Transcription – 44.Session – Corona-Committee

Part of Vera Sharav (About her)

[Transcription von bf ]

(Original Language: English)

Reiner Fuellmich:
Vera Sharav : I hope I’m pronouncing your name correctly or your last name correctly. Can you hear us?

Vera Sharav:
Yes I can.

Reiner Fuellmich:
I’m so glad !
You may have heard what Dr. Mike Eden told us. Okay. We think it’s important that he is… that people hear his warnings and I’m pretty sure that you agree with him.

Vera Sharav:
Unfortunately, I think I know where it’s all leading.

Reiner Fuellmich:
I know who you are. Everybody knows who you are, should know who you are. But can you first…

Vera Sharav:
I’d like to sort of set this, you know, my perspective is different from others. I’m not a scientist. So as a child survivor of the Nazi Reign of Terror, I learned indelible lessons about the nature of evil. I know the consequences of being stigmatized and demonized as a spreader of disease. My perspective is informed by my experience, by the historical record, and by the empirical evidence.
We were required, as Germans know, to wear a yellow star of David to identify us, to segregate jews, exclusionary laws barred family from normal life from attending ordinary activities. Our property was impounded, we were forbidden to participate in all educational, religious, cultural gatherings. Travel was forbidden for jews, so there was no escape. These painful memories, from my childhood sensitized me to the threat posed by current restrictive government dictates. You know, in 1776, Benjamin Rush, a doctor, and signer of the Declaration of Independence, foresaw the danger of medicine organizing as what he called an undercover dictatorship. Under the Nazi regime, moral norms were systematically obliterated. The medical profession and institutions were radically transformed, academic science, the military, industry and clinical medicine were tightly interwoven, as they are now. The Nazi system destroyed a social conscience in the name of public health. Violations against individuals and classes of human beings were institutionalized. Eugenics driven public health policies replaced the physicians focus on the good of the individual. German medical profession and institutions were perverted. Coercive public health policies violated individual, civil and human rights. Criminal methods were used to enforced policies. Nazi propaganda, used fear of infectious epidemics, to demonize Jews as spreaders of disease as a menace to public health. This as a hallmark of anti semitism blamed the Jewish people for existential threats. In the Middle Ages, Jews were blamed for the bubonic plague and the black plague. Fear and propaganda were the psychological weapons the Nazis used to impose a genocidal regime. And today, some are beginning to understand why the German people didn’t rise up. Fear kept them from doing the right thing. Medical mandates today are a major step backward toward a fascist dictatorship and genocide. Government dictate medical interventions; these undermine our dignity as well as our freedom. First it was vaccination mandates for children. Now it’s for adults.

Reiner Fuellmich:
Let me translate that Vera because it’s really important and probably in this clarity it’s never been explained before.

