Foundation Corona Committee, 109th session on June 17th, 2022
Dr Paul E. Marik (Physician and former Professor of Medicine)
(Original language: English)
[Transcript from Team + Ed]
Reiner Fuellmich: [01:00:07]
Okay, now we switch to English. Dr Paul E. Marik he’s a physician and former professor of medicine pulmonary and critical care specialist and he’s also the chairman and founding member of the Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance, FLCCC Alliance. Good morning, Paul.
Dr Paul E. Marik:
Hey Reiner, how you doing?
Reiner Fuellmich:
Okay I’m… not very wide awake, but I’m awake enough. I didn’t get a whole lot of sleep last night, but I’m in… basically in good shape. I should have spent more time in nature like Harald Wallach just explained to us. He’s going to go back into his garden and tend to the flowers.
Dr Paul E. Marik: [01:00:48}
Well, we’re probably in a similar physiological state, because I’ve also just got up, and I don’t have a clear head. And I need to be in nature and just to relax and take it cool. Anyway so you know we were going to talk about what I was going to talk about but we never spoke about what I was going to speak about. So what I thought I would do, is I put together a short little Powerpoint which I can go through. And then we can take any questions you have.
Reiner Fuellmich:
Dr Paul E. Marik:
So you know, obviously we know that there are being crimes committed against humanity. I mean, that there is no question. But I think we have to be careful to charge these evil people with the right crimes, firstly. And then secondly, those on our side of the fence must be very careful that we speak the truth, and we speak the scientific truth, because if we provide false information, those on the other side will attack us vigorously, and we will lose our credibility.
So it’s really important we actually focus on the science and the truth. And maybe the last point is that, you know, I’m obviously involved in all of this and listen to many speakers. Many of them actually have never looked after a covid patient. And that’s very important, because covid is a very unique disease. I’ve practiced critical care for 35 years. I’ve never encountered a disease quite like this. It’s very difficult to treat, it’s very complicated, and by managing these patients, it gives you… kind of a unique insight. It’s the same way as someone trying to teach someone to fly a plane, where I’ve never flown a plane before.
So it’s really important that one, you know, get some perspective from people who’ve actually treated this disease. So, you know, with that being said, I’m going to try and find my
Powerpoint… which is really odd, because I can’t find it. Hold on… Yeah I don’t know what’s going on with my desktop…. Okay, there we go. It wasn’t showing up. Okay I think you should be able to see it now.
Reiner Fuellmich:
Dr Paul E. Marik:
Okay, so I’m going to put it on “slide show from beginning”. Okay, do you see it?
Reiner Fuellmich:
Yes we can see it.
Dr Paul E. Marik:
So, you know, when I– I’ve been practicing critical care 35 years, and I was the, you know, I led an ICU when covid came to the US. The politics are complicated, but really I was involved in maybe the management of over a thousand patients. That’s my perspective. And then obviously I had to quit because of politics. And since then I’ve been really focusing on the vaccine-injured, and I probably, you know, interviewed probably a hundred vaccine-injured patients. So that’s my current focus. I really have no conflicts of interest which is important. You know, I don’t sell anything, I don’t do– I mean, I have no… financial interest with any company. So really, I have a few opening statements, which I think are important.
So I need to emphasize, covid-19 is a serious disease that’s cost the lives of over twenty million patients on this planet and caused devastating social, economic, emotional and moral suffering. Covid-19 is highly preventable, and it’s a treatable disease, in all the phases. And, as we’ll briefly review, in the last two years there have been numerous effective therapies that have been discovered. Obviously, the vaccines do not prevent this disease. The vaccines are highly ineffective. They’re highly toxic, and there are millions of vaccine-injured patients worldwide.
Something that’s not really well understood is: covid-19 is a clinical diagnosis. It’s a clinical disease. You do not need the PCR or any other test to diagnose covid. And the problem is: we know the numerous false positives, but there are also false negatives. So usually covid– using the PCR is– may have a role in epidemiological studies; but clinically, it’s a complete waste of time.
Prevention and early treatment. There are highly effective agents for the treatment of this disease. Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, flavoxamine, melatonin etc. Many of these are repurposed, generic or over-the-counter medications. And obviously that, this is where the evil forces come into play. Because their agenda is a vaccine in every arm. And these highly effective repurposed drugs actually provide a serious threat to that goal of theirs.
In terms of the hospital phase, it’s a combination of therapies. Treatment must be started early, and the NIH protocol i.e., Remdesivir, dexamethasone– dexamethasone kills patients. There’s no question of doubt. The current treatment protocol in the United States of America kills patients. It does not work.
So the other thing is: people claim, “What’s the big deal about the variants?” You know, they’re all the same. That’s not true. Having worked in the ICU, I can tell you categorically and definitively that clinically these patients present completely differently. So there’s alpha, beta, gamma, there’s delta, which I forgot, omicron. Delta was a vicious virus. It was a vicious virus, much like gamma. So, you know, we started off with alpha and beta, and we had some handle on it. Delta was a vicious disease. So there is– these variants act biologically very different.
In addition there are differences in their
infectiousness. So you know the alpha, beta had an R-nought of about two. Omicron is about 8 or 9, which… is really close to… measles. So these variants act differently, and people who maintain that, you know, this is of no clinical significance have never treated a covid patient.
Then we have the long-haul syndrome, which is treatable. And the long-haul syndrome is probably the result of ineffective early treatment. It’s a spike-protein mediated disease or “Spikeopathy”. And then there’s the, you know, vaccine-injured patient. And, you know, this is a debilitating disease. There are millions of these patients.
The physiology is a little bit more complicated, because it’s due to both the spike protein, the lipid nanoparticle, PEG, graphene oxide, as well as other unknown additives. So those are the main points that I wanted to make. I’ll go through the rest of my talk somewhat quickly, and then we can, you know, talk and have questions.
So you know, in terms of, you know, the NIH and the CDC and the WHO claim there are no… effective early treatments. So obviously this is from the C-19 group, and you can see there’s a whole host of medications that have been proven beneficial in the early treatment of covid. So early treatment is absolutely critical. And, you know, it’s been a dereliction of duty the state agencies have not promoted this.
And you know, I’ve just highlighted for certain ivermectin, nigenta sativa, melatonin, provadine iodine, vitamin D. So we know– I mean, and this is based on a really good data– As we’re absolutely aware of, the biggest problem is the vacuum of truth. You know, due to lack of transparency, misinformation, disinformation, nefarious intentions and censorship, it’s very difficult to actually get to the truth. You know, this is from the BMJ: Covid-19 Vaccines and Treatments. “We must have raw data now. Data should be fully [and immediately] available [for public scrutiny]”. So there’s been complete lack of transparency.
So this is a global disaster. The actual numbers we could debate and we can talk about. But, you know, according to Hopkins over six million deaths and over 500 million cases. You know, some people have actually, you know, consider, you know, The Economist model that maybe there areover 20 million deaths. So, you know, we don’t really know. But just what we can say is millions of people have died.
So, just to quickly review the virus: you know, this is an RNA virus. It has these very– oopsie– unique globular spike protein which stick out of the cell. And there are about 40 of these spike proteins which stick out of the cell. And the spike protein really is the toxic part of this virus. So this is the viral genome, as we know the particular bases. It has this polyprotein, the spike and some other proteins. So it codes for about 28 proteins, 16 nonstructural proteins, four structural proteins and 8 accessory proteins. It is an intriguingly well-designed virus, because it is, it does really bad shit to the human being. It does really bad stuff. There’s nothing good about this virus.
And, as we know, the spike protein is the… is that protein which is so toxic. Its toxicity istruly astonishing. This is the amino acid sequence. It consists of an S1 and an S2. This is the xxxxx side. This is the receptor binding domain. It forms the trimeric structure with the S1 and the S2. So the… interaction between spike and ACE-2 is really quite complicated. It goes through a whole number of different phases. there were a number of enzymes, TMPRSS and furin that are involved. And so it’s a complex process, in terms of that virus getting into the cell.
And then obviously we have all of these mutations. This is the… [A.30] variant. So these variants are heavily mutated. They evade vaccine-induced antibodies, and spread with high efficiency. So how’s the spread– you know, there was all this backwards and forwards story about how it spreads. So we can say that spread by formites doesn’t happen, and this complete obsession with hand washing and disinfection is– probably it’s absurd. And probably it spreads both by aerosol and by droplet spreads. Both are important. What is important is the virus replicates in the nasopharynx of binds olfactory epithelium.
And this becomes very important in the treatment of covid and the prevention of covid, because we can apply topical antiviral agents into the nose, which are highly effective in killing the virus. And this is a form of therapy which is being completely ignored, both for the prophylaxis and treatment. We know, you know, that randomised controlled studies in India and the US show how effective just spraying providone iodine in the nose is in treating this disease. Oopsie. Oh my goodness. How did that happens? Now it’s back.
That was really bad. So let me go back to the beginning and– oh my goodness gracious, I don’t know how this happened. Oye. Something odd is happening. I don’t know how to get rid of this. Let me stop “share: and let me do that again. Wow. That was weird…. Ok, I think I was at that slide. Okay. So I’m going to go down…. Oh my goodness gracious, this is weird.
Viviane Fischer:
It’s a very dynamic presentation.
Dr Paul E. Marik:
I’m going to do this slowly. I think we were there. OK. Oh my goodness, I don’t know why this is happening. Oh, I’m so sorry. I… have no idea. This is– there’s something odd going on. Let me try again.
Viviane Fischer:
But can you not just, you know, push up that bar and then…. now it may be working….
Dr Paul E. Marik:
OK, there. I don’t know what happened. Okay sorry about that.
So the other thing is that there’s a gradient of ACE2 expression, which is not always recognized. So both ACE2 and… infectivity xxxxx xxxxxxfrom the nose to the lung. So that’s one nasopharyngeal replication is so important because of the high viral load in the nasopharynx. So what’s important– and this distinguishes SARS covid-2 from the previous SARS and MERS is: if you look at viral load…
the viral load actually peaks prior to the onset of symptoms, and then it decreases. So patients are actually most infectious before the onset of symptoms and while they’re symptomatic. So it’s unlikely that people who are not asymptomatic spread the disease, because of the lower viral load. So it seems like the viral load determines the infectivity.
