts to to manage all this damage. But if you, if it’s, if you have a very strong immune system, there is a balance that the immune system may keep this together. We just learned about the the right food that you eat, with which you can manage to get rid of even of a growing cancer.
That your immune system gets stronger, and that you to shift the balance to the good side, to the better side, and that you can survive for many years.
This is possible, but the the diagnosis you were mentioning, this brain damage which is happening with this– chromosome damage, this is mostly happening with with children before they are born, even. And when you– there’s a typical damage and certain parts of the brain don’t even grow. And I cannot imagine that such a damage of some brain regions, very important for speaking, for moving, for many important functions– that they can be repaired within a month or within– this is not possible, I think. And so perhaps it’s just that you should think it over, whether the diagnosis d 1dp36 is the right, is the right diagnosis or not. That there was something and that it may be, may have [something to do] with the, with the intoxication and with the damage of the DNA. This may be possible, but it’s, I think it’s more complicated. And I would not, would not agree with you that this is typical for this 1p36, yeah, disease. which you were talking about.
Ariyana Love, ND: [3:26:54]
Well, you can, you can, I appreciate your your feedback. But you can read my article. It’s on my blog, every study, and there’s four of them in there. They all link– well, there’s a bunch of studies in there. But they all link– for example, they link gene deletion to autism. And these were just published in recent years, I think in the last three years. So this is new…
Reiner Füllmich:
Can you send us the article? Them we’ll make it available for all of our viewers. Because I know a lot of people want to know about these things, and I know you have a lot of followers who trust you and who want to learn from your experience. That’s why it’s so important to be able to to support everything that we’re are trying to tell them: so that they can, they have a reason to trust us. That’s– this is– we’re not–
Ariyana Love, ND:
Reiner Füllmich:
We’re not questioning anything; we’re just trying to get the, take a look at all of the different angles that may come into play here.
Ariyana Love, ND:
Yeah. I’m used to that. I mean, I’ve been a journalist since 2011, you know.
Reiner Füllmich:
Ariyana Love, ND:
You can’t say anything without backing it up. And I know how crazy this sounds, but I’m confident because of what I’ve seen and what I’ve researched. I mean, autism is caused by gene deletion, targeted gene deletion in the brain. Which means they’ve been doing this for decades.
Reiner Füllmich:
Yeah, that is quite possible.
Ariyana Love, ND:
And that’s what the studies show. And then you have this ise of autism, keeps going up and keeps going up. And like, for example, in Ireland a recent study showed that one in thirteen children now have– are on the autism spectrum. So, you know, there’s also that data to corroberate. But also along those lines, the gene deletions, that’s what HIV AIDS is.
Reiner Füllmich:
Ariyana Love, ND:
It’s the deletion of especially the e1 gene, which is the X chromosome. And that’s Anthony Fauci’s patent. He owns it, and it’s in all of these shots, all of the brands. It’s contained within the lenti viral vector, which is a combination of SARS MERS HIV I through III and SRD1, which induces AIDS. All of the patents mention gene deletion. So they have been playing around with this gene-deletion technology since what, the 80s, even before that. The US military was testing the adenovirus vectors, I think four, five and seven, on US military troops in 1950. That means they had mRNA nano technology all the way back then.
Reiner Füllmich:
Viviane Fischer:
Can I, I would ask like a very primitive question. Like this gene deletion thing: is that, that sounds so permanent. How is this reversible? If you, like with your treatment for instance, because that’s, that’s, yeah.
Ariyana Love, ND: [3:30:10]
Yeah that’s what I was talking about. And you know, that’s really hard for people to wrap their head, their minds around it, you know. And it took me a while, too. But the– when you delete the genes, it is permanent. You’re basically snapping the DNA in half. And then they’re coding an artificial genetic sequence. The only way they can get those clone cells to replicate in the body is if they keep the body in a state of toxicity, and the cells hypoxic. But when you reverse that, when you put the body back from an acidic, poisoned state into a balanced pH and back into homeostasis, the body will balance itself. The body will begin to isolate those cloned and damaged cells and start eliminating them, recognize them as dead cells.
