Foundation Corona Committee, 97th meeting on March 25th, 2022
Johnny Vedmore (Investigative journalist, author at
in conversation with Viviane Fischer, Reiner Fuellmich
(Original language: English)
[Transcript from Team + Ed]
Reiner Füllmich: [2:34:00]
Hi, Johnny.
Johnny Vedmore:
Hi, how’s it going?
Reiner Füllmich:
Oh, pretty good, under the circumstances.
Johnny Vedmore:
Yeah, yeah.
Reiner Füllmich:
If you listened to what Iain told us, it’s incredible.
Johnny Vedmore:
Hey, there’s something… that he– that was being said– there’s a few things. I mean, every point he was bringing up I was… interested in, in some way that is connected with me recently. And one of the things that I really think it’s really important for people to understand when you– when they’re trying to understand the climate change agenda and the… things that have been put on that push us to these metropolitan masses ofjust loads of people living in concrete cities and all of the countryside being free of humans.
Remember they’re trying to stop us from being custodians of the land. We have a responsibility to make sure that people who are not big business, who are not industrialists, who are not elected to positions or got lots of money are the only ones who have access to the countryside, or access to what happens to the countryside, because we need to be, continue being custodians of our land. That’s all over the world, not just my own country, in Wales or in my father’s country, in Chili. That’s all over the world.
We need to make sure that we don’t get pushed off the land, because there is one important thing about the land. It’s not necessarily lend itself; you know, there’s a lot of land around. They could frack and frack and probably not destroy everything, you know. That– there is a really important thing that’s out there, though. It’s really the vital, the first thing that we’ve got to think about. It’s the _veins_ of that land, the water supplies. And that’s really what they want to push us away from. They don’t want to see how– they just want to pump all the pollution into the water supply, and they don’t care about us. And then can treat it later, and add this and that and the other to it. And they want that process to continue. They… want us not to be at the land, so we cannot be custodians of the land. So I just thought I’d add that in. Listening to the Iain, that– it is. It makes you very depressed, the idea of what they’re trying to do and what the agenda looks like.
But it is an agenda that can easily fall apart, just by us realising what they want us to do– in this case, move us to these massive mega, megapolis, megapolis– I’am not sure how to say it. Makes me think of Mega VE1 in Judge Dredd in the comics, where… you basically– everything else has been complete– all the land around you, the earth has been completely scorched and destroyed, either by nuclear war, or… all sorts of terrible industrial accidents. And theyall live in these massive, horrible, inhumane cages, where you’re judged on the street– straight the way we seem to be moving towards, a fantasy like that in the moment in reality. It’s always– sorry. Hello! How are you?
Reiner Füllmich:
Dystopian. Very dystopian. I…– a couple weeks ago, I read an article where you wrote about how the World Economic Forum and Klaus Schwab really got started. And it was not completely surprising, but it was definitely new to me. Tell us about that, please.
Johnny Vedmore: [2:37:22]
Okay. I researched Klaus Schwab already, doing an article called “Schwab Family Values”, a quick rundown in late 2020. It became clear– I mean, we were sitting around the coffee table in Chili, and she was like, “no one knows about Klaus Schwab’s history, and you do family histories, have done for years. Why… the hell are you not looking into this?”
And I was like, “Well, of course. And then she gave me a lot of time to look into the real history of Klaus Schwab. And I went– it took me five weeks to confirm who his father definitely was from documentation, from multiple sources of documentation. And then from that point on, everything opened up really quickly. And Klaus Schwab’s family history is very interesting. I’ll go over it as fast as I can, to get to the point where we are now.
Klaus Schwab’s great granddad was Wilhelm– Jakob Wilhelm Godfried Schwab. And he would move– marry a Swiss lady. He moved between Switzerland and Germany. At one point, he gave up his citizenship. Having come to Switzerland, having to go back to Germany and ask for his citizenship back again, when he got it back permanently. One of the reasons why now Klaus Schwab isn’t given Swiss citizenship, because he’s not allowed to get it back again, because his family had been flip-flopping and trying to do that, for donkey’s years.