So what is not generally recognised– and this is really important– is that there are stages of the disease. So there’s the incubation period, the symptomatic phase, the pulmonary phase andlate phase. So if you look at viral replication, you can see the viral replication is greatest just prior to the onset of symptoms, and… then decreases during the symptomatic phase. You can see that during symptomatic phase– hold on a second. I’m sorry. So you can see that during the symptomatic phase, the viral replication decreases. So this is really important in terms of antiviral. And then the pulmonary phase really is this immune dysregulation related to the viral debris, the cytokine storm, T cell dysfunction. And so if we look at laboratory tests– and obviously we know the… pitfalls of the PCR– but the bottom line is that the PCR can remain positive for weeks after the virus has disappeared. And this is a really important factor that clinicians and people don’t understand.
So you can be PCR-positive and yet not have active viral replication. And that not all patients will PCR convert. And then you can see the antibody response starts about day ten when really– with the disappearance of the virus. So this is somewhat of an important slide because I don’t think people understand the significance of the nasopharyngeal swab. That’s why this is a clinical disease, and that the presence of a PCR does not mean that you are actively infective. And patients can remain PCR for weeks after disappearance of the virus.
So this is just a study which I think illustrates this point. This is looking at the cycle threshold and looking at patients who actually have replicative live virus. So you can see that the left replicative live virus on most patients who have the lowest cycle threshold– obviously it’s the inverse of the xxxxx concentration. So those who have the highest PCR concentration likelyy have replicating virus. But it stops at about day ten, after the onset of symptoms. So you can see patients can be PCR positive in this line up to 30 days, and yet they are, no longer have, active replicative virus. Because basically the PCR is looking at little fragments of RNA. It’s not looking at the entire genome or looking at viral replication.
So we know that, as we said, the disease goes through a number of stages. You have fever cough and then generally patients actually get– they get better, day six or seven, and then they develop shortness of breath and pulmonary symptoms. Now this time scale was based on the alpha and beta variant. Obviously, with the more recent variants, the time scale has been somewhat contracted.
Covid-19 is a multi-system disease, although the lungs take the biggest hit. It appears to affect most of the organs. Now there is enormous clinical heterogeneity which is really important, because some people get covid and it’s a mild infection. Others, it’s a fatal disease. So there are a number of factors which affect the outcome. Firstly inoculum size. I think it’s really important: the size of the inoculum in the viral load has an enormous impact. Secondly the variant, the genotype. So we obviously know that omicron behaves very differently to delta. ACE2 expression, TMPRESS expression. And then the action of age, sex, obesity, race, immunotype, vitamin D status, comorbidities, cross reactive immunity and unknown confounders.
So yeah, it’s an enormously heterogeneous disease with enormous confounding issues. We know, for example, that obesity is a major risk factor. We know that male sex is a risk factor. We know it the beginning of a pandemic, age was a major risk factor. So you– one has to actually understand the disease to treat the disease, sphysiological study where they did autopsies. And basically the bottom line is: you get endothelial damage, an imbalance of both the innate and adaptive immune responses with aberrant macrophage activation.
So the key here is aberrant macrophage activation, which plays a central role. and that becomes important because people think this is
ARDS [Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome]. And it’s not ARDS. ARDS is a neutrophil mediated disease. Covid lung disease is a macrophage mediated disease, and actually it does not cause ARDS. It’s called– of course it’s what’s called organizing pneumonia.
The classic features of the covid pneumonia is an organizing pneumonia. And in addition we know that you get vascular endotheliitis, thrombosis and angiogenesis related to complement activation, and activation caused the plotting cascade.
So this is a study which I was involved in, which we did in Norfolk, which is quite intriguing. So you know, obviously the Chinese developed these humanized mice. And it was these humanized mice that they used to test their virus and develop the virus. That there are these humanized mice which actually express the ACE2 receptor. So in this study what the investigators did is: they injected the full spike protein as well as the S1 segment. And as you can see, it’s really the S1 segment of the spike which is so toxic. It’s truly astonishing. So it’s not S2; it seems to be the S1 segment of the spike which really carries the enormous toxicity of this virus.
So this is a review we did on the pathophysiology of, you know, covid-19. It’s a little bit outdated maybe. But basically we make the point that this is pulmonary activation syndrome, microvascular endotheliitis, and thrombosis, as well as a number of other factors.
So this is just a schematic of what happens. You get activation of macrophages, production a whole host of inflammatory mediators. You get complement activation with this endotheliitis platelet activation, clotting and serotonin.
So this is an important slide, because covid is like no other disease when you see this CAT scan, this is covid. It’s very important: this is covid. No other disease that we possibly know has a CT scan that looks like this and progresses like this. This is not influenza. Influenza doesn’t look like this in any shape or form. And really it has this characteristic pattern of ground-glass opacity which starts peripherally and gets more extensive. It gets more extensive. You then get consolidation. And then you start getting what’s called traction bronchiectasis. You get a lung damage. You get fibrosis and eventually lung damage.
And unfortunately, what happens is: unchecked, these patients die of respiratory failure, due to severe lung injury. Many of them die from single organ failure from completely destroyed lungs. There is no other disease that we know that actually does such a thing.
So the management: I’ll just talk about it briefly. The bottom line is they there’s no single magic bullet. It’s a synergy between a number of drugs. This is a table that we put together of drugs that work and don’t work, based by the phase of the disease. In a
pre-exposure symptomatic pulmonary, you can see that Ivermectin works across the board. Hydroxychloroquine probably works in pre-exposure and the symptomatic phasee. Steroids tend to have a benefit only in the inflammatory phase, may be harmful pre- you know, prior to that. Paxlovid and Molnupiravir actually a complete joke. And in the role of these agents is really unclear.
So you know, the treatment is really phase specific. Disease protection, early treatment, hospital treatment. And then there is the post infection, the long covid and the I-Recover. We actually have these protocols on our website, at the FLCC website. For anyone interested, it’s FLCCC dot net.
So basically, you know, going back to the first slide, you know, what we’ve done in this slide is just combine those appropriate therapies from the stage of the disease. So you can see the treatment must be phase specific. You can’t just have a bland treatment. It depends on the phase of the disease. And obviously Remdesivir has no place in the pulmonary phase, just because the virus has stopped replicating. So just from basic principles, to attempt to use Remdesivir in the pulmonary phase just makes no sense. And in fact, this is the data from Remdesivir. And it’s– there’s some very disturbing findings in this meta studies already published studies looking at Remdesivir.
So if you look at the two studies done by Gilead, these are the two studies done by Gilead, you see that there is a benefit. But when you look at the four independent studies, there is actually a trend to harm. A trend to harm.
So how do you explain the difference between these studies– the same drug, same population? The only conclusion is Gilead crooked their data or cheated their data or manipulated their data to achieve what they wanted to achieve. Because the actual truth is that Remdesivir slightly increases your risk of dying and significantly increases your risk of kidney failure. Yes 90 percent of patients hospitalized the United States of America are treated with Remdesivir.
So we need to look at Ivermectin. So obviously this is very controversial. This is a updated meta analysis, maybe two weeks ago, of 83 studies from the []. This was actually published as a preprint, and you can see that there is– you know, this is a highly effective drug. And even if you exclude those studies which are deemed to be of low quality– so actually you can see: these all the studies, these are the low-quality. By removing the low-quality studies, actually improves the efficacy of this drug.
The Together and ACTIV-6 trials were not included. In fact, although the… popular presses quote these studies negative, actually they’re really positive studies. And both of them, the authors or investigators committed scientific misconduct, and they try to make the study fail. But there’s absolutely no question of doubt that Ivermectin is one of the most effective drugs for the prevention and treatment of covid, as well as long covid and the vaccine injured.
So this is where the trouble started. So in about May of [2021], the FDA came out with the statement, “You’re not a horse, you’re not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it. The drug can be dangerous and even lethal.” So this was really a turning point. So not only did they tweet this and go only to the distributors, but they sent letters to almost every state agency, every health care board in the United States. They said this to hospitals. So basically the FDA, who’s not in the business of telling doctors how to practice medicine, effectively changed the discussion. And this is obviously illegal, because it’s false. What they’re saying is completely false. And unfortunately it had a major impact on the use of Ivermectin, because the American public think this is a toxic horse deworming medicine.
And as you probably know, we recently filed suit against the FDA, specifically against this promotional activity of theirs, which is clearly false and illegal. And probably in the United States resulted in the death of maybe six or seven hundred thousand patients. So they have blood on their hands, because it’s a highly effective drug for the treatment of the
SARS-CoVid-2. But through their promotional activity and their… deceit, they have actually manipulated the truth.
So this is actually a very interesting slide. And you know, I testified in New Hampshire, I testified in Tennessee, and this is the slide I think that turned the narrative. So this is VigiAccess data. So this is from the WHO’s database. This is the Uppsala Monitoring Centre, which is probably the biggest pharma co vigilance database in the world.
So if you look at Ivermectin– and the reporting is since 1992, so, you know, over 25 years– they count 25 deaths and 6000 adverse events. And we think these deaths were due actually to parasitic infection. However, if you look at the covid-19 vaccines, which… we’ve had less than two years, they themselves, the WHO, acknowledge 19 thousand deaths and 3.8 million adverse events.
So it’s somewhat paradoxical and absurd that the FDA, WHO, consider the covid vaccines safe and effective, while Ivermectin is a dangerous horse de-worming medicine. Their own data, their own data just does not support this argument. And if you look at Tylenol, you know, and there’s probably as many doses of Tylenol as Ivermectin, you can see the number of deaths related to Tylenol. So Ivermectin, actually, is one of the safest medications on this planet. And obviously the SARS-CoViD-2 is one of the most dangerous, or the most dangerous vaccine ever administered, and probably one of the most dangerous or toxic medications ever administered to a human being.