Reiner Füllmich:
Ariyana Love, ND:
So that’s what they don’t want. They don’t want the body to be able to resist this, or to resist the poison. And another Swedish study that was just released, they found a hundred and fifteen different animal venoms in the spike protein, which is the glycoprotein S. So they are poisoning the body. And you know, it’s interesting when we talk about the immune system and the T cells or the white blood cells otherwise known as the mitochondria [sic] this is a very important part of the body’s self-defense. And you know, we have already built within us everything we need to push out any poison or toxin and to balance the– the body can balance itself from anything, except when it’s poison. That’s when the body needs help. So what was I going to say? I’vet forgotten.
Reiner Füllmich:
Please send us that study, too, because this is one of the major topics that we’ve been discussing, that– we meaning in this case, some of the American doctors and scientists who I spoke with while I was in the US for two and a half months or so. About, this study about the one hundred and fifteen different animal venoms contained within the spike protein. It does make sense to me, after everything I’ve heard from these other– they’re not naturopaths, but they’re actually… doctors from within the system, but who understand that there’s something going on. And I couldn’t really believe that, because that was just too much for me. But in the meantime, I want to know more about this. So if you have that study, please email it to us, and we’re going to make it available to all of our viewers.
Ariyana Love, ND:
Sure, I have the study.
Reiner Füllmich:
Wolfgang Wodarg, MD
I think you’re right, that there are many, many gain-of-function crimes that we experience now. I think you’re very right. And that they tried to make a very toxic thing, toxic spike proteins that weaken– that we, our body starts building when we get this RNA. I think you’re right with this. I’m– we spoke about, on the other side of the problem, which is our immune system. And we just had Ulrike Kammerer here in the first part of this session, And she was talking about special nutrition. And she was talking about nutrition which makes it possible that our body gets stronger that the immune system gets stronger to eliminate all those dangerous stuff. And this is a question of this balance between the immune system and the damage done by those vials. And the more vials you get, the more injections you get, the more your immune system is under pressure. And maybe someday doesn’t, it doesn’t succeed to defend. Many people die after the first jab already, from toxic effects.
And the more you get, the more danger it becomes. This is for sure.
Reiner Füllmich:
Wolfgang Wodarg, MD [3:34:20]
I think this is very important to bring this two, we had this two discussions today. This is– the first discussion we had, this was about good nutrition, where you can survive and where you can detox your body and feel better. And it depends a lot on what you eat. Andperhaps we– I don’t know whether you can see the first part or whether you observed the first part of our session today, but this would be good if you had this, if we see this both topics together.
Reiner Füllmich:
I’m going to send you, Ariyana, I’m going to have Corbyn send you the interview we did with Professor Kammerer it’s on on the ketogenic diet. I think it’ll make sense to you.
Ariyana Love, ND:
Reiner Füllmich:
But what about the transmissibility of this bio weapon using graphene oxide nano particles as vectors? We spoke about this a little bit, but I didn’t understand all of that, with Dr. Robert Young.
Ariyana Love, ND: [3:35:25]
Ok. Yeah, this is what– now of course, this is a gathering of information from different sources. I mean, this is my, you know, investigateive research. And this is what I believe is happening. We know that SARS was aerosolized through the sweat glands, because that’s what Dr. Hodgkinson testified to your committee. He worked on the SARS pandemic, which was a bioweapons attack. And the SARS is within the lentiviral vector, so it’s in all of these jabs. So we can safely assume they’re aerosolized through the sweat glands from that alone. But I also found in studies that exposure to the graphene oxide nano particles is mostly by inhalation. Also oral ingestion and skin penetration. These are the three modes of delivery.
So when inhaled, they first target the epithelial cells, and they release their external payload into the lung cells, which– and they cut the oxygen to the rest of the body. So immediately, people become fatigued and groggy and can’t– and their cognition is affected. Then they travel down through the stomach, and when they reach the intestines, they release a second internal payload into the body. What the study says is that if the body is– they can, the nano particles can only release their payloads when the body is acidic.
Reiner Füllmich:
Ariyana Love, ND:
So if you are in a healthy balanced state, balanced pH, the nanoparticles cancel, and they flush through the body. So this is something I found that I thought was extremely important, because the technology can be cancelled, and it all has to do with our health and our immune system.