<—-> Deutsche Übersetzung von Reiner Fuellmich. <—>

Vera Sharav:
The stark lesson of the Holocaust is that whenever doctors join forces with government and deviate from their personal, professional, clinical commitment to do no harm to the individual, medicine can then be perverted from a healing humanitarian profession to a murders apparatus. You know, the reason that the Greeks made their students of medical schools, before they were allowed into medical school, to swear the Hippocratic Oath was because they knew that in medicine, you gain knowledge about how you can actually kill and they had to promise that they would do no harm otherwise they weren’t allowed in medical school. I think they were ahead of us in understanding human nature. What sets the Holocaust apart from all other mass genocides is the pivotal role played by the medical establishment, the entire medical establishment, every step of the murderous process was endorsed by the academic and professional medical establishment. Medical Doctors and prestigious medical some societies and institutions lent the veneer of legitimacy to infanticide, mass murder of civilians. T 4 was the first industrialized medical murder project in history. The first victims were disabled German infants and children under three. They were identified by midwives who reported their existence to the state. The next victims were the mentally ill followed by the elderly in nursing homes. The murderouss operations were methodical and followed protocol very, very carefully. Questionnaires were sent out to all psychiatric institutions requiring detailed information about each patient. A committee of 54 psychiatrists made the final life and death decisions for each patient. Now, the objective of T 4 was to eliminate the economic burden of those the regime and the doctors deemed worthless eaters. And it was also to empty beds to make room for wounded soldiers during the War. T4 also served as a testing ground for various lethal chemical and pharmaceuticals. The financial beneficiaries of the Nazi genocide were the corporate elite. Their record of collaboration with genocidal regimes is uninterrupted. Without the financial support of Wall Street bankers and collaboration by major US,. German and Swiss corporations, that provided the chemical, the industrial and the technological material, Hitler could not have carried out this unprecedented industrialized, murderous operations. Among the companies that profiteered from the Holocaust are: Standard Oil and Chase Manhattan both owned by Rockefellers, IBM, Coda, Ford, Coca Cola, Nestle, BMW, and of course, I G Farben as well as Escher-Wyss. I G Farben was the largest World War II profiteer. Using Auschwitz patients as slave laborers, doctors actually sent those whom they deemed able to be a slave laborers to the IG Farben factories and mines. They also had their own camp. They also conducted experiments. IBM technology facilitated the rapid implementation of the Holocaust. Census data was contained in IBM computer punch cards. The Jews of Europe were quickly identified, rounded up, segregated, deported, tracked, imprisoned, tattooed, enslaved, and exterminated. COVID 19 pandemic has exposed eugenics driven public health policies in Western Europe and the United States. This is a chilling replay of T four. Government directives to hospitals and nursing homes essentially condemned the elderly to death. In Europe and the United States hospitals were ordered not to treat, not to provide medical treatment including oxygen to elderly people in nursing homes. Several US governors sent infected elderly people to nursing homes, knowing that they lacked essential safeguards to prevent the spread of the virus. Before he issued the executive order that sent 15,000, more than 15,000 human beings to death. Governor Cuomo of New York State predicted that the virus would be like fire through dry grass in nursing homes. The corporate media Academy of Science awarded Governor Cuomo an Emmy for his TV performances that were built as briefings (they were used always euphemisms). But the point was he was giving the news of how the virus was progressing and what was being done. He implied that the White House wasn’t doing it so he was doing it. Briefings that was the term that was used. Of course we have since found out since the Attorney General report that it was all a lie and that he concealed. He concealed the number of deaths. So he knew. When people conceal a crime they know it’s a crime.

Reiner Fuellmich:
Yeah. Let me translate.

<—-> Deutsche Übersetzung von Reiner Fuellmich und Viviane Fischer. <—>


Reiner Fuellmich:
We all know this Vera but it’s still it’s shocking to hear this over again and to see it in context to see what’s going on right now. It’s simply shocking. And Viviana pointed out that her great uncle wanted to protect the people from this T4 program. And eventually he too was put into a concentration camp and he died there. So Viviane is personally touched by this and she’s just hoping that this time, we will have another a different outcome. I’m sure we will but it’s not going to be without a very serious fight.

Vera Sharav:
Very serious. Okay, if you let me go on with what I have and then you can always ask me questions. 2006 during the avian flu epidemic H5N1, a panel of public health officials advise the Bush administration to institute quarantines and closures and measured lockdowns. Their recommendations to consider these lockdowns were completely rejected by Dr. Donald Henderson who was an acclaimed real eradicator of – among other things – smallpox. And he wrote a report. He was the primary author, there were three of them. And the report was in opposition to what he called unscientific measure. And this is what he said, I quote, : “experience has shown that communities which are faced with epidemics or other adverse events respond best, with the least anxiety, when the normal social functioning of the community is least disrupted. Strong political and public health leadership to provide reassurance and to ensure that needed medical care services are provided are critical elements. If either is seen to be less than optimal, a manageable epidemic could move toward catastrophe”. Today, debate is forbidden. A doctor is not allowed to say that. The virus is being exploited to maintain a state of fear. Lockdowns have in this time around proved to be very effective tool for social control, but they failed to change the course of the virus.
People are being conditioned to submit passively to government dictate. Children who are deprived of an education are being conditioned to distrust people. Mandatory masks are an insidious psychological weapon. They demean our dignity as free human beings. They do not work in this or any epidemic and they are the symbolic equivalent of the yellow star. Study after study has found that lockdowns destroyed millions of lives and livelihoods throwing millions of people into poverty. Even the Wall Street Journal has conceded that lockdowns were not worth the pain. However, for global oligarchs, the COVID pandemic has been a financial bonanza. American billionaires increased their vast personal wealth by $2.2 trillion just in 2020. So I guess we really can’t overlook the strong financial incentive for lockdowns that destroy competition, all the local industries in most cities certainly have gone bankrupt.