So that was my quick overview. Sorry about the slide misfunction; I have no idea what happened. So you know, our goal is to promote the scientific truth. And obviously there are lots of people who are mis– suppressing the data, misleading the data, rejecting the data, denying the data. But we have a moral obligation to stick to the truth. And I think the truth will win and that we will progress through that. And with that, I thank you. I do apologize for the weird stuff at the beginning, and I would be happy to take any questions.
Reiner Fuellmich: [01:32:53]
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg is with us. He’s the one– you may know him– he’s the one who kind of single-handedly stopped the swine flu in 2009 and [2010], because he was then still in a position of power. He’s a, he’s an experienced lung specialist, but he was also then a member of Parliament and a member of the Council of Europe. He… probably has some medical questions.
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg:
Yes. Thank you very much for your… slides and for your information. It was a lot you told us. You told many aspects in many fields. You mixed epidemiology, you mixed pharmacology with– and… you xxxxxxxxxxxxx. So many different perspectives you touched, and you mixed them in your… narrative.
Dr Paul E. Marik:
Yeah, I did that on purpose, because, you know, obviously if I were to give you the whole lecture, it would be four or five hours. So I try to focus on the important issue.
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg: [01:33:56]
In order to… fight to… stick to the truth. I’ve seen so many truths. I’ve, for instance, the epidemiological studies. And I have a question. You know, the… corona viruses, they are well known for many years, and they were never observed in the way we try to observe them now. And they were just neglected. Everyone was just looking for influenza, because there was xxxxxxx to be sxxxxed. And there was all this– all the science was done on influenza, and all those other viruses we did not examine.
The corona viruses had spikes already for centuries. And our body knows spikes. So there was something in the Wuhan labs. This is what people say. But how do you explain that a virus that is so dangerous can spread? And why only this virus from Wuhan? What is the advantage of this virus, to be– to get stronger than all the viruses from Rome, from London, from… They are… just multiplying all over the world, at the same time. They are [competing]. And we know from evolution that those viruses are the most successful that don’t kill their hosts. But what you say is just the opposite. I have no explanation for that.
Dr Paul E. Marik:
Yes, so you ask a really good question which I really don’t have a good answer. What I can say to you is that this… virus is manufactured in a laboratory. And I think they knew what they were doing. They made a really horrendous, horrendous virus. And I think it goes back to the question that when you mess with nature, you can have serious consequences. So you know, we should respect nature. We should respect our immune system. We should respect the spread of infections. But the– this is, you know, this is human beings messing with nature. They made this virus. They manufactured this virus whether they–
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg:
In many in many laboratories all over the world, they do such work. We heard about many in the last– in the last month, we heard of several such… laboratories, where they try– where they’re dealing with the… pox, the pox virus, where they’re dealing with corona virus. They did such things with influenza virus. They get so many– and we know about the accidents, laboratory accidents, and these were always small small outbreaks, whether one of the people who work with the virus get ill or died, and perhaps the relatives. But then it stopped. There was no big outbreak. I am– I studied epidemiology, and I’m– I don’t believe this narrative, that a virus coming from such a laboratory just spreads all over the world and is so successful, more successful than all the other coronaviruses. This is not possible. This is against nature, And this is why I’m suspicious. We have– the spread of the virus is the PCR test. Influenza disappeared. Everyone who had a cough and had fever– he got positive PCR test, he was corona. This was corona. And there were– and all this, what you… tell this is science from– it started from 2020. Nobody did it before. There was– this was not done with MRSA. this was not done with…– although this was also such a PCr event.
But we… had, we have– we have the normal virus, we have the… we meet the viruses, and… it’s spreading or it’s not spreading, we’re getting ill. We have the epidemiological data. We have monitoring systems, very good monitoring systems in some countries, where they regularly analyse the symbiosis of virus, the competition among viruses, where they see the… outcome concerning the… illnesses that happen and all these things. What you tell us does not fit to all whatever has happened before, and does not fit to epidemiological and to– such, to… the possibility of… viruses, to… replicate or to survive in nature.
So this is–
Dr Paul E. Marik:
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg:
This is what I–
Dr Paul E. Marik:
Yeah. I mean, I.. understand your–
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg:
Yeah. You have– you know, we… stick to truth. This is what we agree.
Dr Paul E. Marik:
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg:
I need… many more details, and I– you told so many things, and I… need now is very very big list of literature from… you, to find out why you told us what you said. And this–
Dr Paul E. Marik:
So you know, I agree with you. There’s so many things we don’t know. We’re learning all the time. You know, if you do a literature search on covid, there are over three million publications. But what I can tell you is: having actually seen this and worked in the ICU– We have a 16-bed ICU. For two years, our ICU was full of covid patients. And covid has a distinct signature on the CAT scan. And the biochemistry: there is no other disease that actually mimics covid. So you know, we– the ICUS wERE full of these patients with covid.
Now I agree with you, it’s, it is mysterious why this virus, being so–
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg:
Why was it only in some states? Why not all over the world? It’s not true, because in Germany it was not the case.
Dr Paul E. Marik:
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg:
It was observed very intensively in other… European countries, there were very, very few cases that were called covid. And it’s very– it depends on… the observer, who observed and with what means they observe it. This makes the picture. And I think that there’s a big, big distortion in… observation. Just… think of this study about the… people who are, who don’t have symptoms and who could spread, perhaps, the virus.
You know, this big study in pick– in Wuhan, where there were millions of people. And they were examined, and they were tested, and those who were positive, they got all the contacts. Those with positive test, they made all the contacts, and they didn’t find any who spread the virus, who was also positive among the contacts. I think this is a very big study, and it’s very thoroughly done, and with enormous numbers, which contradicts what you say.
Reiner Fuellmich: [01:40:42]
Hold on. Hold on one second. Let me jump in. I think we all agree on the aspect of integrity, truth, credibility. That’s the most important one. Maybe we’re dealing with observation bias here, because the WHO and John Ioanidis, who is one of the most quoted scientists in the world, both agree– of course everyone realizes there is a dangerous virus out there– but both agree that the infection fatality rate is between point one four and point one five percent, which is roughly the same as that of the common flu. Maybe the problem lies in observation bias, and maybe the problem lies in the fact that we listened too much to scientists who never treated any patients– one of them is Drosten– and not enough on those who are out there on the front lines.
Because as Wolfgang just mentioned, we had numerous doctors who testified on our Corona Investigative Committee, who used hidden cameras to show us that their hospitals were completely empty. We know that a few of the hospitals in the in the…– in New York, for example, were overwhelmed by patients, but many others were empty. We know that the hospital ship Comfort, which could have, which could have held a thousand patients, was never used for any more than– I don’t know– 20 or 40 patients. So maybe it’s because, maybe it’s because no differential diagnostics were performed, but rather, as Wolfgang said, everyone who came down with symptoms that might have been caused by the common flu, for example, or influenza… A or B. Maybe it’s because no differential diagnostics were performed, because the only thing that people were looking for is the corona virus. And if that’s the only thing you look for, by testing for it, not even using multiplex tests, that’s the only thing you’ll find. Could that be, could that be an explanation for that, Paul?
Dr Paul E. Marik: [01:42:57]
I can tell you… in our ICU– so as I said, the CAT scans features– we CAT scans on these people, and we’ve actually published a paper– there is– influenza does not do this. Mycoplasma does not do this. Pneumonia does not do this. This is SARS-CoViD-2. It is so specific. And what we would do is: we would do a multiple respiratory pathogen profile. And maybe in two or three percent, it was co-infection with… influenza. Many of these patients had covid.
So I mean, I can only tell you what I saw and many of my colleagues saw. I mean, it’s what we saw. I– and… I… understand that the US was overwhelmed with covid compared to any other country, which is really difficult to explain. But there was no question of doubt. I mean, I mean, I saw this with my own eyes, that these– the ICU was full of patients with covid. They had covid. There’s no question about it: it wasn’t another disease.
And, you know, speaking to many of my colleagues across the country, there– they had a similar experience. And so I know that these enormous geographic differences between different countries, which– there are many things we just don’t understand. It– so it seems like in northern Italy, they had a similar kind of problem with covid. Whether they did the same diagnostic tests, I don’t know.
So, you know, there are issues we don’t understand. I mean, I understand what Wolfgang is saying. Why… is this virus is doing what it’s doing? And I don’t have a good answer, you know, I just don’t have a good answer.
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg: [01:44:45]
We should… have in mind that there is a, there was a big incentive in Germany, I know, and I know that in US, too. The hospitals who just wrote down “covid”, “covid-19 case”– they got extra money. They got lots of extra money, for each case. And this falsifies the results. We know that the… hospitals, modern hospitals are… profit centers. And–
Dr Paul E. Marik:
So what you say is absolutely true. So they make money for the diagnosis of… covid. If you admit the patient to the ICU, you get more money. If you intubate– if you intubate the patient, you get more money. And if you give them Remdesivir, you get a 20 percent bonus. So we know there’s enormous financial incentives to manipulate the data. Now obviously that’s done at a level which… is beyond what most– it’s… beyond what clinicians do. That’s, you know, evil hospital administrators. You know.
Clinicians are just faced with treating the patient. And, you know, while they work– and we know this: patients who are admitted with trauma, who were inappropriately… coded as having covid, just for the financial gain. But we saw, I mean, there’s no question of doubt. Our ICUs were full a long time, with covid. And the delta variant was a vicious variant, which was very difficult to treat. And, you know, once you get to the pulmonary phase, it has such a characteristic CT finding, together with biomarker responses CRP and ferritin. There’s no other disease which looks anywhere near it. Now, you’re right. Why this virus spread the way it did, and was so effective, I don’t know. I’m not sure if the people who made this virus knew what they were actually making.
But, you know, from our end, treating these patients, it was a devastating disease, and I didn’t put much credence in the… PCR, because it’s a clinical diagnosis. Once the patients come to the ICU and you get a chest X-ray and a CAT scan, you then get a ferritin, a CRP, lymphocyte count, there’s no other diagnosis. We would do screening for other respiratory viruses. Very few had them. Obviously one other problem was super added bacterial infections. You know, about 20 percent of patients would develop bacterial, super added infections.