Klaus Schwab and his family were from a place you wouldn’t know very well, southern West Germany on the border of Switzerland, Bad Wurtemburg area in Uberschwobia, if I’m pronouncing that right. It’s a very rich area, of course, everyone knows, it’s very affluent
There’s some schools down there, some colleges, the elite college– one of the elite schools is down there, that have people like, in the past, Prince Philip and the like have gone to be educated there.
Wilhelm– Jakob Wilhelm Godfried Schwab, Schwab’s grandfather, Klaus Schwab’s grandfather, wouldn’t… keep the name “Jakob”. He would change it to Godfried Schwab, maybe because there was still a lot of problems with being Jewish in a region. The area historically had a lot of anti-semitism that went back to, like 1500s. And in actual fact, the whole region around Ravensburg, where Schwab was from– for quite a long time, Jews weren’t allowed to travel through there at all, until about 1840, I think. It was fairlylate on that those rules changed.
Around that time, there was also a factory opening up in Germany. It was from a Swiss industrialist, Walter Zupinger, who had set up the Escher Weiss factories in Switzerland and in Ravensburg in Germany. And they would produce machinery that was used, I think, that was used for making lace and other things. This factory would become really fundamental to Ravensburg, and to… that area. It would be the biggest employer. You basically worked in the factory, or if you didn’t, most of your family did.
They became more, broader and wider in their scope, and eventually would make large turbine technology by the early 1900s, that would be used for ships’ bows and for hydroelectric dams and other projects, big massive infrastructure projects. And I can know, the size of these turbines were enormous. You know, you have a… bunch of men sitting around on pictures, sitting on top of these turbines. They were really, like, a very specific company making a very specific thing, quality product. It would have loads of– the… company would have loads of problems in the ’20s, leading up to the– obviously Germany in the twenties and thirties was a little bit but rough for everybody. Escher Weiss would have lots of problems, would eventually be taken over by a consortium of companies and… the Ravensburg factory would eventually in the 1930s start to be managed by a man named Eugen Schwab. And Eugen Schwab is Klaus Schwab’s father, the son of Godfried Schwab. He had been born in 1898 and had– the family had moved straight back to Germany really about the time it got round to the ’30s Eugen Schwabhad already be married once. He’d married a Jewish lady in the ’20s who had already had a husband before, I think… back then they would have called her a “good time girl” or something, you know? But yeah, she basically, that marriage– they had a son, Klaus Schwab’s step-brother. And they would split eventually, Eugen Schwab and this lady. And then Eugen Schwab would marry again in the ’30s. And that lady is Klaus Schwab’s mother. And they were married xxxxx in ’36.
In 1938, Eugen Schwab’s previous wife turned up in America as a refugee, as a– claiming herself to be a Hebrew refugee, escaping obviously from… Nazi Germany. Eugen Schwab’s factory in Ravensburg xxxxx this Escher Weiss company were making very big turbines at the time for a very specific project, a very particular project, the German atomic bomb project.
So… Eugen Schwab was a manager of the German factory where the big turbines will be made will be taken up to the heavy water plants that were up in Norway and that were there to produce– for the uranium that could be used in atomic bomb– in the atomic, the Nazi atomic bomb effort. Of course that puts Eugen Schwab as the head of a factory that’s using slave labour, a factory that was described in literature, they used a– the Nazis used to produce a book every, like, quarterly or something, entitled “Model Nazi Companies”, and it would list the load of a companies they considered to be model Nazi companies, with the ideals of the Nazi ideology.
And Eugen Schwab’s Ravensburg factory, Escher Weiss, was a model Nazi company in one of those books. I think it’s about 1938 that it was classed as a model Nazi company. And so Eugen Schwab– obviously the… German bomb efforts didn’t work out. The British got there first. But Eugen Schwab had a massive amount of knowledge. And we all know what happened after World War II. The Americans, the allies, the British– they all come in and they were looking to– especially intelligence looking to harvest as much information about these projects as possible.
And you had operations like Operation Paperclip that famously scientists over to the west, etcetera. And there is evidence– I haven’t, I’ve only heard of it on the grapevine– that the Americans, recently been, said, someone just told me that the Americans knew about Eugen Schwab, and had some documentation that they knew he had worked at Ravensburg factory.