Reiner Füllmich:
Viviane Fischer: [3:37:17]
Can I say a quick question? So this acidic state, is that like in everybody? Like because of the diet that we now have, or is this like, whatever toxic state that, you know, so that it maybe doesn’t affect so many people? Or do you have five percent like really severe things going on, like from this, like what we said, you know, from these in five percent of the the vials or batches we have problems. Like from this, do you remember, this “How bad is my batch?” this analysis. So is this like– are we usually in an acidic state or in a…
Reiner Füllmich:
Or is this artificially induced?
Viviane Fischer:
xxxxx and how is that xxxx?
Ariyana Love, ND:
So yeah, when you’re poisoned, your body goes into an acidic state. It goes into a state of emergency, and you’re acidic. Most people’s bodies are acidic, because people don’t eat healthy. And, for example, coffee in the morning. It’s a bad habit, especially now when we’re exposed to a bunch of nanoparticles. You want to reduce anything that makes your body acidic.
So yeah, a lot of it is diet, and pollutions in the environment. But there’s a second thing that determines those who are more adversely affected by transmission than others. And that is the genetic type. I find that people who come to me who are adversely affected by these bioweapons have European blood, are of European descent, you know. Like I’m Scots Irish in my ancestry, and I was very adversely affected for this last, since May last year. And I finally got my immune systemup where I can function and I’m not so affected.
So there is a possibility to get the immune system up. It just took a lot of studying… and trialing. And so, the genetic types: there is genetic targeting. We have data on that, that they are targeting, you know, they can do ethnic targeting. I mean, they can try to wipe out entire races of of people, is what it looks like to me. Also, the Russians reported that to the UN Security Council, based on the documents they found in the US bio labs in Ukraine, ethnic-specific bioweapons. And then– I forgot the last part of your question.
Reiner Füllmich:
No, she was only asking why, how do we, how come that people who are susceptible to this have an acidic, or who whose body is in an acidic state? Is it artificially induced? And you answered the question. You said, well part of it has to do with our unhealthy diet, and some of it has to do with pollution.
Ariyana Love, ND: [3:40:16]
So also being dehydrated. Like if your body is not hydrated enough, you don’t– see, our bodies are electric, and you have to keep the body electrified with electrolytes, you know, things that contain a positive and negative ionic charge. that our bodies love that, and they thrive. And so if you’re dehydrated, you will also become acidic. And 98 percent of the world population is in a state of dehydration, and 76 percent is chronic dehydration. These are studies from, I think, like 10 years ago. And that’s because most of the water that we drink is acidic-based. So you know, using electrolytes [is] very important. Salt: salt is the biggest detoxifier of this weapon system. Salt, clay and– what was the other thing?… baking soda.
Reiner Füllmich:
Yeah yeah. Robert Young told us about that.
Ariyana Love, ND:
Reiner Füllmich:
Arm and Hammer.
Ariyana Love, ND:
Yeah. Yeah. You know, so things like Borox are used with vax-injured people. And it greatly relieved their condition. Like thirty milligrams daily of Borox, which is a salt derivative. And also nitric oxide, what they make chlorine dioxide out of. That’s a salt derivative. Redox molecules: they’re isolated from salt. Swimming in the ocean, walking in the sea. My clients report that their, that Morgellons start coming out of their legs.
Reiner Füllmich:
Ariyana Love, ND:v
Like hey get– yeah, when they walk in the sea or swim in the sea or are near the sea, then the Morgellons start to come out of the body. They don’t, they don’t like it. It starts to cancel them. Salt, salt is the big detoxifier. And salt derivatives.
Wolfgang Wodarg, MD
…go swimming now, after you told me all this.
Ariyana Love, ND:
Wolfgang Wodarg, MD
I think I’ll go swimming now. I’m close to the sea here.
Ariyana Love, ND:
I think this is why– this is why they told–
Wolfgang Wodarg, MD
… don’t swim behind me, then.
Ariyana Love, ND:
This is why they told people not to go to the sea. This is why they they forbid it: because it starts cancelling out the technology. It doesn’t work as well.