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg: [01:47:27]
Did you– did you see more infections with… mushrooms? Because of the mask, wearing the mask. The masks were worn by many people, and this was a… humid chamber for all bacteria growing. And did you see the effect of– did you make a differential diagnosis concerning… yes.
Dr Paul E. Marik:
I mean that’s a good question, you know. So we got patients once they were sick. Whether– they probably didn’t wear a mask. So it’s possible that– you know, obviously the masks don’t work. You know the mask may be a reservoir [of] infection. So it’s possible that using the masks increased their risk of secondary infection.
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg:
Dr Paul E. Marik:
Yes. So I don’t know if such a study has been done, but it’s possible, yes.
Reiner Fuellmich:
Here’s– here’s the thing with Bergamo. We spoke to, we spoke with a number of Italian doctors and scientists. And they explained what happened in Bergamo. Bergamo is a special area in Italy. Lots of industry there. The air is not very good. And… here’s what happened. Ultimately, by the way, it turns out that 94 percent of the people who allegedly died of covid died of completely other causes. It’s the same, by the way, in New York. 94 percent who allegedly died of covid died of completely other causes.
In Germany, before the use of the so-called vaccines, there was this one particular pathologist who performed autopsies on people who allegedly died of or with covid. It turns out that all of them had lived way beyond their average life expectancy, and 84 or 85 percent had died, again, of completely other causes.
So maybe what should have been done is: the doctors, the real doctors, the frontline doctors, they should have been asked more, what is your experience? People like you and others, what have you really seen? It– I just… cannot, I cannot make sense of the fact that both the
WHO and Dr John Ioan– Professor John Ioannidis agree that yes, it spreads; and yes, it’s a little bit different from the common flu. But the mortality is no different– infection
fatality rate between 1.4 and 1.5 percent.
What happened in Bermgamo is they transferred all of the patients who came to the hospitals because of influenza A or B, to the nursing homes, to keep the hospital beds free for all those covid cases, which never arrived. At the nursing homes, of course, they infected people who, older people who had a compromised immune system. And on top of that, who had to have been given some kind of vaccine– I don’t know which one it was; I keep forgetting– a couple of weeks before the onset of what they considered covid,
Another thing is: the WHO, which– as I only a couple of days ago realized– is– I used to think that it’s Gates who… donated the most money. But that’s not true; it’s Germany. Once again, it’s Germany. So… what was I going to say? Oh, yeah. On top of this, the WHO had infiltrated Italian health politics by putting one of their own into the department of health. And this guy then forged the numbers for the… pandemic preparedness exercises. And it read as though the last exercise they had was in 2016, when in reality it was in 2006. So that’s another good reason why doctors in Italy were not really prepared for this.
So there– it’s a number of facts that we have to take into consideration, that we still have to make sense of. But I do agree that it’s very strange how the regional impact seems to differ from country to country. I don’t– I can’t make any sense of this yet.
Dr Paul E. Marik: [01:51:48]
Yes. So, I mean, I’ve got data looking at the mortality in the U S, versus Uganda or Ethiopia or the Sudan. And the mortality in the US is like a thousand-fold higher.
Reiner Fuellmich:
Dr Paul E. Marik:
Now, I don’t know. Maybe–
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg:
–any other infectious disease where there’s such a big difference in the popu– in the effect on the population? I don’t– never– not from tuberculosis– yes, we know if somebody’s malnutreated, has not, nothing to eat, is hungry and so– or has other weaknesses, then all,
many, many disease. But this is not the case in US. There is– they are well-fed the people in US. And you don’t have those problems. You have the obesity, yes, ok. But you have this in Greece, too. Or you have this in other countries in Europe, too. And… there should be the same effect, but there wasn’t.
Dr Paul E. Marik: [01:52:44]
Yes. I think– you know, obesity may be a factor, because, you know, obesity is a major– increases your risk of disease severity. And, you know, most Americans are obese. But still, I must say, I… do agree with you. You know, there’s so many things we don’t understand. The– I mean, the… mortality– the so-called mortality in the US is completely outrageous. But, you know, having been in the ICU and having been involved in hundreds of patients in ICUs who have died– no, we’ve seen a lot of death.
And you know, it started off with elderly people, with COPD and heart failure and liver disease who got covid and died. But, you know, with time and with the change in the variants, it started affecting younger and younger people. And so we, you know, we’re aware of 40-year-old people who are otherwise perfectly healthy who got covid and died.
Reiner Fuellmich [01:53:38]:
Yeah. But here’s the thing, Paul. From all the figures that we’ve seen, it… it seems to be clearer– up until now, it seems to be absolutely clear to us that in no country, including the US, was there any excess mortality before they started with their so-called vaccination campaigns. The vaccines seem to be the real problem here.
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg:
There’s another, there is another thing that they don’t– they– if you have, if you got the jab, at the first two weeks, you’re regarded as
non-vaccinated. And those… effects, those… toxic effects, most of them happen in the first two weeks. So there are many people that died from “covid”– they died from spikes from the vax. And they were, and they were call– they regarded as covid cases, and unvaccinated. This is such a big betrayal. Do you know numbers, how to find out what is the truth in this scenario? I don’t.
Dr Paul E. Marik:
Yes, so that is a good question. So obviously, you know, if we could look at [2020] data versus [2021] data. And the insurance data tends to show that the excess deaths in people between ages of 20 and 60 went up in ’21 with the vaccine.
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg:
Dr Paul E. Marik:
Obviously I think, the big spike in non-covid deaths was… due to the vaccine. And obviously I think, being vaccinated and getting covid makes it definitely worse. But you know, we could look at [2020] because, you know, patients weren’t vaccinated then, and still you know, I’m not sure people have looked at excess mortality, but clearly there were a significant number of deaths. But you are right that the mortality in [2021] was significantly higher than in [2020].
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg:
We… we analysed the mortality in 2020. And it was… you said it was the old, were the old people. You know, in that time, when the mortality has risen, it was in, started in October in Germany, It was… the time when they went to the care houses of the old people, all care houses, they tested all stuff, and they put the stuff in quarantine. It was a horror for those people living in those institutions. There was no stuff any more. They didn’t get to drink, and the… stuff who was, who stayed there, they sent them to hospital, 90-year-old people and 88-year-old people. Sent them to hospital, because they did not know what to do, because they had no stuff in the hospital. They… did, they made the test, and there they made a test, and there was so many positive tests there. Although those people died, when the pathology was done, they died from their diseases. They died from getting no, nothing to drink, they died from all those– old people die, those things. And I think there’s a– we can have a very good analysis of this period of dying, old people dying, which there are so many reasons. And it was not all over the world that suddenly old people died. It was only in those countries where the where all those… lockdown mess– those lockdown things were done. It was an effect of lockdown. Lockdown killed old people.
Dr Paul E. Marik: [01:57:13]
Yeah, I would agree with you, yes.
Viviane Fischer:
I would like to know, like in your intensive care unit I’m sure you– Well I was wondering, do you… only treat like, people with pneumonia, or do you have all kinds of diseases there, that needs extra care.
Dr Paul E. Marik:
So that’s a good question. So basically our ICU became a covid ICU. So that if you had covid, which really is covid pneumonia, you came to our ICU. So our ICU became the designated ICU for covid. So if you had other medical conditions– so we did look after patients who had sepsis, regular pneumonia or bowel issues, they went to a different ICU downstairs. So the… ICU that became… the,,, covid ICU, had 16 beds. And most of the time was full of covid patients. Now when patients came to the– who didn’t need ICU– so the only reason you came to the ICU was really if you needed high-level supplemental oxygen. If you needed high-flow nasal cannula, which they couldn’t do on the floor, or you needed to be intubated, you came to ICU.
So there were many covid patients on the general medical floor, that were also, you know, cohorted in specific ICUs. But when those patients deteriorated, i.e., went into respiratory failure, not being managed with nasal cannula, they would come to the ICU which we were… running, which is the medical ICU. And it was just a dedicated covid ICU.
Viviane Fischer: [01:58:55]
Okay. And is it, did you notice, like, when you compare the cases in 2020 and 2021, or 22 even, would you be able to say if there was a different kind of, like a more dramatic or like, some… sort of changes? Like maybe not only related to the variants, but maybe to other things that they have co-problems, maybe coming, stemming the vaccine?
Dr Paul E. Marik: [01:59:22]
Yeah, that’s a good question. There was a big change. So, you know, when it originally started, you know, in March or April of [2020] it was mainly elderly people. So this was, you know, people over the age of 70 with co-morbidities, many COPD and heart failure. And you know, many of these people dies. But with time, the age became younger. We were getting more and more younger patients, some of them obese, but there was definitely a shift towards younger patients. And then you know, when delta came, delta was much more resistant to treatment.
So your alpha, beta responded really well to corticosteroids. And so, you know, we would closely follow the biomarkers: the CRP, the ferritin, the chest X-ray. Originally, these people responded quite well. But delta was really a vicious virus, and you know, speaking to my colleagues, you know, across the country they… reflected the same thing. We didn’t see so much of the sigma, which they got in South America, which I believe was also quite bad. There’s no question that there was a distinct clinical difference between the earlier infections and the more later infections. It was just– it was… clinically obvious.
I mean xxxxx, because you know, obviously we form a network of people and clinicians, because you know, we didn’t know what to do. So we were communicating with each other. And this was a, you know, an observation that we made. You know I’m not sure if it’s actually been published, because people don’t want to really publish this. But this was a clinical observation. And you know, I think, you know, clinnical observations are really important.
Viviane Fischer:
Of course. And one additional question I have on that topic is: do you… did you for your ICU keep track of whether the people had received a vaccination? I mean, not if they were “deemed” to be vaccinated, like you know, with like two weeks after the second or third dose or something like that. But did you actually ask them or like, you know, kept track of that? And maybe–
Dr Paul E. Marik: [02:01:37]
Yes. This is an interesting question, obviously. [2020] we didn’t. So the problem in [2021] is: the major health care– the major information… system used in the US is called Epic. And with Epic, there are two options in terms of vaccinations: “Vaccinated” or “Unknown”.