Now Ravensburg was very interesting during the war, because Ravensburg was given special– it was given special status. It was basically not bombed during the war. The Red Cross came in and said, “It’s a really important humanitarian hub. Also the place where we’re building the atomic bomb.” But they didn’t say that, of course. And it meant that the whole area, including the factories, didn’t get bombed at all.
So when Klaus Schwab says, “When I was young, I used to cross across the border, and I used to see war on one side and not on the other,” well that’s not quite true, because in actual fact he lived a very protected life, and his father before and after would remain being protected. His father, Eugen Schwab, would go on to work for, be the head of Ravensburg trade… association, very similar to, like a miniature version of the World Economic Forum.
Now… Eugen Schwab, when it got to 1960s, had this young boy Klaus Schwab who is going and getting degree after degree, graduating, being– at a some point, people are just throwing honorary degrees at him, at this young Klaus Schwab. He’s obviously very talented. Fourteen qualifications in a matter of a few years. And Klaus Schwab really needed to know what he was going to do in the future. And so someone who was very close to him, of course his father, sat him down and said, Klaus– and Klaus talks about this himself– Klaus, you’re going to need to go to Harvard. That’s the only place where you’re going to be able to succeed.
Now at the same time, Harvard was the central for the house that’s the only place where you will be able to succeed at the same time above it was central… place for the research for the thermonuclear deterrence policy agenda. So what happened during the Cold War, everybody already knows about, we have all these nuclear and atomic bombs everywhere. There’s an idea of deterrence. And everybody says, well we’ve got bombs, they’ve got bombs, so we’re not going attack each other. But then there’s a load of issues that come from there. And how did it become the centre, along with the Hudson institute in America, nearby, who were also linked to Harvard, and become the centre of this research, of both how to influence European social policy, economic policy.
But at that time more importantly, and what was the priority, how to influence this Cold War nuclear standoff that was happening.
By the time that Klaus Schwab had decided to go to Harvard, it was a very perfect storm, you could say, a perfect set of circumstances came together. Kissinger had formed a 22-man team that would focus– that was dividing the administration, the Johnson administration about how to focus on European policy creation and keep American policy aligned with European policy, and how to affect its way. And basically made of a lot of members of the Council on Foreign Relations and other big people like Standard Oil people etcetera. And yhis was in 1966. And then you see a lot of… rollout of– basically the American focus changing from worrying about deterrence, about nuclear deterrence, worrying about how to influence European social and economic policy on the ground and how to win on the ground in the Cold War standoff.
There’is reason behind this. But let me just tell you and catch you up here. Klaus Schwab starts attending Harvard in 1965, but he doesn’t go and sign up to a course. He doesn’t do a degree. He goes to the seminars, to the summer school. And the summer school was set up by a man, an extremely important CFR grandee, who is the advisor to six US presidents, a guy called William Elliott Yandell, or Yandell Elliot.
He is an _extremely_ influential man. Hecreated this course, this international seminar, via CIA money. So a conduit company that was known to Harvard to be a CIA conduit would give money for the international seminar to recruit future leaders. Just like the World Economic Forum Young Global Leader. And who would attend this summer school that was the executive director in charge with Henry Kissinger but Klaus Schwab. And Pierre Trudeau. There’smultiple people who were groomed before they went into power, through this CIA Harvard course, including an Israeli leader, a Japanese leader and many others, that I haven’t even gotten to how many people were on this course.
But the course is– was revealed in 1967, the year that Schwab left Harvard and left this course, was revealed to have been funded– a hundred and forty-six thousand dollars– by the CIA between the periods of 1961 until the report was brought out. It was support by a man named Humphrey Dorman, who was assistant to one of the heads of the art faculties there.
Basically they admitted that the course– Harvard released in the Crimson, the Harvard Crimson, they file a press release, saying, “[Yes, yes, yes, okay, it’s funded by a conduit, and it’s a known conduit for the CIA. But if we didn’t take the money, the CIA would just find another way. And there was no way they could affect the school and what we teach in the school.]”