We’re supposed to only buy from the large Amazon. This is planned. Doctors and scientists who express views that challenge official dictates are treated as heretics. They are threatened with loss of livelihood. And I’m sure you know some of them. Anyone who questions the safety of vaccines that have been rushed through Operation Warp Speed (OWS) is muzzled and vilified by the media. Now, these COVID-19 vaccine contracts under Operation Warp Speed (OWS) are totally confidential. They’ve even used a middle contractor, does things for the military, so that those contracts can’t be acquired under FOIA, Freedom of Information Act. They’re not in government custody. Why? Why the secret? Why has the CEO of Pfizer really tried to blackmail Argentina, Brazil? Others can examine what the financial reasoning for wanting such absolute control and assurance that they could not be sued. I mean, going to the extent of requiring them to give their military bases, their banks and to put to get insurance in other countries. I mean, all this collateral, why? What does he know is in the data that we don’t know? If there’s nothing to hide, why are they so anxious no matter that governments have given them immunity, they already have immunity. It’s not enough. Bill Gates stated in 2020, that the final solution to the pandemic will be a vaccine.
You can decide what that means. Of course he’s referring, knows he’s old enough. But in other words, this is a kind of final solution. To ensure compliance with COVID vaccines governments have instituted unprecedented aggressive measures. This is primarily to ensure a vigorous cash flow. They’re already talking about the vaccines being required every year. Why not? They haven’t yet even cashed in. I mean, the vaccination only began in the middle of December. What will their profits look like at the end of 2021?

Reiner Fuellmich:
I’ll translate this Vera.

<—-> Translation from Reiner Fuellmich und Viviane Fischer. <—>

Reiner Fuellmich:

Why do you think? Why do you think this is happening? What for? What reason are the corporate the self-appointed corporate elites, corporate and political, political elites? And I think the political elites don’t really play a role here. Most of them are just marionets. It’s just stupid idiots. A more or less, but why are they pushing for this? What is the ultimate goal? What are they after?

Vera Sharav:
Read the great reset.

Reiner Fuellmich:
Yeah. Okay.

Vera Sharav:
Klaus Schwab. That is a must now. It’s laid out.

Reiner Fuellmich:

Vera Sharav:
It’s laid out. And it’s essentially, it’s to finish the job. Only now it’s global . It’s to go beyond Hitler. Hitker only looked at Europe and taking over Russia. But still, he didn’t think global. This is global.

It’s about population reduction. That’s always been the oligarch’s goal since John D.Rockefeller. And power, control. The technology today is far superior to IBM’s punchcards. What they are doing with this virus is to institute absolutely unprecedented, oppressive and repressive elements that imprison us in our homes. We’re being tracked, surveyed. You know that green passports are now being instituted to have an apartheid to class society, one class privileged, the other reviled and discriminated against. Sound familiar?

Reiner Fuellmich:

Vera Sharav:
Will ghettos and detention camps follow? And how will people be killed? The Nazis used tattoos to identify and track Jews well, so that they don’t escape right? Well, now we’ve got even invasive tracking surveillance technology. Already done. It’s been developed, thanks to Bill Gates, he financed this including including chip tattoos. Now this great reset is the master plan, just as Hitler had a master plan, the great reset or the New World Order or the fourth industrial revolution, this is a plan and it’s out in the open and it’s been, you know published. COVID, as he indicated himself, Klaus Schwab, has provided a wonderful opportunity to reset. Did any of us even form consent to a reset of the world?

Reiner Fuellmich:
no way

Vera Sharav:
Well, shouldn’t we? Shouldn’t we be asked? This has gone so far. Doctor Yean talked before, I heard just the last 10 minutes about how the agencies, the government agencies are giving a pass under the radar, and what’s all that about? Yes, the oligarchs already own governments. I don’t believe that the way this COVID virus …. it’s not the virus that’s the problem. It’s the eugenics, that’s the problem. It’s never gone away. That class, the elite truly believe that they are “Übermenschen” and we are all “Untermenschen”. That is what is driving this is not only money, but power. Power is like a drug, I think. There are people who are absolutely evil, they do not recognize the human species as being one. Once you start having these two class systems, you will not prevent a global Holocaust. And they can do it remotely. Click Click.

Reiner Fuellmich:
if we let them.