Viviane Fischer:
Dr Paul E. Marik:
So– and we’re not sure how it gets into being vaccinated. So if– we think that if you were vaccinated within the healthcare system, it may come as “Vaccinated”. But if you were vaccinated at a pharmacy or outside, it would not get into the medical record. So we don’t– we don’t really think that the data– because they were, you know, saying that most of the people were unvaccinated. We don’t think that’s true–
Reiner Fuellmich:
Dr Paul E. Marik:
because the data was so poorly collected, and the option was “Vaccinated” or “Not vaccinated”. And the other issue is the two-week period. So if you were recently vaccinated, you probably were– So it’s not “Uvaccinated”, it’s “Unknown”. So it’s a really weird system that– the health care– the medical record system is called Epic, and maybe they set that up on purpose to confound the issue. So– because you know there was this… you know, going around that the ICUs were full of unvaccinated people. But we don’t think that’s true, because the data that they were using was just so inaccurate and misleading.
Viviane Fischer:
Reiner Fuellmich: [02:03:24]
All right. There’s– so there’s still many facts that we don’t know. We… there’s confusing evidence, but what we do know is that the real problem started with the so-called vaccinations.
Dr Paul E. Marik:
Yes. So I think we can agree that the two major issues are one: the failure of early treatment and the misinformation propagated by the FDA, theNIH. Basically, they said there was no early treatment. So I think the two biggest crimes are one: the failure of early treatment, and I think it was because their goal was to vaccinate everybody. That… was what the end-point was. And then obviously, these vaccines are completely ineffective and highly dangerous. So I think we would agree on those two points. I think they’re non-debatable.
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg:
I have a question with Ivermectin. Do you have experience with other viruses? Does Ivermectin have an effect on other viruses, too?
Dr Paul E. Marik:
Yes. So you know there haven’t been good studies, but if you [sound interruption]. It seems to work on many RNA viruses– Zika virus, Chikungunya virus, Dengue virus, influenza virus. So in vitro data actually demonstrates that it may be effective against other RNA viruses. Clearly, itsin vitro data. We don’t have clinical data.
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg:
Yeah, because normally there’s no diagnosis. The virus is not differentiated normally when there’s something like that.
Dr Paul E. Marik:
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg:
Now they are sequenced. We have… the subtypes already. We have omicron-1, -2, -3. And so it goes up. Yeah. It will become very complicated.
Dr Paul E. Marik:
Yes. It’s a very complicated disease.
Reiner Fuellmich:
Yeah. Well, we’ll find everything– the truth always comes out in the end…
Dr Paul E. Marik:
Of course, of course. You know, you can’t hide the truth. You can disguise the truth and trying and hide it, but the… true scientific facts will eventually come out.
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg:
Now there’s a lot of money on… this side, where they try to hide something.
Dr Paul E. Marik:
Absolutely. I think, you know, follow the money, and you’ll see where all the mistruths come from.
Reiner Fuellmich:
Yeah. Well, Paul, thank you very much for your time and effort. Let’s stay in touch, because there are many more questions that need to… be answered, and I think we’re getting the answers right now. We’re coming to a kind of a tipping point. But again, thank you very much, and have a great weekend.
Dr Paul E. Marik:
Yeah, thank you. And you know, I think in terms of the vaccines, the dam wall is breaking. I think more and more people, you know, are opening their eyes and seeing that these things aren’t the same as they’ve been portrayed.
Reiner Fuellmich:
Dr Paul E. Marik:
Okay. Thanks the same.
Reiner Fuellmich:
Thanks so much.
Viviane Fischer:
Thanks so much.
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg:
Bye bye.
Dr Paul E. Marik:
Have a good day.
Reiner Fuellmich: [02:06:30]
Bye bye.
Foundation Corona Committee, 109th session on June 17th, 2022
Yaffa Shir-Raz (Health and Risk Communication Researcher,
Health Journalist)
(Original language: English)
[Transcript from Team + Ed]
Reiner Fuellmich:
Okay. We have another guest now, from Israel. Can– please introduce yourself because I hate to read this. It makes much more sense if you do it, because you know much better who you are and what you’ve been doing. I know you’re famous, because you used to work for the largest newspaper, mainstream media newspaper. And for some reason, inexplicable reason, all of a sudden you don’t work for them any more. So what happened?
Yaffa Shir-Raz:
Inexplicable. Yes. Thank you first of all, Reiner, for having me in your amazing project. So I am a health communication and risk communication researcher, and also a health journalist. And yes, you’re right. I’ve been working for 20 years in Yedioth Ahronoth, actually the biggest newspaper in Israel. I’m a health journalist.
And yes, this corresponds very well to your previous conversation, what was said about inflating the numbers. Because what happened was that in August, 2020, I knew almost nothing about what’s happening. But I started to see already, for a couple of months then, that something is wrong with the way that the Minister of Health and my colleagues in the media were presenting the information, mainly with the definitions. I think the definitions is a very important part of how– or maybe the basis of how they managed to inflate the numbers they got.
So why– I encountered research done in the UK by a Professor Hanezan. And he found trhat the numbers of death cases were inflated by about, I think, 10 percent or something like that, mainly through the definition. Because the definition of deaths was such that even if someone has died 10 months after being diagnosed as covid-positive, he was considered to be– his death was considered as death from covid.
So what he said was that in the UK, no one with covid is allowed to ever heal from it. So I decided to see what’s happening in Israel. And when I analysed the papers, the documents of our Minister of Health, I noticed that no one– there is a gap between when the PCR was done, when the covid PCR was done, and the death date. So anyone who was found positive for the virus and died… whenever, even if the death time was 100 days after he was diagnosed, he was considered as died from corona, from covid.
And even worse, the UK-US listed guidelines … were current in Israel. The Minister of Health ignored the advertised guidelines. Even when they xxxx they just xxxx so I asked permission to write about … my health editor was very willing to publish it. But 20 minutes, I think, after my article was aired, it was removed suddenly, surprisingly removed.
I must say that my editor was in shock, no less than me. But the editor of the website, the Yedioth Ahronoth website, just noted that no article would air without his permission.
A few month later I was fired, and they– I think they had been asked by the Minister of Health. It was, yeah. They didn’t want to hear any more. I just, I managed to write another article on the virus in Wuhan, and I think that was enough for them. After 20 years of work there, very much appreciated, they just claimed they wanted to lighten up the content, and that my writing was too in depth, or something like that.
Reiner Fuellmich:
What– I forgot, by the way, to mention your name. But that’s only because I didn’t know how to pronounce it. Dr Yaffa Shir-Raz, is that correct?
Yaffa Shir-Raz:
Reiner Fuellmich:
Now, you’re– are you a medical doctor?
Yaffa Shir-Raz:
No, no, no. I’m a health communication–
Reiner Fuellmich:
Yaffa Shir-Raz:
researcher. And I focus on– I’m a member of the professional ethics board in Israel, which is an independent group of physicians, lawyers, scientists and researchers, who come together to address many ethical issues. that have arisen as a result of the covid crisis in Israel.
I’m a health communication researcher, and I focused in the past already on the influences of covid on journalists and doctors and policy makers. Surprisingly enough, when I did my first doctoral work, as part of an EU-funded international project, on voice communication in infectious disease in the age of– I would never have thought that my post-doctoral dissertation would be so real, but unfortunately…
Reiner Fuellmich:
I have– we have– I would like to ask you some questions about, not just the general situation in Israel, but aldo about the side effects, and how– are they actually being reported? You know, there’s the VAERS system in the United States, which everyone knows is heavily underreported. There are credible, and some even say conservative figures that estimate the actual damage here in the United States, to have– after the start of the vaccinations, 500,000 people between December of 2020 and July of 2021 seem to have died.
Now, there’s only correlation. In most of these cases, no causation has been proved. But this is still a very very very high number. And as Paul Merik just pointed out, this is something that needs to be investigated.
I have two short clips which I want to show our viewers. One is by Dr Ryan Cole. He’s a pathologist from Idaho in the United States. And the other one is by Dr Russell Blaylock, explaining about the side effects as they are seeing them here in the United States. And then I will ask you, what is the situation, as far as the side effects are concerned, in Israel? So let’s first take a look at these two short clips.
Dr Ryan Cole: [02:15:06]
…these sudden deaths– I mean, what a joke. There is a paper that came out the other day, “New syndrome, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome”. Sudden Adult Death Syndrome is because people are getting a toxin in their body that’s inflaming their heart. And to that point, in terms of, like the drama from the Foo Fighters and other individuals, there is an early study with these mRNA shots that shows that over time– and this was a mouse study, but– it baloons the heart. And as the heart baloons, you lose pumping volume, and once you can’t pump enough blood, then you can’t oump enough oxygen, and eventually you’re in heart failure and you die. I’ve seen autopsy tissues from triathletes that are at the peak of physical performance.
And, you know, do athletes die every year? Occasionally at an event, you bet. But if you look around the world, a couple of athletes every month used to die on the football field or on the soccer pitch or whatever. Now we’re getting hundreds each month dying. Why? Is there something new in humanity? You bet there is: a toxic lipid nanoparticle and a toxic RNA that doesn’t shut off. You bet we have causes. And, and they say, “Gosh, you know, vaccines, you really only have these adverse reactions in the first couple of days with most vaccines.”
Well that– this is a gene product. And this fight persists,this modified RNA persists. The Stanford study in the journal Cell showed that this sequence persists in the lymph nodes for up to 60 days, at which point they published their paper. But it probably persists much longer than that. Autopsy studies out of my coleague Dr Arndt Burkhardt shows spike depositing in vessel walls 128 days after the last shot.
So we’re putting something in the body that number 1, doesn’t break down; number 2, it’s making a toxic spike protein; and number 3, it’s persisting. Dr Bruce Patterson, pathologist colleague, showed that the spike was persisting in our circulating CD-16 monocytes for up to 15 months.
