Foundation Corona Committee, 100th meeting on April 13th, 2022
Joel Skousen (Founder and chief editor of World Affairs Brief)
in conversation with Reiner Füllmich
(Original language: English)
[Transcript from Team + Ed]
Reiner Füllmich: [01:46:00]
We’ll now switch to English. You’ve been waiting for 15 minutes, Joel Skousen. I hope I’m pronouncing your last name correctly. Are you with us? Joel? Let me introduce you. You’re the founder and chief editor of World Affairs Brief, a weekly news analysis service. You served as a United States Marine Corps fighter pilot during the Vietnam era. During the 1980s, you were the chairman of the Conservative National Committee. You’re going to tell us something about the deep-state conspiracies behind this exaggerated pandemic, about constitutional trickery and the corruption of the courts by blackmail and secret loyalties, about the City of London’s betrayal of the U. S. military in the City of London’s war aims from Korea and Vietnam through to Iraq. The coming World War with Russia and China, and why we’re set up for failure in Ukraine. Globalism is a quasi-religious movement that stands above individual tyrannies such as communism or extreme environmentalism, and that is able to manipulate those movements and individual national regimes with great coordination. Another issue is: more than ever, you still consider the nuclear attack on America as inevitable, because– both because the real axis of evil, Russia and China, are still building for that attack and because your own– your own, the American government, is controlled by those intent upon destroying U. S. sovereignty and delivering our nation– that’s the United, that’s the United States– over to socialist New World Order. You said this in 2006.
I think I agree with pretty much everything you’re saying, but I’m not sure what role China and Russia are playing here. Are they still on board with the World Economic Forum, or is Russia, at least– have they realized, has Putin realized that that’s… the wrong friendship? Joel, can you hear us?
Joel Skousen: [01:48:16]
Yes I can. Can you hear me?
Reiner Füllmich:
Great. I can hear you, yes, perfect. How are you doing?
Joel Skousen:
It’s good to be– I’m just fine. It’s good to be with you, and this is wonderful technology to be able to speak from here in the United States over to Berlin. I only got about 50 percent of your German interview. I read German, but my ear is not accustomed to full native speech yet. So I hope to improve that in the future. In answer to your question: the subject of the relationship between the Anglo-American globalists and Russia and China is a very complex one.
Reiner Füllmich:
Joel Skousen:
This conspiracy to get us into a global government has been going on since at least the beginning of the former century, 1900 and on. As you remember, World War I was, you know, created and and manipulated in an attempt to get us into a new world order called the League of Nations, and it didn’t fly in the United States. The Treaty of Versailles set up the conditions so that Germans would be pushed into, you know, going to war again, which they did in World War II. And it was interesting that we were using the phrase in the United States “The United Nations” before it was even created. It’s in all the documents. They’re talking about “United Nations this…”, and it hadn’t even been created until after the war. And that shows that the globalists had fully infiltrated the United States government during the Roosevelt administration and the Truman administration. But what was interesting– my uncle, W. Cleon Skousen, wrote the seminal work in 1956 The Naked Communist.
And I was 17 years old at that time. And it struck me as very interesting that even though there were communists throughout the… Roosevelt and Truman administrations, it seems like there were non-communists above them that were protecting them from being fired, from being removed from the administration. And I determined later on that these were globalists. And the purpose of globalism dealing with communism was not because the globalists are communists. They are a milder form of socialism, meaning: they want to use communism to break down the social order in various countries by allowing communist governments to attack and take over various countries, and they’ve assisted in doing that.
For example, the globalists gave– both the US globalists– Jacob Schiff gave 20 million dollars in gold to the Russian revolutionaries. So did the British, in order to fund the revolution, not because they were communists but because they want to destroy the Russian system and the czar and create conflict, that they can eventually use that conflict to create world wars.
World War II, you know, through lend-lease– A lot of people in the world don’t know that the US delivered to Russia the rest of the nuclear plans they couldn’t steal in the Manhattan Project. They delivered them through the Air Force base there in Montana. And Major Ray C. Jordan opened those– broke the diplomatic seal on those trunks and found the nuclear plans to them. He called the White House in Washington DC. And they said, “You’re to close those up, send them on and never tell anyone what you found.”
In other words, there was a complete conspiracy to build up Russia. We gave them the first shipment of enriched uranium. The Russians didn’t know how to enrich uranium. Even if they had the plans, they couldn’t build a bomb. So we delivered the first shipment of enriched uranium so they could explode a nuclear weapon a year after Hiroshima.
Reiner Füllmich:
Joel Skousen:
And then, due to another globalist, George Catlett Marshall, who was over Eisenhower during World War II– he brought Mao Tse Tung to power in China by cutting off military aid to Chiang Kai-shek. Tse Tung never would have won the civil war there without Marshall having cut off military… The globalists brought Castro to power in Cuba by undermining the Batista and by shipping in arms secretly to… Castro. We brought the Sandinistas to power in Nicaragua by curtailing and… actually undermining Anastasio Somosa, the most pro-western of all of the presidents there in Central America.
And the list goes on and on, of how we– and in Korea, for example. General MacAarthur gave an interview in 1964 when he said that everything that he tried to get permission to do, he had to put through the state department in the Truman administration. And he found out after the war that it was the British– which really wasn’t the British per se, but it was… the… globalist form of the British, who occupy the City of London and control the City of London, inside the… major metropolitan London– that they objected to him going beyond the 38th parallel and pursuing the Chinese back or bombing the Chinese military forces beyond the Yalu river. In other words, it was the globalists, even then, that… created the atmosphere whereby the U.S. could not win the Korean War. Why?