Reiner Füllmich:
Wolfgang Wodarg, MD
… one drop of water, we have more than ten million viruses. You know this? In the sea.
Ariyana Love, ND:
In the sea.
Reiner Füllmich:
Wolfgang Wodarg, MD
So you’re never alone when you swim the sea.
Ariyana Love, ND:
Well I don’t know if I believe in viruses any more, to be honest, because–
Reiner Füllmich:
There are a lot of people taking a deep dive into whether or not– two questions, really. Whether or not viruses exist at all. But then there’s another group of people who are debating and trying to look into whether this particular virus has ever been isolated correctly. So that’s really two different questions. But we’ll see, because I know there’s an effort going on right now, and some of the people who I greatly respect are involved in this. So we’ll see what they come up with.
Wolfgang Wodarg, MD
But would you–
Ariyana Love, ND:
Here’s what–
Wolfgang Wodarg, MD
… so you you believe in lintivirus.
Ariyana Love, ND:
Well lentivirus– see, what I found from reading– I read all the patents on these covid shots. Read them all. And there’s no virus that’s being used whatsoever. But they call their bioweapons viruses, like lentivirus, like filovirus. And they’ll call it a virus, but it’s actually a gain-of-function, loss-of-function lab-generated bioweapon. And I noticed whenever they call something a virus, it’s patented.
Reiner Füllmich:
Ariyana Love, ND:
It’s a patented technology. It’s– actually, viruses–
Wolfgang Wodarg, MD
…the 80s. It started in the 80s that you could pattent such a thing. Before, there were– it’s about 80 years, people were doing research on what is in the nature and what they found out about facts and about bacteria and about smaller entities, and they called them viruses. And so this– it didn’t start with a patent. It started long before. …
Ariyana Love, ND:
Reiner Füllmich:
But here’s the thing: you’re saying it’s all, it’s– they’re not using viruses in any vaccine. It’s always been deadly bacteria extractions like E. Coli to create lab-generated micoplasmas. And this is the root cause of all chronic illness. Now the funny thing is, Ariyana, that medicine or drugs that work to kill bacteria also seem to be working when it comes to… when it comes to fighting covid. So that would indeed, at least as far as I’m concerned, that would indeed lead us to the question: is it really, is it really bacteria that we’re fighting? I don’t know.
Ariyana Love, ND:
What pharmaceutical drugs? You mean Ivermectin, or …?
Reiner Füllmich:
Yeah, right. Exactly. Ivermectin, yeah.
Ariyana Love, ND:
Yeah, Ivermectin is very effective. It’s the only pharmaceutical drug that I recommend at… certain times for clients. Like I can’t prescribe, but I can– you know, when they ask me if– at certain times, yeah. It has a place.
Reiner Füllmich:
… and in addition, the fact that they try to– Fauci’s protocol, for example, called for treating people in such a way that they would ultimately be worse off than before. I mean, just remember Remdesivir. And they tried to keep doctors from prescribing Ivermectin. That tells me again if you trust these guys, you’re lost. And it also points me as a lawyer into the direction of: why are they trying to keep people, doctors from treating people with covid symptoms with Ivermectin when it seems to be working? Because that’s what all of the other doctors and naturopaths told us. It does seem to be working really well.
Ariyana Love, ND:
Ivermectin works with early intervention very well, but it only works– it’s limited as to what it can do. It only works for about five days. And then, you know, you have to detoxify the body after that, and build up the immune system. Some people are popping it like candy, and that’s quite dangerous, because it does get– yeah, really. [It’s] out of fear maybe. but it does kill their healthy microbiome in the body, and then you have to replenish, you know, you have to replenish that. Because that healthy bacteria is also your immune system. It helps you, you know, to detox and stuff. But it has a place, and it has been suppressed. And the reason why ivermectin is so effective, I think, is because it kills parasites.
Reiner Füllmich:
Yes. that’s what I was going to say. I just couldn’t remember. Bacteria, it’s parasites.
Ariyana Love, ND:
Yeah, it kills parasites and they are using the [Plasmodium] falciparum malaria parasite, a genetically modified version, and other parasites, you know. They’ve been identified. I also found them in the patents. It took some digging, and I documented that. They actually have a vaccine with, using, P. falciparum parasites.