So it’s insanity to keep pushing the most deadly dangerous medical product ever allowed to persist in humanity–
Dr Russell Blaylock: [02:17:17]
What’s going to happen in terms of cancer, when they start injecting these little five-year-olds and 10-year-olds? How many are developing leukemia? How many young adults are going to develop lymphoma? We’re going to find out. High probability: we’re going to see a real spike in childhood cancers because of it. And they’re ignoring that. One of the really frightening studies was, it impairs DNA repair. And these DNA repair enzymes are very efficient at fixing that damage. Well they found that after the vaccinations, the vaccine actually impaired two of the most critical of these DNA repair enzymes. One of them is called BRACA1. Well, some people may remember, BRACA1 defect, which this vaccine produces, is the same thing that makes women have very high incidence of breast cancer, a very aggressive breast cancer, It also increases prostate cancer, a very aggressive prostate cancer. And it interferes with another DNA repair enzyme.
So you have the situation in which you’re impairing immunity, and you’re impairing your ability to repair DNA. What’s going to happen over the next several years, we’re only going to have to wait and see. But I predict you’re going to see a tremendous increase in cancers. And you may see new types of cancers. Now as it goes beyond that, it’s also the neuro-degenerative disease, because it enters the brain. And the brain starts having reactions to this spike protein. And so your brain cells are being damaged by it. Your immune cells in your brain become chronically activated. And that’s the basis of all neurodegenerative diseases, like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ALS and multiple sclerosis. We’ve already seen some cases of multiple sclerosis after vaccination. We’ve seen transverse myelytis, which causes paralysis and blindness, loss of hearing, facial paralysis. We’re already starting to see these neurological effects.
And it’s just being totally ignored by the media, because the media is under control of the pharmaceutical companies. Thats where they get their funding for their programs. So people need to be aware: these are very, very dangerous vaccines.
Reiner Fuellmich:
So, Yaffa, what’s going on in Israel? Are people aware of this? Are they making the connection between the health damage that they suffer after getting the shots, and the shots? Or do the mainstream media have everything so badly under control that no one understands what’s going on?
Yaffa Shir-Raz: [02:20:01]
Well, that’s a great question. I think they are starting to realise right now what’s happening, because there’s too much information right now going out. But… there’s a huge problem in Israel. You said that the VAERS system is very problematic and there’s a huge underreporting in the VAERS system. But in Israel, there is completely no VAERS system at all. What we have instead– and this is despite the fact that we do have a vast xxxcological system available in the Israeli HMOs. So in fact the Minister of Health would have wanted to, they wouldn’t have needed even a VAERS system. They could just with pushing a button know everything they want to know.
But it seems like they do not want to know, because there is no transparent VAERS system in Israel. Instead, what there is, is an on-line reporting form that is available in the MOH’s website. But this form was created only a month after the vaccination was started, was initiated in Israel. Because it did not allow the inclusion– it was on the website, but it did not allow, for many months, the inclusion of persnal contact information.
So no one would come back to you. It could just as well send it with a bird… with a crow. I don’t know– so there was actually for many months no system, no transparency. So the fact that the FDA is relying on the Israel MOH is a sad joke, really.
Reiner Fuellmich: [02:22:23]
We had a guest a couple of weeks ago… I forget what position he held, but he’s also someone who — from Israel. He understands about the Israeli health care system, and he told us the very same. Because– and he was born and raised in the United States. That much I remember. And he did– pardon me?
Yaffa Shir-Raz:
George Getko?
Viviane Fischer:
Reiner Fuellmich:
Yeah, that was him. He was just as dumbfounded as we are that the FDA, the United States, the American FDA relied on the data from Israel, which don’t even exist! That is insanity. It is complete insanity.
Yaffa Shir-Raz:
I think in my– I feel it’s purposefully. I think they–
Reiner Fuellmich:
Yaffa Shir-Raz:
built it in a way it [was] planned. That they built– that they rely– it’s like a domino. They would rely on Israel’s own xxxxxxxx, there is a whole series, there is nothing!
Reiner Fuellmich:
But who is going to protect the Israeli people, if they don’t get to know– if they do not get to know the real facts? We’ve spoken to many people from Israel. Ilana Rachel Daniel is one of the most well-known activists in that country. Adi Itag. Many others.
Yaffa Shir-Raz:
Avital Livny.
Reiner Fuellmich:
They’re all saying basically the same as you are, there is no real– there’s nothing that’s even comparable to the VAERS system, even though VAERS, of course, as we know, doesn’t really function as well as it should, but at least it’s there.
And the power– or the fact that the mainstream media are completely under control of those who are pushing the narrative, just like the politicians. So in Israel, the situation seems to be even worse than in most other countries, because how do people get to the actual information? Is it correct that most Israelis still believe the mainstream media, still believe their politicians and dont try to find out from other sources what’s really going on?
Yaffa Shir-Raz: [02:24:49]
Well, I’m not sure it’s completely true. I think they are starting to understand. But I think they are silent. Because the good signs that I see is, first of all, a very small percentage of the parents injected– agreed to inject their five- to eleven-year-old children. Only, I think, about 20 percent. And I don’t think anyone– I don’t think many, ok?, will vaccinate, inject the third dose. We just, I just, I– unbelievable: they just authorised the third dose, the booster, in Israel, for five- to eleven-year-old children. Even though they do know, I’m sure they do know the details, the reports that are surfacing, even though they do not want to know.
I’m sure they do know, because I know they have commissioned a report or a study that would analyse the side effects in children. They only commissioned it in December, last December. But I know they have it. They do have the details. They already know the results, but they’re not publishing them. And I know from inside sources the details are not good.
And still they authorised– yesterday or the day before yesterday they authorised a third dose for this youngest age group. So they’re just going ahead like nothing happened.
Viviane Fischer:
And is there more reports in, like mainstream media now? We see that we have a few, you know, reports about, like vaccine injuries also in mainstream. I mean, they’re kind of– try to frame it as like sort of a very rare, or you know, unexpected immunological reaction or something.
Yaffa Shir-Raz:
Unexpected, mysterious…
Viviane Fischer:
had just bad luck or something like that. But at least a little bit of reporting. Do you see anything of that kind in Israel?
Yaffa Shir-Raz:
Yeah. Exactly. Very rare. Very, very rare. And even if it gets out, still they are… trying to kill it. For example, a few days ago, there was– not in the mainstream media, but there was one of the celebrities in Israel, she got some very bad neurological reaction, like lactoric or something very similar, I think. A young woman, very young, and she said in a very heart-tearing video that she’s suffering. And you can see that she doesn’t control her face at all and that she’s suffering. And she said that the doctors told her everything, every idea, only not, only not covid, it seems. They just threw any guess out of their head, but just eliminated the possibility that she could be… from the covid vaccine. But she said be careful, be careful.
So I think this type of things do affect people. And I think there is a growing alternative media in Israel that is really starting to influence. But we do need to see how to get to people who are not with us yet, who are still believing mainstream media.
Reiner Fuellmich: [02:29:29]
So ultimately, it’s probably worse in Israel than in most other countries. But that may– I mean, this is… probably at this point speculation, but it is, it does have a… rational basis. If it is true that the United States is pointing to Israel with respect to how safe and effective these vaccines are, and how Israeli numbers add up to what they’re doing here in the United States, then they of course need to keep Israel under control. And that’s why they need to keep Israelis from understanding what’s really going on.
It’s just like Paul Marik says: it’s the vaccines that are doing the real damage, the so-called vaccines. We know they’re not vaccines; we know there’s no necessity for them. And we know they’re neither effective nor are they safe. But it seems as though in Israel, they’re taking particular pains to not let the population understand what is really going on.
Yaffa Shir-Raz: [02:40:41]
That’s true. And they are doing it also by really suppressing and censoring everyone who is just… even asking questions, not just say, you know, criticising the policy or anything like that. Even asking questions is not allowed. If you are asking questions, you are immediately smeared and they initiate a smear campaign against you.
Just today, one of the journalists, one of the known journalists in the mainstream media, started really what seems like a smear campaign against another journalist who is really one of the only ones who do speak up in the mainstream media. So he just started a smear campaign against him. So, and, regarding doctors and scientists and researchers: they are just silencing them and calling them fake news, and advertising in their website, in their facebook page… just smearing and blackening their names. It’s unbelievable what they are doing.
And those are leading scientists and doctors.
Viviane Fischer: [02:32:17]
Do you have any contacts, or like anyone from the resistance has contacts into like, say, military, police, do you know, sort of like administration, and gets like, a little bit of an idea if there are people inside the system, that have doubts?
Yaffa Shir-Raz:
I think there are people who have– actually doubt. Some of the doctors and minders in… that are raising concerns, that are from the system, are from the inside of the system, and sees they are raising doubt. But they, too, are not heard. That’s the problem. Once you start raising doubts, once you start raising concerns, you are immediately deleted, or worse, smeared. And they are starting to send letters that are questioning your ability, questioning your professionality, just horrible.
Reiner Fuellmich:
This is- it seems to be particularly bad both in Israel and in Germany, but for separate, for different reasons. In Israel it makes sense to keep the population sort of silenced up, because Israel seems to be a special reference point for the United States, for the FDA. So if- the truth came out, I don’t know how it came out that, I think 92 percent of the people who are hospitalised with covid symptoms, in Israel, have been twice vaccinated, “vaccinated”, and even gotten the booster shot. But if this becomes common knowledge in the United States, then their narrative, which is based on the numbers from Israel, to a large degree, I guess, will come apart as well.
In Germany, the situation is different, insofar as Germany, if you look at the bigger picture, which is the Great Reset and the goals that it is pursuing, the Great Reset wants complete world control through a one-world government and a one-world digital currency issued by a one-world bank. Both of which, both the one-world government and the one-world bank and its digital currency being controlled by them! Through the WEF.