Because I believe the Korean War’s going to be the trigger event for World War III. And here’s my reasoning: Ukraine isn’t going to be that. Let me… you have to have an intervention necessary to protect American troops. And in Korea, we have over 47,000 American troops, in Korea. If North Korea attacks South Korea, we will have to intervene. And North Korea just this past week said that they will use nuclear weapons if the south attacks them. But by implication, if the Norse starts the war and the U.S. intervenes to try to stop them, they could still use that, and would probably use that excuse to use nuclear weapons against South Korean and U.S. forces. Now that could provide China the excuse that they’ve been looking for to do a preemptive nuclear strike against the United States military.
And let me discuss that in broad general terms, relative to Ukraine. Well I’m getting ahead of myself. Before I do that, let me say that one of the most important historical elements that people need to understand is that the fall of the Soviet Union was a carefully crafted deception. The communists merely went underground. They were the ones who gave the orders to Erich Honecker to let the… student protest in Leipzig go forward. The students in Leipzig said, “You know, the thing that we could never understand is: where was the Stasi? They were nowhere to be found. Normally they were always after us. They were shadowing us. We would have been arrested instantly, but the Stasi had stood down.
In the… Moscow Red Square confrontation between the students who were rioting in favor of Yeltsin, who was sitting on top, or standing on top of a… tank, broadcasting to the Russians about the overthrow of the Soviet system– Well the communists were still in charge of the radio station. Why didn’t they cut off Yeltsin? And the– I saw a documentary from the Russian students there. And they say, “Well where were the KGB? Normally they’re after us, too, and they were nowhere to be seen. Are we to believe, for example, that the KGB, who had overthrown many governments, couldn’t arrest or capture Gorbachev in his undefended villa? That was part of the narrative, of the phony fall. Are we to believe that the heads of the GRU, the KGB, the defense minister had to flee for their lives? These are the people in charge of all– supposedly in charge of all the law enforcement power in the Soviet Union. Who were they fleeing from? You know, nobody in the western media asked those questions, which were very obvious to me, watching this. In fact, myself and Christopher Storey of the UK were the only ones to blow the whistle on the phony fall of the Soviet Union. The globalists were, in fact, in favor of covering for this phony fall, because they knew that Russia and China– or Russia, was falsifying their own fall in order to gain western aid and trade, because they were getting behind, severely, militarily with the United States.
And the globalists went along. Now why would they go along? Some in the United States have theorized that the globalists actually control Russia and China, and that it’s all one big globalist conspiraacy. That’s not my… analysis. My analysis is that there are three predator centers in the world, each of them attempting to run their own version of the New World Order and its various tyrannical powers. There are the Anglo-American globalists that control our countries, there’s the Russians and the Chinese. And the Russians and Chinese are in league together in alliance to take down the western New World Order, to supplant it. And there are many Americans who naively believe that because Russia and China are trying to take down our globalists, that they are our friends, that they want to preserve liberty. And it’s just simply very naive and not true. They want to take down the globalists in Syria, and in the United States, in Ukraine, et cetera, so that they can build their own globalist network.
And I believe that Russia and China, after they plan on eliminating the U.S. control over global governments, will, in fact, have to fight it out among themselves. And that’s why Russia stopped transferring all of its high-tech technology to China over 10 years ago, because they fear China eventually becoming an enemy to them.
Reiner Füllmich: [01:58:50]
So the bottom line– the bottom line, if I understand you correctly, is that what we’re seeing, most of what we’re seeing, for example the fall of the Soviet Union, is fake. And the… even though the communists went underground, they were still giving orders, for example to Honecker to stand down when the wall fell. And this was all done more or less– or only in the interests of the globalists who are behind them. Are this– is this an actual cooperation between the globalists and the communists?
Joel Skousen:
Reiner Füllmich:
Joel Skousen:
No…, it isn’t. And that’s the major… misunderstanding that many Americans have. That because the globalists are helping Russia or covering for the phony fall that they must be controlling them or somehow be in league together. But it isn’t true. It’s a one-way street, Reiner. In other words, the globalists are helping the Soviets, but you know, when you look at the… Soviet archives, they talk about the America– they don’t understand why they’re helping them. They say, you know, this must be useful idiots, like Lenin talked about. They didn’t understand– there was nothing in the Verona transcripts to indicate that there’s a direct collusion between them, that there’s a mutual agreement. It’s a one-way street, globalists always assisting the Russians.
And that’s because they’re building two future enemies, because they need one more war, besides World War II, they need one more war to get us into a fully militarized all-controlling global government. World War II didn’t do that. We got the United Nations, but it has no military power, it has no taxing power, it has no regulatory power over the world. And there’s a great deal of resistance after the Brexit, a great deal of resistance in America about getting involved in a EU-style control regime which is a predecessor to the global government.
The reason we see the U.S. exceeding and building up communists and letting them, you know, control and covering for the Soviet Union is 1- to give them aid and trade, to pretend they are not a real enemy. We downplayed the Soviet and Chinese threat for decades until Ukraine came along. And a lot of Americans think, including Paul Craig Roberts and other people, that because the globalists are against Putin, he must be a good guy. Because our globalists are evil, so Putin must be a good guy, and China must be okay, too. This is very, very naive.
One of the things that they used to say that Ukraine is a western intervention or a western coup, is in the 2014 Maidan Revolution, the Orange Revolution in Ukraine. Obviously Victoria Nuland and the globalists have poured some respect worth some five billion dollars into Ukraine, and I think a lot of that went as the payoff to the contractors who built the bioweapons labs in Ukraine. The US– because it’s illegal for the US to do bioweapons labs in our country, they’ve done it in the former Soviet countries. Dilyana Gaytandzhieva, the Bulgarian journalist– I don’t know if you’ve interviewed her, but she’s got all of the information. All of the information about the US funding ISIS, the US providing arms to ISIS and building these weapons, bioweapons labs in Bulgaria, Romania and Ukraine.
Reiner Füllmich:
Can you give… what’s her name again?
Joel Skousen:
Dilyana Gaytandzhieva.