No. But what they were doing was they were _recruiting future leaders_. And in, about, to install future leaders. Not leaders that would be able to affect the European dynamic by creating something within Europe that would allow for the implementation of social policies… to be put into the Cold-War dynamic. Now for this you need to understand European social policy, so you need a team. You need to understand the dynamic. So you need a… team. It can’t just be Kissinger alone who’s recruiting Klaus Schwab and that’s it. It’s a duo on their own. That’s not realistic. Kissinger’s focus at the time was on nuclear deterrence and foreign policy, and how those two mixed together. And that was really a convenient place for him to put himself. And he had put himself there by doing– through the Council on Foreign Relations working group that he was recruited into, after Harvard during the ’50s.
So he’s got loads of experience in this. He’s placed in a position where all of these guys knew what the dynamics were going to _lead_ to, with the nuclear standoff. But they had to be, create all of the… organisations that would then cope with those dynamics as they happened.
So by 1966, this is what you’re seeing. You’re seeing all of these things coming out in public by 1970, you’ve got Kissinger as part of Nixon’s team, and then focusing on the Year ofEurope. And it’s all about supporting the EEC [European Economic Community].
Well before this, Klaus Schwab has met Kissinger, and he’s been introduced at Harvard to John Kenneth Galbraith, who is one of the most famous economic advisers in US history, taught John F. Kennedy, taught Joseph P. Kennedy, was on their administrations, had– some of the greatest moments… in history had him somewhere within, like when Kennedy was assassinated, he would write the initial draft of the speech that Johnson would give after his assassination. He was _very_ close with Kennedy. He refused to represent Robert Kennedy later, and instead went with Eugene McCarthy against Nixon. But he was a fantastic adviser on European policy, and he hadn’t really– he had… such a history. He had– his wife and him had met in late ’30s, just before the war. And his wife had lived with Unity Mitford, who was Hitler’s girlfriend at the time.
Then, Galbraith had been sent over to Europe just before the war. He was supposed to be originally studying under John Maynard Keynes… the famous economist, but Keynes had a heart attack, and so he ended up going to Germany in 1938, studying land policy under Hitler. At the end of the war, he was the one who was sent to question Albert Speer, who was the head of the armaments, the Reich Minister for armaments, war armaments. That’s one of the biggest positions. And his economic adviser is going to… interrogate him? That means that, you know, a lot of… his history.I mesan, he’s also on Council on Foreign Relations. A lot of his history is very grand, is very weird. It doesn’t make any sense,
And then, during the Communist years, of course he’s travelling around. John F. Kennedy calls him, when he’s a junior senator, calls John Kenneth Galbraith “the Phineas Fogg of Europe”, because he’s travelling around Yugoslavia, the Communist parts, making notes of agricultural– things that happen in agriculture. But he’s not. He’s obviously a spy of some sort, like, you know, he’s obviously constantly in these areas of influence, and he’s going into the fire fights straight on. And he seems to have massive connections all around the place. He’s not just simply travelling around Europe.
And by the time it comes to the late ’60s,he’s really… against Vietnam, he doesn’t like the way the government’s going, but still he joins together with Henry Kissinger. But in 1967-1968 the time when… they already know Klaus– they’ve already been introduced to Klaus Schwab, Kissinger has already introduced Klaus Schwab to John Kenneth Galbraith, who will be one of the people to help him create the World Economic Forum and go to Europe and help to get other people involved in the World Economic Forum. You know, this guy was nothing _like_ Kissinger. And suddenly, he’s working– they’ve got the Mandeville lectures, where they talk about foreign policy, all in but Europe, all about how to control Europe, all about how to get– install their own people within the European environment, to control Europe for the future. Because the Anglo-American– in their view, the Anglo-American dynasty that was there could only become more powerful if it was to evelope Europe.
And then, it doesn’t matter if you’ve got Russia and China. You’ve got the most powerful block, and anybody who knows or plays Risk or Axis and Allies, any war game– you’ve won the game. It’s over. It’s over. It’s game over. Once two blocks are completely combined, of that size, it’s completely over.