Vera Sharav:
Now, I do want in case you have not heard about this, this is terribly important because this, a new and documented investigative report just came out in February. “Schwab family values”. You must read that, father and son, each collaborated with genocidal regimes and this includes ……………………, includes the Nazis, one generation, a continuum by the son including dealing with the South African apartheid usually. You must read it and you must interview him and get the documents. I’ve been looking for this and nothing, I couldn’t find it, anything on the website, it was all wiped out. Nothing on the website tells you anything about Klaus Schwab before 1970. The man was born in 1938. And then when he appeared suddenly, he had, I don’t know, 20 doctorates, and they’re all from Harvard. I mean, this is a continuum. He provides the intellectual reasoning. And really, it’s a protocol, how they’re going to work. They don’t just want to control us, the way they are now telling us how far distance we make, stay from one another and be masked and all that, they also want to control our mind our thinking, they want to know what we’re thinking. And they already evidently have. The technology has gone way, way, way beyond its scope that it should, just as medicine has. The government should not be interfering in our personal lives, in our medical choices. What is that? Where did that come from? It started with the Nazis. I never thought that I would be alive to be again afraid. I’m afraid from the same people. I think that as a Jew who was persecuted under that regime, I believe that you german, this generation must lead this fight. We are connected. We were the victims, your ancestors were the perpetrators. We now must work together because each one of us and there is, I’m sure there’s a memory going on in Germany among Germans. Got to plug into that and say: “this time around, We won’t let them get away with it”. Because it is really worse. It is worse.

Reiner Fuellmich:
We won’t let him get away with this and you’re right. Let me translate this .

<—-> Translation from Reiner Fuellmich <—>

We spoke with Naomi Woolf a week ago and she alerted us to what this digital, its a digital passport, this green passport what it can do.

Vera Sharav:
You know there are visionaries, the books. I mean, those things, they grasp things. You know, artists grasp things before the rest of us do. And the tragedy really was that, there were people that was a for example, a leader out there talking about this to people in Israel, because that’s another target I have to deal with, who warned the European Jews in Eastern Europe. He said: “get out, leave!!” “Places are going to burn down, get out !!” And of course, most didn’t because, conspiracy theory. They didn’t call it that then but it was sort of: “what is he talking about, you know, we’re all right, nothing’s gonna happen to us”. Luckily my husband`s father took him seriously left Lithuania and went to Israel and then brought the wife and the baby and they were saved and the others weren’t.

Reiner Fuellmich:
I think it’s going to happen almost the same way again except this time we’re going to stop them and for good .

<—-> Translation from Reiner Fuellmich <—>

It’s funny, Vera, but it’s probably not a coincidence that we have been speaking with an interviewing a number of people who are Jewish or Israeli, and that there’s a really close cooperation that has come from this. And it continues. And I think you’re absolutely right. It’s us we have to work together in order to stop this. But I’m, you know, the other day I spoke with one of the lawyers who we have set up an international legal cooperation, it works really, really well, including the Australians, the Canadians, the Americans, because we need that legal system. It’s the only one that has this powerful tool of class actions. And this very powerful tool of pre-trial discovery, which is the best law of evidence that anybody has ever had. Our friend Michael Swinwood, he’s a Canadian lawyer who’s been working with indigenous people for two or three decades now. He says and he agrees with you. And we’re going to file another international class action, this time for children only. He realized this that the precursor to this is what happened in the Third Reich. But he says it goes beyond that because of he started out representing indigenous people because they have always been the target of genocidal fantasies. And he says, (and I think you agree with this): “ It used to be only the Indians, but now we’re all Indians”. That’s probably what we are. That’s why this is global. And that’s why we have to join forces and collaborate in order to stop this.

Vera Sharav:
You know, one of the dangers right now is that just as it was in the 30s, politically, the factions fighting each other, that’s all set up. That’s all set up, you know, Black Lives Matter, except in public health, where it’s institutionalized racism. So those are to divert attention from what they’re really doing. One of the things that I hope that you’ll do with some of your class action lawsuit is to use the Nuremberg Code.

Reiner Fuellmich:

Vera Sharav:
Use that Nuremberg Code. You have a good reason to rely on that. I was involved in two cases in the United States where judges, you know, cited it and absolutely used it. And nobody’s ever challenged it. The beauty of the Nuremberg Code, which is why the ones on the other side, really, particularly the officials of public health, they hate it, is because the Nuremberg Code cannot be changed. It’s like the 10 commandments. That legal decision was not challenged, the Nuremberg Code stands, and they don’t know what to do with it. You see, that’s the problem. Helsinki, as you know, it changes every few years, depending on what’s okay, what’s not okay. The Nuremberg says you’re a subject, not a participant. And these are experiments, not studies. The language is terribly, terribly important. Everything in public health is done in euphemisms. Never straightforward when they want to do a pesticide experiment in children, they call it “Cheers”. When they experimented on premature infants where one were given a lot of oxygen, the other very little and some 23 babies died, (wouldn’t have if they would have been in regular care), they call it “Support”. The women about to give birth, are a support, that means they’re going to support me in this difficult time. You know, it’s a premature baby. And, of course, in these kinds of experiments, they used blacks, and hispanics.