Reiner Füllmich:
Joel Skousen:
And she is the most knowledgeable woman journalist in the world on US deep-state funding of terrorism and bioweapons laboratories. Very very– she does speak English. She obviously speaks German, too. She’s very very intelligent.
The key point I’m making in Ukraine is that even though the United States did fund a lot of the Orange Revolution in Ukraine– Viktor Yanukovych was a communist president of Ukraine at that time, and the protesters were said to be protesting his regime, and they want freedom. But in fact it was not won by the west, and that’s– this disproves the fact that this was a western-garnered coup. What happened on Thursday when Yanukovych met with the purported leaders of the Orange revolution which the people on the street said, “They don’t represent us. These are plants.” Which is typical of a phony coup.
So the people on the streets who were protesting rejected the compromise which Yanukovych made with the purported protest leaders, which were not the true leaders. But on Friday– this was in February of 2014– on Friday the Berkut, the riot police in Ukraine, were told to stand down. They stayed in their barracks. That included all the guards at the presidential palace and all the guards of all the government office buildings. Because suddenly, the Maidan protesters which had been surrounded by riot police, the Berkut, for months, they could not leave, were free to roam. They went and entered into the presidential palace, into the parliament building and everything. And people said, “Wow, this is great. We won.”
But nobody in the western media asked the question: who gave the orders to the Berkut to stand down? In fact who could have given the orders? Only the communist president, Viktor Yanukovych, could have given those orders.
Then the next day, on Saturday, the Rada, which is the Ukrainianm parliament, voted to oust Viktor Yanukovych and he fled for his life, supposedly because of armed people against it. But the media doesn’t say that it was the communist parties that had a majority in the Rada. Why would the communist parties vote to oust their own president? My conclusion is: this was just as much a phony coup as the fall of the Soviet Union. And what was the purpose? Why would the communists do this? For very real advantage. They wanted to trigger an excuse for Russia to invade Crimea, which it did a month later of that.
And so what happened is: by forming and making it appear as if there’s a western coup that had overthrown a legitimately elected president– that’s what the media keep saying. And then you bring in Petro Poroshenko to replace him. Now he came and ran as a nationalist. But in my research I found that even president Timoshenko and others who were purported to be nationalists were actually Russian puppets. That’s why she ended up being, you know, sent to prison for corruption because of all the insider trading and the millions that she made, as well as all the corruption that goes on in Ukraine.
You see, when the phony– when the fall of the Soviet Union was falsified, one of the key to the falsification was that none of the former Soviet states ever purged any of the communists from the bureaucrats, so the same communists that were exacting bribes from the people were still getting those same bribes after the fall of the Soviet Union. And the Ukrainian people were very, very upset about this. Nothing had really changed, in terms of corruption in the country.
And so you see, Ukraine has always had its own version of the deep state: a lot of former communists, or that are still communists that were in the bureaucracy. So even when Volodymyr Zelenskyy was elected president, the first president that I don’t believe was an actual Russian puppet, he was still dealing with the deep state, who was dealing with Hunter Biden and all of the weapons labs and keeping it covered. But when Petro Poroshenko came in, he came in saying– he ran under the offer that we’re going to let the Russians speak Russian in the eastern portion, and the Ukrainians in the west can speak Ukrainian, and there’s eight different dialects of Ukrainian, and they can all speak what they want.
As soon as he became president, he decreed that the Russians had to speak Ukrainian. In other words, he directly inflamed them. And he directly created the hostility that allowed Putin to then go in and… attack Crimea and then do that stelth invasion of the Donbas. So what I’m saying is: there’s always a purpose for the communists faking their own demise and blaming it on the west, so that they can create the measures of conflict.
As you can see, Reiner, this is a very complex senario. This is– they play both sides. It’s very difficult to detect unless you really know these crucial historical events like the phony fall, or like the phony Maidan Revolution, which has been used to blame the west for everything that’s happening.
Reiner Füllmich:
What is the purpose of the communists for faking their own demise? To gain, to get access to western technology to get aid?
Joel Skousen:
And trade and banking, and all of that helped to rebuild the Serbian– a lot of Americans don’t realize it was western oil companies that rebuilt the entire Russian oil industry: new refineries, new techniques for– drilling techniques, et cetera. They’re the ones that made Russia this powerhouse in oil. And as well as that, there were many countries that were– or companies that were pressured by American interest to go in and invest when they lost their shirt in Russia. Because Russia didn’t really turn into a capitalist country. Transportation and many other key industries were still controlled by the Communist Party.
In Moscow, in the Kremlin today, I have insiders that have told me you still hear the word “the party says this, the party says that”, just like before the fall. The United Party was created by the communists in order to falsify that there were different, you know, communist or different, three parties. Only the very tiniest parties are non-controlled in Russia, in my opinion. In addition, there is an above-ground Communist Party which is very small, to give the image that in fact they had fallen and they are out of… out of favor now.
But the point is: all during the Cold-War years, the US globalists downplayed the Russian and Soviet threat. They talked about containment rather than actually trying to– we even gave Russia during the Nixon administration when Henry Kissinger, a globalist, was his National Security Adviser– we gave the Russians the miniature ball bearing technology so that they could MIRV their missiles, meaning Multiple Independent Re-entry Vehicles, MIRV. They couldn’t do but one warhead per missle until we gave them the technology. Now why would the globalists do that? Because they’re building future enemies. They need this third World War–
Reiner Füllmich:
I see.
Joel Skousen:
–to get the west into a full militarized global government. And here’s how I think they’re going to do it. The key is a very little-known, secret Presidential Decision Directive, PDD, Presidential Decision Directive 60, signed by President Bill Clinton in 1997. It instructed our missile forces to absorb a nuclear first strike and then retaliate afterwards.