And that’s what the Russian know and the Chinese know, and they’re all in the race to became the most technical, technologically advanced. Because there’s lots of things are coming up that are really extremely important moments in human history that they all want to be coopted beforehand.
In the late ’60s, early ’70s really important time for Europe, and the Americans were all over it. The other person, and one of the most important people that they brought into this the… third person I see as the main mentors to Schwab, the person who would, again, come across to Europe, be a part of creating the World Economic Forum, be convincing people to come on board and then ba at the first World Economic Forum, watching John Kenneth Galbraith making the first keynote spech at the first World Economic Forum — was Herman Kahn. who’s the real Dr Strangelove. He’s classed as the real Dr Strangelove. He said, “I know Stanley Kubrick; he’s a friend of mine. and I wasn’t meant to be,” he says, “I wasn’t really Dr Strangelove.”
I think Dr Strangelove was an amalgamation of charactersas. It was like a… merging of the ideas of Kissinger and Kramer, Fritz Kramer and… Herman Kahn and the people who were working on nuclear deterrence at the time. And it was kind of merging them in to, like, one character.
And it’s really interesting, because Herman Kahn basically spent the whole ’50s and ’60susing game theory to map out the entirety of every possibility within nuclear standoff, whatever could happen. And you can’t– a basic understanding by 1961 when he writes onthermonuclear war, when he wrote a really important document that basically we’re in a situation, they were in a situation– we still _are_ at the same situation, same dynamic coming up now, same thing we’re repeating in the news right now, with the… nuclear standoff.
The first problem with nuclear deterrence is that you have to have nukes– both sides have to have nukes. So they’ve both got nukes. So they could destroy each other, assured mutual destruction. Okay, that means no one is going to fire the nukes. That’s what they worked out. They say that over and over again. Okay, so what does that mean?
Well, the second problem, then, is all of the things that happen because you’ve got that dynamic in play. You’ve got all of these policies come up, all of these world economic and geopolitical movements happening, because two sides have got bombs, but they’re not going to kill each other. So then I looked at these _absurd_ things some form that dynamic, and… suddenly they have to manage all of these.
And then the third part is: how do you use then counteract all of these other things to make it unprofitable for the other side to then go and launch a nuke because everything’s gone absurd. And he worked out that it was just too absurd– unless it was by accident or malfeasance, or it was like sabotage, there was no way– all of the… simulations they used torun. there was _no way_ there was going to be someone launching a nuke unless it was by accident.
So they got up to the point where they said, Well, we don’t need to worry about that any more. So when the time it got to the mid-’60s, they sit certainly, all these guys, it’s still pretending that dynamic exists, to the public, but they focusing their attention straight away on how to do the next step which is control the… actions and consequences of having this nuclear deterrence dynamic at play with both sides, who are enemies, holding bombs.
And that is all about social policies. That’s all about implementing people on the ground who can make differences in each of the countries and in, within the region as a whole. So the first initial plan, the first formation of the World Economic Forum with this what I would call a useful very intelligent tool, Klaus Schwab, who was a, very much as a bureaucrat who obviously was just riding a wave. He would, of course– I mean, when I talked about his father with the atomic bomb– after 1967, he leaves Harvard, gets phoned by Jacob– General– Peter Schmidt Harney who’s the son of Jacob Schmidt Harney who used to be the boss of Eugen Schwab at Escher Weiss– he now _runs_ Escher Weiss, and he says, I want to merge Escher Weiss and CJD and Brown Bovery. And we want to put them all in there. You’ve just een to Harvard, and you understand about management– Schwab says this himself–so why don’t you come and help us? And so he did.
At the same time, those companies, that company and the one it forms into as well are helping the South– to supply _illegal_ nuclear weapon technology to the apartheid South African regime, while Klaus Schwab is at the helm! He does exactly the same thing as his father does! It’s so unbelievable when you actually examine him. He’s like a caricature of… this… genetic Bond villain that comes– keeps going down the line…. I really want to go back to his great-grandads… and see how they were stroked in the cats on the side, because it’s completely insane to see how it just follows in history.