If you look at the bigger picture, then Europe seems to be the first in line to get this one-world government, on the basis of the EU. But in order to achieve that, you have to destroy the European- Europe’s biggest economy, and that’s Germany. That’s why there’s so much pressure on the Germans, very much like what’s happening in Israel. Maybe not quite as bad, but pretty bad. But- so that’s why I’m saying you always have to see the bigger picture, which is no conspiracy theory but it’s all out there in the open. You can read it in that book The Great Reset or The Fourth Industrial Revolution. Both these books have been written by Klaus Schwab. And this guy founded the World Economic Forum in 1971, as a result of his education in the United States, at Harvard, in his participation in a CIA-funded program.
So that’s the bigger picture, which we have to take a look at in order to understand what’s happening both in Israel and in Germany. But I really- I don’t know what to say about Israel, because this is a very special and a very difficult relationship between Germany and Israel. We just realized- this is only a couple of days ago- that the WHO, which is trhe major driver of all of this, of the vaccines, of the pandemic, that the WHO’s most important donor is not Bill Gates: it’s Germany. It’s Germany. And it’s Germany that invented, at the behest of the WHO with the help of this dubious Professor Dr Drosten, invented the PCR test, which was designed to create cases that didn’t exist. And it’s Germany that first came up with Biontech- BioNTech, whatever- that was the first one to invent the so-called mRNA vaccine.
And all of this, all of this started in Germany and it’s happening, or the results of which can be seen in Israel. It’s very, very, very bizarre. Very bizarre. It’s- it’s like a replay of what we experienced 80 years ago.
Yaffa Shir-Raz: [02:37:37]
In the strangest way.
Reiner Fuellmich:
Yes. In the strangest way.
Yaffa Shir-Raz:
I’m the daughter of a Holocaust survivor. And I must say I wouldn’t in a million years have thought that this would happen in my country. Never would I have thought that this would happen in my country. They are just telling us like… and you are not allowed- if you are trying to say that, you are immediately attacked, because you are not allowed to compare. You are not allowed to compare. I’m not allowed to compare. I’m the daughter of a Holocaust survivor, and I’m not allowed to compare– but I’m comparing.
Reiner Fuellmich:
Well, I just spoke a couple of days ago, I spoke again with Vera Sheraf, who is also a Holocaust survivor, and she explicitly pointed out that we must see the parallels between what happened then and what’s happening now. In the interview that wed did with her, she explicitly said, I cannot believe I’m fighting the same people, or their successors or the institutions which I fought 80 years ago. And that is so important to see, so important to see.
Yaffa Shir-Raz:
Yeah, exactly, exactly.
Viviane Fischer:
I was wondering, is there- you mentioned the smear campaigns that the, do you know, the efforts to silence you and other people. And has there been, like more intense things, more intense things going on, like trying to sue you, or like trying to arrest people, or… any of that kind?
Yaffa Shir-Raz: [02:39:24]
Well, not in Israel. Actually, we just finished, me and four colleagues of mine, we’re conducting, we conducted a study that looked into just this issue of censorship expression of scientists and doctors, not just in Israel but actually all over the world. And we interviewed some of the leading doctors and scientists. And we chose on purpose people who never thought they would find themselves in this side of the map. They made such a smear and named them as covid deniers or… They never thought- prior to the covid crisis, they were mainstream and community, and even some of them were really xxxxxx and xxxxxx and editors in important journals, and wrote many articles, many books. Never in their bad dreams they thought that they would find themselves in such a situation.
And we started this study as a study of censorship, but as we delved into interviews with them, we found that actually it’s not just censorship. It’s really becoming suppression. And there were cases, not recently, tha t police firing people, trying every move to ruin their careers. And this is how it was in Israel. Very intensive and aggressive attack on people’s careers.
In other countries, yes, we did find cases in which people were sued even, people were- had the police searching their homes. It’s really a vicious attack on scientists and doctors, all over the world, not just in Israel, of course. But the case also in Israel. In Israel, there was an attempt to create a situation in which- there was an attack launched on two doctors, blaming them that they gave an advice to someone who died in the hospital from covid, blaming them that they were responsible, trying to create the impression that they were the ones who were responsible for his death, even though he died in the hospital, because they tried to say that their advice was… caused his death.
So this is, I think, the most xxxxx xxxx they did launch very vicious attacks on doctors and scientists.
Reiner Fuellmich:
Yaffa, we have- Corvin just reminded me that you have a short clip that shows what’s going on in Israel, either in the mainstream or in the alternative media- or the social media, rather. How to be vaxxed, I suppose. Let’s just hear it. Let’s just play it quickly, ok?
Yaffa Shir-Raz:
Reiner Fuellmich:
[From English subtitles] Man: [02:43:16]
Sadly, covid is back.
12 people:
As you know, unfortunately, the covid virus is back.
And it’s extremely important to stay healthy.
Get vaccinated now, just before school starts.
I got vaccinated already.
We will not be able to meet at the malls and hang out.
12 people:
So to avoid going into quarantine, get vaccinated.
We must prevent this, friends. Get vaccinated.
Dissenting man:
It’s nonsense.
Three people:
Get vaccinated!
22 people:
Take the vaccine!
12 people:
I got vaccinated already. Go get vaccinated.
If you are still hesitant about the vaccine
If you are still uncertain
I suggest you speak to your parents,
your older brothers and sisters,
also with your family doctor.
And, by the way, the Health Administration website
has all the information you need.
So get informed and vaccinate.
We trust you.
Full-screen titles:
This is what brainwashing looks like.
Want real news instead of propaganda?
Yaffa Shir-Raz: [02:43:55]
Those are young influencers that were paid to juat read like parrots the text that was written very carefully in the PR agency of the Minister of Health. And they are reading the very same text that our Prime Minister Bennett said in front of the whole nation, in which he just tried to tempt children to get vaccinated, and threatened them that they will not have a vacation in the summer if they will not, they were not vaccinated.
So just one of those influencers are asking the viewers, the children in this paid campaign to get vaccinated so that they could just go and get around in the malls in the vacation.
Reiner Fuellmich:
Yaffa Shir-Raz:
Absolutely horrific. They are just trying to, you know, go over the head of their parents. And I think this is one of the lowest points of the Ministry of Health in the last two years, and part of this really incredible brainwashing, just massive brainwashing.
Reiner Fuellmich:
Those people, they’re well known influencers in Israel, is that it? They have their own social media channels-
Yaffa Shir-Raz:
Reiner Fuellmich:
and the government is using them to drive the so-called vaccination campaign.
Yaffa Shir-Raz:
Yeah. Exactly. So my colleague [Istafa Mezali], he just found all of those pictures, all of those influencers, and combined them together to show how the brainwashing machine works. Because this is what it is, a brainwashing machine.
Reiner Fuellmich: [02:45:50]
Obviously, yeah.
Viviane Fischer:
Maybe they, I’m sure they also receive money, these influencers.
Yaffa Shir-Raz:
Yeah, yeah, of course. One of my friends said, told me months ago that her boy got an invitation from the Ministry of Health. I think a thousand dollars or something like that, that they offer them. You know, those are young people. Something like that he was offered in order to say just this text.
Viviane Fischer:
And Reiner, I don’t know if you remember. We had like a similar case in-
Reiner Fuellmich:
Viviane Fischer:
…in Holland, in the Netherlands, where I think Yiroon Pouls told us about this, where like some very influential and person from… Holland, she got, she blew open, it blew open that she had received a lot of money for doing this influencing campaign toward vaccination or like some other thing with regards to corona. And then she was- for a short time, she claimed that she was on the side of the resistance. But then I think they offered her more money from the government, and then she was back on track. So I mean, it seems to be happening all around the world, I’m sure also in Germany.
Yaffa Shir-Raz:
Yeah. Yeah, of course. Wwhat’s happening in Israel is what’s happening everywhere. Of course.
Viviane Fischer:
It’s in… a nutshell in your country. You can really see very closely what’s going on.
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg:
Seems to matter of price.
Reiner Fuellmich:
Yeah. It’s all about money. Yeah, yeah.
Yaffa Shir-Raz:
Reiner Fuellmich:
So many people sell their souls to the devil.
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg:
And Transparency, corruption does not recognize.
Reiner Fuellmich:
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg:
Transparency International is not… is blind suddenly.
Yaffa Shir-Raz: [02:47:42]
Yeah. Yeah it seems like they are working… for the same…
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg:
But why?
Yaffa Shir-Raz:
… the same guidelines, the same book.
Reiner Fuellmich:
Wow. So what is the next step, the next step in Israel that the government, or those who were… who are acting as the government, what are, what’s the next step that they’re planning? Is there going to be an introduction? Because it looks as though this is the, you really are the guinea pigs of the world. Is the next step that there are going to be vaccinations every 6 months or so?
Yaffa Shir-Raz: [02:48:28]
Well it definitely seems like they are preparing you know the field for that.
Reiner Fuellmich:
Yaffa Shir-Raz:
Right now I think they are going on the… children. In my opinion, I think they are going on the children all over the world for a reason. Maybe for more than one reason. Correct me if I’m wrong, if I’m wrong. But I think they are going on the children because, first of all- and I studied actually from the beginning of this crisis because… other people will stop eventually to vaccinate. And I think… we’ve come to this point in Israel, or very near to this point. And this is, I think, the encouraging thing. I think most of the people by now at least understand that this vaccine is not effective.
Reiner Fuellmich:
Yaffa Shir-Raz:
And they are saying- Okay, they are not willing to listen, they are still listening to the… television, to the mainstream media. They are still not willing to admit that they made a mistake. But– and I’m speking to many people. I’m very curious to understand why they got vaccinated and what will they do in the future. So what they’re saying is that they will not take another one, whether it’s the third or the fourth vaccine. Most of the people got at least three.
So there’s- I’m sorry to say, including my mother who got four doses, which I only found out in the ambulance on the way to the hospital, because she got a second heart attack after being vaccinated. But I think most of the people are saying they will not get vaccinated any more. And they definitely will not vaccinate their children.