Now if you know anything about nuclear warfare, you know that the ones– that with launch-on-warning, when our satellites detect a Chinese or Russian launch, it takes 20 to 30 minutes for those missiles to hit their targets. In the meantime, we can launch all of our missiles and bombers. And the ones who launched first then hit empty targets, and the one who launches second, before those missiles arrive, they’re able to hit live– targets that are still live. So launch-on-warning is the– it’s not MAD that deters the Russians and Chinese, its launch-on-warning. And PDD 60 removed it from the United States military doctrine.
Now… it’s still secret. It’s very little talked about. The only reason we know about it is that the Washington Post in 1997 issued an article and saying: Oh, it doesn’t stop launch-on-warning. We can still deter the Russians. And then Craig Cerniello of Arms Control Today came out and wrote an article debunking it, because he had helped write it. These anti-nuclear people had helped write this Presidential Decision Directive. And he said, No, it does not allow launch-on-warning. It absolutely prohibits it.
And so that’s how we found out what PDD 60 more or less said. And for your listeners, if they want to see what Craig Cerniello wrote about PDD 60, it’s the only public description we have of it. It’s at the website . And you go to the archives to November 1997, and there you’ll find the article by Craig Cerniello. And it’s right there still in black and white.
Reiner Füllmich:
Is that November 1997?
Joel Skousen: [02:12:55]
That’s correct.
Reiner Füllmich:
Joel Skousen:
In the archives, and you can read it. It’s… dramatic. Now, what’s interesting is that Bruce Blair, a disarmament fanatic in the United States, two months ago came out and said, “You know, what we really need to do, as Biden has tried to review the nuclear posture– there’s a nuclear posture review every two years in the United States– is that Biden really needs to get rid of launch-on-warning. Because that’s what really is threatening our supposed enemies, so we’ve got to remove those threats.” And I said to myself, wait a minute. How is it that Bruce Blair doesn’t understand that launch-on-warning has already been removed?
Reiner Füllmich:
Joel Skousen:
And so I e-mailed the people at Arms Control Today, and FAS, Federation of American Scientists, which is a rabid anti-nuclear group of scientists. I e-mailed both of them, and I said, wait a minute, has PDD 60 been revoked? I mean, you people helped write it. You ought to know if it’s been revoked. And what’s interesting: these people, 20 years or more after 1997, didn’t even know about PDD 60. It’s been so buried, so underground, that they didn’t even know it existed. And that’s why they were saying we need to remove launch-on-warning. Now this is very crucial. Because if you– why would the United States want to set themselves up for a nuclear first strike and absorb it? That’s what this does. Why would they want to do that?
Well, the reason, I believe, is that if you allow the Russians and Chinese to do a preemptive nuclear strike on US military forces– and I think a war in Korea would trigger that– they can come out of their bunkers and believe me, they been building a lot of new modern bonkers, because they know the Russians and Chinese know about the existing bunkers. They come out of their bunkers and say, we didn’t know this was going to happen– which is a lie– but now that our military’s been decapitated, the only way that we can prosecute this war is to join in a militarized global government with other western nations, to prosecute the war.
And I think the new EU army, which is being built secretly, with secret funds not only from Britain coming back into the EU. But I think the EU army is going to be… the beginning of that… that militarized global military. Now you have to ask the question if you absorb a nuclear strike– by the way, going back to the rationale, Americans, of course– if you’re, you know, the entire western world depends on the US military to defend itself from Russia and China. So if it’s decapitated, obviously there’s a feeling of panic. What we do? And obviously, globalists always, when they create conflict, they have a false solution. And that solution, of course, is the militarized global government.
Now I don’t think any Americans would resist that in a crisis, any more than they resisted the deep-state attack on on 9-11, which they blamed on 19, you know, hijackers. But you have to ask the questions, and as a military analyst, I ask myself: how did the globalists expect to win the war if the US military is decapitated?
Well, it’s very interesting that General Mathis, the former Secretary of Defense in the United States, speaking at a Booz Allen private session– it was leaked later on after that, that he had said you would be surprised how many trillions of dollars are going into space that are not on the American budget.
Reiner Füllmich:
Joel Skousen:
Trillions. Now all of the stuff going on in space that we know about, the… navigation satellites and the spy satellites, all that’s on the budget. So what are these trillions that are going into space that are not on the budget? I believe that the… US has in fact built a Brilliant Pebbles anti-missile system in satellites. And I believe that after absorbing a nuclear first strike, they can use those anti-missile satellites to stop any further nuclear attack on US cities. Because they– our globalists know that the Russians and Chinese don’t want to destroy cities, they don’t want to destroy the economies that they depend on. They want to simply nuke the military and blackmail the west into submission.
Now I believe that the US can then, and the globalists can then, reject the blackmail by stopping any other nuclear attacks. And that gives them time to rebuild in a military, conventional sense, to go after Russia and China militarily. It’s also possible that the globalists will make a deal with China to betray Russia during war, just as we did make a deal with Stalin to betray Germany. In other words, Russia and China know that they need to eliminate one or the other in order to, you know, take over their own version. So I think China might jump at the [chance] to eliminate Russia, and Russia is the weakest of the three, by the way, both economically and militarily. And so if China comes against Russia’s rear, and the west in Europe comes against the, you know, from the west, Russia would go down, and then China would become the new cold-war enemy.
And there could be a resolution to that, you know, bringing back in the Great Reset and all these other globalist plans that they want. One of the things that I have projected, though, is that because this war would be so terrible– and I think it’s Russian and Chinese military doctrine that you precede a nuclear preemptive strike with an EMP [Electro Magnetic Pulse] strike, about 15-20 minutes before, to take down the grid. That the United States would probably be out of electricity for almost a year, because we don’t stockpile any of the long-distance transformers. They’re huge transformers, and they’re only made in China now. We may have three or four in our country to replace, but if they all go down in an EMP strike, we could see major social unrest, for up to a year of panic and rioting and pillaging and… it would be as in the movie, the Mad Max scenario. It’s very, very bad.