So at this time, well, just in between, well he’s been introduced to Herman Kahn, John Kenneth Galbraith. He’s being led by Kissinger towards the creation of the World Economic Forum. At the same time, he’s helping to form a company that will help aid in the attempt, the unsuccessful attempt, of the apartheid– _another_ racist regime to get nuclear weapons against international law. I just find it completely crazy.
Then these guys, who– like they… played under these dynamics for years. Theygame-theoried it all. They recruit this guy, and then suddenly he’s doing this straight away, and then they help him set up the World Economic Forum. And the World Economic Forum, of course, xxxxxx– when… I came back to the– to find the roots of Schwab, I… did the first article, which was about Schwab Family Values 101, to understand the World Economic Forum, I looked at people talking about the World Economic Forum, talked about it like this:
“Schwab is this person. He went to university, and then suddenly he’s at the World Economic Forum.”
And that made no sense to me. I mean that so xxxx xxxxxxx this whole thing, this– It’s not– it’s not like that. A load of people saw this opportunity and recruited him to create this organisation so that they could be… on the borders of Europe, in a neutral zone, and they can act serruptiously to install all sorts of economic and social policies legal… regulations all sorts of different things, on the whole of different parts of Europe, under the idea that it’s a European management symposium. That essentially what it was at first.
It was set up as the European Management Symposium. Within a couple of years, it was the European Management Forum, and then within a couple of decades it was the World Economic Forum. And then it’s really now, what you– what _I_ see is Kissinger’s original creation. Kissinger’s original creation. They wanted tocontrol Europe, they wanted to put policies in there, they wanted to make sure that it was leaning always towards America, and they’ve created that, and that’s where we are now.
Reiner Füllmich: [3:03:06]
Wow. Wow. This is… another hugely important aspect, because people must know that this is _not_ Klaus Schwab who created this. I mean, he did, but he did it at the behest [of] and aided and abetted by the CIA, by Kissinger, John Kenneth Galbraith and… what’s his name? Herman Kahn, yeah. Holy smokes.
Johnny Vedmore:
You just want to say Dr Strangelove, automatically. xxxxxx these are the– I mean, to find out that these were the people who helped him create the– and, you know, that’s not… they just went, “Oh, yeah you should do this forum, this European Management Forum.” No, they went, multiple times, to Europe to talk to all of these people who weren’t interested. They– also von Hapsburg will is really important with the– Otto von Hapsburg was really important with the creation of it as well. There is… another– like so many stories within the setting up of the World Economic Forum, and how it’s run, and how it’s going in a way, went to in the future, that you have to realise that these people are on a mission; and it’s pretty obvious we are really late to the… agenda. We are really late to their– understanding what their agenda is.
And… it’s really important now… I… explained in my last article that.. everything I look [at], I see the same problem coming up: that you can’t make everybody a globalist. You know, you cannot make everybody a globalist. You can try and try. Eventually people care about their nations, and their tribal areas, that people who speak the same language, and people who look the same, you know. It’s, you know, it’s human nature to feel close to someone who akin with, and to have that spirit, and that kindred spirit. You can’t make everyone a globalist. What were seeing in the world right now, where– I… this is something– I was listening to your… previous discussion as well. You’ve got this geopolitical situation where you’ve got this BRIC [Brasil Russia India China] block, which seems like, you know, before I think that would have been, maybe if… it had kicked off probably fifteen years ago, that _might_ have started something that could have helped that side, the east.
But the joining of Europe and America really, aligning of it to be basically the same beast, has left them, I think, having to– in China’s case go faster than the agenda. What I think we’re seeing in China is a World Economic Forum agenda in nearly exact detail. I mean, if you read what they want, it looks exactly like the Chinese model. And I think every– or each of these big blocks were tasked with introducing all of these things, and introducing things that would help this emerge, these… structures emerge.
But it worked very slowly in Europe and America. And it went really fast in China. So China’s now well ahead of the game. And they looking around and saying, “Well obviously, you can’t do this very well, can you. You came up with these ideas, and we’re fast–” So I think what we’re seeing in China is actually originating still from the World Economic Forum view of the world from the ’80s and ’70s.