Reiner Füllmich:
Ariyana Love, ND:
I mean, you know. So it exists.
Reiner Füllmich:
Ariyana Love, ND:
Now back to the bacteria. There was something I wanted to say about that, about these micoplasmas. So through my research, I figured out that pharma has been injecting micoplasmas, which are extractions of bacteria, for decades, and making people sick, making an industry out of making people sick.
Now micoplasmas they’re using mostly E. Coli because they extract the part of the DNA that replicates and they genetically modify it and get it to replicate inside the body. So if you go on line and you type inmicoplasmas and chronic illness, you’re going to get a plethora, page after page of documentation showing that micoplasmas are found in any chronic disease. Micoplasmas are found in the blood, they’re found in the tissue and even they get lodged in the bone tissue.
So they are resistant because they’re genetically modified. They’re resistant to antibiotics and western medical treatments and pharmaceutical treatments. So they stay in people’s bodies decade after decade. And when a person starts to, their immune system starts to to go down, decrease, maybe with age or maybe from some kind of the injury er trauma or, you know, pollution or something– then the micoplasmas start to manifest as disease, as symptoms that then get diagnosed through hospitals and doctors who take shots in the dark, prescribing different drugs as treatments, for pharma. So it’s a racket, it’s a big money-making industry, and micoplasma as we know for a fact that these are biological weapons, because they are lab-enhanced, genetically modified. They’re using cross-species genomics to make new species, to get them to flourish inside the body and stay there to make people sick later.
Reiner Füllmich:
Ariyana Love, ND:
So this is– childhood vaccinations have always had and contained micoplasmas. And micoplasmas do not contain– they’re bacteria DNA that does not contain a cell lining. That’s how you know it’s lab generated.
Viviane Fischer:
Wow. I think this is so much information and it’s so dense, and it actually, like you, almost every detail that you, that you approach, you know, would need to, really it, you know, requires like a deep-sea dive. Also when you said like this ethnic aspect of the the vaccines are like whatever, the shedding or how we–
Reiner Füllmich:
How they target them, yeah.
Viviane Fischer:
… ethnic targeting. I mean we know that– I think it’s known that there was this kind of stuff like at least on the research level in South Africa in order to target the black population. And you know, I mean, there’s so much to it. I think what may be because we you know, if, I guess can also be a little bit too much or confusing. Like for– I mean, I’m a bit overwhelmed by all the details that you touched on, upon.
I think it would be good if we could maybe get really like, you know, a list of the different aspects, and maybe then a link. And then we should, like, come back together and discuss like, sort of on a level where we are, that have already immersed ourself a little bit more intensely into these topics. Because we are, we can just– at this point, I can only say wow, ooo, amazing. You know, if this is all as you say it is, you know, then it’s, it’s just… flabbergasting.
Reiner Füllmich: [3:51:50]
Very disturbing. Very disturbing, but as far as I’m concerned, Ariyana, much of what you’re saying, the only reason I can understand it, or I can follow you, is because I’ve heard it before from others, like Dr. Judy Mikovits. But what we really– I think Viviane is right. What we really should do, is do our own research, and then come back together. So if you could send us those studies that you referred to, then Wolfgang will be able to read up on them and, as a doctor, he’ll be much better, much better in a position, in a much better position to understand the medical details.
We, as lawyers, we can only take in the information and try to make sense of it in a legal way, by analyzing it, by giving it a legal analysis. So I think we should– if we can, if you can do as this favor, we should read up on what your, what you told us, and then come back together. And so that we’re going to be able to ask more questions, and that our viewers will be able to make more sense of this. Because, as Viviane said, this is a lot of information. Some of it is going to scare people shitless!
Wolfgang Wodarg, MD [3:53:09]
You know, the way we work is that I am, I am the one who is transferring the medical problems to specialists and collect the information of those specialists. And we try to make it, make a story out of it which is, which is consistent. And so it’s, if there are diverging theories from specialist coming, we have to, we need some time to find out how we should deal with them.