What I fear is that the globalist plans to control everyone through AI [Artificial Intelligence] and through robotics and replace everyone– “You will own nothing and you will be happy”, et cetera– I think that can only occur in a perfectly peaceful world with a guaranteed source of electricity. In fact, digital control of currency and the internet and cryptocurrency can only occur with an uninterruptable source of electricity that’s constant, and in peace. I’m not sure the world will ever be back together at full peace and smooth-running things, after this kind of war with an EMP strike. The hatred, the vengeance, the revulsion of people toward their neighbors who have pillaged them during the year– that’s going to be very difficult to overcome. The US has never… been attacked before, and it would be a dramatic, damaging thing to the psyche of Americans, I think. But I’m just not sure that they’re going to be able to build back with the kind of controls that they are anticipating.
Reiner Füllmich: [20:20:57]
When you said Zelenskyy is the first one, the first Ukraine president who wasn’t a Russian puppet… Would you… say that he’s… a NATO, American, US puppet?
Joel Skousen:
Let me put it this way: Zelenskyy is an amateur. He doesn’t show any of the signs of a professional politician. He did have the backing of one of the anti-Russian oligarchs to get elected. And he has become a virtual yes-man to Klaus Schwab and whatever the globalists ask him to do. Now that doesn’t make him a dedicated conspirator with the globalists. There’s a difference between being a yes-man who’s desperate for western aid, willing to do anything, and someone who is a long-term conspirator who is planning… In fact, I will say this to you, Reiner: the– most of the people who are involved in globalism in the western world don’t know the end game. They don’t know that the globalists are bringing a World War III upon us. They don’t know that the US is going to allow a nuclear first strike to decapitate. Our military doesn’t know that. In fact, that’s one of the reasons why there may be a secret benefit in the US going “woke” to its military and, you know, imposing all these vaccines, and this… homosexual agenda on the military. It’s driving out the good people out of the US military. And when the US military gets hit with a preemptive nuclear strike, I am hoping that most of the good people won’t be there, because a lot of our military is going to die, in that first strike.
And so I think there are hidden blessings of God that gives us some pockets of resistance that I’m hopeful of. One of the reasons I wrote the book Strategic Relocation which is a North American guide to safe places as– which is a best-seller in the United States now. Because I’m hoping that people will get out of the big cities, where they are minority-controlled by these leftist Democrats and go back to rural American areas, where they can form new majorities of conservatives and have some pockets of liberty. Even the globalists, if we get ourselves into a global New World Order, have to get, play lip service to democracy, and they have to respect where there are conservative majorities.
So, as we learned in covid, they really only enforced all of these radical restrictions on urban areas. The rural areas hardly saw any of these restrictions. In the United States, we hardly saw a mask in rural areas, except in woke corporations like Walmart, who required it to get into the store. But there was no enforcement, no coming around and checking your temperature and forcing you to do things in rural areas. So I think that is a … at least a possible opening for some liberty in the future, is to have more freedom in rural areas than we do have in major cities.
Reiner Füllmich: [02:24:12]
Have you come– we have pretty concrete information from high-ranking soldiers, both the German army and the American, the US army, that in… I forget what city it is, but in Ukraine, about 3000 fighters, most of them the so-called Nazis, Asov regiment, plus mercenaries, foreign mercenaries but also high-ranking western generals, including one American general– about 3000 of them have been captured in a, one of the largest steel plants in Europe. Have you heard about this?
Joel Skousen: [02:24:54]
Yes I have, yes. You know, there’s a couple of– one thing you have to be careful about in Ukraine is that you have a lot of hype, or hyperbole, coming from both sides: Russians denying that they’ve hardly had any, you know, casualties. And Ukraine is saying that up to 60,000. The truth is somewhere in the middle.
Reiner Füllmich:
Joel Skousen:
I do believe the most credible accounts come from the French correspondent from Le Figaro this week, saying that there were US and British Special Forces in Ukraine in the Donbas region–
Reiner Füllmich:
Joel Skousen:
–that were fighting. I really don’t think that the US has sent over high-ranking generals. That’s too provocative if they get captured. It’s… one thing to have special forces in there, because they were training before, and you can have some excuse for why they’re still there. And I do believe they are still there, guiding things. So there is western boots on the ground and involvement, but I don’t believe the stories about high-ranking generals. That’s just too provocative.
Reiner Füllmich:
Joel Skousen: [02:26:00]
And that they don’t need high-ranking generals, you know, really to direct this, as much as they– you know, special forces guys are every bit as schooled in tactics in the local area as the generals are, and can do every bit– So I… just don’t think that the US would be stupid enough to send US generals into there.
Reiner Füllmich:
Um-hm. So the bottom line of your analysis is that we do have the western… well, I guess you could… say. financial mafia, City of London and Wall Street through which they funnel their money into the tech and pharmaceutical industry. You have this western Great Reset agenda on the one hand, but you have another similar but a little bit different Great Reset agenda on the other hand, which is being followed by the… Chinese and the Russians? Is that a fair assessment?
Joel Skousen:
Yes. I– in my estimation, we have three global threats. There’s the Russian threat, which– I tell you, I published in the World Affairs Brief the speech by General Hou Chiem in 2011. It was leaked to the Epic Times. And boy, the Russians are going to be– I mean the Chinese are going to be [4-sec break] under Vietnamese and Chinese and– You don’t want to be under a Chinese occupation. These people don’t have any regard for humanity. I’m not speaking for all Chinese. What I’m just saying, the leadership, especially the communists. Hou Chiem said, we’re going to be ruthless. The Nazis were just too easy when they came in and conquered. We are going to be ruthless to Americans. Not only with biological weapons to cleanse the land so that we get more lebensraum you know, living space. They want North America and Canada, because China’s run out of agricultural land. They’ve really got a problem there, with the arid– most of China is arid and not capable of producing, and they’ve got way… too many people.