And one of the things that’s really important that I’ve got to say about Herman Kahn is that Hreman Khan believed he was doing the right thing for nearly all of his life. He believed– he was a bit of a weird guy. In the early ’60s, you can hear him on tape saying things like, “Maybe if we want control the population we should just stick some tranquillizer in the water supply.” You know, he’s saying those sort of bad things. But later on, and partially due to the World Economic Forum, Herman Kahn had a complete reversal in a lot of how he felt about where we were going in the future, because of, partially Klaus Schwab.
The… second World Economic Forum in 1972 didn’t go well. The first one had kicked offamazingly. They had these stars, John Kenneth Galbraith and Herman Kahn. They had boatloads of people, loads of work. Loads of people came in. 1972, that didn’t happen. It was… it looked like it was about die off, and their project was dying. So the third year, they bought in the Club of Rome president, Aurelio Pecci. And the Club of Rome in 1972 had released a document called “Limits to Growth”, which was basically surrounding the Malthusian ideal that as the population increases, there are not enough resources, so you must get rid of the population [increase]. You know, that’s… how they think of it. And, you know, there’s a population-reduction agenda already in action.
So we’ve seen evidence that… lots of people _believe_ in that idea. And Kahn hated it. Kahn hated the idea, because his work– In 1967, he had produced two things are really important to this discussion right now– is that in 1967, he produced something called “The Year 2000”, which looked forward– which was Hudson Institute game theory, gaming out all of the technological advances… that they could see in the future, and basically it covers everything. It covers everything that we expect. And they were nearly accurate with everything. It hasn’t been achieved by the year 2000, but there are sites where you can go, and it will show you what has been achieved, what’s nearly achieved, what may not– never be achieved. But who knows. And some of them are debatable, very debatable.
But he had written that in 1967. And along side was an anciliary document that was all about how to create a leadership group, how to reduce the… growing Negro population and other things that were… part of looking into the future, you know, really suspect anciliary document. Those are both linked in the article I’ve written.
The… year 2000 gave people like Klaus Schwab and other technocrats this vision of the future, where they had basically a tick-sheet where they go over and say, “We want to achieve this, we want to achieve this, we want to achieve this.”
But Herman Kahn had given warnings with all of the future technological problems. You know, it wasn’t simply a victory. It was, “You can achieve this, but that cost and this cost and that cost”, you know. There’s always a cost that comes with every technological innovation. And people like Schwab were just ignoring that. They werre just interested in– and he was obviously, checked out this Malthusian idea supporting the Club of Rome and having Aurelio Pecci as the keynote speaker. And… so it made Herman Kahn say, “No. No, I’m not going to– that is unacceptable. We don’t want to do that. We want to have a good, positive idea of the future.”
So he wrote a new document, called ‘The Next 200 Years”, which gave a positive… of humankind, said “We don’t need to reduce the population, because we will be leaving the planet one day, and we will be able to find resources elsewhere. And we will find new technology that will help us create things much better.”
And he tried to give a positive outlook, and spent the last part of his life, up until 1993 when he died, trying to fight again this idea that Schwab had taken on board wrapped his arms around, and created the World Economic Forum in the image of, which was the Malthusian idea which… is perfect for the, a lot of the all ready agenda, population control, to attract people.
On just one other note: that anciliary document from 1957 that goes alongside Kahn’s “Year 2000”– that really goes into detail about creating a special leadership group that is separate from the rest of society and using universities, changing universities to be basically recruitment places for the administrators will work for these people.
It was a special, a specially trained and chosen ledership of a very young age. It is spelled out in detail. At the same time they were creating that leadership group and the international seminar going through it. And it would be, if you read it, it is the exact representation of what the World Economic Forum Young Global Leaders program is now.
Reiner Füllmich: [3:12:13]
Johnny, do you agree with… Iain Davis’s view that the leaders of Russia and China are all one hundred percent on board with the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset?
Johnny Vedmore:
Yeah… a hundred percent… I mean, I think… we reported on the side of polygon and need to hang out with the reported on “the side of the polygon”, which was very similar to “Event 2O1”, looking at a coming cyber pandemic. And that was like people like Nick Cameron Shousten, who is the prime minister of Russia, along with Tony Blair and others of loads of people within the establishment.