Reiner Fuellmich:
I spoke with, of course with Michael Swinwood, who alerted me to the fact that even close to 100 years ago, the Indians, the Canadian Indians, probably the American Indians as well, were used for all kinds of medical experiments. And then I spoke with an old Australian aborigine, he supports a group of lawyers who are fighting this in Australia and he says this is, in the 1940s when he was a child, his mother was smart enough to realize and to understand the danger of what was going on because they were vaccinating people back then they were vaccinating Aborigines using them as guinea pigs. He said my mother was smart enough she took us the children and we moved from one place to another whenever they came closer and that’s how they survived and everybody else died or got seriously ill.

<—-> Translation from Reiner Fuellmich <—>

This is why from the very start, when I first realized what was going on. I thought this is the worst ever series of crimes against humanity, ever committed. And we’re going to have to look back and we’re going to have to make use of the Nuremberg Code because that is the most important result of the Nuremberg trials. You know, of course, that there is a couple, an Israeli couple who I am in touch with who filed a complaint. I’m going to have to talk to them again. As you can see it seems to be working, but no one can do it by themselves. It has to be all of us joining forces and fighting this together.

Vera Sharav:
It’s very important not to be splintered. But it’s all written out. You see, you can use the plan, the master plan, that this is where they’re going. And this is not just this one person, Klaus Schwab, he initiated all. But this is a global cabal.

Reiner Fuellmich:
yeah, it is. It’s probably no more than, say 3000 people who are at the very top of this, unfortunately, they’re the oligarchs you’re talking about, but there’s also members of the churches.

Vera Sharav:
Everyone has been given grants or whatever. Yeah, everybody’s been bribed. So everybody’s on board. Yes. And, of course, the media, in that sense, like they’ve been planning this for a long time. One of the things for example, which was something nobody else looked at it. Bill Gates, he was one who started very early to fund reporters amd journalist schools. So in other words, you already trained them by the time they go for their jobs at CNN, or CBS or whatever, they’re already indoctrinated.

Reiner Fuellmich:
That’s a major problem. We spoke about this early today with our chief legal adviser Professor Martin Schwab, (not related). When he alerted our attention once again to this fact. It’s the media. It`s the mainstream media, we call them the old media as opposed to the independent media. It’s the media through which all this propaganda is working. And they’ve been paying them off for a long time for probably at least a decade, if not longer.

Vera Sharav:
Very long. And look and the internet is the tech. And that’s been totally, I mean, how did they come about in the first place? Most of the technology was developed by the US military.

Reiner Fuellmich:
yeah, they invested in Amazon, they invested in Google etc.

Vera Sharav:

I would love to know what deal was made in 1995 between the US Justice Department and Bill Gates. At that time, he was absolutely going to lose everything. And then suddenly, he became a philanthropist. That was how it happened. So the question is what changed? What got the Justice Department off his back?

Reiner Fuellmich:
There must have been a deal. It’s very, very obvious.

Vera Sharav:
Yeah, exactly. And like it one opens eyes and looks at things and you start to understand, The trouble is, I think this was in preparation, which is most young people fell in love with the technology. It’s addictive. The iPhone is absolutely addictive. You walk along the street, people aren’t even looking at the lights. Now it’s almost like a child with a teddy bear. Can you imagine a child thinking that the teddy bear which he loves is going to really do something against him?. They can’t believe the tracking that’s been used for the accumulation of all their personal secrets, you know, relationships and whatever. They can’t connect that. They think that we’re nuts.

Reiner Fuellmich:

<—-> Translation from von Reiner Fuellmich <—>

Vera Sharav:
Can I just quote one thing?. The pandemic represents a rare narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world. Nothing will ever return to the broken sense of normality, that prevailed prior to the crisis, because the corona virus problems marks a fundamental inflection point in our global trajectory. What the fourth industrial revolution will lead to is a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity. This is transhumanism in other words, but they’re serious. I know when I first heard even about the concept of transhumanism, I said, well, that’s ridiculous. And now there it is. This is what they’re planning. And they’ve got a lot of the technology to do it.