So I think the challenge will… to see what will happen now. Because on one hand, we have the authorities try pushing to put this vaccine, pushing to go on the babies. We just saw this week that they’re authorizing the vaccine for babies, even though they are hiding so much information, and it shows that many babies were harmed. And when we looked into the VAERS system, we analysed the VAERS report. And so at least 58 babies who were harmed, who were severely harmed. I don’t know how they were vaccinated, but they were harmed, [having] multi-system adverse events. But they ignored it, and they say it’s safe and effective.
And now they authorised xxxxx But, on the other hand, I do think that the public is not with them any more, at least the vast majority of the public is not. They’re not speaking, they’ll not go to the streets and demonstrate. They will not speak up, but they will not get vaccinated. At least in Israel this is the situation, I think.
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg:
I think we have to be aware that they are just those greedy investors in the so called vaccines they are just planning to use the mRNA technologyalso for other vaccinations.
Yaffa Shir-Raz:
Yeah. Yeah.
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg:
You know, we are we are used to the trust- most of the people, not all- are used to trust the industry and… get the children vaccinated. In US it’s extreme, and in Germany there is a certain opposition against this. But it is very weak, compared with the majority and compared with the official saying. But I think now those, the people, the parents may be- start thinking. And- because, when they when they know, and it’s very important to tell it- that they will have the same risks, whether they do this mRNA jab against measles, whether they do it against influenza. it’s… just gene therapy, it stays gene therapy, and it’s an experimental thing and has so many risks. And we’re just aware now of which risks can… happen. and this will be the same with all the other RNA jabs they want, they are planning to do. Because- they do it because the production of the… stuff is much much cheaper and much much quicker.
And now there is no- all the administration which was protecting us against such experiments, they all bought, they are all gone. They are all in the, in this big mainstream. They don’t protect us any more your We were speaking about the Paul Ehrlich Institute, which is the German administration protecting us against bad vaccines, normally. And they said that the RNA, mRNA, is staying only in the muscle for a very short time. They have written it. They have written it, and this was a [basis] of their decision, why they said, “Yes, do it.”
Now, they have to… just admit that it stays 60 days and much, much longer, because it’s no normal mRNA. It’s an artificial gene therapy, which was planned and constructed to stay longer. And they they know it, and they don’t stop it. They are criminal, doing this. They are killing people. They are hurting our children. They will kill our children. It’s incredible, what they do. We have to speak about it openly.
Yaffa Shir-Raz: [02:54:34]
Yeah. I agree. I agree. And this puzzles me, because they don’t understand how, at the same time that the information is culminating, and exploding actually, they are just reach- they are just continuing and reaching the point in which they are starting to inject babies. And like nothing happened. Even though all those xxxxxxxx and all those informations are just exploding right now.
Viviane Fischer:
Well, the thing is that there’s no way back for them, you know, if they really let loose and… give us a little… bit of air, you know, they are… they’re lost. They’re going to be lynched.
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg:
Yes, there will be many many parents going and assembling in front of the Paul Ehrlich Institute and trying to get them responsible. I think there will be many, many parents when this happens to the children. What about the pediatricians? We have to say the pediatricians, when it started with… the covid problem, they said, “Oh, there are no children, almost none in Germany was dying from… corona infections. And this didn’t change.
Yaffa Shir-Raz:
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg:
And now we have, worldwide we have many children dying from this jab, from this… gene therapy. And though they they see, it’s in the numbers, it’s in the offial reports of VAERS, of other, of the British… health service. They don’t publish it, and it’s official data, and they know that only some of the some of those adverse effects are reported, not all. Very often the children of people die, and it’s just hidden because the doctors have bad conscience because they did- they were in favor of the jabs, and they don’t want to stand for it. They just let it go on. Please, doctors, please, colleagues, stop this. Nobody can forgive you if you- you know, you make… big mistakes. You may even kill your patients with the wrong treatment. This happened very often in the past. But now, it’s time to stop it. If you continue it, your lost.
Viviane Fischer:
I have a, well, for my side a final question. That’s the… agenda of the monkeypox. Does that play any role in Israel?
Yaffa Shir-Raz:
Well, it started to. We also had this very short episode of polio in Israel. But it’s… not like, I don’t know, trying to dig into filthy water or something. Yeah, we did have a very short episode of- scare campaign regarding the monkeypox. But right now they are concentrating again on covid. They stopped talking about it.
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg:
They just want to have an advantage from all the side effects. They declare this… Zoster, herpes Zoster…
Yaffa Shir-Raz:
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg:
They declare it as a as monkey pox, and they have a positive test, and they have shingles, and then its monkeypox. You may have chickenpox, and even if you’re… grown up when you get this… jab, maybe it comes again a little bit, or maybe it comes as shingles. And… then they say, “Oh, this is there’s a, there’s a virus which is very similar to the monkeypox virus– and it is very similar– and the test for sure is positive and then they start making panic again, because they will… just try to find all the… environment of those people having such… Zoster effluence, such Zoster on their skin. It’s… so– or herpes even. And they will just make a big fuss about it. And they will sell us new drugs. They will sell us new vaccines against the side effects. And it’s just greedy people, dictating the chance and looking at the stock exchange. “We have a new idea, and how does it work on the stock exchange? Do we get money from it?” It’s just short-[term] interests which are… driving this whole machine. It’s horrible. It has nothing to do with health.
Yaffa Shir-Raz: [02:59:24]
Exactly. Actually, what they did talk about in Israel for- what was highlighted this week in Israel, was the issue of hepatitis, this mysterious hepatitis. They had a study, this so-called study, declaring that they- what they found was that this mysterious hepatitis was due to “long covid”.
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg:
Yes. They didn’t even find out whether the parents of those babies who got the hepatitis, which vaccination they got.
Yaffa Shir-Raz:
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg:
And they, but they found adeno viruses in most… of those children. Which is very unusual, because it hepatitis doesn’t… happen with denoviruses. But they found adenoviruses as the major… symptom there, or the major finding. And they said, “Oh, we don’t know how this comes.” But they could just ask the parents whether they got Johnson and Johnson or whether they got… AstraZeneca, because they use adenoviruses.
Yaffa Shir-Raz:
No, but not in Israel. In Israel, we only got Pfizer.
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg:
Oh yeah. Okay.
Yaffa Shir-Raz:
We are the Pfizer country.
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg:
So maybe this is just an auto-immune disease which is, happens because there is some…
Yaffa Shir-Raz: [03:00:42]
I don’t even know if it’s that. I think– I have a source in one of the major hospitals in which. some of the, most of those [cough] and those are not many children. Very few children, I think, at all even less.
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg:
There are almost 500 children now worldwide which are… known.
Yaffa Shir-Raz:
But what this source told me was: no sense of urgency the hospital. no one talks, no one even speaks about it, because it’s… a common situation. There are… some children who suffer from liver problems and no connection– it’s nothing mysterious. Not mysterious. Maybe the babies who were born with problems, or maybe, I don’t know, maybe some of them are– issue them FOIA [Freedom Of Information Act] trying to understand what–
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg:
What they found was an auto-immune disease, atypical.
Yaffa Shir-Raz:
I guess so.
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg:
And no viruses, no hepatitis viruses, nothing, only adeno viruses. And then… auto-immune reaction. And this you may have– you may have this when you have your immune system, or the immune system is disturbed by something unusual. And if the, if there is a, you know, there is very close contact with the… breast milk and… all this– where the mother has very close contact with her children, small children–
Yaffa Shir-Raz:
Yeah, just, exactly–
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg:
It’s very, very possible that there is just a shedding between those persons. And we– there has to be research done on this.
Yaffa Shir-Raz:
Exactly. Shedding or… those are, some of them, at least, are breast feeding babies, mothers who were vaccinated. We are just now analysing– they got a report from the VAERS on the nurse-feeding babies. We found 637 reports on nurse-feeding babies who were harmed in the– some of them died. At least two of them died. So…
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg: [03:03:12]
Yaffa Shir-Raz:
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg:
If you– there’s breast feeding, they take… those spikes through their intestine. So it goes in a different way than– if you don’t inhale it, you don’t inject it in the muscle, but it comes into the intestine. And there is the liver–
Yaffa Shir-Raz:
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg:
This very, which is, which may be such a way, such a place where… those toxic effects then happen.
But it’s just theory– it has to be researched.But it’s not mentioned, they don’t mention even the risk of parents– that are shedding perhaps.
Yaffa Shir-Raz:
No, but you know, in Pfizer protocol, the study protocol, they are mentioning the fact that because of a– babies could be, could have a reaction to the spike protein. So that full breast feeding. Or even… exposure to the xxxxx shedding from their bed. This is mentioned in Pfizer’s documents.
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg:
And I think there are xxxxxx xxxxx prove it. But the British health administration is having a working group on the problem of hepatitis in small children. And they have a plan, a working plan. And I had a look on– perhaps they have changed it changed in the meantime, but when they started, they didn’t think of this shedding problem. They did not have it in the mind, and so they did not plan to do research on it. This is– I think it’s very important to do it.
Yaffa Shir-Raz:
Reiner Fuellmich: [03:04:56]
Viviane Fischer:
As we discussed with, I think it was with Naomi Wolf, you know with this breast-feeding thing, that that can also be another money-making scheme, do you know, with the artificial breast milk that they produce. And then there’s going to be such need, and people going to be willing to pay everything to, anything to pay, do you know, to feed their children I think it’s so intricate and mean.
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg:
“Bill Gates’ breast milk is safer than that of your mother.”
Viviane Fischer:
Well, if she has spikes, then it’s for sure safer.
Reiner Fuellmich:
The baby formula, yeah, that’s the next big thing here. It’s happening already. Okay. Well, thanks very much, Yaffa. Thank you very, very much.
Yaffa Shir-Raz:
Thank you for having me.
Reiner Fuellmich:
Yes. And despite all this, I hope the weather is nice in Israel, and I hope you’re still going to be enjoying your weekend.
Yaffa Shir-Raz:
Thank you. You too.
Reiner Fuellmich:
Okay. Take good care. We’ll be in touch.
Yaffa Shir-Raz:
Thanks. Thank you. Bye bye.
Viviane Fischer:
Thank you.
Reiner Fuellmich:
Ok. Bye.