But the Russians are also pretty ruthless. You know, the Russians took a lot of our prisoners from Vietnam and shipped them to Russia where they did medical experiments on them. The Russians kept back almost 30000 US and British troops that they had liberated from Nazi prisoners-of-war camps. And they kept them as hostages to make sure that Eisenhower carried forth on Operation Keelhaul, which required that the west return all Soviet-bloc people back to Russia. And even after Eisenhower complied, Stalin did not release any of those 30,000 British and American prisoners. They went to the gulags and died there.
That’s a major cover-up in the US from the globalists. Once again, why would they do that? Why would they cover it? Because they’re covering for the Russians. They don’t want to inflame the American people and possibly go to war too early with the Russians, which that would be a provocation. There’s all kinds of things in our history showing that the globalists do these things. Let me give you two examples. For example,
in the… United States, we had a Henry Kissinger and we had an Alger Hiss. Alger Hiss was a prominent figure in the Roosevelt and Truman administration. And according to Whitaker Chambers, a reformed communist– he said, I happen to know, first-hand information, that Alger Hiss joined the Communist Party. And this was during the, you know, the anti-communist days of the United States, where they were trying to purge the communists out of it. Well–
Reiner Füllmich:
The McCarthy era.
Joel Skousen:
Reiner Füllmich:
The McCarthy era?
Joel Skousen:
Yes, the McCarthy era. Now, it’s very interesting that Alger Hiss was finally prosecuted for perjury, rather than for being a communist. And he went to prison for it, for many years. And I’ll tell you, you never saw such a defense of the globalist mainstream media in the United States, than you did about defending Alger Hiss. And you can say, why would they defend the communists like this? Well, I came to the conclusion, and I think I’m right, is that Alger Hiss never really was a communist; he was always a globalist. But he was one of those who went and joined the Communist Party, so that they would not think otherwise when he worked to bring in Lachlan Rhee and many of the other communist in the Roosevelt– they would say, Oh, he’s one of us. That’s why he’s bringing the communists. That’s why he’s protecting the communists in the administration.
It’s just like Henry Kissinger. When he was a soldier… he had joined the Communist Party in eastern Germany and then he became a US globalist. He was the one, during the negotiations at the end of the Vietnam War– he sold out South Vietnam, he just told the Chinese, he says– or the Vietnamese, give us three years before you attack the south. That was his deal. And it was three years almost to the day before they went in and attacked the south. And that’s– at that agreement, he also allowed China to replace Taiwan and gave them a seat on the Security Council. You know, it’s one thing to replace Taiwan at the UN, but to give it a seat on the Security Council with the veto power– that was Henry Kissinger.
But you see, the Chinese wouldn’t have thought anything of it, because they thought he was a communist, because he had joined the Party in… Germany, in East Germany.
And so, you see how complicated this is. You have globalists masquerading as communists to help the communists think that he’s one of them, when in fact it gives them an excuse to be able to help the communists without them thinking, “Well why is she doing this?” So these are very sophisticated conspiracies we’re dealing with, but these are real facts that I’m presenting here, which… bolster what I think is globalists building these communist enemies in order to create a third World War– which they need, to get the US into a global government.
But a lot of people have said, Well why now are the globalists attacking Russia? And it’s because, I think, they started early. They always had to switch sides at some point. In other words, before World War III, they had to switch sides and start attacking Russia and China, so they don’t get blamed for being soft on… Russia, leading to the war. But I think they had to start early because of Donald Trump winning the election in 2016. They had not expected that. The voter antipathy towards Democrats overwhelmed the… vote corruption that was present in 2016, and he still won.
And so, because they wanted to link Trump to Putin to blacken his name, they had to start attacking Russia earlier than what they had normally done. And now they’re in full attack mode. And going back to one of the earlier questions, I think the New World Order has permanently now banned Putin. I don’t think he’ll be allowed into the G7 or G20 or any of those….
Reiner Füllmich:
Joel Skousen:
Hillary Clinton, a globalist, said as much. Now they haven’t ousted China yet, but I think that will come some time in the future. But when they turn against China as well– and remember, you can’t do sanctions on China like you can do on Russia, because 80 percent of our imports now come from China, in the United States, and American consumers would be very, very upset if they couldn’t get any of their cheap goods any more– And so you… we’re limited in what we can cut off from China. We’ve become too deeply involved, and I warned against this many years ago in the World Affairs Brief, that we should not let China into the World Trade Organization and open up, you know, problems.
And, you know, Trump put tariffs on China, but that only hurt American consumers, didn’t stop China at all.
Reiner Füllmich:
What do you think– What do you think, Joel, is there is there any realistic chance at all to stop this push for World War III?
Joel Skousen:
I don’t think so. I think there’s a hundred percent probability that we’re going to have it, and it’s not just because the globalists want it. They cannot start the war; they have to look like the victims. Now they can provoke, and that’s what they partially do in Ukraine and other places. You know, the Baltics are probably next on Putin’s list, you know. The west can provoke that by putting some missiles into the Baltics and then provoke– But Russia– Putin really does want to reconstitute the Soviet Union. That was one of their plans all along. And taking back Ukraine was number one on his list, because it’s the agricultural heartland of the former Soviet Union. It was the industrial heartland. The steel production, the missile production, all of that came out of Ukraine, and Putin wants it back.
Now I don’t think he’s going to be able to get it, because of US weapons and other things, and the incompetent– In fact, it’s really amazing how, from a military analysis, everyone in the US has gone, turned a hundred and eighty degrees away from the Russian huge conventional threat, to now: Russia really isn’t that much of a conventional threat. It’s a nuclear threat that’s the real problem of Russia. I mean, but to be frank, Russia put in second-level, second-tier armor, second-tier troops from Dagestan and Uzbekistan and other– they didn’t put in a lot of first-run Russian… troops in there.