And my role is only that I’m, that I’m collecting and that I’m giving it to more specialized people and I’m discussing with them, and then it comes back. And so we build, we try to build an image of what is happening. And what you gave us are very, very– are many many parts of a big, big image. And we have to put them into the right, into the right place, of what may be the truth.
Reiner Füllmich:
And I can assure you–
Ariyana Love, ND:
I’m happy to get those links over to you.
Reiner Füllmich:
Yes, right.
Ariyana Love, ND:
I’m happy to get them off.
Reiner Füllmich:
You know, I am– as i said, I have become skeptical of the official narrative only when covid started. Before that, I was… thinking, “Well maybe the judiciary doesn’t really function the way it should, but maybe it has to do with my, the people work for me, the lawyers who work for me, wearing a different dress or wearing a different suit or something.” Now I know that for decades, if not longer, the system has been infiltrated, and things have been stood on it’s heads. I know that we’ve been lied to. This is, by the way, what my friend, or our friend Professor Martin Schwab says. I just– he says, “I can’t believe this. I– there’s nothing I can believe any more.” We’re going to have to check and recheck everything.
And just last night, I spoke with a very good friend of mine. She’s a pediatrician and specializes in child psychology. She says: forget the system. it’s not treating anyone, at least in that particular area of medicine, pediatrics, child psychology. All they’re doing is, they’re medicating people. They’re drugging people. This is not treatment. That’s why she has turned to naturopathic, being a– she’s, she’s a naturopathic doctor now.
That’s why I think we need to take a really close look at what you’re telling us, because this is– the mainstream has been used to traditional or allopathic medicine. To me, it doesn’t make much sense any more. In some cases, yes, if we really need it for special reasons, yes. But to me, your kind of medicine makes much more sense. But since we’re not used to it, since we have to take a fresh look at everything, we need to go into this in much more detail. And I really want to do that. So that if you can send us the links to what the studies, and give us an overview of the topics that we spoke about today– which all of them make sense to me– I would love to have this discussion again, with us better informed.
Ariyana Love, ND: [3:56:40]
That would be my pleasure, too.
Reiner Füllmich:
Excellent. Excellent. Well, thank you very much, Ariyana. It’s great to have you. It’s great to have, it’s great to hear you talk about these things in a calm way and without– I mean, some of, some of this information is really disturbing, definitely disturbing. But we have to take a closer look in order to be able to digest it better. And then… and then maybe after a couple of beers or so, I’ll, I’ll be able to calm down, because this is really disturbing.
Ariyana Love, ND:
I only got about, maybe one-third through all the information that I was planning on dropping today. But it’s good we slow down, because I realize, like, I tend to go over the top. You know, I’ve gone so deep-dive into research and seeing in the last one year, I’ve been like, researching seven days a week.
But anyway, I really want to thank you Reiner, and the Corona Investigative Committee, everyone, for what you do. I mean, you know, it may not be that we can win through the courts, because like you said, the infiltration is so– it’s everywhere. But the court of public opinion is where we will win, where we are winning.
Reiner Füllmich:
That’s exactly it.
Ariyana Love, ND:
And so making this information available to the public is so vitally important. thank you.
Reiner Füllmich:
I absolutely agree. Thank you, Ariyana, and please give us an outline of the topics that you really want to get into, plus the studies, so that next time we’ll be– well, not really on par with you, but we’ll be able to understand better. Because thus far, I can see you have many points, and it coincides and it is confirmed by, coincides with and is confirmed by, what Judy and others have told me. But it’s a big step for the general public from allopathy to naturopathy. But I do think it’s worth it. It makes sense, because the other side doesn’t make any sense.
Ariyana Love, ND:
I have more information on that part, too, of exactly how to get this technology out of the body. I can, I can share that later at a later point–
Reiner Füllmich:
We’ll do that.
Ariyana Love, ND:
–as well.
Reiner Füllmich:
Thank you.
Ariyana Love, ND:
Reiner Füllmich:
Thanks, ariyana.
Ariyana Love, ND:
My pleasure.
Reiner Füllmich:
Thanks again, and take care. We’ll talk soon.
Ariyana Love, ND:
Okay. Ciao.
Reiner Füllmich: [3:59:08]
Have a great weekend. Ciao.