Reiner Fuellmich:
I know. We see this danger. These people are stark raving mad.

Vera Sharav:
But look so did everyone outside think Hitler was exactly the same thing.

Reiner Fuellmich:
Yeah, we do. We are taking this seriously. Absolutely.

<—-> Translation from Reiner Fuellmich <—>

Okay, Vera. I’m not going to be able to sleep tonight but it’s important to know these things. This has always been my firm conviction. We have to know what’s going on, if we don’t know what’s going on, we’re not going to make the right choices. That’s why I’m extremely grateful for you being here. We will stay in touch I think we must stay in touch and we will stop this.

Vera Sharav:
That is what they’ve so far succeeded is that people prefer to be… lookt the other way and they don’t realize that their entire life is in danger. They think they’ve got people convinced by keeping physical distance, and by masking doing the civic thin. And with that they’re being good citizens.

Reiner Fuellmich:
Oh, wow. Vera, thank you very, very much. We will be in touch. Hopefully, we’re going to be moving in the right direction from here on. And we will be able to talk to you again under maybe a lot better circumstances.

Well, thank you very, very much. This was shocking, but very helpful, I think.

Good bye

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Der Nutzung von im Rahmen der Impressumspflicht veröffentlichten Kontaktdaten zur Übersendung von nicht ausdrücklich angeforderter Werbung und Informationsmaterialien wird hiermit widersprochen. Die Betreiber der Seiten behalten sich ausdrücklich rechtliche Schritte im Falle der unverlangten Zusendung von Werbeinformationen, etwa durch Spam-E-Mails, vor.
Auskunft, Löschung, Sperrung
Sie haben jederzeit das Recht auf unentgeltliche Auskunft über Ihre gespeicherten personenbezogenen Daten, deren Herkunft und Empfänger und den Zweck der Datenverarbeitung sowie ein Recht auf Berichtigung, Sperrung oder Löschung dieser Daten. Hierzu sowie zu weiteren Fragen zum Thema personenbezogene Daten können Sie sich jederzeit unter der im Impressum angegebenen Adresse an uns wenden.
Die Internetseiten verwenden teilweise so genannte Cookies. Cookies richten auf Ihrem Rechner keinen Schaden an und enthalten keine Viren. Cookies dienen dazu, unser Angebot nutzerfreundlicher, effektiver und sicherer zu machen. Cookies sind kleine Textdateien, die auf Ihrem Rechner abgelegt werden und die Ihr Browser speichert. Die meisten der von uns verwendeten Cookies sind so genannte „Session-Cookies“. Sie werden nach Ende Ihres Besuchs automatisch gelöscht. Andere Cookies bleiben auf Ihrem Endgerät gespeichert, bis Sie diese löschen. Diese Cookies ermöglichen es uns, Ihren Browser beim nächsten Besuch wieder zu erkennen. Sie können Ihren Browser so einstellen, dass Sie über das Setzen von Cookies informiert werden und Cookies nur im Einzelfall erlauben, die Annahme von Cookies für bestimmte Fälle oder generell ausschließen sowie das automatische Löschen der Cookies beim Schließen des Browser aktivieren. Bei der Deaktivierung von Cookies kann die Funktionalität dieser Website eingeschränkt sein.
Der Provider der Seiten erhebt und speichert automatisch Informationen in so genannten Server-Log Files, die Ihr Browser automatisch an uns übermittelt. Dies sind:
  • Browsertyp/ Browserversion
  • verwendetes Betriebssystem
  • Referrer URL
  • Hostname des zugreifenden Rechners
  • Uhrzeit der Serveranfrage
Diese Daten sind nicht bestimmten Personen zuordenbar. Eine Zusammenführung dieser Daten mit anderen Datenquellen wird nicht vorgenommen. Wir behalten uns vor, diese Daten nachträglich zu prüfen, wenn uns konkrete Anhaltspunkte für eine rechtswidrige Nutzung bekannt werden.
Wenn Sie uns per Kontaktformular Anfragen zukommen lassen, werden Ihre Angaben aus dem Anfrageformular inklusive der von Ihnen dort angegebenen Kontaktdaten zwecks Bearbeitung der Anfrage und für den Fall von Anschlussfragen bei uns gespeichert. Diese Daten geben wir nicht ohne Ihre Einwilligung weiter.
Impressum / Kontakt

JAMI Diallo, Länggassstr. 91, 3012 Bern, ​Schweiz

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