But still, the tactics were very bad. The air-ground coordination was abysmal. It showed a lot of weaknesses in Russian military capability so far. So I don’t think they’re going to take all of Ukraine, but they are going to take eastern Ukraine and southern Ukraine, so they’ve got a land bridge to Crimea. And they’re probably satisfied in this round of conflict for that.
Reiner Füllmich: [02:36:20]
And when this whole thing spills over into World War III, what do you think? Will it start here in Europe? Is that going to be where the major battlefield will be, or will it really start with the first nuclear strike against the US?
Joel Skousen:
Yeah, let me talk about the nuclear strike… you know, Putin has threatened nuclear weapons over Ukraine, but that’s not going to happen. I can guarantee it. And the reason is: in a nuclear war, you either throw it all out there at once, or you don’t do anything at all. A limited nuclear strike is impossible; it just invites retaliation. So Putin is not going to do a limited strike, and he can’t do an all-out nuclear strike on the US, because he doesn’t have the military or the troops to consolidate the win if he does neuter the United States. You understand what I’m saying. In other words, how do you occupy the United States, how do you occupy Europe, when he can’t even occupy Ukraine? All that would do, would cause a firestorm of anger, and over the next few years, they would build back the military and they’d come back and annihilate, even if he did decapitate the US military missiles in a first strike.
Reiner Füllmich:
Joel Skousen: [02:37:36]
So that’s why Russia has to ally with China. Because not only is China building a lot of, more nuclear weapons than US acknowledges. Together they can completely neuter US and British and French nuclear weapons facilities and submarine bases. And China’s got the troops that they can occupy. So only with Russia and China can they actually control the west, and take power and occupy in their own version of a tyrannical New World Order, or a tyrannical local government.
And so that’s why Putin’s nuclear threat is a paper threat at this point. It will not happen, I guarantee. But I’ll tell you, when China and Russia are ready to strike the west– and I’m predicting that in the latter half of this decade, when they’ll be fully ready, not until then– we could face the World War III scenario. And so I think it’s very important that people stop depending on governments to protect us against– well, because they’re going to allow a nuclear strike to fall. It will not fall on cities, per se. The Russians and Chinese do not want to take down the economies in the cities. They want to neuter the military and then blackmail the west into submission. So you don’t have to worry, except for fallout coming from nuclear bases that are hit and with the westerly prevailing winds in both Europe and the United States you have to worry about fallout on the coastal bases that will be hit in England and France. So I… do recommend in my writings that people do prepare for fallout, which is fairly inexpensive to do, like the Swiss have done. Most homes used to have, at least, a fallout shelter built into the homes. And you could still do that, although very few countries in Europe have basements, which is unfortunate.
Reiner Füllmich: [02:39:29]
Wow, that’s a very… a kind of a very bleak outlook, because you can’t even choose between the lesser evil. It looks as though we’re surrounded by evil forces, both western globalists but also the Chinese and Russian globalists. They’re no different. They all want complete control over the entire world. It’s like a… dystopian James Bond movie that we’re watching right now.
Joel Skousen:
That’s right, and the only saving grace is that these… evil forces will end up fighting among themselves, once this war starts. And I think– but I… I don’t think there’s ever going to be any safety in the major cities any more, because if an EMP strikes in Europe as well, you know, you’d have chaos in the cities. And you just want to be in rural areas where you can have at least some semblance of being able to grow your own food or…stockpile things without– you know, it’s a… bleak scenario, but I have to be realistic, because I’ll tell you, Reiner, if people have one ounce of hope that a Trump is going to save them, they will not prepare. They will not acknowledge the fact that we’re facing– I mean, Americans are blinded, as they’ve never been attacked. They don’t believe they’re ever going to be attacked. Even if they think that nuclear war is coming, they just don’t have any understanding that we are the target. We’re the ones that are going to be attacked first in this coming war.
Reiner Füllmich: [02:40:53]
So this all boils down to: there is no– this time, there is no cavalry that’ll come to our aid. We have to do it ourselves. Okay–
Joel Skousen:
You have to prepare, you have to get out of the major cities, or at least prepare to retreat. You’ve got to have advance warning, and that’s why I can tell you’re listening audience: if you see a war in South Korea start, we’ll be in World War III probably within two or three weeks after that. Because that will give China the excuse to say– I mean, if nuclear weapons are used in… the Koreas, China will say, All right, you started it. And then they launch on US– with Russia, launch on US military targets. And Russia has about double the nuclear throw weight of the US, in terms of– you know, you’ve got to remember, our Minuteman 3 missiles have had their three warheads removed and replaced with a single warhead. So we only have 400 warheads on our missiles. And the… ballistic-missile submarines, 50 percent of those are in port at any one time and not available for use. And all of the warheads on the ballistic-missile submarines are not capable of penetrating hardened targets. They’re only capable of
airbursts over military or cities, and that’s not our military doctrine, to hit cities, so… Absorbing a nuclear first strike is a really big problem for the US.
Reiner Füllmich: [02:42:17]
Yes, and I think it’s incalculable. I don’t think that anyone can foresee what’s going to be the result of that, no one. There’s so many uncertainties, it’s just… impossible. I think we’re dealing with totally crazy psychopaths here.
Joel Skousen: [02:42:36]
We are. And… you know, my… personal theological belief is: there is a satanic component to this. I mean, when I track– and I’m an expert in conspiracy– I’ve tracked the conspiracy since 1900. And it has gone in one inexorable, steady path, undermining US and freedom and sovereignty for… you know, over a hundred years. No single evil individual, no Klaus Schwab, no Rothschild, no Rockefeller can ever set in motion and… determine to have a path followed. It’s just– a mafia, you know, can’t control his own organization for two generations, let alone a globalist conspiracy.