And they very much– they’re in… lockstep. All their policies in lockstep. They did this with covid as well. Just same agenda, different place. When you actually research– when Klaus Schwab was said out loud that Vladimir Putin is a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader– that’s not quite true. That’s another one of Klaus Schwab’s– he said something by accident out loud and it’s not quite right. And he’s going to roll– say a load of other things afterwards.
But the research I’ve done– there were three people chosen in 1991 from Russia to be Russia’s Foremost Patriots for the World Economic Forum. They were all KGB agents… and one was Vladimir Putin. It was a special Russian version of the project, and it was intelligence-based.
It was a complete intelligence op that was “We expect that the walls come down. We accept that we’re going to have to work together. So choose your leaders, bring them forward.” And one of those leaders was Vladimir Putin.
And then there would be the Global Leaders for Tomorrow project. That would be hard, because some people who would go on, that caused– would question way too many things. And so they readopted the course, changed it, changed the entrance requirements, and called it the World Economic Forum Young Global Leader project in 1992.
So I… think also the international seminar that I’m talking about was funded by the CIA, headed by Kissinger, where they recruited Trudeau and Schwab and trained them.Those, that is again a way of installing leaders into government. There is a lot of these mechanisms that we can see now clearly and we couldn’t see before.
Reiner Füllmich: [3:14:45]
Very good.
Johnny Vedmore:
Just I… just say, I do think that… Russia and China, they… this is all a bit of a game. They’re all on the same side. _But_ I’m pretty positive that both China and Russia will be annoyed with how slow the west are at implementing their own agenda.
Reiner Füllmich:
Very interesting. Very interesting. Okay. Well Johnny, again, this is extremely importantm and I’m sure that people appreciate that this is another _big_ piece of the puzzle that we need in order to see the whole picture. We can’t trust anyone. We can’t trust any of these leaders. That is my conclusion from all of this.
Johnny Vedmore:
Definitely. Yeah, yeah.
Viviane Fischer:
I mean, it’s very interesting that you have all these people with these kind of filthy, you know, historic connexions, and this, like, money obsession, and sort of the, do you know, that you don’t care for human kind. It’s every, everyone that we look, you know, at closer has one of those traits, or a all of them.
Johnny Vedmore:
Kahn said something very interesting in an interview in about 1978. You could find it on YouTube. He says something about the elites, and the difference between the underclass and the elites. And I think it’s really– it’s… not very nice. He says that, like, when it comes down to sex education, the people who were in the underclass, who are poorer people, they don’t want to teach their kids anything about sex until yhey’re old enough to learn about sex. And he says, the elites, they want to teach their kids how to orgasm.
Now that’s from a man who hung around with elites all of the time and hung around with this world, where these people are so disconnected from reality. But when you hear something like that, you think do they know that’s wrong? Do they know, do they feel, do they understand, do– and you realise after researching them for a long time, they all know what each other do, but they… live like any family or any unit. They hide from each other in the same way. And if they’re exposed to the outside world, then they all close ranks These very rich people, these very elites in society, they all come from the same group, and they will close ranks together, and they will xxxxxxxx.
But not all of them are responsible for this nightmare that’s being created. A lot of those people out there a lot of people in the rich, a lot of people who even have powers and stuff– really are so naive to what is really going on in the agenda that is happening all around them. And we are really late to the party with a lot of this, you know. We need… to catch up.
Reiner Füllmich: [3:17:40]
We will with your help.
Johnny Vedmore:
Thank you.
Reiner Füllmich:
Thank you very much, Johnny. Again, this is–
Johnny Vedmore:
Cheers. Thanks for having me.
Viviane Fischer:
Thanks so much.
Reiner Füllmich:
Thanks for being with us. We’ll stay in touch.
Johnny Vedmore:
Yeah, you do, you do.
Reiner Füllmich:
Take care, and have a great weekend.
Johnny Vedmore:
You too. Big love.
Reiner Füllmich:
Thank you.
Viviane Fischer: [3:18:03]
Well that was quite something.