Reiner Füllmich:
Joel Skousen: [02:43:23]
I think there has to be a satanic component of evil inspiration to these people, guiding and directing and, you know– it’s interesting that Hitler was into the occult.
Reiner Füllmich:
Joel Skousen:
You study a lot about Hitler. He was very, very, you know, into the occult. And I think there was a satanic influence there.
Reiner Füllmich:
Yeah, one of the people, one of the most important soldiers that he had is the head of the SS, Heinrich Himmler. He was definitely into these are occult scenarios.
Joel Skousen:
Reiner Füllmich:
An evil man, strange, totally crazy person, I think.
Joel Skousen:
Reiner Füllmich:
Joel Skousen: [02:44:05]
So we can’t underestimate the evil– you know, people, say “Why can’t we all just get along?” Because there is systematic evil in the world.
Reiner Füllmich:
Joel Skousen:
It’s not just a few evil people. There is systematic evil, which inspires and controls people to do the most unconscionable things we have seen in our history. And we’re going to see the worst coming up World War III. Depopulation will occur into that, biological, chemical weapons. And you can prepare against those things, but not if you stay in the big cities. You have to prepare to get out into rural areas. And there are a lot of rural areas– even though the high-density population is a problem in Europe, there still are rural areas and mountainous areas which you can rely on to get some sort of safety.
Reiner Füllmich: [02:44:52]
Well, Joel, despite the fact that this is really, really dark and bleak, I’m very grateful for this outlook. And I’m absolutely certain that you are confirming the worst fears of some of our viewers. But at the same time, they will now know that there’s no one out there who’s going to help. They’re going to have to do it themselves. I still hope that by educating the people, by exposing what we can see, with your help, for example, we may… turn the tide. We’ll see. I’m still optimistic about that. And you alluded to this. I think there is a higher force out there that will come to our aid at the right time.
Joel Skousen: [02:45:35]
Well, if we… aren’t able to win back freedom and sovereignty at a national level, at least there will be pockets of liberty. In other words, the Lord, I believe, will not let people completely be without hope. There’ll always be some remnant that is capable of being saved, and I think they’ll be pockets of liberty. I might say, going back to covid, which we haven’t discussed very much, I think one of the main purposes of the covid exaggerated pandemic, and the lying and the cheating about the PCR test and the death rate, and all of those things… was first of all, meant to establish permanently emergency orders as… and get people used to living under emergency powers. And despite the fact that the covid has almost all disappeared now, the emergency powers still remain. Not a single one of those has ever been allowed to dissolve.
Reiner Füllmich:
I agree.
Joel Skousen:
They’re still there. Any time they can bring up– So remember, when World War III comes, there will be real martial law and real emergency powers, and people will be accustomed to saying yes to emergency and health authorities. And that’s a real great danger. That’s the long-term danger of why they don’t ever let us– intend to let us be free from these mask mandates and these vaccine restriction. The vaccines are very dangerous, in and of themselves.
Reiner Füllmich:
Of course. That– you know, that is why we, parts of, a large part of the resistance, let’s put it that way, why we’re advocating not just moving out of the big cities, but setting up our own new societal system, including a new judiciary, a new system of education, economics, and of course, health care. Because it makes absolutely no sense to fight the existing… system, because it’s totally corrupted. And there’s too many people who have been infiltrated into the system, who work for one of the evil forces that… we were just talking about. And if we do that, if we disconnect, if our 20 or 30 percent– it’s probably more in the United States– but if our 20 or 30 percent disconnect and set up our own system, that may help.
Maybe not avert the war, but… in the aftermath of the war, it’ll help us set up a new society which will be a real humane, human society.
Joel Skousen:
Yes, I agree, Reiner, I have encouraged my subscribers in the United States to one: get out of the medical system because of these ruthless protocols the doctors are forced to follow or they lose their jobs,
Reiner Füllmich:
Joel Skousen:
Learn to have natural health. And you know, Europe has led the way in many regards, of herbal and natural health type of things. Get out of the public school systems. I know it’s illegal to home-school, I guess in Germany, but it’s not in the United States, and millions have fled the public schools over these mask mandates and vaccine mandates that are coming. And it’s important to get out of establishment “woke” corporations if they’re going to mandate your vaccine. You know, get to be entrepreneurs, learn basic skills, because when this war comes– I’ll tell you, if you’re a professional– there are not going be any professional things other than, you know, government, established, establishment channels. You’re going to have to be able to repair things, you’re going to have to be able to work all of the basic skills, including growing food.
So we really need to get back to basics and stop specializing so much, but get to be generalists. I… myself do that. It’s a very fulfilling lifestyle, actually, to do your own repairs and do some farming and other things like that.
Reiner Füllmich: [02:49:28]
I absolutely agree, and I think most of our viewers do, too. Well again, Joel, thank you very much. This– again, this is very bleak and dark but there is a ray of hope out there.
Joel Skousen:
Reiner Füllmich:
And I think we will win this eventually, but a lot of people will probably not be around at that time.
Joel Skousen: [02:49:41]
Well let me just end by saying that while I still hope that there may be a chance that we can– at least, they’ll be pockets of liberty. I always believe in preparing for the worst, because if you don’t prepare, you won’t live through this war, in order to be able to come out on the other side and participate in the new liberties that are going to be established.
Reiner Füllmich:
Yeah, I agree. Okay, well, thank you again. We will be in touch. I think we’re going to have more to talk about, maybe much sooner than we both think right now.
Joel Skousen:
I’d be happy to join you again, Reiner. Thank you very much.
Reiner Füllmich:
Thank you so much and take care. We’ll be in touch.
Joel Skousen:
Thank you.
Reiner Füllmich: [02:50:24]
Okay, bye bye. Whoa!